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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Although I committed myself to marriage, the women I married did not. Have you ever awakened to a life that you just no longer understood? Where right is wrong and wrong is right, where black is white and white is grey? I wish I could erase my memory and start all over sometimes, it would be far better than to live watching another man living my life. I have three young sons, whom are now young men, and another who was my step-son, but a son still the same. Those children had their worlds changed forever by their mother and a man whom I can barely utter his name without being enraged. Ten long years ago, I was a father to all of my sons. Their mother and I had a happy marriage and a promising life together. I think back to what really happened to make all of that change, to the details of how a woman who showed no signs of anything wrong, turned to the arms of my childhood friend and business associate. The events which have followed through the years since have been nothing short of evil and maniacal torture. Had it not been for divine intervention, I would not be able to withstand the relentless attacks of degradation and secret combinations designed solely to destroy me and any efforts made to be a father to my children or have a life for that matter. I look at the grotesque pictures of the man who did this to my children and I all because he envied my life and the family I had growing up. The signs of his abuse are showing in the lengths he goes to keep my voice silent and my life minimized. Many who read this cannot believe it; they remember their two high school buddies as life friends, an unbreakable brotherhood they shared. I too have often tried to source the broken pieces and make sense of it all? The propagation of lies and stories concerning me and the relevant nature to their lives now is nothing short of a fictional novel of indiscretion on their part. They have told their tale so many years that they themselves believe it as if it were fact and truth unwavering. So convincing they have been that judges and court officials, and local authorities have taken their testimonies without trial as the truth and factual, allowing them to completely erase me from my children's world without contention. This is America, where a court of law decides justice and what-is-what in a dispute. Tell me where the law was when my sons walked into a court room without my knowledge and had all their names changed, not once but twice? Tell me where the justice was when a Judge sat and refused my testimony and removed all my parental rights except that of financial support? And you tell me where our family courts were when my baby boy was left unsupervised and allowed access to gasoline that could and nearly did kill him? Be sure of this, if there is one shread of justice left in our court system, I will find it and have served upon those who have abused my children with lies and the denial of their real father. I won't stop, I won't rest, I will never quit until justice is done and wrongs are made right. This man my children refer to as 'dad' is a "cruel, heartless soul" for what he has and continues to do to my sons, and if I don't get justice, my sons will when they learn the truth! It is my hope that very soon our family court system, judges, parent evaluators, and alienators will finally recognize that parental alienation is a form of emotional child abuse that cannot be ignored any longer. Free military layouts at

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My three sons who I have not seen in 10 years; Addison, Ben & Kevin. I gave them life, named each of them and they were sealed to BOTH their parents. Ten years ago I watched my three babies and wife be taken from me by a business associate who I thought was my friend. Lies and conspiracy were promoted in order to completely erase me from my children's world. I have struggled to keep on the right road so that one day, when my sons are of age, they will meet me and know the truth as it has happened. I fight the hate and anger. I try to think of the end result, of the day I meet my sons and can attempt to be a father to them, but it is hard, they will be adults likely and have been brainwashed. Some know those who keep my children from me, and you have been told Lord only knows what... But next time you see my sons, look at them and remind their "fake" daddy, that he is not their father and never will be. They may have illegally changed my children's last name, but no one can change biology or the fact that I am their one and only true father. I will not go away nor will those who care for what is right. I love my sons and one day they will know all! "MY DAD - ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS" Larry H. Monahan August 25, 1933 - December 13, 2008 Larry Monahan was born in Seattle, WA, the son of Terrence Monahan, of Port Townsend, WA. Larry was the nephew of life-long Port Townsend resident, Maxwell Loomis. Larry completed his education in Spokane, WA graduating from Gonzaga Preparatory School. Upon his graduation, Larry joined the U.S. Navy, following in his father's footsteps. Larry served on a submarine tender during the Korean War. After his enlistment in the Navy, Larry returned to civilian life and married Jolene Lenard. They were married 30 years and had five children. Larry and Jolene owned and operated The Country Cousin Restaurant, in Kent, WA. until the late 1960's, then Larry moved his family back to his home-town of Port Townsend. Larry and Jolene purchased a marine and boat business and operated Monahan's Marine Center until it was sold in 1980. Larry's children all graduated from Port Townsend High School. Larry spent the remainder of his life as a writer. He owned a small newspaper in Arizona in the 1990's and later returned to Port Townsend where he enjoyed writing and spending quiet times with family and friends. Larry's life came to an end on December 13th, after a long and couragious battle with cancer. Larry is survived by his five children, Patti Minish, of Port Townsend, Mike Monahan of North Carolina, Kathy Nishino of Edmonds, WA, Shawn Monahan of Idaho, and Tim Monahan of Colorado. Larry has 14 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Larry was a proud man and good father, and he will be missed by all of his children. Special thanks from the family to our sister Patti; she cared and attended to Dad's needs in his last years and all those with Hospice who were there at the end.

My Blog

We Are Fathers!

This Fathers Day will mark 11 (eleven) years since I have had any access to my three children, whom are now teenagers. But I am writing this blog not to cry about my sons being abducted and brainwashe...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Jun 2009 10:40:00 GMT


Bejamin was born in a small house in Marshall, Texas, 13 years ago today, at which time Kristie and I owned a carpet cleaning franchise. We were both so excited about having a baby in our own home, a ...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Jun 2009 22:01:00 GMT

New BBQ Coming To PT

For the past four years I have been working on a recipe for the ultimate BBQ flavoring in beef and pork ribs.... visiting some of the most notable BBQ places in America. I have tasted and cooked with ...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Mar 2009 17:36:00 GMT

Anything but Over!

Most of you who read my blog are aware of recent events surrounding my case that the local courts in Port Townsend, Wa has pulled so as to not allow me to return and gain justice for my children. I am...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Mar 2009 08:30:00 GMT

Are You Ready? I am!!!

This message is for one person, it is something to think about every time you start to feel you will have peace. Just a short time ago, my father passed away... As a son who knew both of his parents f...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Mar 2009 00:30:00 GMT

This Is Not Home Anymore

As I drove through my old neighborhoods last night, a rush of emotion poured in and I was stricken with moments of deep sadness and grief. The town has changed a great deal in the last twenty some odd...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Feb 2009 16:29:00 GMT

Just For Nicky

Dear old Friend,Remember when we were young, growing up in what was paradise to us? Remember the years we spent playing football, baseball, wrestling and boxing? Do you remember when we both got our f...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Feb 2009 20:33:00 GMT

And For the Record

Why don't my enemies just stop reading my blogs and visiting my myspace?  What is their extreme fascination with me anyway?  Is it their obsession, to know all they can about me, always searching for ...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Feb 2009 13:45:00 GMT

For My Detective Friend

Evidently, my blogs have become the focal point of an investigation in Jefferson County, WA and the Sheriffs Department even assigned a detective to speak to me concerning them.  Apparently some phot...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Feb 2009 13:42:00 GMT

Seattle TV Show Wants My Story Told!

There is Great News on the home front... I have been asked to be a guest on a local Seattle Area tv talk show... They want me to tell my story and I have been guaranteed an entire hour! This is perhap...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Feb 2009 06:53:00 GMT