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Ok as a ruler or a leader of this planet. I would like to see to it that every one knows that I would like to make sure that every one on this planet has access to fresh clean water! If they don't have it get it to them we all need it to live... waiters and waitresses there used to be a time when it was complementary when ya sat down for a meal. whats up? It has been a long time since I have even been offerd a glass with my meal.. Rules for the phone.How ALL business phones SHOULD be answered! GOOD MORNING, WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Press "1" for English. Press "2" to disconnect until you learn to speak English And remember only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. One died for your soul, the other for your freedom. If you agree......keep it going !!!! picture this u just tuned in just to find out this message is allready a foot !!! hahahaha too many people have all ready been here for it not to be a foot hahahaha!!! I havent goofed I was not the person who allowed man kind to slave each other over children born out of wed lock.. children are a gift not a wepon to slave man kind. look I am trying to do gods work! I am telling you to free man kind!! mosses had to almost put man kind and the pharoh through hell to free gods people. Dam it free us. please gentlemen dont let Hillery do this to our country or world. It will only give the females a reason to have more children out of wedlock for the money and slave more men!! As a ruler of the world I would say if we do any thing like this it should be for all the females born for insurance against haveing children out of wedlock in order to make sure man is not slaved and freedom is restored. And now from the house mate the word of the day is "legs" spred the word kiddys!! Hey im not under arrest am I? cause if I am I want a lawyer. right like they will give me one that will do any thing for me sept say bye! thats right its uranus! now jam it in your hole where the sun dont shine. think about this its not ok for man kind to think that woman should be considerd as equals and that 1 parent could be considerd gaurdian and raise a child by them selves, born out of wed lock. but its ok for our goverment to send our married and unmarried men to war just to die and make these women and men raise a child by them selves any way . hummm they can do it one way but not the other. how ironic. now you dident lose uranus in that hole did you?
a for real honest judge since as far as i can see, as long as man is slaved by wo-man that he never married for child support.. there are none!!!.. I dont know . what do you expect me to do? Say the devil made me do it? I am not going to say that because the judge is the one who is slaving me.. Tie the not! hahahah lol I said not hahahah!!!!! gee like to meet... any girl that would like to .... and then go away with out slaveing me! By god it would be so easy a cave woman could do it!! Is'ent it just sick we are all born sinners and helpless. and dig this we all breath air and eat what a thought!!! I dont care what you say I am not going to be a good slave... so what you gonna do slave me even harder cuff me put me in jail. beat me whip me... I would like to meet Some one who thinks they are going to get me to remove this from the internet. And because this is what the judges kept telling me "it dosent matter". So what would it matter if they could swing judges for slaveing man? This is for any 1 who dissagres with me it will make you a real swinger. And belive me this page is enough bait for you to run and swing your self with. So whats the matter not enough rope for you let me know I will be glad to help...
any that can keep me in suspence
Take the quiz:
What dragon species are you? (Stunning pics)
Shadow Dragon
Dark, evil, you are the evil breed of dragon. You lurk within the shadows of the night and attack with surprise. You prefer to stay alone, solitude is your best friend within your deep, dark cave or den.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
You Are 52% Evil
You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.
Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination.
How Evil Are You?
adult swim OK ants have a queen. Brittan or England has a queen. females had it planed for us my sister told me at the age of 3 they were going to slave me. we came here to get away from the king now they are trying to get control back for the queen. using there body's to enslave man kind while the holy war was started to warn us. hale the queen? queen passes then we hale the king again?
You Are 14% Vain
You don't have a vain bone in your body - almost as a matter of principal.
You demand to be judged on who you are, not what you look like.
How Vain Are You?
same as movies hey snow white high! now you know why i can be so grummpy at times!!!
Cool Stuff at
I know I am 1 of them.. But the one that signed my name and put it in front of the judge admiting any guilt for me was not me..... There are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.
How many have your name?
I am 42% White Trash.
.. The white trash in my blood will not keep me from becoming a doctor or a lawyer, but it will keep me from a good haircut and any sort of fashion sense. Take the
White Trash Test
@ FualiDotCom
united states army, the marines,the navy, the air force,uscg, and the f.o.p.and all the troops that never made it back home... I am still looking for a better picture for this thought but for now since america gave saddam hussein back to them and that we did not kill him they did. Belive me they made him a real swinger and for that that I am still proud to be a american. OK 1 more time god gave man and woman free will. regaurd less of what the bible says how are you supposed to tell a woman she doesn't have the right to make children out of wedlock and raise them out of wed lock? It is her god given right by birth to have children married or not!!! look storm you not old enough to remember how it was OK .. There use to be a time when we had slaves. They wern't aloud to do any thing. So was the same with woman no voting no smoking no reading and most of all no taking white man to court.Let alone taking men to court peroid it was just unheard of . Till the war to free the slave. Right up till the heart of the good won the black man was freed. But for the woman this was not enough they wanted there freedom to. So our flag maker devised a plan for woman to keep there slaves and still call it equal rights. They hid it in with there equal rights that they would be able to take man to court and slave him over children. Married or not!!! And now my new found friend I must tell you this they are making sport of this hunting us down and finding the rich and single just to slave us. It really is a scary thought hu pandora's box is open ... look now and look close a black man for president or a woman. Think quick females are slaving us and we went to bat for the black race to free them so choose make it right. God help us all. you do in life make sure you ask of both of these people which one of them is going to free man kind!?