Studying the forces manipulating the public, The Propaganda Machine.Most folks dont realize the degree of public manipulation here in the U.S. The National Intelligence apparatus hire psychologists,sociologists etc from the best schools in America to create the manipulation agenda ,spin and PR.The CIAs most secret department is its domestic operations.It was 1948 when the CIA began,Operation Mockingbird, a program to infiltrate and manipulate Americas media system. The CIA controlled members of the Wash.Post, NY Times, CBS,NBC, TIme/LIfe etc.The media in America has been infiltrated by American Intelligence since its inception.While the media in other countries has also been manipulated the big differance here is most Americans dont know and our Press is hardly free.
TMWKK, The Final Chapter, ep.1 The Smoking Gun, seg.1
Individuals who are looking to meet the coming fascist state with open eyes, awareness and a warriors heart.
The music of intelligent dissenting voices who are truly aware and have love in their hearts.We are truly brothers and sisters all of us.Black ,white, brown or yellow regardless of complexion we are as kindred as family,even total strangers.Fear and control is what drive the Ruling Elite to see the population as a whole as serfs and slaves to be manipulated and controlled,to be used and disposable.We must become aware of how negative the energy is of these people and how far Fear, will drive them to hurt others.
Zeitgeist,Ring of Power,Loose Change Final Cut,The Reflecting Pool,Motorcycle Diaries
TV the great manipulator is used to pacify YOU.It is working but we shall prevail.ARE YOU PACIFIED?
JFK By Col. Fletcher Prouty Secret Team By same The New Pearl Harbor BY David Ray Griffin, any book by D.R Griffin The War on Truth By Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed Dark Alliance By Gary Webb The Shell Game By Steve Alten
Ralph Nader ,Eugene V.Debs, Howard Zinn Voices of the People