I am a father of two beautiful, little boys. My youngest son lives with me, however my oldest boy has been stolen from me. The Minnesota family court system has decided that I am an unfit parent and do not deserve to share parenting with him. There is no evidence of abuse, I have never been convicted of a crime ever, nor has a reason ever been given as to why I am unfit. The MN family court system has taken it upon themselves to take my son away from me. Why, you ask. For money. You see, it is quite simple; the MN family court system has decided it is much more lucrative to deal in extortion. The less I see my son, the more money the get to collect in child support, thus the more funding they receive from the federal government. They have decided that it is in "the best interest of the child" to only see his father 23% of his life. In doing so, they can ensure they receive over $12000 per year from me.But really, this has nothing to do with money. At least not for me. There is not a sum in the world I would not pay to see my son. What this is really about is the children. Children need BOTH parents. Each parent is needed in a child's life as each parent provides something different to a child's development. Here are some startling statistics:Children from fatherless homes account for:
63% of youth suicides
(US Dept. of Health & Human Services, Bureau of the Census)90% of all homeless and runaway children70% of juveniles in state-operated institutions
(U.S. Dept. of Justice, Special Report, Sept 1988)85% of all children that exhibit behavioral disorders (Center for Disease Control)71% of all high school dropouts
(National Principals Association)Shared parenting is in the BEST interest of EVERY child!I encourage you to go to www.f4j.us and read more about our fight. Please, make a difference today and donate. Help us fight this injustice. Our children need us.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
The people who came up with th current child custody/support laws. They need to be educated that the system the came up with horribly wrong and our children are suffering.
Parents; they are the true superheros in every child's life.