I'd like to meet:
Anyone who is disgusted like we are with the family law practices that are occurring everyday in our family courts. You could be a single parent that recognizes the problems this causes for our children, you could be a grandparent, aunt, uncle, a child that's lived through a divorce and have seen what it did to your parents or a friend of a parent you know who is struggling with the courts, a second spouse or you are just a concerned citizen that just wants to make a positive change to finally end the discrimination and inequality going on in our system. This also includes parents who have been stripped by the CPS without any accountability.
The Less Big Brother is in the Family Life the Less Chance there is for Governmental Abuse!!!!
Also, anyone who has ever received an OFP that more than likely wasn't justified, have had your drivers license revoked, had your tax returns intercepted, are subjected to extremely high child support payments that have nothing to do with the children’s needs leaving you with barely nothing to live on. Or, if you never been married and are frustrated that the courts don't even recognize you as a parent to your children, or if you've been oversees fighting for our country only to come home and be granted visitation to your children just because you weren't technically the primary caregiver, if you've had your wages garnished, been reported to the credit bureau and have been unfairly threatened with contempt charges or jail time to get you to comply with bogus court orders, or if you had your business records, Social Security benefits or retirement savings raided by the courts and are tired of being treated like a second class citizen just because you have been labeled as a Non Custodial Parent, then we need you and now here is your chance to get involved and make a difference.
A father getting arrested in front of his new family for falling behind in child support. See any other violations?
CPR | F4J | Calendar | Poll Finder MN
A Beautiful Song-How Could This Happen to Me, Simple Plan
In regards to the comment section, I welcome you to tell your story or share whatever you feel like sharing. In general please keep content related to this cause and unless you actually do something for the cause, please no advertisements. Thanks for your time and feel free to spread the word about our kids needing both parents. -HD
JFK Enterprises Inc
United Peoples Rights Organization
Center for Parental Responsibility
Fathers 4 Justice
MN Family Law Reform
Anoka County Group
R Kids
Bills Arena--A Kids Activist Website
Thomas Jefferson
Glenn Sacks
Get Off The Bench is Broadcasted from www.talkshoe.com To listen to the show click on the Talk Live badge. You can call in when we're Live Sunday nights @8pm EST @ 724-444-7444 talkcast ID 43507. By joining talkshoe.com you also be part of the live chat board-JOIN US
KRightsRadio.com 'The Message'
All my friends in my top list plus many more who are fighting for equality and accountability!!!
CPR Monthly Meetings
Calendar of Events
Legal Resources
This is mainly an activist group trying to invoke some much needed legislative reform but for those of you currently jammed up with the courts needing assistance, check out the following links, info and resources.
Center for Parental Responsibility
Resource Center for Fathers and Families
MN Fathers Network
Do We Count Fathers Report?
New MN Child Support Calculator Link
Pro-Se Court Forms Links
CRC Expeditures on Children by Families-Neutral Report Generated by Dept of Ag
Georgia v. Randolph-Unlawful Entry Without Consent By Both Parties
MN Appeals Court: Discriminating Against Religious Activities
MN Appeals Court: Awarding Legal Fees
Defusing Objections To Joint Custody
A Presumption of Joint Custody
• Guaranteed shared parenting for separating or separated parents so long as their isn't substantiated allegations of unfitness.
• Gender can not be used as a basis for determining custody arrangements
• Child support costs that are based on the actual needs of the children. See CRC Expeditures on Children by Families
• Give profits from child support collections back to the parents paying the support. $181 Million 2005, $362 Million 2004 for MN
• No more automatic punative penalties without a judges signature and/or an administrative review for each enforcement action.
• Limit IV-D welfare services to only parents that are eligible for public assistance.
• Make it illegal for state funded employees, ie DHS employees, to lobbying for or against child support and/or child custody related issues or campaigns. Also change the federal IV-D program to refelct this incentive for the states.
• Use the courts to help facilitate parenting plans where a presumption of joint physical custody is in the best interest of the child or children.
• Require all friends of the court to read parents their Miranda Rights whenever they are talking to a parent for an investigation.
• Stop the DHS from misusing the term Dead Beat Parent. A Dead Beat Parent is an unrestricted parent treated equally who freely chooses not to be a regular or supportive parent in their children’s lives.
• Get the State legislators to allow us access to the Non-Custodial Parents list.
• Write into law that a judge can still award joint custody even if one parent objects.
• Require evidentary hearings after issuing a temporary OFP to determine which allegations can be substantiated or isn't in violation of one's constitutional rights. He said, she said should not be acceptable facts in any case that have criminal consequences.
Political ScoreCard
Voter Information
Who's For the Kids
To find out who represents you
Parenting Advice
• Never give up your parenting time! When you get denied your regularly sceduled visitation time try to negotiate for another time.
• When you get an opportunity to take the kids, take them but also keep your regularly scheduled time. In other words, only add to the time you have been given.
• Knowledge is power but let your ex get their information about the corruption in family courts from others because more than likely they won't listen to you anyways. In other words, I am not openly vocal about this cause in front of my ex and I don't talk about it in front of her even when the topic comes up around us. It's serves no purpose other than inflaming them and putting them on the defensive.
• Even if the other parent is a raging lunatic, your kids can still survive if you help them learn the differences between right, wrong and acceptable behaviors.
• Don't use your kids to try and stay connected to the other parent.
• Never talk bad about the other parent in front of the kids. If the kids ask you a tough question, put it in terms of what your values are without mentioning the other parent. This isn't a time to bash the other parent, instead use times like this to instil your values and beliefs.
• Always keep topics related to your kids. Resist the urge to argue and if the topic get's heated, end the conversation immediately and try another time. I prefer voicemail, email or text messages with the ex. Emails, text messages or voicemails are records that can be used for you.
• Don't be mad at your ex, be mad at the system. The system is the one that needs to change, not your ex.
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