Families-4-Justice/Fathers 4 Justice at www.f4j.us is a New Civil Rights Group campaigning for “Truth, Justice and Equality†in Family Court for Our Children, their Parents and Grandparents. Children are growing up without their Loving and Caring nurturing Fathers, Mothers and Grandparents in their lives due to the Corruption of this Government, a travesty leading to a Social Catastrophe.
Our Country is losing the battle in what’s best for Our Children. Our Children are "HOSTAGES" of the Gvernment while STATES are MAKING the BILLION$ of Dollars from Title IV Federal Incentives to the States to Separate One Parent from their Children's Lives. The Taking of Our Children Has Become an Industry on the Backs of Our CHILDREN. For it's the Children who Suffer, as will generations to come if Action isn't taken now. Our Society has Lost true meaning of the "Sanctity of Family" because the Government has partnered up with special interst groups who are determined to see the demise of the traditional Family. Our Children are the gifts from God for Parents to care for and nuture. It is Our God Given Right as Our Constitutional Right to Parent Our Children Equally!! We are Demanding it and WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND IT, NOW!! All Top EXPERTS have Agreed, Equal Parenting is BEST for OUR CHILDREN. Contrary to What Our Family Courts and States are Dictating, for Destroying Families is a Profitable Business and the Children are their Tools.
We Must and Will Hold Our Government Accountable for the Damage being Caused to Our Children and End the Gender Biased being allowed for the gain of Special Interest to raine it's destortion over traditional Family.
. The Government has enacted laws such as VAWA Laws, Title IV Laws and they have empowered Special Interest groups such as N.O.W., Social Workers and the Bar Association and they have made a Mockery of Our Judicial system for it's Own Purpose and Profits. It's Time the Government is removed out of Our Family's Lives. The damage has been shown, Children turning to crime and Divorce rates beyond 55% by their encouraging and protracting the adversarial proceedings and financially supporting of corruption within this Industry, to the point of causing further hatred between couples.
The Public must be made aware of the Illegal Kidnapping of our Children. Corruption with no accountability Must End. Lets Join together for the Sanctity of Family, and the placement of God back into OUR society, and end this Tyranny Placed upon us once and for all. We must remove these Tyrants out of Office by not voting them in and take Our Government Back. The Time is Now to Unite and Fight the respective fight for What is Our God Given Rights! Our God, Our Families, Our Children and Our Constitution and the Government as it was Intended, For The People!!
We Encourage All to Call Your Local and U.S. Senators and Reps. and Advise Them that you are aware of their Deceite and the Destruction of the American Family and You Demand Reform and that All Equal Parenting Bills Be Passed. This is the Link we enncourage you to use to Contact Your Senators and Represenatives. http://www.congress.org/congressorg/officials/congress/?dist
Continue to Pray, and Fight to Expose this Corruption for the Sake of all Families. JOIN Our F4J's Army @ www.f4j.us and Continue to "S U P P O R T OUR U.S. Military TROOPS with Prayers of a Safe return.
[email protected]
Government Interference into Your Family Life is becoming even more and more Prevalent. As Title IV and VAWA Federal Funds Increase to Each State and The States Need to Balance their Budgets with these funds, they Rely On Federal Funding to do this. Our Problem is The take on this Nazism Style Tactics to get More Funding into their States. State Agencies as Family Courts and Child Services step up their pressure and make problems for Families, even if there where None. These Tactics are being used across this nation and it must be shown as Such. Get The Word Out and Show Your Support for Ron Paul. It Could be Our Last Chance.MySpace Backgrounds
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SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY 8 PM EST----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
IT's Your Tax Money Destroying Our Children and Families. . . NO LIMITS to FAMILY COURTs DESTRUCTION . . . .