Wendy profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me


Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Greens Have It

Hello Friends!
Pay It Forward Project had a MARATHON YARD SALE WEEKEND on Saturday & Sunday 22-23 SEP 07 in Ashburn VA with all proceeds going toward our Peru earthquake relief efforts! Including donations, we were able to raise over $1600!!
It was a MOST AWESOME experience as we were blessed to have our MySpace friend Jenni join us as well as Ken! BIG THANKS to David & Denise for getting up at the crack of dawn to drive to DC to pick up Ken!
Jenni drove up from NC with her truck loaded with stuff for the sale and adventure leading her up I-95! Jenni exemplifies the spirit of "Paying It Forward" as she had yet to meet us, but took time away from her life and family to travel up for the weekend...and WHAT a weekend it was!
Please make sure to check out Jenni's page for her reflections on our special weekend!
HUGE THANKS to all that contributed in ALL ways! Thanks to Bethany for hosting us once again...YOU MAKE US SMILE!... for David and all his good natured help with EVERYTHING... to Jenni for trusting us and putting up with our craziness and NO SLEEP! You FREAK'N ROCK JENNI! But you are a Farrell so OF COURSE you rock! LOL! =)
Denise will be traveling to Peru the first week of October to hand delivery our assistance and we will keep you updated on her trip through our webpage WWW.PAYITFORWARDPROJECT.ORG as well as our MySpace page www.myspace/pifp.org
Meanwhile we hope you enjoy the pics from our magical weekend! God continues to gift us by putting wonderful people on our path!
Thanks for your continued support!
Blessings! Wendy & Denise
~ Our Friend Ken's BIG DC UNITED NIGHT! ~
Create Your Own
~ PIFP Trip to El Salvador - JUL 2006 ~

My Interests

Walking in Faith and making a difference; showing people that they are special; loving my family, friends and fellow man, seeing to what heights our non-profit Pay It Forward Project can soar!!! (www.pifp.org)

You Have A Type B+ Personality
You're a pro at going with the flow
You love to kick back and take in everything life has to offer
A total joy to be around, people crave your stability.

While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity.
Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's done
You're passionate - just selective about your passions Do You Have a Type A Personality?

We're now using GoodSearch.com to search and shop the Internet and every time we do, money goes to our favorite charity Pay It Forward Project !

PLEASE start using this GoodSearch.com & Goodbanner and every time you SEARCH or SHOP, they make a donation to your favorite nonprofit Pay It Forward Project !It's powered by Yahoo! so you get great search results!Just 500 of us searching four times a day will raise about $7,300 in a year without anyone spending a dime!The more people who use this site, the more money will go to those in need. So PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD to your friends and family!PLEASE use this banner, add it to your profile and REPOST!!Thank You! Pay It Forward Project TO REPOST: - Click Reply To Poster - Copy everything - Go to Post New Bulletin


TOTALLY STOKED that Women's Professional SOCCER IS COMING BACK in 2009 and that the FREEDOM will be in Washington DC!!! Woo Hoo!

Photography! Travel! Kids!...as I'm an overgrown one at heart!

I'd like to meet:

OPRAH....so I can tell her about my friend DENISE! =)

Please check out our website: WWW.PAYITFORWARDPROJECT.ORG / WWW.PIFP.ORG


CAN'T live without it! It is in my veins!

Sarah McLachlan, Jeremy Camp, Natalie Merchant, Melissa Etheridge, Chris Tomlin, Jeremy Riddle, Jewel, The Killers, Snow Patrol, Depeche Mode, The Cure, New Order, U2, Barbara S., Johnny Mathis, Dance and Trance!

If you are local, check out 91.9 FM!


Pursuit of Happyness! AWESOME Movie!...fav movies through the years: To Kill a Mocking Bird, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Fried Green Tomatoes, The Passion of Christ, Monty Python's, Beaches


FREAK'N ADDICTED but working on it! ACTUALLY I think I HAVE WORKED ON IT as I RARELY watch tv anymore with our work with Pay It Forward Project as a main priority...my TIVO is NOT HAPPY with me here of late!

My Name is Earl, Chuck, CSI's, Lost, Desperate Housewives, House, Grey's A., Criminal Minds, Survivor, SOCCER, SOCCER and more SOCCER!


ALWAYS had my head in a book as a kid...but need to give myself more time to read now...! The Bible, A Tale of Two Cities, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, all the classics...A Purpose Driven Life, Condi, Angela's Ashes, The Mammy (Brendon O'Carroll), travel and photography books


My Mom and Dad from up above and my brother from down the street.

My Blog

~ Paying It Forward in Cambodia 2007 ~

Wanted to share Denise's wonderful words on our big project from last year which took Denise to Cambodia !   Tuesday, May 13, 2008 ..TR>   Paying it Forward in CAMBODIA Category: Goals, P...
Posted by Wendy on Wed, 14 May 2008 08:44:00 PST

Hunger in Hamburg 1

Most of us woke up this morning snuggled in a cozy bed, in a warm house (or hotel room in my case!), jumped into a hot shower and sat down for a nice breakfast.  Not everyone is so luck.  Ho...
Posted by Wendy on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 02:18:00 PST

PIFP&making someones dream come true&.priceless&.

Hi Guys!   Here is a repost of Denise's original Blog on her PIFP page:   Thanks for your support! Wendy     April 14th, 2007 was a big day for PIFP ~ Pay It Forward Project ~ and...
Posted by Wendy on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 09:46:00 PST

Sponsor Denise!!

Hey Guys!  ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> I wanted to let you know about some upcoming opportunities for you to show your support for Pay It Forward Pro...
Posted by Wendy on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 04:35:00 PST

"Lunch with Our Homeless Friends" ~ March 11th Update ~

Sunday, March 11, 2007 ..>   "Lunch with Our Homeless Friends" ~ March 11th Update ~ Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes Hi guys, Thanks for all of the well wishes while I was on my family vacat...
Posted by Wendy on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 08:37:00 PST

"Lunch with Our Homeless Friends" ~ Feb 26th Update ~

26 févr. 2007, 03:00 ..> ..>   "Lunch with Our Homeless Friends" ~ Feb 26th Update ~ Humeur actuelle : grateful Catégorie : Goals, Plans, Hopes Bonjour!  OK!  I have to s...
Posted by Wendy on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 11:06:00 PST

"Lunch and Movies with our Homeless Friends V UPDATE

Hi guys! ..:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /> Here is our "collective effort" blog on this past Sunday's visit to DC with our two new My Space friends Michelle and Str...
Posted by Wendy on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 05:41:00 PST

UPDATE!! Lunch and Movies with our Homeless Friends IV

Hi guys !  Here it is!  Our lastest Blog from today in DC! Wendy =)   February 11, 2007We did it again my friends! And it keeps getting better and better! First things first, as you may...
Posted by Wendy on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 10:47:00 PST

NEW !!!! ~ Lunch with Our Homeless Friends III ~

Hi guys! =)Here is the latest blog on our 3rd visit to downtown DC to visit the homeless. It is written from Denise's perspective. Thanks for taking the time to check it out!WendyFebruary 4, 2007 ...
Posted by Wendy on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 09:30:00 PST

NEW UPDATES! Lunch with Our Homeless Friends II

Hi guys! =)Here is the latest blog on our 2nd visit to downtown DC to visit the homeless. It is written from Denise's perspective. Thanks for taking the time to check it out!WendyHello! This is an upd...
Posted by Wendy on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 05:00:00 PST