~~Survivors Not Victims~~ profile picture

~~Survivors Not Victims~~


About Me

Ive hooked up with an org. called SplitnTWO. Im on the board for this wonderful org. I have my own webiste with them for blogging. I hope you will stop by and read its a beautiful page created by the talented Ken Maddox. My mom also has one to. So if you are experiancng PA please read the events that I lived through and my inner thoughts. Just click on the banner
Click to join PA_Thru_My_EyesMy name is Christina. Im 32 years old married and a mother of 3 beautiful children that one day will grow up to make a diffrece in this world. I was inspired to make this page by the difficulties in my life along with my mother and daughter. This is a multi cause page. I say this for many reasons as you read further you will understand. I prefer to fight for the causes to prevent sexual prediators, child abuse (there is more than physical abuse also), rape/molestation, PAS and for support for grieving parents who have lost a baby. The Father above has made my crushing life changing events into blessings so I can help others. You might say shes only 32 so here we begin... My mom left my abusive alcoholic father when I was 2-3. At which in a later event she met a man who she married that turned out not to be her knight in shinning armor. We where now victims. For 12 years I was subjected to physical and mental abuse. An adults point of view and a childs view is very diffrent. I have had both so I understand both sides of the coin. My mother is my hero due to all she dealt with your scared you live in fear threats become reality. I was not his child and he let me know it. At 15 my mom left him I chose to stay with which in abuse is a normal thing. He played games withus kids we where pawns in his game to use against my mother. For a long time I believed his lies this is called PAS Parental Allienation Syndrome. It is real and happens to more innocent children then you would like to know. There is so much more to this story but for sake of ur eyes I must finish with the rest I married my husband at the age of 16 at which time I was pregnant I gave birth early to my beautiful heavenly Angel Kayla Beth. She did not survive. Drs said it wouldnt happen again but it did My son was born 6 months later Mickey Lee. I understand this loss and still struggle with this part of my heart. Meanwhile my husband and I where young there was alot of physical and sexual abuse I felt trapped and like I had no purpose in life. It was like it was a cycle I couldnt break the same part in the play over and over... So i understand this too. Luckily its been years and with Gods help we are a true married loving couple respectful of one another but yes in true love. Remember this is all in brief detail to skim the surface. My daughter when she was 3 was sexually molested by a women family member which left us questioning the justice system. The laws with a child this small protect the abuser and not the victim. And just recently she was approached by a sexual preditator in our neighboorhood. In which i also share an experance. I have also overcome precription drug addiction which I used as a numbing mechanism.This page is a support outreach even for one child or person. Our brokenhearts can be mended never changed always tatooed with the break but in time put together again. Im here for you!!! We miss you Kayla and MickeySplitnTwo has a public talkshoe where Tawyna Maddox and I address the issues of PA. Its interesting because we both have experianced PA. Tawyna and I are looking to reach the people affected by this terrible behavior pattern. I hope you can join us on Friday nites at 9pm ET

My Interests

Click here to get the Free Survivor Song at EZ-Tracks.com

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A Fathers Rights
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Help Save Prematue Babies In memory of Kayla and Mickey In our hearts forever In Jesus's hand you go See you soon....


View my page on Dear Taylor


My mother is my hero she has overcome numerous shattering events in her life. With the help of God she has risen to be a true survivor over all she has made me believe there is hope for happiness.Also any person to overcome their abuse is my hero we stand tall and walk prod with no shame defending the ones still walking through it

My Blog

IM A Fighter and so are you

  The song on my profile is my "life song" I listen to a number of times a week, it reminds me we can overcome our past and fight back not in a harmful way but to pick up your life and make a cha...
Posted by ~~Survivors Not Victims~~ on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 02:08:00 PST

The pain is over welming

Okay heres the deal, I have another blog spot heres the url  http://www.splitntwo.com/blogs/Chrissy/ But Ive had a real demand to keep blogging here so I'll write here as well but diffrent b...
Posted by ~~Survivors Not Victims~~ on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 06:21:00 PST

The Bad Seed Pas related

The Bad Seed I've been talking to a close friend who has had an impact on my life who has given me inspiration to tell my story further and in more detail. I do this with my mother's blessing also. I ...
Posted by ~~Survivors Not Victims~~ on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 09:28:00 PST

My insight (letter) to the alienator

This is a letter for the alienator how as an adult I feel towards that person and questions that surround me on more than one occasion. I hope you read the whole letter and the see into a childs frust...
Posted by ~~Survivors Not Victims~~ on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 07:22:00 PST

The after effects of pas

The after effects that pas has on me PAS has left me a diffrent person than I dreamed to be. Ive lived in a stressful state for 32 years. I had for many years felt and sometimes still do feel as if I ...
Posted by ~~Survivors Not Victims~~ on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 05:58:00 PST

Whats Next

Whats Next Im glad people have found my blog/bulletion helpful with the events in their situation of PAS. I have had an overwelming response and many questions about a childs point of view. Keep in mi...
Posted by ~~Survivors Not Victims~~ on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 11:31:00 PST


My name is Chrissy. Im the founder of ~Survivors not Victims~. I have many chapters to my book of life as you can see on my website. But this chapter is on PAS and how it effected me. When I was 3 my ...
Posted by ~~Survivors Not Victims~~ on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 09:30:00 PST

all forms of child abuse

Child abuse facts Most of us can't imagine what would make an adult use violence against a child, and the worse the behavior is, the more unimaginable it seems. But the incidence of parents and other ...
Posted by ~~Survivors Not Victims~~ on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 07:29:00 PST

what is pas

Please read I am a child of PAS. My x step father had turned me against my mother. I believed horrifing lies about her. A parent has a hold over a child that they dont know. We trust you to tell us th...
Posted by ~~Survivors Not Victims~~ on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 06:08:00 PST

Why do I have to suffer

What did I do I Dont understand I looked after you when you where scared At one time you thought I was the only one who cared I miss your laugh I miss your smile I even miss your annoying ways Today I...
Posted by ~~Survivors Not Victims~~ on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 03:49:00 PST