Calling all NCP's profile picture

Calling all NCP's

I don't want recognition! I want reform!

About Me

By rrpedersen
This is a secret! They do not want others to know this is happening here in America. Shhh! States and family court systems are making a killing "pimping" our children for profit. Ever wonder why there are so many "non-custodial" fathers? Yes, there are "non-custodial" mothers as well, but to a lesser extent. Truthfully, the states don't care what your gender is. As long as they create a "non-custodial" parent after the divorce, they are able to keep the huge profits rolling in.
This is their secret. Yet very few Americans are aware of this!
States and family court systems profit from the creation of a "non-custodial" parent through federal Title IV-D incentives. The more parents thrown into the child support system means more money to the states and family court systems. Silly! You mean you thought the child custody evaluations were fair and neutral? Those who perfrom the child custody evaluations are employed by the court systems which profit from the creation of "non-custodial" parents. Conflict of interest? Jeez...let me think about this.
It is time for Americans and parents of both genders to stop this madness. Profiting from tearing a child away from one of their fit parents is wrong, evil and immoral! Where is the outrage? Who will stand up and educate others about this tragedy that happens every day thousands of times in America?
My name is Cary and Yes I like creativity in everything! Creative speech, writing, art, music and Life. It is hard to be creative when you are Numb from the legal abuse! Just because it's law doesn't make it right! See there is no law in place that prevents Fit parents from having joint custody! Once one fit parent gives up the right to joint custody (even though situations and circumstances are engineered to make you give up joint custody) there usually is no returning to joint unless you can show change in circumstance. The judge in my case even said that is why they (those who designed that law) built that wall so high! Also he pointed out that If I would have known how difficult it would be to return to joint I never would have given it up! I agreed wholeheartedly! It doesn't matter! Hindsight is 20/20 but we can't change the past! Can We?
It is really sad we are worth more (in terms of dollars) to be forced out of our children's lives! To the point we are alienated out of our children's lives with no regard to a parent's position in their child's life!!! I don't know about you but it sickens me! DEEPLY!
Now, I'm at a new fork in the road. One way leads in the same direction I have been going and the other?
Our so called family courts are criminalizing, primarily Fatherhood, all the while making it seem it's the right thing or the legal thing or the best interest of the children thing to do. Ha, our legal system makes me sick!
I'm here to tell you from first hand experience our Govt. has only one goal when it comes to our children and it is not their best interest!
Our Govt desires only one thing, Maximizing the money flow into their pockets and make it look like that is not their goal.
The truth is out! If you want The Truth?

Our Title IV Welfare system was created for the Needy not The Greedy! You can follow the money going through this program and it is easy to spot who's pockets are being filled by the broken backs of our Law abiding Taxpaying Citizens.
Those people we put in power with the ability at their discretion to destroy Parent/Children relationships are abusing their positions and will be put to an end in the very near future! Don't think so? Think Again! The Truth is being disseminated like wildfire and I for one will make every effort to explain (In Depth and at Length) to the average Jane or Joe on up the ladder to Clarify the purpose of Title IV D and how our Local and State Governments are using that welfare program as a Cash Cow to fulfill their greed! That's right! Judges, Child protection persons, Friend of Court persons! It's about the buck and That's all Folks!

When your tired of being sick and tired Stand and Stand Firm!

I hate discrimination! As I get older, I'm starting to realize that I enjoy nostalgia more and more.

God Bless the little ones! It's really sad that creativity is stifled in the hearts of so many children due to circumstances beyond their control.

If I can spark creativity in one single soul my job has just began, the next step is to nurture and encourage! "A man never stands so tall as when he leans over to help a child." - Abraham Lincoln - I believe this Quote don't inhibit me!

"The more you learn about it the more you hate your State," Steve Brewer, co-host of Studio 1714's Show from the heart of Flint's beautiful East Side.
"What people don't understand is the Government doesn't create anything, doesn't create finances, it just takes them from someone else... to continue what they are doing is going to have much more of a human tragedy behind it." John Wilson, co-host.

It's the silence and indifference of the good people, led only by the vitriolic actions of our governments, that are harming our children. Join with me to help change what is happening to our nation's children. Let's reign in free for all welfare programs like Title IV-D and help re-establish that all people are created equally. Bookmark Lary Holland on Equal Parenting: Studio 1714 Helps Bring Attention to Critical Issues at .r{}

The Studio Guys at Studio 1714 are at it again with another excellent piece on Equal Parenting, Friend of the Court Abuse of Power, and Representative Brenda Clack holding up Michigan House bill 4564!

"Originally only a program to serve the needy has evolved into a program to serve the greedy," states Lary Holland. He further states that, "The Judges and Friend of the Court are the gatekeepers to debtors' prison in Michigan."

John Wilson, "How can they pay if they are in jail?"
"Parenting is a protected liberty, the friend of the court routinely takes away a significant amount of custody from a fit, willing, and caring parent and assign all the benefit nearly to one parent and most the burden, including financial burden, to the other parent," Holland elaborates.

"It's a double whammy", states Steve Brewer.

"It's like a snowball [effect]," further states John Wilson.

Brenda Clack is holding up Michigan House Bill 4564, Michigan's Presumption of Equal Custody Bill which raises the standards to keep both fit, willing, and competent parents in children's lives.

Our Family Courts are the #1 Alienators. We are paying to have our Children alienated from us!

If you look at it from a spiritual perspective it all becomes clear! Our Courts are doing Satin's dirty work! Think about it! Our perspective of our heavenly Father is shaped by our earthly father! God gives us the opportunity to shape our children's perspective of Him! AWESOME!

"The Creation Of A Sub Class Of American Citizens With A Diminished Access To The Rights Equal To All Americans Through An Instrument Of The Court Is Unconstitutional and Illegal."
The Law USCG. 42 Chapter 7 Sub Chapter IV Part D 666 requires each state court in a divorce to create a non-custodial parent and place unequal duties upon this citizen.
This is discrimination this is Illegal.
This Argument is enforceable. Further punitive measure against noncustodial parents alone enact unfair and cruel punishment upon that person.
This is discrimination, This is Illegal.
This is the legal measure and argument to overturn the authority of the agents within family court proceedings. All Agents of family or any court which operate under the color of law which include any aspect are acting outside their jurisdiction and in jeopardy of measures against the court or the persons acting within the framework of the court.
Therefore through the argument against the unconstitutional framing of Child Support Enforcement all parental rights can be regained and Shared Parenting can become the law of the land.
Much more to come as we move this argument through constitutional challenges upon the law.... Richar'
This is one educational experience we could have lived without but since we have no choice but to live under this tyranny it is only making US stronger!
We Will Prevail!
Click to join michdads
Click to join FRCMich ..

My Interests

I have a lot of interests from astronomy to zoology and everything in between.
I have an increasing determination to do my part to educate Non Custodial Parents and the voting public of the abuse of our system to alienate children from, primarily their Fathers, by using the best interest of the child excuse.
Don't get me wrong, the system will alienate children from their Mothers if by doing so causes the Mother to comply to the best interest of the system!
See it's all about the Money! And "The Formula". Systematic Denial of Joint or Shared or Split Custody results in a money flow through the Child Support Industry.
States Govt's are securing their well paid jobs by this abuse of power and it must stop! Please consider doing your part to stop this abuse!

I'd like to meet:


CONTACT: Louise Uccio
PHONE: (917) 806-8301
FAX: (914) 965-3823
Email: [email protected]



September 28, 2007

New York, Ms. Louise Uccio via her civil rights attorney has filed a lawsuit in The Supreme Court in the State of New York after the devastating affect of a false 2001 “Substantiated” Child Protective Services case against her. Defendants named in the lawsuit include: The case-worker, Noreen Boffa and various “John and Jane Does” unknown officers in the Administration for Child Protective Services, as well as the City of New York.

Ms. Uccio, a loving and devoted mother, and her children’s lives have been irreversibly destroyed over the last six years. She was accused and falsely found guilty of being a drug addict who attempted suicide. Ms. Uccio is alleging that her estranged abusive husband’s relentless pursuit to destroy her for leaving the marriage was the basis of four investigations by The Administration for Children’s Services in N.Y. and Division of Youth and Family Services in N.J. In 2001; leading to this lawsuit.

Ms. Uccio has been kept from her children for years with no visitation, no phone contact, and no access to medical or school records. Her estranged husband has successfully managed to alienate the children from her and erase her from their lives. This loving mother who diligently took care of her children according to her daughters pediatric cardiologist [Dr Putman] has lost six precious years from her children’s lives, during which time two of her children have aged out of the system.

Ms. Uccio has no history of drug abuse, as proven in the original documentation that was used to over turn this case, which was available and should have cleared her from the beginning had this case ever been properly investigated.

She was falsely accused, and maliciously prosecuted while she was able to prove her innocence from the start. She feels the case was able to be substantiated as a combined result of her civility, and respect for "authority", as well as her naive innocence and not knowing her constitutional rights.
Although the false “substantiated” case was over turned on July 12, 2006, Not only have Ms. Uccio and her children not been reunited there has been no visitation to date.

# # #
If you would like more information about this lawsuit or to schedule an interview with Louise Uccio please call (917) 806-8301 or contact her @ [email protected]

Men and Women committed to Reform the Child Support Industry En Mass e.
I am really happy to see the support of so many women for change in the Child support industry.
Divorce Sucks that is the simple fact of it!
Usually there are Children involved and what goes on in their shattered lives is astounding. The effects last forever especially in cases where One or both parents Alienate the child or children from the other spouse.
Some parents go so far as including the children in the process of Alienation. The children don't have a clue what is going on and that they are being incorporated into the parents plan.
It doesn't help that the Friend of Court and other agencies are part of the problem also!
If this sounds like what your going through Send me a message!
If this sounds like something someone you know is going through have them contact me!
I'm serious don't become discouraged by all this there is hope on the very near horizon.
Parents and Local Governments should not be allowed to profit from Alienating their children from their Ex-Spouse.
Children very much need Both fit parents.


Yea, I like music! Not too hip on the Black eyed peas but Fergie's single Big girls don't cry is really nice.

Get of the Bench Radio Show – Sunday August 5th 2007 @8pm

Special Guest - Bob Norton

TITLE: Family courts run amuck. What is wrong with this system and how did we get here?

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice. I speak from my own experience and that of many others I have interviewed and learned from. This show is an exercise of the First Amendment right to free speech and the right to redress against government.

1. What is happening in family courts and why? This for profit industry has evolved into a SCAM to plunder the estates of divorcing couples using children as bait! It does not provide value for money it collects, on the contrary it creates enormous destruction INTENTIONALLY to drive up legal fees. This results in the destruction of children.

a. It would be generous to call today’s family courts “kangaroo courts” as they do not even go through the motions of justice sometime.

b. Corruptracy – An explanation about how this is all possible.

c. Follow the money made by lawyers, states and others. Judges and lawyers – the root of the evil.

d. Not just about fathers, but children and mothers are destroyed too

e. Judicial immunity. The emperor is wearing no cloths – judicial immunity is unconstitutional.

f. Checks and balances of our constitution have been circumvented. No jury trial for your estate, children and future income when the Constitution guarantees a jury trial for anything over $20???!!!

g. Legislators and politicians – How come they don’t fix this corrupt and destructive mess?

2. Shared parenting. Proven best by science and ignored by judges.

a. Best Interests of the Child DVD evidence kit at

b. Fatherlessness statistics that show this phenomenon is destroying American children

c. Title IV did. Federal kickbacks that are making it profitable to destroy children and family bonds.

3. Domestic violence. The linchpin and nuclear weapon of divorce

4. DC Rally – What is it about and Why? The broader problem of getting government out of our families and personal lives. CPS, adoption, and other tragedies that are the result of gov’t incompetence and illegal actions that go unpunished and unchecked.

5. Help for fathers:

a. Support groups, information

b. Legal actions through civil suits against judges and others

c. Fathers for Justice coming from Europe soon. Why every civil rights movement has required civil disobedience.

6. Banding together to demand federal intervention.

a. What can you do to help?

b. What should you do to avoid being suckered into this quicksand?


Conversations with God by Neale Walsch very interesting but I really don't know how to take it! After some careful consideration I'd say "Not Well!" I have my reasons!
The Contractor w/Wesley Snipes, I usually like Wesley Snipes movies but this was kinda lame. After watching the Director commentary I guess they achieved what they wanted from the movie. You will have to come to your own conclusion!
Almost anything martial arts and Jet Li movies fit that bill.
I was reluctant to see The Bridge to Terabithia but now would highly recommend it!
Will Smith and his son Jaden was awesome in Pursuit of Happyness.


Social Security, Welfare, and Child Support Enforcement
How federal welfare funding drives judicial discretion in child-custody determinations and domestic relations matters.

By Lary Holland and Jason Bottomley
February 2006
There is a growing pandemic in this country where the very fabric of our society, the family, is being attacked and destroyed. Our children are systematically being torn away from willing and capable parents who want to be involved in parenting their children. Families are systematically being torn apart instead of being helped when they turn to the states' family courts to solve domestic relations disputes. This .. demonstrates an attempt to trace this problem back to its source.
The topics and issues being discussed are quite complex because of the nature of the multiple welfare programs created within Title IV of the Social Security Act (SSA); so the authors have attempted to provide a simplified overview of how federal welfare funding motivates the state family court judges to remove a willful parent and create high child support orders.
The authors have spent a tremendous amount of time researching external economic factors that they believe drive judicial discretion and influence professional judgment in domestic relations matters. Through their research and experience, the authors have concluded that a relationship exists between the federal funding of state welfare programs and the determinations made by state family court judges presiding over child-custody and domestic relations matters. They believe that it is this relationship that de-emphasizes the importance of sharing parental responsibility, and instead emphasizes a manufactured public policy concerned only on the financial obligations of one parent - rather than on the real interests of the children involved.
The authors have also concluded that, while this relationship has successfully been masked behind what is commonly termed "the best interests of the child," the federal funding created within the Social Security Act provides clear monetary incentives to states that have a high-occurrence of one-parent households, where a child has the majority of access to only one of their parents. The authors believe that this "best interests of the child" standard is loosely subjective, gives unlimited discretion to state family court judges, and ultimately leaves a tremendous amount of room for abuse.
In simplest terms: State family courts are forcibly depriving children's access to a parent because it is a source of revenue for the states - and because they can.Social Security Covers Welfare The most basic component of the federal welfare system was originally created by the Social Security Act with the intent of providing assistance to families in which the parent who financially supported the family was absent due to death, or where a disability prevented that parent from providing for the family. Unfortunately, the welfare system has shifted away from providing assistance to needy families into a system of entitlement and abuse by both the state and the welfare recipient.
Welfare programs are a combined effort between federal and state government. Federal welfare programs impose voluntary guidelines on the states and provide block grant funding for compliance. These block grants similarly resemble how the states' are granted federal funding for enacting motorcycle-helmet and motor vehicle seat-belt legislation or risk losing substantial federal highway repair dollars. States are not required to participate in the federal welfare programs created within Social Security; state participation is strictly voluntary - but by not participating, the state is turning down extremely large sums of federal money.
Title IV (four) of the Social Security Act consists of four parts (A, B, D, and E) and provides for the annual appropriation of block grant funding to subsidize the operation of various state-level welfare programs as outlined in each part of the title as long as the states are compliant to the federal guidelines.
Title IV, Part A (or IV-A) is the most widely recognized welfare program, and is referred to as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or TANF.
Formerly known as AFDC, the TANF welfare program imposes federal guidelines to which all states must adhere in order to receive billions of dollars in federal block grant funding. This money is only available to a state when that state fully or substantially complies with these federally imposed guidelines. The complying individual states can use the money they receive to pay for the administration of their own programs, and to provide cash assistance to "needy" families pursuant to the federal guidelines.
The type of program described in Title IV-A is referred to as an “entitlement” program at both the state and welfare recipient level because it entitles the complying states to receive blocks of grant money, and it entitles the recipients who qualify to receive a certain amount of money as well.
Eligibility Requirements in Title IV-A (TANF) Exclude the Middle-Class
Eligibility must be proven in order to receive services and cash assistance through the IV-A TANF welfare program. The eligibility requirement, which uses income level as an indicator to demonstrate need, limits program participation to families with dependent children that show an actual need for income assistance. Not every person is eligible to receive cash assistance benefits and services through the TANF welfare program, and sometimes eligibility is limited to only the children of "needy" families.
Paternity establishment is one requirement, except in limited circumstances, that determines continuing eligibility of benefits to a recipient. If paternity is not already established or paternity is not actively being sought by the recipient, the recipient’s portion of any cash assistance is reduced or even completely discontinued. If paternity is successfully established, the recipient is required to surrender and assign to the state any child support benefits established by court order.
Other eligibility requirements provide restrictions to the duration of Title IV-A benefits to 5 years and mandatory requirements for recipients to participate in certain work activities. Also, if the recipient is an un-emancipated minor with a child, the minor must be involved in schooling and be under the supervision of a responsible adult.
Welfare Reform
In the eyes of many, including Congress, the IV-A TANF welfare program has been widely abused since its inception. People have been known to alter their living conditions to fit the eligibility requirements in order to receive the cash assistance offered by the program. Abuse has prompted Congress to reform the entire Title IV welfare system by modifying the federal guidelines, changing how the states operate welfare programs - including who is eligible and for how long benefits may be received.
The federal Title IV-D program makes large sums of grant money available to the states through the Department of Health and Human Services' (DHHS) Administration for Children and Families' (ACF) Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE). In Fiscal Year 2006, Congress appropriated $4,200,000,000 (4.2 billion dollars) for the states that operate programs in accordance with federal guidelines.
Child Support Enforcement is a Welfare Program The purpose for the creation of the IV-D welfare program was to recover allegedly "lost" taxpayer money being spent by the federal government on needy families under Title IV-A (TANF). The intent of Congress was to slow the drain that the Title IV-A (TANF) cash assistance program had on the budget. The presumption was that single mothers with a high incidence of out-of-wedlock births was the proximate cause of the rising welfare expenditures. Congress attempted to shift the financial burden from their own budget to a parent who abandoned the family.
The result of Congress' intention was the creation of Title IV-D federally mandated guidelines, incentive block grants, and performance based grants being made available to the states for their operation of federally compliant programs. States that would comply with the federal guidelines made it a priority to collect money (termed as "child support") from willfully absent parents who had abandoned their parental responsibilities to their children. The goal was twofold: To reimburse the expense of providing public assistance to children who had been willfully abandoned by a parent (and thus forced to become dependent on public assistance to satisfy basic needs), and to ensure continued financial support from willfully absent parents with children that were at risk of requiring public assistance if they didn’t receive support (to prevent them from requiring public assistance to satisfy basic needs).
In essence, the federal guidelines wanted the states to function as collection agencies, recovering financial support from parents who had willfully abandoned their parental responsibilities to their children. The result, however, was different from the intent and has caused the state welfare programs to adjust their environment to have a greater need, which has caused the program to collect from willing parents that would ordinarily provide a loving environment for their children absent a court order limiting a parent's involvement. Despite the original intent of the IV-D welfare program, it now provides an incentive for the states to use their family courts to produce forcibly absent parents in order to increase the states' IV-D welfare caseload.
Nonexistent Eligibility Requirements for IV-D Welfare Isolates Children from Willing Parents
There are no limitations for participation, or eligibility requirements for recipients of the Title IV-D welfare program. This lack of eligibility requirements has been used to trap otherwise willing and fit parents, particularly of the middle-class, into participating in this program for the purpose of increasing federal reporting numbers. The forced inclusion of the middle-class maximizes the federal block grants being allocated for the operation of each state's Title IV-D welfare program. The Title IV-D welfare model isolates children from an otherwise willing custodian.
The lack of any eligibility requirements for Title IV-D welfare services has caused exponential growth within this welfare program as well as in private “professional” sectors. In fact, an entire industry has evolved from the creation of the federal CSE program, which will be discussed later in this ..· This entire private industry generates even more money from involvement in domestic relations disputes - turning a delicate private family matter into a money-maker for both the private and public sectors.
The lack of any eligibility requirements gives a huge financial incentive to every state to include middle-class divorcing parents, and to isolate a child from an otherwise willing and fit parent. By including the middle-class, state family courts and associated state agencies have expanded the operation of their Title IV-D welfare programs well beyond needy families. This lack of eligibility has led to the near complete inclusion of the middle-class, which has given a benefit to the state of larger child support awards to be collected from an otherwise willing and fit parent. The result is that children are being isolated from physical contact with a willing parent in lieu of financial gains enjoyed by the other parent, and by the state - all through the issuance of a court order.
The states have resorted to forcing parents involved in domestic relations matters into the welfare system either as wards of the state or as welfare recipients, whether or not either parent has actually willfully abandoned the child or requires public assistance. After the parents are included into the operating Title IV-D welfare program, one parent is then groomed into a role of non-custodial or forcibly absent parent. A court order is then issued against the now absent parent to pay child support through a state disbursement unit to the other parent who may or may not be equipped financially to run their own household in the first place - despite the other parent's ability to maintain an intact loving and caring household.
Inclusion of Middle-Class into Welfare = More Federal Funding
The exponential inclusion of the middle-class into the state operated Title IV-D Welfare System has facilitated and furthered a perceived need for increased funding from the federal government to the states. Because there is an overwhelming majority of middle-class parents that have child support automatically withheld from their paychecks, there is the appearance of a tremendously successful state run Title IV-D welfare program - and it causes even more federal incentive payments and reimbursement funding to be received by the states.
Even amidst cutbacks by the federal government for entitlement block grants and restrictions on the use federal incentive dollars as matching funds, the states' standing remains to gain billions in funding by including more and more of the middle-class in their welfare programs.
To be more specific: We believe that Title IV welfare programs actually encourage the diminishment of parents' roles in the lives of their children, and that these programs actually provide financial incentives for the breakup of the family - which is incidentally the exact opposite of the purpose of Title IV in reducing family dependence on government and encouraging safe and stable families.
The consequence of how and why the states receive federal funding is providing financial incentives to the state, its agencies, its human services professionals, and its family courts in general to create court-ordered child-support paying absentee parents wherever it can, and by whatever means available. The states' manufacturing of non-custodial parents maximizes incoming federal and state revenue redistribution. Similar to those who were accused of abusing the Title IV-A welfare program, which prompted reform, the states are now modifying their own environment in order to receive more federal money.
Creating Non-Custodian = More Child Support = More Federal Funding
Title IV created incentives for the states that were intended to reduce the occurrence of single parent households; however these incentives have caused an exact opposite result. Instead of looking to Congressional intent, one only needs to look at the results.
State family court judges, agencies, and both public and private professionals now have a pecuniary interest in establishing single-parent households in which the majority of a child’s time is limited by court order to be spent with only one parent. There is now a disincentive for a child to be equally placed with both parents where those parents share equal responsibilities while maintaining their own homes and lifestyles. If the state family courts do not produce an absent or “non-custodial” parent through their orders, the courts would effectively exempt the state (and any associated professional beneficiaries) from receiving the billions of dollars in federal funding which is offered through compliance with federally imposed welfare guidelines.
Federal Funding: A Working Perspective
The U.S. Tax Payer is solely supporting the middle-class's inclusion in the Title IV-D program because there is no reimbursement to welfare. For Fiscal Year 2006, Congress has appropriated $4,200,000,000 (4.2 billion dollars) from the collection of federal and Social Security taxes solely to fund the operations of federally compliant state IV-D welfare programs. Despite a commonly held public misconception that child support enforcement activities are funded by the people within the system, the fact is that this welfare program is funded with the money that comes from the U.S. Taxpayer in the form of federal and Social Security taxes.
The federal funding is based on the reported needs of the multitude of federal and state bureaucracies operating within the IV-D welfare program. The need is further amplified by increasing the number of forced absentee parents being generated from the family courts each year.
In fact, an entire national special interest lobby comprised of judges’ associations; national child support enforcement associations (representing both private and public sectors); state bar associations; labor unions representing government employees; social workers associations; and everyone else with a stake in the multi-billion-dollar industry that the Title IV-D welfare program has created, exists solely to ensure that the current annual flow of federal funding into the states continues increasingly and remains uninterrupted.
The U.S. tax payer is supporting two-thirds of the federal expenditures associated with the inclusion of the middle-class in the operation of the state Title IV-D programs. The remaining one-third of the expenses for the inclusion of the middle-class is left up to the state and local governments - which again, is paid for with taxpayer money. The bottom line is that the federal, state, and local governments are footing the bill with our tax dollars for the inclusion of the middle-class in the state operated Title IV-D welfare program.
Federal Reimbursement Funding Out of the total $4.2 Billion appropriated by Congress for the operation of federally compliant state Title IV-D welfare program, there exists unchecked federal reimbursement funding to the states for the following: 66% of the costs of their Child Support Enforcement (CSE) operational activities (which range all the way down to the activities of each of the states’ county prosecutors in domestic relations and paternity cases); 80% of the states’ costs related to the improvement of technology as related to CSE activities; and, most recently changed to 66% from 90% for the costs of genetic DNA testing in paternity establishment cases.
Reimbursement funding has no performance standards or requirements, so even the most ill-performing state operated IV-D welfare programs still get federally reimbursed for their lackluster and ineffective operations.The massive federal funding available to the states have led judicial discretion, government agencies, and professionals to establish that it is now in the “best interests of the child” to limit the child's involvement with one of their own otherwise willing, capable, and available parents.
In essence, the more cases involving Title IV-D welfare services that a court can create, the more operational expenses it will endure, and the more federal funding it will be able to pursue and receive as a reward for undermining a child's involvement with one of their own parents.
Performance Based Federal Incentive Funding
Title IV-D also provides performance-based federal incentive funding to the states based on certain criteria that is used to measure the states' performance of certain program functions.
Incentive funding comes from the total funding appropriated by Congress for the operation of the CSE program ($4.2 Billion). The total incentive funding available to the states is a fixed amount per fiscal year. For FY2006, the total available incentive funding is $458,000,000; and each participating state competes for a share of this total.
Each state competes based on their performance measure of the following criteria:
· The paternity establishment performance level.
· The support order performance level.
· The current payment performance level.
· The arrearage performance level.
· The cost-effectiveness performance level.
The more support orders that are issued and the higher orders are, by including the middle-class, the more of a perceived need is created for increased enforcement. Increased perceived need for enforcement provides for increased justification of program expansion, which in-turn provides for the perceived need for expansion of increased enforcement measures. The more enforcement measures that can be taken and the more serious the penalties are for resisting excessive monetary awards, the better chances are that the court-created absentee parent will pay even increased or incorrect amounts to avoid enforcement penalties like jail and license suspension. The more that court-created absentee parents pay to avoid jail or to prevent the suspension of the professional licenses that may be needed to maintain their livelihood, the less support goes into arrearage - which makes it appear that the states are performing more efficiently. The more effective the state looks, the increased chances that a state has to receive a higher portion of incentive funding.
As Robert Burns once wrote in “To a Mouse”:
“The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft agley” (which is popularly misquoted as: The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray).
Mr. Burns’ concept seems to be applicable to Congress’ intentions in Title IV-D as the intentions sound good, but the result actually undermines the stated purpose of Title IV welfare services.
The U.S. Tax Payer, including the poor, is currently footing the bill for the inclusion of the middle-class into state operated Title IV-D welfare programs because of the lack of eligibility requirements in the federally imposed guidelines. In order to strengthen families, and to better meet the goals of Title IV, it is imperative for eligibility requirements to be included in the federal guidelines to the states. Without eligibility requirements, states will continue to have an incentive to limit children's involvement with an otherwise willing, caring, loving, and fit parent.
The states are currently undermining the purposes of Congress' Title IV-A which is to keep families together. It's a commonly held belief that "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions." Congress' intent may have been well-meaning, but the result has created another welfare abuser... the states.
If you are a responsible parent being denied equal time with your child or children and don't know where to turn, you are not alone contact me and I'll point you in the right direction!
For those opposed to equal parenting time for both fit parents please let me know of your opposition and why because I'd really like to know!


Charles Stanley Success God's Way,
Carol Rhodes Friend of the Court Enemy of the Family, when I received the book (eagerly anticipated arrival) and started reading the first chapter I thought "I've heard this all before" and "I'm just going to resell it on Amazon!" I put it down for awhile and thought there must be something more to it than just the drama so I started reading it again and found a lot of the examples in the personal stories, I have dealt with myself, other parts of the personal stories I cannot believe people have actually lived through!
I have only heard Carol Rhodes in interviews with Richar' Farr of KRIGHTS radio with Robert Pedersen, really good stuff!
Brenda Clack who is the chairperson for the Family and Children Services Committee. Brenda has the authority to bring H.B. 4564 up for vote in the Family and Children Services Committee! What is she doing? Sitting on that bill like a hen on an egg! Why? Special interest groups! Groups and organizations that DO NOT! Have our children's best interest in mind. Oh they say they do but it's just a smoke screen and a very thin one I might add.
Karrin Huffer Overcoming the devastation of Legal Abuse,
Stephen Baskerville Taken into Custody: The War Against Fatherhood, Marriage, and the Family
PLEDGE OF SOLIDARITY FOR PRO SE LITIGANT RIGHTS! -pro-se-litigant-rights.html Please sign the petition. Everyone should have the right to defend themselves!


Glenn Sacks of for his dedication to ending anti-male ads.
Rep. Steil for introducing H.B. 4564 (Shared Parenting Bill) along with a 21 additional sponsors! Those who have a vested interest in seeing children ripped apart from a loving and fit parent will be against this bill.
Brenda Clack (who is not my hero) but is the chairperson for the Family and Children Services Committee. Brenda has the authority to bring H.B. 4564 up for vote in the Family and Children Services Committee!
What is she doing? Sitting on that bill like a hen on an egg!
Why? Special interest groups! Groups and organizations that DO NOT! Have our children's best interest in mind. Oh they say they do but it's just a smoke screen and a very thin one I might add.
Richar' Far of KRIGHTS Radio, Robert and Angela Pedersen Carol Rhodes author of Friend of the Court Enemy of the Family, Lary Holland. Everyone of my MySpace Friends! Minister Ronald E. Smith, CEO Children Need Both Parents, Inc.
The Men and Women that know they are facing death everyday on soil that is not their homeland but despite death so close they continue the mission even after hearing the uproar back in the states. Men, Women and Children in this very Country whose lives are being torn to shreds by the Child support industry but some how manage to carry on! Men and Women of Valor willing to take a solid stand for what is right! Regardless of the consequence!

My Blog

How federal welfare funding drives judicial discretion in child-custody determinations and dom

Social Security, Welfare, and Child Support Enforcement How federal welfare funding drives judicial discretion in child-custody determinations and domestic relations matters. By Lary Holland and Jaso...
Posted by Calling all NCP's on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 06:20:00 PST

Taken into Custody: The War Against Fatherhood, Marriage, and the Family

(Personal note from Calling all NCP's)  I have been asked by Stephen Baskerville to pass this along and yes I in fact have my copy pre-ordered!I recently signed a contract with a current affairs ...
Posted by Calling all NCP's on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 07:08:00 PST