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Helping the Kids

Our mission is to remove the obstacles that prevent both parents from being equally and wholly invol

About Me

About a week behind on accepting friend requests without a message. I like to review each friend request and post specific comments for each friend I accept. Too many spammers to react right away, if you know what I mean and if you are a Deadbeat bomber, male or female, understand I am offended by the word and I will call you a loser in your comments for being so bigoted.If you need something right away send a message with your friend request that way I will know u aren't a spammer. You can also reach me at my email address on the link below. If urgent please include a return address other than myspace.
Email Help Me Daddi
Also, before sending me a message here is what I am not:
I am NOT a legal service and cannot offer legal advice
I do NOT provide financial assistance
I do NOT organize public demonstrations in support of individual cases, well maybe a good one.
I consider myself just a regular Dad of two children that had the unfortunate experience of being thrown into the family court ringer for a few years. The kids and I are barely surviving the Divorce Industries attacks and it saddens me to know that their are 21 million other parents out there still waiting to be found.
Luckily for me and my kids, the ex wife kind of came around for a little while this last year. We basically reached an agreement outside of the courts and basically it's like this, we share our children depending on her mood or if she needs a babysitter. If the kids and I object to anything she schedules over our parenting time, the kids and I won't get any extra time together. Although it's better than it could be, there are still a lot of unresolved problems where whenever her world gets upset she calls the police, lies and then we are stuck having to go back to the court order until I can get another motion to get her to stop using the kids to mess with me. Pain in the rear but I put up with all this because my kids need me in their life and I won't give up on them like the system has.
This past summer I was able to coach both my kids soccer teams and I counted my two little blessing every night I had them. I have experienced enough in life to cherish what you have because no matter how much you have, it can all be taken away from you, without notice like a thief in the night.
Without going into all my own personal horror stories, my main motivation is to try and make a better future for our children and the families yet to face the injustices of the family courts. I believe there is a much better way of doing things than we are doing right now and in the end I would like to make it so that nothing like this ever has to happen again to any family, rich or poor. I believe all life is precious and we should not accept casualties of any domestic war, especially not in our family court rooms. To me it's simply not acceptable that their are 21 Million Non-Custodial Parents in this county who's voices are being oppressed, all for the sake of profit and my goal is to change our custody laws so that a judge can still award joint custody even if one parent doesn't agree and eventually make it so that the law just assumes as a starting point that a presumption of joint physical custody is in the best interest of the children.
Over my years, I have seen too many children that emancipated themselves from their supposed restrictive parents, who in the end wound up being socially challenged in one way or another. Canada has already assumed the role of the surrogate parent for our children in their highest court and it's just a few formalities away from happening here too unless we stand up and make parental rights an inalienable natural right that is constitutionally protected for fit loving parents. [ Subscribe to My Blog To Stay Current on Breaking News ]
Quotes of the Week:
In order for the state to maximize it's welfare function, it must discriminate as much as possible.
The main problem is, MN and state laws basically assumes at least one parent is unfit if the other parent doesn't want joint custody.
This isn't a system created by the people for the people. This is a system created by the system for the system.
Our only crime is we want equal time!
Stop Using Federal Dollars to Infringe on Other Peoples Natural Rights!
False Allegations Create Profits For the State!
Child Support Crack-An IV Funding Addiction The States Can't Quit!
Child Support Crack-Permanently Destroying More Families Than The Drugs Themselves June 2006 CEWG Report on State and Local Data
The courts are hurting our kids and saying it's our fault!
Anoka County-Will you please get help for your child support addiction?
The bigget pusher/dealer of IV-D for Anoka County=Alexander House
Parenthood is more than just a financial obligation!
Don't Be Afriad of Equality, Demand Shared Parenting Laws in Your State.
We instill fear in those afraid of equality and accountability!
Parents are staying in abusive relationships because of their fear of the family courts.
DHS-The Department of Inhumane Services
What problems has this system really solved compared to the number of problems it has created?
My job is being a parent first and foremost, and it is my duty as a citizen to speak out against policies that are needlessly hurting families and children just for profit.
The Solution to Parental Inequality is
Parental Equality!!!! Dah!
Until our nation has equality in family law, the true number of deadbeats will always be overstated, hunted, tortured, incarcerated, oppressed and alienated to the point of hopelessness and then dignity and pride are swallowed all for the sake of our childrens future.

CPR | F4J | Calendar of Events
We need to recruite people to help with this movement. If everyone one does a little, no one has to do a lot. Lets try and get our friend list up by telling your friends about this site and the Fathers for Justice site,
For the first time in, history married families are a minority group and our family courts are largely responsible for this shift. We are a group of people tired of all the corruption in the family court system and tired of the state profiting off our children at the expense of denying fit loving parents equal access to our children. We are a local volunteer group of Anoka County parents, mostly fathers and the rest are concerned citizens, grandparents, relatives, second wives, mothers, children of divorced parents, girlfriends and the friends of parents who all have been denied access to our children and have decided to step up and help stop the flow of all the money our state, lawyers, politicians, ex-spouses and government workers continue to make off our children using the childrens best interest as an excuse to justify their corruption and continued ignorance.
How can any childs best interest of two fit loving parents be best served by a state entity whose motives are politically driven?
The State of MN alone has made almost a billion dollars off our children in the last 5 years through federal rebate programs that promote sole custody arrangements. A billion dollars of profit, not operational costs, that has gone directly back into the states general treasury and we need to change our system so that good fit loving parents are no longer denied access to our children just for the sake of profit(in MN, whenever custody is disputed 94% of the time the parent denied equal access is the father).
Our Children are Being Held Randsom by our Legislators and Judges!!!
Children need equal access to both of their parents for many reasons but the bearocrats down at the capital seam to really be hung up on the money their systems generate for the State and their inner city welfare programs and we need to change this policy. Did you know that for every dollar they can take from you in support payments for your child, the state and county gets almost dollar for dollar matching federal funds to use as they wish?
Follow the Title IV-D Money Trail
“There is a fundamental liberty right guaranteed to both parents by the 14th Amendment to the care, custody, and nurture of their children. According to the US Supreme Court: “Absent a Compelling State Interest of harm or potential harm to the child, the State may not intervene in the privacy of family life.”
One of the main problems with the current laws are that parents are only allowed joint custody arrangements if both parents agree. One question often asked is why would a statistically advantaged parent agree to joint custody when one parent can have not only full custody of the children but also a large portion of the other parents finances with little or no effort? Another question for law makers and judges is, why does the family courts allow one parent to give up the other parents rights and are family laws really constitutional as they are now? Right now the system basically allows complete discretion of the judge and by definition allowing discretion is what opens the door for a judge's bias to enter the courtroom and we need consistency.
"The Creation Of A Sub Class Of American Citizens With A Diminished Access To The Rights Equal To All Americans Through An Instrument Of The Court Is Unconstitutional and Illegal." The Law USCG. 42 Chapter 7 Sub Chapter IV Part D 666 requires each state court in a divorce to create a non-custodial parent and place unequal duties upon this citizen." 1/17/07
Our goal is to achieve equality and accountability in the family courts. We want to take the sport out of divorce and give parents the tools they need to help them get through their troubled times of a broken relationship. The courts should remain neutral and if anything they should help bridge the gap of our troubled parents instead of further dividing them with this winner take all approach where the winner is awarded absolute power and control of the other parents finances and schedule. When the family court system is biased such as ours, there are many situations where the abuser just because of their gender is awarded custody and as a result of this injustice, the abuser is then allowed to terrorize the other parent and their children for many years to come. We understand a parent's fear is their right, but that right should not be used to restrict the freedom of others just to alleviate their own.
The system is setup to guard the custodial parent and they all do a great job backing each other up too. Next time you walk into a family court room, look around and count how many people there are around, whose income is funded directly or indirectly by the child support that is being paid. The social workers working the cases, the lawyers, the guardian ad-litems, the mediators and even the bailiff are funded by the child support parents pay. They are all in on this scam together and that is why we need to join together. Help us take the sport out of divorce by supporting efforts to get a presumption of joint custody passed in every state where the other parent needs to prove why joint custody isn't in the best interest and a judge can still award jont custody even if one parent disagrees.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is disgusted like we are with the family law practices that are occurring everyday in our family courts. You could be a single parent that recognizes the problems this causes for our children, you could be a grandparent, aunt, uncle, a child that's lived through a divorce and have seen what it did to your parents or a friend of a parent you know who is struggling with the courts, a second spouse or you are just a concerned citizen that just wants to make a positive change to finally end the discrimination and inequality going on in our system. This also includes parents who have been stripped by the CPS without any accountability.

The Less Big Brother is in the Family Life the Less Chance there is for Governmental Abuse!!!!

Also, anyone who has ever received an OFP that more than likely wasn't justified, have had your drivers license revoked, had your tax returns intercepted, are subjected to extremely high child support payments that have nothing to do with the children’s needs leaving you with barely nothing to live on. Or, if you never been married and are frustrated that the courts don't even recognize you as a parent to your children, or if you've been oversees fighting for our country only to come home and be granted visitation to your children just because you weren't technically the primary caregiver, if you've had your wages garnished, been reported to the credit bureau and have been unfairly threatened with contempt charges or jail time to get you to comply with bogus court orders, or if you had your business records, Social Security benefits or retirement savings raided by the courts and are tired of being treated like a second class citizen just because you have been labeled as a Non Custodial Parent, then we need you and now here is your chance to get involved and make a difference.

A father getting arrested in front of his new family for falling behind in child support. See any other violations?
CPR | F4J | Calendar | Poll Finder MN
A Beautiful Song-How Could This Happen to Me, Simple Plan

In regards to the comment section, I welcome you to tell your story or share whatever you feel like sharing. In general please keep content related to this cause and unless you actually do something for the cause, please no advertisements. Thanks for your time and feel free to spread the word about our kids needing both parents. -HD


Equality and accountability would be music to any Non Custodial Parents ears.


Watch Metro Cable Channel 6 every Wednesday 8:30 to 9:30
CPR TV Links


Malachi 4.6 Last Line of the Old Testament
"His Preaching will bring fathers and children together again, to be of one mind and heart, for they will know that if they do not repent, I will come and utterly destroy their land."

Exodus 5.15-16 "Don't treat us like this," they begged. "We are given no straw and told to make as many bricks as before, and we are beaten for something that isn't our fault-it is the fault of your taskmasters for making such unreasonable demands."

A Fathers Cry-By Anoka County Dad Don McPhail

Camping with Dad, a childrens book by Terry Lee Davis a local twins guy


JFK Enterprises Inc
United Peoples Rights Organization
Center for Parental Responsibility
Fathers 4 Justice
MN Family Law Reform

Anoka County Group
R Kids
Bills Arena--A Kids Activist Website
Thomas Jefferson
Glenn Sacks
Get Off The Bench is Broadcasted from To listen to the show click on the Talk Live badge. You can call in when we're Live Sunday nights @8pm EST @ 724-444-7444 talkcast ID 43507. By joining you also be part of the live chat board-JOIN US 'The Message'
All my friends in my top list plus many more who are fighting for equality and accountability!!!
Schedule/Meetings CPR Monthly Meetings
Calendar of Events
Legal Resources This is mainly an activist group trying to invoke some much needed legislative reform but for those of you currently jammed up with the courts needing assistance, check out the following links, info and resources.
Center for Parental Responsibility
Resource Center for Fathers and Families
MN Fathers Network
Do We Count Fathers Report?
New MN Child Support Calculator Link
Pro-Se Court Forms Links
CRC Expeditures on Children by Families-Neutral Report Generated by Dept of Ag
Georgia v. Randolph-Unlawful Entry Without Consent By Both Parties
MN Appeals Court: Discriminating Against Religious Activities
MN Appeals Court: Awarding Legal Fees
Defusing Objections To Joint Custody
A Presumption of Joint Custody
• Guaranteed shared parenting for separating or separated parents so long as their isn't substantiated allegations of unfitness.
• Gender can not be used as a basis for determining custody arrangements
• Child support costs that are based on the actual needs of the children. See CRC Expeditures on Children by Families
• Give profits from child support collections back to the parents paying the support. $181 Million 2005, $362 Million 2004 for MN
• No more automatic punative penalties without a judges signature and/or an administrative review for each enforcement action.
• Limit IV-D welfare services to only parents that are eligible for public assistance.
• Make it illegal for state funded employees, ie DHS employees, to lobbying for or against child support and/or child custody related issues or campaigns. Also change the federal IV-D program to refelct this incentive for the states.
• Use the courts to help facilitate parenting plans where a presumption of joint physical custody is in the best interest of the child or children.
• Require all friends of the court to read parents their Miranda Rights whenever they are talking to a parent for an investigation.
• Stop the DHS from misusing the term Dead Beat Parent. A Dead Beat Parent is an unrestricted parent treated equally who freely chooses not to be a regular or supportive parent in their children’s lives.
• Get the State legislators to allow us access to the Non-Custodial Parents list.
• Write into law that a judge can still award joint custody even if one parent objects.
• Require evidentary hearings after issuing a temporary OFP to determine which allegations can be substantiated or isn't in violation of one's constitutional rights. He said, she said should not be acceptable facts in any case that have criminal consequences.
Political ScoreCard
Voter Information
Who's For the Kids
To find out who represents you
Parenting Advice • Never give up your parenting time! When you get denied your regularly sceduled visitation time try to negotiate for another time.
• When you get an opportunity to take the kids, take them but also keep your regularly scheduled time. In other words, only add to the time you have been given.
• Knowledge is power but let your ex get their information about the corruption in family courts from others because more than likely they won't listen to you anyways. In other words, I am not openly vocal about this cause in front of my ex and I don't talk about it in front of her even when the topic comes up around us. It's serves no purpose other than inflaming them and putting them on the defensive.
• Even if the other parent is a raging lunatic, your kids can still survive if you help them learn the differences between right, wrong and acceptable behaviors.
• Don't use your kids to try and stay connected to the other parent.
• Never talk bad about the other parent in front of the kids. If the kids ask you a tough question, put it in terms of what your values are without mentioning the other parent. This isn't a time to bash the other parent, instead use times like this to instil your values and beliefs.
• Always keep topics related to your kids. Resist the urge to argue and if the topic get's heated, end the conversation immediately and try another time. I prefer voicemail, email or text messages with the ex. Emails, text messages or voicemails are records that can be used for you.
• Don't be mad at your ex, be mad at the system. The system is the one that needs to change, not your ex.
Contact Information
Sign Our Guestbook
Email Help Me Daddi

My Blog

Say No To Bills S803 H1386

Spread the word and say no to bills S803 and H1386Check out the following link to see who else is supporting these bills. S803 H1386-Say No Add to My Profile...
Posted by Helping the Kids on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 11:12:00 PST

WCCO-Propaganda for the New Child Support Calculator

WCCO, channel 4 news has tried to explain the new child support calculator.  While it's just another dog and pony show we all know it's just a smoke and mirror show to make the public think our l...
Posted by Helping the Kids on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 08:27:00 PST

Whats wrong with mom

Whats wrong with mom Add to My Profile | More VideosWrote this song with my son in mind. My first recording of it and my first stab at trying to make a video too.HelpMeDaddi HelpMeDaddiWh...
Posted by Helping the Kids on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 11:23:00 PST

Terri Bonoff Added as Author SF1606

I can't believe it, Terri Bonoff and others are taking a stand.  I am just beside myself so keep calling those legislators, -HD ...
Posted by Helping the Kids on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 08:15:00 PST

HF1262 and SF1606 Players

Don Betzold never left the judiciary committee but he was taken off the chair position for his positions on various issues and shared parenting laws was one of them.  Not sure if he lea...
Posted by Helping the Kids on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 06:41:00 PST

Ron Paul and Candidate Updates

The best candidate that will give us equality and accountability will have my vote in the end but before I cast my vote I want to share a few things with all of you. Yesterday Obama gave a speach abo...
Posted by Helping the Kids on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 03:53:00 PST

MN Legislative Per Diem Fraud

Basically all MN Legisislators have given them selves a raise illegally through per diems and this group is holding them accountable because they are not above the law.  When I was at the capitol toda...
Posted by Helping the Kids on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 09:40:00 PST

HF1262 and SF1606-Terri Bonoff

Great News, I just got off the phone with Terri Bonoff, http://www.terribon, she is a current DFL state legislator for district 43 and she is also running for congress in CD3.  She has s...
Posted by Helping the Kids on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 05:09:00 PST

MN Residents Contact Your Legislators-HF1262 and SF1606

MN folks, now is the time to start contacting your legislators to see if they can start supporting joint custody legislation.  Below is a copy of the letter I sent to my representatives and pleas...
Posted by Helping the Kids on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 08:34:00 PST

Child Services Get Bonuses For Snatching Babies

Justice is comming, keep spreading the word and educating people about the injustices going on with our system.  -HD l?in_articl...
Posted by Helping the Kids on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 10:54:00 PST