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Purple Power

Purple Power is about prevention of abuse through education and freedom of information

About Me

Purple Power is an incentive to bring as much integrity, honesty, dignity and self-respect into the Internet social scene, especially when a real person meeting becomes the issue. There are many people on the Internet now that are leading dual lives and well this is very easy behind the safety of a keyboard. There are many people on the Internet who have found it necessary to put restraining orders on people and are out looking for people. We have a right to know about these peoples past before getting involved and seeing the real stories, just hearing there side is not enough. Lets face it if someone has found it necessary to go to court many times for something like this they have to have some fault themselves and we need to make judgment for ourselves before we take the risk. On another case what about the people who have had severely violent past relationships and marriages, they are free to down play there side and convince us of how it was not there fault and well they where pushed to far etc…. With having some access to both sides of all these stories there would be truth in why this person is looking for people by the use of the Internet, and could very well save you from being taken in by someone who has a very violent past and prevent you from being another victim of there abuse. Lets face it; if they already have pointed out issues of abuse they are downplaying what their true involvement is for there own reasons. We all do this it is not anything new, how many of us have gotten into an accident or speeding ticket and found a way to make it look like less of our own fault than it was when we tell the story. This whole “Second Life” in which people find so easy to become with the use of the keyboard is getting very out of hand and naive people are getting hurt. Between the people living second lives of sexual deviation to just downplaying the real truth to a point of making themselves look like something they are not at all. In short Purple Power is a very upstart incentive to create a real system for individuals who find in necessary to meet others via the internet to have an easy access to finding the truth of the person they are planning meeting before the actual meeting takes place. On another note there are the lifestyles in which people hide along the way, this is also going to be part of the incentive and purple power is going to try and educate how to find this out about people also. Lets all face the facts there are people that are naïve and lack confidence to meet people in real world social situations and for bonds in this way, for there own reason and lack of self-esteem they are meeting on the internet and are being victimized, most of the time they do not know they are becoming victims until it is way to late and the losses are high and there self-esteems are busted down even farther. It is time that those of us with the confidence, strength and willingness to help these people that exist today, and create a real system to help the huge wave of people in the next generation who will be jaded to real life social lives and loosing more and more of the real self-esteem of meeting people in real life, and finding the need to use the internet. In the end Purple Power is looking to prevent ALL FORMS OF ABUSE that can be brought on to all people via lack of full truthfulness of people using the internet socially.
Layout Created at KillerKiwi.net

My Interests

www.familywatchdog.us www.myspacescum.com/index.aspx www.fbi.gov/hq/cid/cac/states.htm www.geocities.com/capitolhill/7836/predator.html www.kidsneedprotection.com www.vinelink.com/index.jsp

I'd like to meet:

Anyone of any race, sexual preference, gender or age who would like to help spread the word of this incentive. Above all anyone who is willing to share their own stories that will support the need for this incentive or help educate others of the dangers of internet meetings.The internet can be a dangerous place if you do not know what to look out for. MySpace: Make It Safe helps educate people of the frauds common on MySpace, lurking sex offenders and guides members toward making wise decisions to protect themselves and others from harm.

Members: MySpace: Make It Safe encourages members to post about new frauds, and lurking sex offenders going around on MySpace. If possible for the member, posting a guide informing users how to detour from it is highly recommended.

Moderators: Moderators have the same responsibilities as their members and will verify bulletin posts that they support and encourage their members to post as soon as they possibly can.

Since no one apparently listens to Tom's announcements someone had to find a way to get people to listen and help. (j.k. Tom!) ;)

What They Help With: They are continuously evolving to the changing methods used that take advantage, or cause harm to MySpace users however these are just some of the things they already help with.

- Finding and Exposing Sex Offenders
- Frauds
- General Safety Tips
- Tips for Parents

Spread The Word: Repost this bulletin by clicking the "Reply To Poster" button and copy and paste ALL of the code into a new bulletin.

View more frauds and get tips on how to protect yourself and your friends on MySpace at " Make It Safe "!




Pleas take a look at these pages and give them your supportwww.mypainfulsmiles.com www.Lavenderpower.org


Get Live Help Now

The National Sexual Assault Online Hotline, which is a secure web-based crisis hotline, provides live, secure and completely confidential help to victims through an interface as intuitive as instant messaging.
The Online Hotline is available from 4 pm to 6 pm EST, Monday through Friday. More days and times will open within the next few weeks and months.




Anyone who is willing to stand up to protect others without concern of the sacrifice or persocution of themselves.

My Blog

Purple Power encouragement and praise

I think and believe that everyone should read this and take it with all seriousness. I will not go into detail, but abuse in life is not the way to go. So to all my friends please be careful. -------...
Posted by Purple Power on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 04:48:00 PST