The general neglect of male issues and the structural oppression of men (such as male depression, the fact men commit suicide approximately 4 times more often than women, constitute over 90% of the prison population, a majority of alcoholics, drug addicts, homeless people, have lower levels of university attendance and life expectancy etc.
Women's role in and responsibility for family or domestic violence.
Family courts' discrimination against men.
The correlation between single parent families (ie: single mother families) and an increased crime rate and prevalence of drug abuse in children.
The false claims of domestic violence or child sexual abuse put forth by some women during divorce proceedings. Ethical appraisals relating to the fairness of child support procedures for non-resident parents.
The influence that financial/legal benefits and child support has on womens' decisions to leave relationships.
Men's rights groups advocate:
Equal parental rights, Shared parenting and, in English law, shared residency be regarded as norms generally.
Imposition of effective penalties for denial of child access.
Advocate 30% reservation for men in child custody cases. ( India )
Main activities include:
Providing support for men facing proceedings in the family court
Providing information and advice on child support
Challenging many feminist-dominated aspects of the mainstream media
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Find Out Why Marriage Has Become a Raw Deal For Men
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