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Anoka County BeatDead Dad


About Me

.. Hello and thanks for stopping by! My name is Les Jobst and I can be reached at 763.300.9766 or Email Anoka County BeatDead Dad
This site is dedicated to my eight year old daughter who gets to visit her Dad every other weekend which is 14% of her childhood life. I am sure she will want to thank the "Divorce Industry" for this experienece!

Minnesota's antiquated child custody laws need to be changed and the same holds true in every state of the union. We currently have a system of sole physical custody. This means it is presumed that there has to be a winner and a loser in divorce and custody battles. Sadly, children and fathers are typically the losers. In Minnesota, mothers were awarded sole physical custody 94% of the time, with fathers receiving sole physical custody 6% of the time. Unmarried fathers are presumed to have no rights to their children and must file a lawsuit in court if they want to try to get any rights to parent them.
“There is a fundamental liberty right guaranteed to both parents by the 14th Amendment to the care, custody, and nurture of their children. According to the US Supreme Court in the 2000 ruling of Troxel v. Granville : “Absent a Compelling State Interest of harm or potential harm to the child, the State may not intervene in the privacy of family life.””
It is well-settled that parents have a liberty interest in the custody of their children. Hence, any deprivation of that interest by the state must be accomplished by procedures meeting the requirements of due process ( Hooks v. Hooks , United States Court of Appeals decision 1985). Indeed, the right to rear one's children is so firmly rooted in our culture that the United States Supreme Court has held it to be a fundamental liberty interest protected by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution ( Hawk v. Hawk , Tennessee Supreme Court decision 1993).
Overall, research studies show that children of joint custodians are better adjusted than children of sole custodians on each of the following measures: general adjustment; family relations; self-esteem; emotional adjustment; behavioral adjustment; and divorce-specific adjustment.
"Joint Physical Custody”
improves child support compliance. Researchers have found a positive correlation between the frequency of a parent's contact with a child and the payment of child support. Fathers who have little or no contact with their children after a divorce pay only about 34% of their child support, while fathers with regular contact pay 85% or more of theirs.
“THE REMOVAL OF A FIT, LOVING PARENT FROM A CHILD IS CHILD ABUSE”. Let's work together to stop the abuse.
Disclaimer: The organizations mentioned here are not responsible for this site. These are the views and opinions of a private citizen.
Email Anoka County BeatDead Dad

My Interests

2008 MN Effort - Look for it @ 73rd Ave. & Hwy. 252

2007 Anoka Halloween Pararde

2007 MN State Fair

2006 Anoka Halloween Pararde

2005 Anoka County "Dressed-4-Success Demo"

The "Presumption of Joint Physical Custody"
in almost all divorce and paternity cases is needed because children desire and deserve "Equal Access" to both parents!!!!!!

Defusing Objections To Joint Physical Custody

Listen to an Online Streamed Radio Show & Educate Yourself

Learn Even More by Visiting Krights TV

New MN Child Support Calculator “Warning” – The picture is not as pretty as the Media paints it!

Children are Crying out for a change to be made!!!

Email Anoka County BeatDead Dad

I'd like to meet:

94% of all MN Father’s challenged in a divorce / paternity action are denied equal access to their children. More specifically in Anoka County it is understood within the “Divorce Industry*” that the Anoka County judges gathered something like seven years ago and it was decided amongst themselves that “Joint Physical Custody” will not happen in their courtrooms.

With an attitude like this by people who don’t have a right to be involved in your child’s life per US Supreme Court decision, we don’t stand a chance! In MN there are something like 265,000 Non-Custodial Parents, add in their children – that’s another 400,000 people you have affected by these kind of thoughts. Add in Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and other family members – now you have a total of 1,500,000 people crushed by the “Divorce Industry*”.

These are the people I want meet and rally them to promote the legislative change needed to accomplish the laws needed, more specifically a law for the “Presumption of Joint Physical Custody”.

* Custodial Parents, Legislators, Lawyers, Judges, Child Support Magistrates, County Attorney's, Bar Association, state & county Department of Human Services staff, evaluators, mediators, legal aid, domestic violence (female gender specific) advocates, and guardian ad litem's

Email Anoka County BeatDead Dad


The movie “A Fathers Choice” – Can you relate?



Refroming Family Law

07' Ohio Fathers-4-Justice Demo Footage

.. .. ..

Any Dad


A local MN Father writes about his story to battle for his children while in court with Judge Thomas D. Hayes & Attorney Elizabeth Schading

Preview & Purchase His Book!

The book "Taken into Custody" is about: The War Against Fatherhood, Marriage, and the Family by Stephen Baskerville, PHD

Why is the American family in crisis? Taken Into Custody argues that the most direct cause is the divorce industry: a government-run system that tears apart families, separates children from fit and loving parents, confiscates the wealth of families, and turns law-abiding citizens into criminals in ways they are powerless to avoid.

Purchase this Book!

Email Anoka County BeatDead Dad


Visit & Support: Fathers-4-Justice US

Join a Non-Custodial Parents Classaction Lawsuit Against Anoka County

Visit & Support: The "Center for Parental Responsibility"

Visit & Support: R-Kids

Email Anoka County BeatDead Dad

My Blog

Fathers-4-Justice MN Meet & Greet

Hello Friends,   Momentum for change is beginning in MN now!   The Fathers-4-Justice leadership here would like to invite you to a Meet and Greet to learn more.  Here is how it wor...
Posted by Anoka County BeatDead Dad on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 09:08:00 PST

Happy New from MN F4J

Greetings everyone!  A New Year is here and for many of us we wonder what kind of new challenges will we be faced with in 2007.  Perhaps we can give some thought as to what can be done to cr...
Posted by Anoka County BeatDead Dad on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 09:10:00 PST

Some Fluff on the New Child Support Law Begininng in 07' via Anoka County

I find it interesting that he left out the important part of the law that changes on 1/1/2007 which would encourage some to act a full year earlier in an effort for some relief:   Minnesota Sess...
Posted by Anoka County BeatDead Dad on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 09:52:00 PST

Witness List For Federal Investigations of CS

Krights Radio has been given an order to initiate... The process of assembling a list of witnesses to testify before a national committee concerning any documented cases of abuse or mistakes by any ch...
Posted by Anoka County BeatDead Dad on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 07:39:00 PST

The movie Barnyard can teach you a lesson!

For those of you who have seen the movie you will understand and perhaps give it some further thought regarding this message.  For those of you have not seen the movie, hopefully this message wil...
Posted by Anoka County BeatDead Dad on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 01:25:00 PST

So equal access to you kids doesn't motivate you?

Two years ago this month, as I licked my wounds  I was wondering what the HELL just happened to me over the past 2.5 years (my Divorce proceeding) and I stumbled across some information on the Intern...
Posted by Anoka County BeatDead Dad on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 10:55:00 PST

Kids do value Dad's!!!!!

It's National School Lunch Week!  Hopefully most of you received an invite to join your child / children for lunch one day this week - I know some did not receive the information and we...
Posted by Anoka County BeatDead Dad on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 11:30:00 PST


William Shakespeare wrote, "it is a wise father that knows his own child."  Unfortunately, in America today, many fathers do not know their children because of the prevalence of singleparenthood ...
Posted by Anoka County BeatDead Dad on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 12:59:00 PST

Be MN Nice & Your Kids Loose!!

Folks let me ask you a question?  Did your ex show you any MN nice in the divorce proceedings?  How about her attorney?  Anything nice about what your attorney charged you or how they r...
Posted by Anoka County BeatDead Dad on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 08:38:00 PST

Fathers-4-Justice Activity Planning Meeting

So many people say "What can I do to help?", "What can I do to make a difference?" or "What can I do to cause change?" and yet very people show up when needed.  He is your chance and it's close t...
Posted by Anoka County BeatDead Dad on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:14:00 PST