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Children Of Deadbeat Parents

For The Children of Deadbeat Parents

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Deadbeat Parents in Ontario
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Monday to Friday, 8 am to 5 pm
For specific enforcement information.
Tel: (416) 326-1817
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What is child support?
Child support is a court-ordered amount of money to be paid by the parent who is not the primary caregiver. This money is necessary to help cover the expenses of caring for the child. It takes two people to create a child, and two to take on the responsibility for nurturing as well as being there emotionally and financially. Every child needs support. In times of separation or divorce when parents do not live together, both parties must work together to support their child. A mutual financial arrangement set by both parents would reduce the number of children on public assistance and provide them with a chance for a better life. The onus of raising a child should not be placed on one parent alone.

The thing to keep in mind is that child abandonment is a criminal offence and must be considered and dealt with accordingly.


Deadbeat Parents Hall Of Shame @

The Family Responsibility Office

Write YOUR MP - Here's a Sample Letter

Family Room - "Snitch Line" Deadbeat parents FREE - MUST SEE

Ontario deadbeat parents face double jail time in new bill

Squad to chase down deadbeat parents in Ontario

Ontario Deadbeat Parents - arrears owing..

Child Support Disaster Relief Public Service Announcement

Moms can be deadbeats too!

MDHS -Mississippi - Division of Child Support Enforcement

Deadbeat locators

Child Support Issues - Forum

Children Deserve Your Support!

Families Against Deadbeats -US Links "

Your Child Support Directory


You helped create the person who is me,
You were there when my heart beat strong,
You were there so full of promise.
And then just like that, you were gone.

Here I am, with beautiful eyes and a cute little nose,
I have a big heart and I have learned to care
I have ten perfect fingers and 10 little toes
I have a favourite dolly, and a favourite teddy bear...

You missed my first birthday. Do you know when that was?
You missed my first words. Can you guess what they were?
You missed my first tooth, do you know when that was?
Do you know the answer? I'm not so sure

You missed my first smile and my first wave good-bye,
You missed my first Christmas, and Valentines too...
You are never there when I'm hurt, sad or when I cry
How would you feel if your dad did this to you?

I didn't ask to be here, yet here I am,
You may not love me, or want me or need me...
You can keep running, but you'll never hide,
Because in this case, daddy, the truth won't set you free

For some reason you have left me behind
It is your choice to stay away though I think it wrong...
For I am your child, I am one of a kind
With my family is where I belong

I do have family who will be there for me no matter what
They love me and make sure I'm tucked in bed at night.
But you see, you are still responsible for me
For I am your child and I have rights...

Author -Shel

I am known by friends and family to wear my heart on my sleeve, and therefore, I cry without provocation. I wonder if some of this sensitivity resulted from the fact that I was a fatherless child. Maybe I should say daddyless, because I sure never had one of those. It's been said that anyone can be a father, but it takes a special man to be a true. Here is my story, which may open a few hearts, maybe even the heart of some daddy out there who has lost his way in life.I was an illegitimate child, born to a woman who tried her best to live her life with dignity and pride, despite a few bad choices made along the way. Was it her fault that the man she chose to have me with decided the grass was greener somewhere else? Nine months later, I came into this big world not knowing the fate that awaited me.Not having a daddy screwed up my little girl life. I should have been playing with dolls, cars, jumping rope, climbing trees (in a dress--what fun for the little boys). Instead, when I was about seven, the prime of childhood life, I inherited a step-father, and my world was turned upside down. He abused the little girl right out of me for many years, and I grew up quick, sharp and street-wise. Of course, most step-fathers are good and kind, and sometimes more loving than a child's natural, biological father, but in my case, it just didn't work out that way.

I later became a hurt, angry, depressed, suicidal, no self-esteem woman who tended to recreate the past trauma from my childhood with my adult relationships with men. Without getting into the ugly details, suffice it to say, anything bad that can happen to a female, happened to me, this side of murder that is. Right or wrong, I blame most of it on my daddy who should have been there for me.

Daddy, where were you when I needed you with my whole heart and soul? Why did God choose you to be my daddy, when he knew all along that you would choose the door? Why didn't you ever even call me once to introduce yourself, or let me know that you were alive and thinking of me from time to time? Do you know that on Father's Day, I would always make a card for you and sign it, "Your loving daughter." Why didn't you love me? Did you know that by never bothering to search for me, never bothering to call my mother, who lived in the same city as you did, hurt me more than any man could or will ever hurt me again?

Have you ever burned yourself, and even after taking your finger from the heat, the pain remains? That is what I am like inside--carrying around this pain that cannot be healed--a walking, talking, breathing open wound that refuses to mend. This is what it is like to be without a father, or rather, a daddy. This is what it is like to be rejected by half of your flesh and blood. This is what happens to some of us who have no daddy to protect them, no daddy to hug at night, no daddy, no daddy, no daddy....

So please, if you are a daddy, or thinking about becoming one, please make the commitment to be a good one. Don't screw up a child because of your own screwed up life. Make sure that you give your child a foundation of love to fall back on when the troubles of life come knocking. If you are going through a bitter divorce, never, never, never give up on your children, or put them in the middle of your arguments. Never use them as pawns to manipulate or navigate the communication blocks between you and your ex. Always, always, always let them know that they are loved, loved, loved, please, please, please.

A real man will stay close to his children's hearts. A real man will decide that no matter what, nothing will interfere with his relationship with his children. Love will find a way, and if you never love anyone else in this lifetime again, you owe it to your children to love them for they are innocent and did not ask to be born into this world. They deserve to be whole, not half of anything. Help them, keep them safe from harm, but most of all, love them--those little hearts and innocent souls have been entrusted to you for safe keeping--please, cherish them like the little treasures they are.

And so help me, I vow that when I pass from this world into the next, the first person I am going to look for is my daddy, who is now deceased, never having known me. I am going to look into his sad eyes, and see my own face reflected there. Then I will finally be whole--the jigsaw puzzle of my life will finally be complete, and I will be able to rest in peace at last, having finally found the missing part of my soul...until then, I faithfully remain,

Your loving daughter

I'd like to meet:

I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection."
"If we don't stand up for children, then we don't stand for much."
--Marian Wright Edelman
"It is a wise father that knows his own child."
--William Shakespeare
"Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them.”
--Richard L. Evans

Childhood Doesn't Wait

I was sitting on a bench
while in a nearby mall,
When I noticed a young mother
with two children who were small.

The youngest one was whining,
"Pick me up," I heard him beg
but the mother's face grew angry
as the child clung to her leg.

"Don't hang on to me," she shouted
as she pushed his hands away,
I wish I'd had the courage
to go up to her and say...

"The time will come too quickly
when those little arms that tug,
Won't ask for you to hold them
or won't freely give a hug.

"The day will sneak up subtly
just as it did with me,
When you can't recall the last time
that your child sat on your knee.

"Like those sacred, pre-dawn feedings
when we cherished time alone
Our babies grow and leave behind
those special times we've known.

"So when your child comes to you
with a book that you can share,
Or asks that you would tuck him in
and help him say his prayer...

"When he comes to sit and chat
or would like to take a walk,
Before you answer that you can't
`cause there's no time to talk"

Remember what all parents learn
so many times too late,
That years go by too quickly
and that childhood doesn't wait.

"Take every opportunity,
if one should slip away
Reach hard to get it back again,
don't wait another day."

I watched that mother walk away
her children followed near,
I hope she'll pick them up
before her chances disappear

...Author Unknown

Where Are You Daddy?
by Diane Blue

Hey daddy, I'm right here -
Can't you see me?

Hey daddy, I'm talking to you -
Can't you hear me?

Hey daddy, I need a hug -
Can't you touch me?

Let's play catch daddy.
Teach me to fish.
Help me build a birdhouse.
Listen to my wish.

Daddy, daddy, where are you?
I can see you standing there -
What's the matter daddy?
Don't you even care?

I need you daddy -
Don't you love me?

Never mind daddy.

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I will only put ads that have to do with missing persons, charities, awareness, prevention, as well as banners to sites that support our troops
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MISSING - Robert Spellman

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Posted by Children Of Deadbeat Parents on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 09:07:00 PST

GOODPARENTSPAY.COM Helping Children Get The Support They Deserve

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Good Parents PAY Goes Live

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Reporting Offensive or Illegal Internet Content

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