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The Propaganda Machine

I am here for Networking

About Me

The Propaganda Machine is a Public Access Cable TV show from Woodstock NY. It is aired live every Sunday @ 8pm. It is created and produced by Francis Ellesar Posavec. The show covers political awareness issues the corporate media ignore, like 911Truth,election fraud, fema camps and secret government.Informing the public about the forces manipulating them is what a truly free press/ media should be doing.Serving the public interest not the corporate interest. The Propaganda Machine is truly REALITY TV instead of that mind numbing drivel the Corporate Media put out.Turn off that crap dont support it,it doesnt support YOU.It doesnt support Love,truth,justice,community or anything else we really need in this world today.The revolution can begin right at home in your living room ,turn off the box, corporate(TV), Viva La revolucion.To view The Propaganda Machine go to,click on schedule and watch it stream live Sundays @8pm and replayed throughout the week according to schedule.In the background is WTC 7 this is the video footage of it falling. It fell on 911 at 5;20 pm yet 45% of the American people never heard of it.Its the building the Corporate media dont want you to know about. Its the weak link in the official 911 lie and it will bring down the real 911 villains.911 was an inside job.

My Interests

Studying the forces manipulating the public, The Propaganda Machine.Most folks dont realize the degree of public manipulation here in the U.S. The National Intelligence apparatus hire psychologists,sociologists etc from the best schools in America to create the manipulation agenda ,spin and PR.The CIAs most secret department is its domestic operations.It was 1948 when the CIA began,Operation Mockingbird, a program to infiltrate and manipulate Americas media system. The CIA controlled members of the Wash.Post, NY Times, CBS,NBC, TIme/LIfe etc.The media in America has been infiltrated by American Intelligence since its inception.While the media in other countries has also been manipulated the big differance here is most Americans dont know and our Press is hardly free.

TMWKK, The Final Chapter, ep.1 The Smoking Gun, seg.1

I'd like to meet:

Individuals who are looking to meet the coming fascist state with open eyes, awareness and a warriors heart.


The music of intelligent dissenting voices who are truly aware and have love in their hearts.We are truly brothers and sisters all of us.Black ,white, brown or yellow regardless of complexion we are as kindred as family,even total strangers.Fear and control is what drive the Ruling Elite to see the population as a whole as serfs and slaves to be manipulated and controlled,to be used and disposable.We must become aware of how negative the energy is of these people and how far Fear, will drive them to hurt others.


Zeitgeist,Ring of Power,Loose Change Final Cut,The Reflecting Pool,Motorcycle Diaries


TV the great manipulator is used to pacify YOU.It is working but we shall prevail.ARE YOU PACIFIED?


JFK By Col. Fletcher Prouty Secret Team By same The New Pearl Harbor BY David Ray Griffin, any book by D.R Griffin The War on Truth By Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed Dark Alliance By Gary Webb The Shell Game By Steve Alten


Ralph Nader ,Eugene V.Debs, Howard Zinn Voices of the People

My Blog

TMWKK, The Final Chapter, ep.1 The Smoking Gun, seg.1 ...
Posted by The Propaganda Machine on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 06:39:00 PST

Mainstream 911 thinking

Conventional Wisdom In the mainstream, the conventional wisdom  is that it is a preposterous notion, that the US govt was in some way complicit in 911. This is just absurd considering the real hi...
Posted by The Propaganda Machine on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 06:23:00 PST

Mind control example

A quote from an amazingly insightful book and author David McGowan/Understanding the F word (fascism) The harsh reality is that psychology has little to do with bettering the human condition and allev...
Posted by The Propaganda Machine on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 08:22:00 PST

Open Letter to Europeans

Letter to citizens of the world ( especially Europeans) The American people need your help.I ask all of you, to do your own research into 911 and please help us.The U.S is becoming a fascist state, mo...
Posted by The Propaganda Machine on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 08:48:00 PST

Citizens Party

We the American people, if truly serious about taking back our country from the tyrants must form our own grassroots party. We must create our own apparatus for funding our party, without the corporat...
Posted by The Propaganda Machine on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 10:03:00 PST

Wealth and Power

Wealth and Power must be understood as going hand in hand. One can simply look at the distribution of wealth in a country and also will find that the distribution of political power is virtually the s...
Posted by The Propaganda Machine on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 04:19:00 PST

911 as a Psychological Operation

The physical forensics of 911 are the main topic of inquiry in most spheres. Yet the main goal of 911 was to psychologically manipulate the worlds public, preparing us for the new threat Internat...
Posted by The Propaganda Machine on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 07:16:00 PST


I mention 911 but do not go into it in too much depth because there are so many excellent web sites for information about the truth of what happened on 911. The web site I most support is of course 91...
Posted by The Propaganda Machine on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 09:26:00 PST

Inate Wisdom

The most basic of truths.These are that we as sentient beings are all from the same source. Imagine youself and all life on earth as drops of water in the ocean.We are somewhat confused by our sense o...
Posted by The Propaganda Machine on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 08:03:00 PST

American Democracy Myth

The image of America as a nation founded upon the principles of democracy is one that has been nurtured and masterfully developed by the ruling elite.While I do believe the "founders" were relatively ...
Posted by The Propaganda Machine on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 07:23:00 PST