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Bright Wolf

I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

This webpage was 36 Years in the making!
So, maybe you should check out MySpace. Or, would you rather spend 20 years in some remote Goooolog.
Just a quick note: MySpace is not meant for serious writing. However, after great efforts, I've finally made this profile "Reader-Friendly". --- Here's a quick update: I've recently sent a large portion of my Homepage quotes to my Top 3 BLOGS. So, you can check them out, there. You know, I don't really think I'm cool or anything, but....this stuff is Right-On-The-Money..
First, let me say a few quick words about my personality: I'm a mixture of many paradoxic ideas. I'm somewhat of a clown. Yet, I've pondered the meaning of life since I was 10 years old. ---Also, should I admit? I have many strange habits. ---and I'm often a night owl. ---Mostly, I'm a Long distance walker. -- Another thing about my personality: ----I'm 'mysterious'. I really keep all my secrets from everyone!!! ------ Another thing about me: I'm the most mild-mannered person in the world. (honestly). for example: A new girlfriend always telephones me at 3 AM. And I awaken... But, I never get angry. ---Another example: a driver in a parking lot once accidentally "blocked" my car for 20 minutes. But, since it wasn't intentional, I didn't become angry with her.
You know, I try to live a normal life. But horrible political circumstances have forced me to become "The reluctant activist". And I do mean that sincerely. So, I'm required to list quotations, (awkward as they may seem) which could someday help our society. Please understand, I was born into an age when the MEDIA is omnipresent, inescapable, and their power is absolute. But, after decades, people have yet to notice its severity. And needless to say, the problem will continue to worsten, if ignored. You know, while growing up, I watched countless talk-shows and what-have-you. No child should've ever been forced to endure such torment on a grande scale. But the dilemma never subsided. And Our Society never took action. So, as a result, the Media control has worsened. HOW ON EARTH can things possibly get better, unless something is done? You know,after decades of abuse from the media: I've given forgiveness a million times. Nay, a billion-plex more. But each waking hour sees new insults. ---And during the course of my lifetime, I've endured A Hundred Billion 'Slurs', till no end. --You know, I would've ended my campaign of activism,if the problem had ever subsided. .....But not a single day passes by, when there's a new urgency. .........And so, I will continue my quest, until this onslaught has ended. ---------------------------- It's sometimes necessary to read each piece separately. In order to make things less confusing!(so, here' a few things to think about.....)
"Social Engineers Have Ruined Our Society."
"America is a Country of Too Many Laws"
If The Media repeats itself 10,000 times, it's called "BRAINWASHING.
(also, Here's a brief quote for Barbara Walters & friends:) -------"NUKE THE VIEW"
When 'The Activists' propose ideas which seem perfectly reasonable, there's usually a Darker Motive behind it all.
If someone truly wants to make a 'big difference' in everyone's life, THAT SHOULD really worry us.
Next Quote: "There is NO freedom in America".
Our Government has been growing like WILD FIRE. (haven't you noticed)
The MEDIA which governs least, governs best. ... Just remember: our journalist have enough power to shape our entire legal system.
Chapter 11
There's ALWAYS somebody telling you how to think.
Don't let HOLLYWOOD raise your children.
Live And Be Free! Kill Your Damn T.V.
"What's News Today, Becomes Law Tomorrow".----------- INDEED: the media has direct influence over our laws, as well as our courtrooms. So, if an eye-catching headline appears on television TODAY, it then inspires a politician to introduce legal doctrine, soon thereafter. So, Please realize the implications. This entire process repeats itself countless times.
"What's this world coming to? Even JESUS declined my Friendship on MySPace".
okay,not to change the subject, but, Here's an interesting statement regarding the immigration issue: ---
"There is NO diversity in "their" countries" -----(...go there, and you'll see exactly what I mean) [In fact, they HATE other peoples. Really. They do. They might even sometimes kill an outsider.] okay, enough of that.
CHAPTER 17 --- "The best way to manipulate someone is when they don't even realize they've been manipulated".
"A better way to manipulate someone is when they're convinced it is by their own free will"
ALSO "No matter how many people come together and jointly say something, it's still just an opinion." .....Also, their remarks carry no more validity than a singular voice. Or even those who remain silent".
LISTEN TO THIS...... "Most People Claim they have control over their own lives. And they could never become subjegated by any form of "MIND CONTROL". BUT, they sit down every night and become completely absorbed into their television".
"Free speech should be a two-way street".
"When others speak loudly, I reserve the right 'NOT TO LISTEN'." Basically, we're not given the option to disregard the speeches which are forced upon us. ------- -- The Repressive activists want to control your lives. But, If you try to avoid their authority, they'll only try harder to 'reach you'. And they do so, by using BRUTE-force and aggression. ------ Which should assert more defiance on your part. Here's the overall MESSAGE:----Stand Up to the Activists! Too many people Back down, which literally rewards them for being so aggressive.
CHAPTER 23 ------- Tell Me Honestly, Ladies: If you could "turn-off" your Husbands brain for a few hours each night, ...What Would You Do With Him? --------------Here's The Answer----- You'd do more with him! ......(by the way, this quotation could have several meanings. But the sexxxy innuendo should be primarily emphasized). Basically, if she could erase his memory of the 'experience', there'd be no reason to conceal her desires for him. Plus; outside the bedroom, she already turns him into a doormat whenever discussions arise, as well.
Next Quote: ----Did You ever notice how News-Reporters ALWAYS speak with an "informative" tone of voice? Regardless of the Situation? You should also notice: Most news reporters simultaneously discuss the same exact topics. And they always do so, at the exact same moment in time. (It's really similar to an oppressive government).
Chapter 25
---regarding School Mandates, such as 'Black History Month': have you ever wondered what would happen if you refused to comply? You're child would probably get KICKED OUT of school. OR arrested. -----[disclaimer: I wish total wealth and happiness to all persons of color]
"Hippies taught free-love. Then they began making laws which sends everyone to jail for doing it".
Chapter 30
"Way back in 1951, There was No such thing as 'a career'" ----(I can't take credit for this quote. This Honor goes to my grandfather.)
Issues Are Secondary, Dogma is Primary.
"Know The Facts, before committing to an idea".
"you SHOULDN'T need to use 'visual effects' and art-work to get your point across". ------
If You Tolerate the AUTHORITY of today's 'Extremist Groups', Then YOU'RE actually WORSE than they are!
"It's Entirely Possible to Verbally abuse someone, without actually saying anything noticeably wrong."
......---Let me explain....The most deliberately HARMFUL literature on our bookshelves also happens to be cleverly inconspicuous, as well.
In Legal terms: [What is Law, and 'what is Right', are two entirely separate things]. -------- they are NOT both one & The Same.
CHAPTER 40--- ...anyway, most above quotations are original. But I'd like to recite a great saying which was originally stated by a great Lady. In her exact words:..... *********************
----"We Women; with our Books, and our Magazines, and our Talk-Shows.... are committing the Ultimate injustice against men." [thanks maam, I couldn't have said it better myself] .... *************************************** the way,I'm Sure Our fragile CHILDREN would agree !!
"Most Humanitarian Causes are actually more SELF-SERVING than anything else". ----
If Given the Choice, I'd rather live a Normal life, and remain quiet. (But, then again, that's exactly what the oppressors want me to do.)
Opposition to slavery was an idea begun by Holy members of the Clergy.
there's a diffence between [allowing] the occasional vulgarity, to actually [praising] it.
"The big, bad world doesn't owe you a thing: GET OVER IT" -----(that was a great song, but nobody got the message.)
Let's STOP the Kangaroo Court System. (In the 21st Century, in the U.S.A., you are currently Guilty until Proven Innocent. It really sucks.
"All extremists eventually persecute their own people"-----
Okay,,,consider that remark ***--------- So, keep this in mind, whenever you're kissing Up To the Activists (or Journalist, whatever). You're never safe. So, I ask: Can anyone really trust those aggressive Hippies? (I listed several additional examples on My Blog)
Chapter 50
Every Republican voter shares the same viewpoint: ---"Basically, IF There's someone better to vote for, I gladly WOULD.". Hey, there ain't no loyalty here. If we can find something who's more appealing, that would be cool. Republican voters tend to be more open-minded. Whereas, Democrats think blindly: For example: they all endorsed specific candidates during the FIRST WEEK of debate. --- ALSO, why the FuKK should WE listen, just because some Hollywood director, or talk-show host endorses a politician? ---- ********************Are they suggesting that [we] should listen JUST BECAUSE [they're] famous ??
You Shouldn't always agree with certain people, just because They're Famous.
"There's a difference between Mere Opinion, and Concrete Observation". (I comment upon anything which is tangibly observed)***** In other words: When I claim The Media is Biased against men... It's certainly NOT just my imagination !
"I'm not Narrow Minded. I just happened to be Right most of the time." (am I funny?)
I'm only looking to bring some goodness onto this world. That's all I want. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm very different from the "Leftists". They only seek GLORY and Fame. But My Activists are different: ----------------"We don't want recognition, We just want justice").--------- Yea, I'm not seeking Fame or stardom. Maybe the Hippies should get this message.
CHAPTER 55 ---
"60 Women's Talk-Shows + 700 Monthly Magazines + another 20,000 Books = A Totalitarian State !"
"Welcome to America: Now, Speak English"
"If You Can't Read This Message: Then Get The FUKK Out Of This Country !"
If I could forget everything which I've ever learned from Television.... I GLADLY WOULD.
there's an old expression which contradicts conventional wisdom.
------"Never Argue with a Woman". TRADITIONALLY SPEAKING, It's considered impolite.***Generally, most men are unwilling to argue with women. This explains why the media has been unchallenged for so long. Men are TRADITIONALLY reluctant to confront her, no matter how deserving.
CHAPTER 61-----"Aggressive People Cannot Ever Be trusted"
"White-Collar Professions held by "Idealists" Tend to be the LEAST Multi-ethnic".
"Artificially induced Lesbianism is an Act of Warfare" (this should be listed under the 'hate crimes' bill).

"I'd rather Live in a Perfect world, Than to 'Heroically' Save it".
"Good Intentions DON'T necessarily Produce Positive results".
"Reasonable Laws Eventually Lead to more Ruthless Ones" -----(indeed, they'll always test you with something small, before they hit you with the big one)
here's a quote for the idealists: ----"In order to Justify the rules which you make... YOU must first be willing to follow them." ----------- Please set an example for others, stringently & so faithfully, without hypocrisy. (okay, this sounds alittle like another saying ---"practice what you preach" but here's the difference: ideas are spoken, whereas the introduction of mandatory LAWS are more severe.)
"Even if [your] idealistic vision is greater than the existing one, it's important to [think twice] before changing the system". ------------ (hey, usually whenever there's a government (etc.) which needs reform; its replacement is usually FAR more corrupt.)
"It's pretty darn obvious to me, my girlfriend likes to stay in full-control". (!!!!!)
Chapter 70
"The Activists are America's Largest Hate Group" ---maybe, you should just turn on the television for 5 minutes, and their presence will quickly be felt.)
"Mankind, Woman Unkind" (okay, that's alittle crudely put).
"It is certainly NOT disrespectful to show a woman the Upmost kindness and dignity". (that quote seems rather obvious.) It's silly, but true. Dare treat a woman with respect and gentility: and you're called 'a pig' for doing so.) THE MEDIA provokes this type of senseless dogma. ----- EVERYTHING develops into a BIG, INFLATED, POLITICAL issue. yup, it all comes straight from the mainstream media. As always....
I'm sorry if this next quote seems rather crude!
------"The Lord Doesn't want You To Kiss His A_s". ----Jesus wants you to be happy. Give thanks to Him, but don't become overly obsessed.
Republicans Usually DON'T Tamper with existing Laws, Even those which they disagree with. (And That's The way things should be). whereas, in contrast: Democrats Manufacture Laws, Invent Laws, then re-create Laws.
CHAPTER 75---Okay, okay, this quote might be extremely controversial: ...... "Democracy is Flawed". *** I'm sorry, but that quotation is currently true. People tend to blindly vote within their own ethnicity. Whereas, this is never a factor for me. So, Democracy only works if people vote responsibly. ------------ Here's another quote to consider: "Your brain has a tendency to gather information. But sadly, other people are MORE THAN HAPPY to supply that information to you".
"After the 'Million Man March', There should've been One Million Journalists FIRED for instigating the event." [disclaimer: the above remark criticizes the manner in which our Journalists abuse their power. It was Not designed as a racial degradation.]
Contrary to conventional 'Left-winged' wisdom: When they're giving recognition for Specific groups such as Latinos, this IS NOT an exercize of diversity.
***** AND, on similar terms: ---'Black History Month' IS obviously NOT multi-ethnic. --------(disclaimer: if every person-of-color became millionaires, I'd be very happy for them) Honestly !!!
........How's Your Love Life? "Hey ladies: "Ain't nothin' like the REAL thing, baby". Please remember that !! ****HEY...When a man-and-woman become together as one: her needs should always be taken care of, first. AND He's perfectly willing to perform that task! So, why then is she too stubborn to enjoy the ride? Why? Please answer that question ! Why fight those feelings. Don't be stubborn... Just, Let it ride....
Although the subject of 'intimacy' was too reserved in the past, it is blantaintly IMMORAL to direct humor toward the subject. In other words: Comedians should NOT make fun of 'sex'. (but sadly, they always do)
CHAPTER 80----- "Everything comes full-circle". ---Even when positive changes are needed, the original message eventually gets lost. .......the next quotation will demonstrate precisely what I mean: --------------------------- "actually, Liberals are Ultra-conservative". -----Does that quote sound crazy? Please Consider this: Most 'moderate conservatives' are afraid to fully commit themselves toward the 'right'. The reason is because we're turned-off by the strict codes set forth by Ultra-conservatives. But amazingly, the 'Leftists' are worse. it's really weird. *****"Liberalism consists of the worst elements from both corners." This includes the harshest strictness, and judgement of morality. .....Thus, I will repeat the quotation once again: **********************"Actually, Liberals are Ultra-conservative"
, our capacity for learning is nearly infinite, but only IF we're learning the correct information.---In other words, we learn quickly, but it could be the wrong information. Nowadays, People tend to [mimic] the behavioral patterns which are dictated by the media. My advise is simple: it's okay to learn, but always remain alert. Students must beware of domineering teachers who impose their corrupt ideas upon you.
here's another quote which also pertains to human thinking, **** "If you put garbage into the computer, then you'll get garbage out of the computer". (Hey, you're only worth the information which you're taught. But, ask yourself: what if someone teaches us false information? IN SHORT: ---People tend to soak up the information, without questioning its validity.
CHAPTER 85 ---
Gradual acts of hatred surmounts over time. So, if "Those FEMME Thugs" continue tormenting ME, one can only imagine the huge difference which will be noticed during the course of a decade.
Professionals SHOULD NOT speak freely, and still be-able-to earn a living this way. -----(as far as I'm concerned: these lecturers should pay a rental fee for advertising themselves. ....Do ya catch my drift?)
"Have you ever wondered WHO DECIDES which aspiring celebrities become famous, and who doesn't? ---Apparently, their decisions are mostly influenced by similar beliefs? --- And, strange as it may seem: I believe many famous people achieved their goal just because they frequently insult men.
The Battle of the sexes is a One-Horse Race"
Here's my attitude toward the corrupt activists who call themselves 'Liberal': -----"It's Not a concept, ....It's a Fukking Religion !". ------Plus, they've stolen the word "Liberal" from honest Leftists. ----Okay, on a similar note: There are countless outspoken Celebrities. *******Ironically, most people WOULDN'T TOLERATE this aggressive behavior from most average people. But Hollywood Stars are apparently the exception, right?. (disclaimer: this criticism doesn't apply to all democrats).
Now, a few words regarding Todays 'Talk-show' Hosts: I wonder how a select group of individuals get their own nationwide programs in the first place. ......Who's in charge of hiring, anyway?
CHAPTER 91 ---"Slavery was an Institution Practiced by Most Cultures".
Here's a few words of advice for today's police force: Your job is to uphold the law. Normally, that's a good thing, unless our lawmakers are corrupt.
******"Bullies Shouldn't Reproduce". --------
Ask yourself a simple question: Who benefits most from mass immigration. The wealthy do, of course.
A man once spoke to me about his vision of Utopia, Heaven, & 'racial equality'. --------He dreamed of the day when his people were freed from oppression.----- ***My response was interesting: ----------------------[Hey Dude, In MY perfect society, THE ISSUES WOULDN'T EVEN EXIST.]
Here's a few common ideas which I've always believed in:------------------from Murphey's Law: ----"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." Now, I can certainly expand on that. But sorry, there's no time.
Plus, another great saying: "POWER BREEDS CORRUPTION". Oh, Doctor. I believe in that phrase 100%. Even people with good intentions can become corrupt. (such as environmentalists, Green Peace, Newspaper editors, or Religious Preachers).
Now, here's a lesser known quote from Murphey's law, yet also very true: ---***"Don't Mess With Mrs. Murphey". (hmmm, that's an OLD QUOTATION. Hmmm, very interesting. Perhaps, I should repeat that TRADITIONAL quotation, "Don't Mess with Mrs. Murphey.)
*********** Chapter 98
--- "Even The most "Average Jane", believes, that she can be choosy with men." ----------****[for example: a simple, dumpy woman usually seeks the Man with an Athletic build, who's 5'10" or taller, $100,000 salary, well-to-do, with brown hair & blue eyes, no blemishes, and total perfection!] far as I'm concerned, this attitude is immoral. ****It's also ironic how "the hippies" tolerate such physically judgemental behavior.-
CHAPTER 99 --- (I originally excluded this next remark. [However, it's really too important to ignore.] -....sorry, I've redirected this quote to another website.
"Does anyone remember The Hippies, who always rebelled against everything? NOW IT'S TIME to rebel against THEM !---------------------
(Interestingly, the act of "rebellion" is a manipulative idea. It automatically suggests that the speaker is correct. And his opposition is guilty)
CHAPTER 101------- "Linda Really likes her Job !" Yea? What Job ?
[NOBODY can tell YOU how to think, without YOUR permission].
Here is my viewpoint on LOVE: I would Gladly Marry any woman; regardless of her height, background, hair color, or whether she was Large or Small. Honestly, It wouldn't really matter to me. Nope, Not at all. (So, obviously, I couldn't possibly be a Liberal.) Yea, those people are very judgemental of ones physical appearance.
CHAPTER 104 "Most Laws are generally made with the indirect purpose of screwing men" ---------------------------------- okay, besides the obvious examples: let's examine the laws which infringe upon Free-expression. Hmmm, actually: I SHOULD BE HAPPY with this idea, since it might spare me from her neverending verbal assault. Afterall, we've been surrounded by 'female-orientated' literature throughout the work-force (as well as: public facilities, government buildings, etc.) *****But instead, I'm the one who ends up getting screwed by these new laws. Perhaps, they'll arrest me for daring to make a trivial remark. And while the police are escorting me away, I'll pass a thousand 'Womanly Billboards' along the way. (Hmmm, You get the message). *****Just remember, *****most laws are designed with the intentions of targeting against men. --------
--IT'S Pretty Goddamn Scary, when our Politicians answer to the direct authority of 'Activists'.
And it's even scarier when the media fails to expose the fukkin' problem."------ But worst of all, the Media always supports these extremists. This goes against Journalistic principles.
@@@@@@@-Most importantly: Our most respected News-Anchors nd-servants to the Activists.--------That's Fukkin' Scary !!!
It's hard to believe people still don't understand the following message: "Extremists tend to have extremist ideas" (...and they act upon it, as well) YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.
For those who take 'The Hippies' seriously whenever they speak of oppression. Just remember one simple fact: It's part of their religion to associate EVERYTHING with oppression".
CHAPTER 110---- "Activism is a Mixture of Contradicting Messages". -------- (First, they impose Cruelty upon you. And they also declare themselves to be oppressed.--- THey'll cut you up, like a knife. But they'll also support 'Justice for all'.--- They literally 'Rape The life Out of You', yet also get a Neo-positive message across. --- They dominate me, and then, claim the opposite is true.--- They degrade me, only to insist that otherwise is the case. --- Most of all, it's usually hidden behind a shadow of lesser issues. --- You must admit,the News Media often speaks of her basic 'dignity' as though the whole-damn issue is valid. But at the same time, other News programs literally 'Bite-My-Head-Off'. It just doesn't add-up.------------------------------------- So, as you can see, ---"ACTIVISM is Always a mixture of non-stop conflicting ideas", ------Ultimately: THEY'RE always speaking, while others listen silently. --- ***I've come to call this technique "BOUNCING AROUND".
Did you ever notice how Femi*azi groups basically use THE EXACT SAME ARGUMENT for virtually all discussions?
*****(she claims: nobody ever listens,blah, blah, blah.
,,,We are the oppressed,
blah blah blah.
,,,People should atleast try listening to our ideas,blah blah blah.
,,,My views aren't taken seriously just because I'm a woman,blah blah blah.
,,,Social attitudes are against us, blah blah blah.
,,,Stereotypes must change, blah blah blah,
I'm so angry, blah blah blah, ,,,Noone ever listens.
.....AND Therefore, Circumstances leave me with no choice but to inflict harm upon you. blah blah blah.
.....So, As punishment...I'm entitled to mistreat men. blah blah, blah.
(So, Ultimately she's the abuser.) Notice how she's always able to "turn the tables" against him. It's very clever, huh?.---------------Here's the reason for this logic ????? She's chosen the METHOD which simply works most effectively. And they'll keep repeatedly using it, regardless of the situation. ---please realize: It figures to HER OWN BEST INTEREST to establish these [unbeatable] notions. ***in other words: it's her proven FORMULA for success.
Alot of people think that 'she's' the victim of oppression. But, Anybody who believes this idea, has obviously NEVER lived in the Real World. (And You've probably been reading too much literature, as well). So, here's the overall message:
---"Never become overly influence by The Media ...Because you just might lose all total sense-of-REALITY".------ Think about it. Where do most myths originate? Why do most people accept these ideas? IT'S NOT IN TOUCH WITH REALITY.
-----------One more important point: we need to stop classifying people according to group A or group B. The media teaches us to do this silly labeling. Sorry, but NOONE fukkin' speaks for me.
CHAPTER 114 --"When it comes to arrogance, power, and lack of ACCOUNTABILITY, journalists are probably the only people on the planet who make THE WORSE lawyers look good". -Steven Brill. -----------------------"The Media WANTS to control your life" so, why let them? ---Please make every attempt stop their effort? Let them know that it won't be tolerated. Boycott your local newspaper.
CHAPTER 117-----"It doesn't matter whether you're wrong or right. All that really counts is ones ability to state your case effectively".-----
"Freedom of Speech should not apply to academics". ------ There are a lot of school teachers and Professors who abuse their powers under disguise of free speech. And surely, they shouldn't be allowed to dictate their viewpoint as a curriculum.
what are my views on parenting?:----- "Equal Parental Custody Should Be Protected by Federal Law". -------.
"If a Child accidentally catches his(or her) parents 'In The Act', the event shall produce no negative impact on them whatsoever" (...this saying was designed for couples who are overly fearful, to the point of downright paranoia regarding the subject.) Does this sound dumb? Silly? Insignifigant? Hey, this piece of information could create a perfect marriage.
CHAPTER 121-----
here's alittle satiracal humor:--- "I used to think Most ladies were bad-news. But now, I've come to realize they're even worse than I thought !" ------------Gosh,...Have you ever read some of those women's profiles in various dating-agencies? I can describe them in 3 words: "They're WICKED, mean, & Nasty".
If I pushed my viewpoint upon you, it would be considered tyranny. Yet when your favorite Hollywood star dictates their views onto us, they're considered daring and heroic
CHAPTER 124-------
---"The Femi*Nozi's Think They Own You"
-----I'm not trying to insult various ethnic groups. Actually, I devised that saying because IT'S TRUE. !!!!! ---UPDATE: 3/15/2008: I stand behind this quote 100%, ...considering the fact that I've ALREADY faced a dozen insults today, by the media. ---- And it's not even 10:30 A.M, yet! --- *************************************** [disclaimer: the above remark is not derogatory toward the general female populous].
here's one more controversial quotation:----"Whoever Dies The Biggest Victim "Wins". .... Yup, that's right ! And it explains why people always steer into this direction. You see, the Victim is really the Victor.
If someone always lurks behind you, He's called a 'stalker'. -----But if you put a [camera] in his hand, it's called 'freedom of the press'.
CHAPTER 127------This next quote sums every aspect of our lives:
----"There is No Graver form of Inequality than "Special Interest". ------------Indeed, Many will seek consequential privilege through A shielded disguise of Justice and reasoning."--- So, Just remember: I am opposed to Special Interest OF ANY KIND. (Or even to the most trivial degree). THAT QUOTE IS VERY IMPORTANT.
Here's something to think about: People should learn to practice tolerance toward anyone with mental illness.
"Boredom is the Root to All Evil"---- Many politicians today are lured to make senseless laws, just because they've got nothing better to do with their time. ....Not enough office space, too much spare time on your hands, and nothing to do. This is a recipe for disaster.----- SO, maybe, we should keep our politicians TOO busy to make senseless laws.
Chapter 130
"It is Unfair for a 'man-of-color' to give preference toward ladies outside his ethnicity. ". ------------------ Please don't be angered by that remark. (And, of course, it works both ways). Basically: I'm NOT offended by such mixed relationships, SUPPOSING they occur by mere chance. ------BUT, when a man-of-color shuns dozens of ladies within his race, just to meet an 'outsider'.... That's NOT okay. (and of course, vice-versa) -----Next Quote:
Chapter 131--- "'Equal Custody' is a very important issue. But, in the long term, 'Equal Parental Opportunity' will have far greater significance"........ *********----------------- Indeed, the above quotation shall produce far reaching implications for the next millennium.
CHAPTER 132 --- "Challenge The Matriarch". -------- This is my least favorite quotation. I don't wanna admit it ....BUT, we MUST place some degree of blame upon our MOTHERS. For it was they who patronized those Talk-shows, and who purchased those magazines, and it was they who continued Looking the other way, as things began to spiral out-of-control. And after decades, when every television program was indirectly biased against men, OUR MOTHERS still failed to notice. So, once again i say: "Challenge The Matriarch".
Chapter 133-----In case you haven't noticed, there are 'special interest' groups who want to control your every move....Your Every Thought, your rvery breath.
.....But incase you're not yet aware: Perhaps, I should spell it our for you:------- "These Activists WILL force themselves into EVERY FACET of your Lives." ---There's Nothing They won't do !! ---And there's no limit to their path of destruction !! ---They'll take matters as far as YOU'LL let them. ----HEY: If you give them 60 talk-shows, They'll want 60 more. ----IF you give them 700 magazines, this WON'T prevent them from infiltrating & Tarnishing our already Most-trusted Literature.--- Now, to give an idea of just how bad the situation is: Please consider this:-----Nearly EVERY book in our libraries has been steadily REPLACED by those Femme "special interest" groups. (Apparently, I'm the only one who noticed).-I've read numerous books during the course of my lifetime. And Somehow, each & every piece of literature was tarnished by the Activists !!!
***** In one brief sentence: --"The Activists Put their GRUBBY hands into EVERYTHING".
Chapter 134
"Hippies bring New meaning to the term 'Narrow-Minded'" ---------- (disclaimer: not all hippies are guilty of this).-------But for the most part.... (indeed, they're very 'goal orientated'. And when they're fixed upon an idea, failure is not an option). For example: if they wanted to plant computer chips into the brains of our children, the hippies WILL NOT STOP until their goal has been carried out. They also made laws which limit our free-speech, While THEY continued to "plaster the walls" with their propaganda? haven't you learned by now? Hippies are always seeking ways to influence our lives. Who elected these 'hippies' to speak for us, anyway?) -----Please WAKE UP, people-- They literally control everything......Whether they impose laws, values, social standards, doctrine, literature, or what-have-you. Their Omni-Presence is being felt. (there's alot more in my BLOG (bright wolf-homepage 2).
************************* CHAPTER 135----
"If you wanna save the world, you must first begin with your neighbor !" --------indeed, the Hippies can't even show kindness toward anyone. How can they possibly bring peace to everyone?
In my hometown, there are 20 obnoxious ladies, who are also divorced. And each one says (Verbatim): "I was in an Abusive Relationship". Interestingly though, they senselessly irritate & torment others. You might say, Their very nature is ABUSIVE. So, why the big song & dance? .....Simply because it works to her advantage. She wins legal favoritism by claiming 'the man' was solely to blame. (Adolf Hitler used the same techniques against Jewish foes.
Chapter 139
Regarding many people who've named themselves "Liberals". They've stolen a title which has already existed for centuries. But they should NOT be given this namesake...'Because They're viewpoint is actually NOT "Liberal" -------(but this powerful word furthers their own popularity. I will admit, the word 'Liberal' by itself isn't bad at all. Maybe, That's what entices us to belong to their thinking. --- But the people who bear this namesake are anything but Liberal. - Surprisingly The so-called Leftists often judge morality. And they also act forceful & restrictive. ---Basically, Their views aren't really Liberal. ****The so-called Liberals of today actually possess the worse elements of Strict Conservatism, as well as a reckless & Chaotic side.-------(disclaimer: not all Democrats are corrupted)
CHAPTER 140----- Please support an 'Equal Rights in Media' Law. This would prohibit any bias remarks from being made against guys in particular. Here are the implications:
----1st) We're NOT just talking about 'harsh' insults. All bias-articles would be targeted. Our media cannot simply talk to a female audience.
----2nd) Media bias should be recognized as discrimination on a professional level, as well.
----3rd) this would especially bear meaning for our children's sake.
----4) we must prevent such media abuse from backlashing onto society, in general. Let's face it: Most ladies learn crude behavior from watching it on T.V.
----and 5) this amendment must be taken to every extreme. therefore, For each & every case where they negatively depict a male criminal, they must also degrade her identity to the same scale. Ironically, this practice has already come to use on a racial scale. (Did you realize, the media manipulates racial truths)
---- 6) there shall be absolutely no literature which is emotionally supportive to her.
7) Each & every social praise for her, must be met with an exact equivalent for myself. THUS, For example: the expression "Hi Mom" shall be replaced with "Hi Mom & Dad". and
----8) any dogma pertaining to her Rights, must me met with an equal length of time spent promoting Male encouragement. ...(does that sound stupid? Well, consider: the REAL reason for teaching 'Women's Issues' is to boost the morale of our female students. Really! Nothing more, nothing less. Therefore, we should list dozens of 'Men's Activists' in our classrooms, in order to balance the difference. Or, better yet, let's remove her Glory altogether.
9) All forms of special interest must end, nomatter how trivial. So, is an 'E.R.I.M.A.' Amendment really so far fetched?

My Interests

I collect classic animation. Especially the Great Loony Toons. I love glorious 1930's animation, such as MGM Happy Harmonies, and Disney's Silly Symphonies. ****** I'm always a long-distance walker. ******I also have a huge, huge collection of VIDEO GAME systems. (They're not even accessible. ...just stored away in a vault). I'm not sure whether I should be proud or ashamed of that accomplishment. -----I've got plenty of hobbies. Billiards, Tennis anyone? Air-Hockey (along with fights), but most of all: WiffleBall RULES !

cool myspace layouts

I'd like to meet:

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wouldn't you know, I ran out of MySpace: Here's acouple final sayings (If you Don't Mind?):
Chapter 141
"People always get the answers which they're searching for" ['Research' & 'In-depth' Studies always produce the exact results which meets their expectations.
Chapter 142--- If I choose a differing viewpoint....then, I SHOULDN'T BE REQUIRED TO at least "Partially" agree with you----(have you ever watched a RARE T.V. program which focuses on Men's Rights? Usually, about 40% of THAT specific program is devoted toward women instead)
Some people accuse me of being overly PARANOID. But, perhaps I should remind you of an old quotation: "Just because You're Paranoid, it doesn't mean she's not out to getcha." -------("She" refers to the "extremist groups", not the average lady.)
Chapter 144--- Most folks proudly insist that they're Not judgemental of others. That's really great. but there's one small problem. You will often try to "embarrass" someone. maybe, by finding out little secrets about them, or some other silly reason. And that's worse than Judging someone.----- Could I please expand on that remark... We are living in the 21st Century. Yet, when a 40 year-old single woman meets an available single male for "liaisons", they must do so in total secrecy. Not for reasons of Moral Judgement. But instead, because of sheer embarrassment.
Okay,, you might think I'm just RAMBLING ON.... But please consider this: ----'FEMS' will commonly recite a simple phrase; and then, she will write an entire book based upon that singular narrow idea. For example: "a woman shouldn't be worried about the color of her eyes". Suddenly, This simple phrase now becomes a 300 page epic trilogy. It's very redundant. But more importantly: IT'S UNFAIR. Hey, I sure wish you'd write some books which might help HIS esteem.
If you consider yourself capable of writing BETTER QUOTES than me, then by all means, please DO !!! (then maybe, I'd have more free time to enjoy life...)
Oh, I've always wanted to ask this question to Women.... (Supposedly, you've already read several dozen 'Romance Novels')...THEREFORE...: IF you always fantasize having a partner, THEN WHY don't you just get a partner ??? ----------(The Game of Love SHOULD NOT be a competitive sport...)
Chapter 148----"If given a choice, the average lady would PREFER to exist in a world of complex circumstances" .....In other words, she WANTS to live upon a dogmatic society surrounded by "issues", rather than exact similarity. ......
It's funny, but: the above quotation is the most importance sentence you've ever heard. Yet, nobody has bothered to think about it.
Chapter 150--- There's something very sad which I've always noticed: Most people allow the media to control their entire way of thinking.
Chapter 151---- IF Illegal Aliens were given an option, THEY would choose to replace you.
--------- Perhaps, this is the most important statement you'll ever hear: (Okay,try to follow):
-----Each lady receives [total favoritism], which CLEARLY revolves around HER;---- SO, WHY THEN, does she promote themes which suggest otherwise?
----- And, Considering how these privileges primarily derive from the Mass-Media; -----WHY THEN does that same Media promote fairness & "equality"?
-----And, most importantly:----- WHY DOES THE WHOLE IDEA SEEM SO APPEALING TO HER? -----Let's face it: Most Ladies adore the theme of 'fairness'. BUT WHY? Considering that you're the center of everything; WHY 'The Hell' WOULD YOU wanna hear about 'equal treatment' (and all that Jazz)? Hmmmmm.....It's VERY strange..... Perhaps, it would require a thousand books to answer that question. ----BUT, just remember the whole "Psychological" aspect. Yup, it's got everything to do with human nature. In SIMPLER TERMS: She wants to establish Verbal Control. Plus, there's also an allure of Righteousness & Superiority. ----Hey, we're looking at a very tricky subject. BUT, hopefully you'll realize a basic truth: ----She's always trying to obtain the "Upper Hand" (over men). Sorry, but I don't have enough MySpace to explain further details. the way, MySpace is not meant for serious writing. Sorry if everything seems disorganized.
Sometimes, the occasional violence is necessary in order to prevent a Mass-genocide.
chapter 154---- Partial agreement should not require full-agreement. Okay, here's the problem. Many people support simple ideas which are historically Left-Winged. (helping the environment, or, giving leniency for convicts, etc.) BUT just because you happened to believe in some ideals, you shouldn't subscribe to every corrupt idea which in now imposed by extremists. Their only goal is to wage destruction and social-rape against men. And sadly, Left-winged Americans feel obligated to comply, just because you belong to the same political affiliation.
I once believed it was terrible to say anything negative about a lady..... until I started dating them. Then, I quickly changed my mind. .....Ha ha....... Is that funny?
Chapter 156--- If you keep talking about "Abuse", Then I'm gonna slap you silly ! (disclaimer: actual rare cases of domestic violence are not a laughing matter.)
chapter 157---- "Recognizing the World as 'imperfect' does not serve as a valid excuse for trying to control it."------- (on a personal note: I believe there are many things wrong with this world. But....
next quote: "Just because a woman seeks certain qualities in a man, that DOES NOT mean she possesses those qualities (herself)."
CHAPTER 159------ We should NOT protect the rights of those who wish to repress us. ----- It's ironic how the Media gives Free-speech to the very same Activists, whose only goal is to deny those freedoms to others.
Chapter 160---- "Hippies will control your lives, with or without your permission".
Chapter 161---- Replace Hatefulness with Diplomacy.
Bias Journalism is a Violation of My Civil Liberties. (and it's also an example of unprofessional ethics, as well.)
Anyway, regarding MYBLOGS. Many of them are on "shared space". From top to bottom, they are:
1)"Enlightened...and into a world of darkness", (Brightwolf's Myspace homepage extras), (BrightWolf's homepage quotes-part two),
2)"Where Do You Stand", 3)"Illegal Aliens Really Bite", (Brightwolf's homepage quotes--volume C),
4)"The Rolling Stones, Elvis, & Beatles R.O.C.K. on MySpace", 5)"Somewhere between a Rock & a hard Place",
6)"S.C.R.E.W. The Police", 7)"N.A.S.T.Y." (Every Man MUST read this Blog), 8)"MTV, It used to be Real Music, all the time", 9)****"If I could (Then it Really Wouldn't Matter), 10)****"This should be the REAL 1st Amendment", 11)***"Ladies, Damn You", 12)"America in Peril: The End is Near", 13)"10,000 Wars", 14)(Being a Man) I CANNOT simply wish for things to get better), 15)"The Huge gap between Rich and Poor: here's the solution", 16)"Myths about 'Homo' Issues" (This is the most extensive Blog regarding homosexuality you'll ever find. Although, I'm not sure whether I should've included the 'Race issue'. Oh, I remember why... because there's truth to that claim.)
.....and at the bottom is 17)"Slavery Etc."
______________________________________ I'd Like To Meet: ---------------------------------------People, Songbirds, household pets, SQUIRRELS,,,, Anyone or anything....I appreciate life. -----I've always loved those older women! since I was a child, I was HOT FOR TEACHER. And I still feel that way, today.
Here's an interesting fact about me: I've Never posted a bulletin, and I never will either. Hey, I really DON'T wanna be pushy. In fact, I'm quite-the "shy-boy", with a great sense of humor. I'm not your typical snotty activist. I only seek humane treatment. That's all. --------------------------------------- If You Met me Right now, it would really surprise you. you wouldn't think I was capable of saying anything Political. But, hey, I really don't have a choice.
------What else can i say about myself...I'm a Vegetarian. I love Farm Animals. I don't eat them ! -----Anyone with strange habits would certainly fit in, too.
I also want to meet, Extra-terrestrials, Sasquatch, Yeti, Illegal aliens, brown-nosers, and anybody else I can think of. -----------But I probably couldn't handle anyone who's "thick headed". Oh, goodness, I can't take that personality type.... No Politicians Either.
If you think it's okay to give 100,000,000,001 Insults against Males, Please do not apply. --I'm not too happy if you ignore the problem either. -- I especially get angry when you claim the opposite is true.
On Judgment Day: Those who drove too slow in the fast lane will promptly BURN IN HELL ! So, slow drivers are unwelcome, Unless you stay in the CORRECT lane !
There's something very IDIOTIC when she tries forcing me to acknowledge that "she's a victim". BUT it's EVEN STUPIDER when the woman twists my arm, until I'm willing to agree. (This leads to an interesting question: if she's always abusing me, THEN what sense does it make to promote balance & respect?) WHY DO YOU KEEP STEERING INTO THIS DIRECTION.
Sadly, Democracy does not prevent us from following strict dictations. Voting only decides which moron will push you around.
Please Don't talk against the 'Femmes'. Rather instead.....LET"S NOT TALK ABOUT THEM, AT ALL !!!!!! And, please don't take them seriously, either.
Newly Imposed Laws are really nothing more than The SAME OLD bullshit. ....Each time our government creates laws which target against men, How can you actually believe their intentions are valid ?
One's Reality SHOULD NOT be measured upon their severity. Hey, most people accept 'Extremism' as a bonafied reality, just because they're presence is felt, everywhere. We should NOT reward them for their 'severity'.
anyway, all quotes herein are original (I know, big deal). The 3 or 4 quotes which were "borrowed" were modified for easier reading.
**************** About Me: I'm the sweetest, most Mild-mannered guy you'd ever wanna meet. But admittedly, I'm also somewhat of a "reluctant activist" too. ---I never deliberately intend to offend. As for me: I Really Hate discussing Politics. I'm the most Non-invasive, Non-opinionated, Un-political, Care-free, & Loving person in the entire world. But Ultimately, I have no choice but to address today's problems. --------@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(Because Apparently, Noone else will)
Dire circumstances have forced me to become involved! I'd rather enjoy the simpler things in life. (XBOX 360, PS3, Wii, Sonic The Hedgehog, Super Mario).
Hopefully, it's now understood: I ain't looking to impose myself upon anyone. I'm just a Clown, and I never take life too seriously... *********
Here's one final word for anyone who thinks I'm a moron: You under-estimate the problems which exist nowadays. If you don't take action today, there will be no future for your great-great grandchildren. REALLY. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ P.S. thanx for the Kisses. XXOXO


The Beach Boys. The Guess Who. Classic Rock. Don't laugh, but I LOVE Christmas Carols (all year long). I'm also a big fan of Doo-wop, WCBS FM, Q 104.3 CLASSIC ROCK

myspace layouts


Weekend at Bernies,--- Home Alone.--- Abbott & Costello Meet The Mummy, ---Wizard of Oz. ---Major League II, ---Hot Cheerleaders on Campus.


Television ROTTS ! But I do like my football and baseball games. My favorite TV program of all-time (should I say it) Gilligan's Island.when I used to watch, my other programs were Magnum PI, Simon & Simon, Lucy, Beaver, and What's Happening.

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I do often browse through facts and statistics regarding outer space & science. I also read Atlas and Road Maps. I almost forgot.. 2 great books: *****"100 People who are Totally Screwing Up America".******* my favorite book is: *******"The Professors: The 101 MOST DANGEROUS Academics in America".******YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK !! -----Indeed, there is very little "intellectual diversity" nowadays.

myspace glitter


ABRAHAM LINCOLN, George Washington, World War II veterans, Gumby, Bugs Bunny, MYSELF (oh brother), *** Yosemite Sam is cool. ----Rush Limbaugh (By the way, I admire his courage. This does not necessarily mean I always agree with him !!!).

An All-time hero is Sir Issac Newton. Not only for his achievements, but also, because he never had time for a girlfriend. Thus proving that a man Can refrain from Partnership, Yet still be perfectly happy in life. ,,,I find this to be quite inspirational (as a man). ********
I really admire Clarence Thomas. He would make a fine President. **** I'm a fan of several thousand sports stars. Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron. YES, I'm still a big fan of BARRY BONDS, Roger Clemens & all the stars today. ****** Sonic The hedgehog. *****I've always admired Ronald Reagan. (he was A renegade-cowboy. A real-life Western Hero, riding on horse-back. ******** -----I admire Britney Spears and her heroic Kid Sister. -----I give two thumbs-up for Cathy Lee Gifford. -----Most of all: We Love You, Brian Wilson... Surfs Up ! ----I mainly love the paladins of old: people such as -------Alexander Hamilton and Dolly Madison. ****** I especially love anyone who doesn't consider themselves to be a hero. myspace layouts

My Blog

The Rolling Stones, Elvis, & Beatles R.O.C.K. on Myspace.

Okay, this Blog will have a few unexpected twists, which will stray completely from the original content.  HERE WE GO.....  I joined MySpace with the SOLE purpose of Meeting other fans of Th...
Posted by Bright Wolf on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 09:06:00 PST

Enlightened: ...and into a World of Darkness.

This will be my final blog before heading into 'early retirement', since I already have so many.  But, I'm gonna make THIS a really good one.-----The purpose of this Blog is to establish myself p...
Posted by Bright Wolf on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 11:35:00 PST

6 Blogs: ---S.C.R.E.W. The Police, ---N.A.S.T.Y., ---America in Peril, and MORE.

 **************************************S.C.R.E.W. The Police************************************** The purpose of this blog is to condemn those who carry-out laws imposed by corrupt "Activists" ...
Posted by Bright Wolf on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 10:55:00 PST

{Being a Man} I CANNOT simply wish for things to get better

I am a Man. And I also become involved. And quite honestly, I'd rather just look the other way. But mostly, I win the award when it comes to making everyone feel uncomfortable.  And all because I...
Posted by Bright Wolf on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 03:37:00 PST

Illegal Aliens Really Bite

Illegal Aliens really Bite (and, those who hire them are tyrants). ********If you're too busy to read everything, then please scroll down to the quickie section.***************On a simple note: it's j...
Posted by Bright Wolf on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 11:08:00 PST

Where Do You Stand (plus additional homepage quotes)

  WHERE DO YOU STAND------------   I've devised a saying: "Know The Facts, Before Committing to an Idea".   And, the purpose of this Blog is to clerify misconceptions.  ...
Posted by Bright Wolf on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 09:22:00 PST

10,000 Wars

Sadly, there have been over 10,000 wars since the beginning of recorded history.  Okay, this proposes 3 basic questions: 1-why shouldn't we build a military in order to prepare for these emergenc...
Posted by Bright Wolf on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 10:39:00 PST

The Huge gap between Rich and Poor: heres the solution.

Okay, so, there's a huge gap between the rich classes and the poor.  SO, we need a solution to that problem.  However, it must be rational and most importantly non-invasive.   ...
Posted by Bright Wolf on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 03:03:00 PST

Its too easy to report users, nowadays

Has this censorship thing gone too far?   Okay, I remember years ago, when trouble-makers ruled the internet.  But nowadays, it's become too easy to report someone.  And not surprisingl...
Posted by Bright Wolf on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 05:00:00 PST

Don’t Let Hollywood Raise Your Children

 You are the parent.  You should decide how to raise your child.  Don't let someone else make this decision for you.   But, if you allow it, then Hollywood would be glad to be your...
Posted by Bright Wolf on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 09:28:00 PST