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Everythings Grey

Nosce Te Ipsum *Know Thyself*

About Me

***Eye am the all-seeing I*** Can't keep my mind from the circling sky. Tounge-tied & twisted just an Earth-bound misfit eye! 10110010100111011001001011000101100101010011010100111
*** I say keep prying open your third eye until your mind is completely open! *** *** ***2012?*** *** *** ..

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Create yours at BlingyBlob.com!
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Poodwaddle.com *** *** *** * Everything is Grey. There is no right or wrong. There is no black or white. There are only shades of grey.It is all an illusion.Noone knows anything for sure. 1011010001011001100010101110101 Dec. 21, 2012 is just another step up. Just another change.Death is not the end. Death is just another change. Do not fear change because it will happen anyways.*** THERE IS NO "IS" *** *** *** .. .. *** Fuck DJ Krust This is Saul Williams * .. *** CELLARDOOR *** .. *** As human beings we hold many perceptions about ourselves, others and the world around us. While it appears these view-points are founded on evidence and experience, all perceptions are actually reflecting the climate and contents of our own psyche. As Jungian scholar Paul Levy shares: "The Universe is a Divine Inkblot. We are the source of meaning of this inkblot. The Universe is very malleable, and the way that we interpret this Universe has a creative potency on how this Universe manifests." In recognition that all perspectives are relative to the orientation of the viewer, White Mirror allows all points of view their validity. Even in the face of seeming oppositions or contradicting beliefs, Mirror understands all opinions to be subjectively true, knowing within this holographic universe there are no fixed absolutes. In essence, it is this endless diversity of reflections which composes the mysterious Order of the whole; the many facets of the One. White Mirror invites us delve into the source of reflection and polish the mirror of our mind that we may see from the deepest clarity we are capable of.*** 001101011101110111110010110010000100110101010001110100110010 011100101000100110000101110100100101000110100010010101011100 011101 *** The clarity that you have attained thus far on your journey has served to bring you to this moment. Here, at this crossroads in time and space that you regard as "today," the consciousness of humanity stands poised, an in-breath of life, awaiting the inevitable out-breath to follow. And just as the rhythm of the breath is anticipated and experienced in harmony with the rest of your life functions as a fact of your physical existence, so too is the rhythm of your awareness -- the ebb and flow of the tides of your emerging consciousness-- in harmony with the in-breath and the out-breath of Creation.The moments of clarity intensify, and then wane, over and over again. One experiences a spark of crystalline awareness and, in that exquisite moment, is convinced that clarity is there to stay. Yet, as one reaches to hold onto it, the illumination slips elusively past. And one is left to wonder whether one has actually awakened or is still wandering the back roads of the dream.In all likelihood, as the process of transformation intensifies, one is experiencing both states of being simultaneously. The process of awakening is not one in which a definitive threshold is crossed and one is then elightened, transformed, or ascended. There is much backsliding to be expected on this journey. And it is not unlikely to find yourself quite suddenly back at the beginning--in your own mind's eye. That is very much the nature of the experience.When you cease looking for the sense of connectedness and cease seeking answers outside of your own inner Source, the interim periods of separation, when your gravest doubts resurface, become fewer and father between. Ultimately, you embody that knowingness.For, you are in Oneness--in essence. And you have been so ALL along. When you make the transition from believing to knowing that basic truth, you are on your way to stabalizing the process of embodying that truth, such that you are fully aware of your interconnectedness with All Life at all times.Know that the truth you seek is within you. The answers are there before you before the question has been fully formulated. You have manifested everything needed to have everything your heart desires right now. And there is nothing standing between you and the realization of your deepest longing to reunite in Oneness with All Creation. For, you are already there. Everything that is to happen has already happened. It Is--and continues to Be--eternally.When your perception of the illusion of time/space you know as REALITY, is in harmony, energetically, with the momentum of the eternal NOW, you experience what IS. When the energies wane, you experience the illusion, once more, of the elusive state of enlightenment just out of reach. Like the rhythms of the tides, this state of awareness washes up on the shores of your consciousness, nudging you into recognition of the knowingness harbored deep within. This knowingness does not wane with the rhythms of the transformation process, but is there within the depths of your being, eternally.~Oneness - The Teachings *** *** *** The Important thing is This. To be ready at Any Moment to Sacrifice what You Are for what You Could Become. ~Charles Dubois~ ***3***3***3 matter doesnt matter * it is matter 3***3***3*** *** When I was 3 years old I went to a lake with my daycare. I didnt know how to swim so I tried to see how deep I could go by touching the bottom with the tips of my toes and my face looking straight up with the surface of the water around my face. Then this guy thought it would be funny to float over my face with his float. I then drowned for a few mins. I saw everything get blurry in the water then all turned black. Then a light appeared. Then a tunnel formed around it. Then the tunnel gave way and all I saw was this huge glowing amber ball of light. When I tried to look around all I saw was light beams and what looked like heat waves coming off of this ball of light surrounded by nothing but pitch blackness. I then realized that I was one of the beams of light or heat waves or whatever it was and all the other waves were other people. As soon as I realized that I found myself drifting from the sky looking over my body laying accross someones lap. Then I drifted closer and closer faster and faster into the top of my head and woke up caughing. This is all I remember. *** ***I can't deny that sometimes my third eye cries. *** ***
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
*** My opinion on religion... Each religion has its own important lesson in it. I take what I believe is true from every religion and then I draw my own conclusion.*** My opinion on GOD... I think that there are beings greater than us but not one great being. I do think that the end and the beginning of everything in all existence meets in one place. A giant brilliant ball of energy. Pure LOVE. This is the source of everything. The very thing that makes us possible. Everything is one. There is a God and it is everything including us. There is no great being that judges us. We are born free. We will die free. It is all in the mind. You choose this life to be heaven or hell. Be the God of your own life. We are eternal and all this pain is an illusion.*** My opinion on the afterlife... There is an afterlife but there is no heaven or hell. You become all you know instead of a single person. You merge with the universe. Then you know all and feel all. You become everything. Then you will shrink to nothing and become something living again somewhere else. Maybe even in another dimension. This will happen again and again off into infinity. There is no end. There is no death. The universe has always been here and that is hard for you to comprehend because of your ego. Most humans are ignorant right now but all of that will change. I hope for the best because it is all a 50 50 chance situation on the date Dec. 21, 2012. Well this is what I believe.seek truth love and light E3*** *** *** 10100110011110101001010110101001 *** *** *** In all reality there are only two ways to view life. One is threw the eyes of love and the other is threw the eyes of fear. You must also realize that some humans fear love and love fear. This is how lost we all have become. Confusion. Everyone must be cross eyed. Thank you Jesus. I mean Satan. I mean Bush. Whatever. You know what I mean. Same guy. ***"God" has infinate wisdom and knowledge. So much so that no brain can contain all that "God" knows. So therefor "God" has no brain. Think about it cause he cant. lolInorder to think you must have a brain. right? Where is "Gods" brain?"God" made us in his image. right? Does "God" have an ass? Does he shit? If so, where does his poo go? and why is "God" a he? Does he have balls too? Does he know what it feels like to be kicked in the balls? If he did know what it felt like I dont think he would wish it on anyone else."God" is all powerful. right? Can he become less of himself? If so then he wouldnt be "God" anymore. right? If he has an end then he must have a beginning. right? Who created him?They think he created us and only he is the Alpha and the Omega. Why couldnt all of existence be the Alpha and the Omega? Why does existence have to be created by someone? "GOD" has always been here? Why couldnt the cosmos always been here? Not everything is created conciously. Some things just happen by chance.I dont know. Whatever

My Interests

EVERYTHING IS GREY! All is one. We all are one. Everything is one. We are everything. Full spectrum. All the good, all the bad and all the shades of Grey in between. ONE *** *** ***PLEASE WAKE UP PEOPLE !*** *** ***The past is the past and all that matters and all that really "is" is now. The future is never certain. Follow noone. Believe only what makes sence to you. No religion tells the whole truth. Make the truth your own and live your own way but never conform to someone elses beliefs. Groups of people only rise to say they are better than other groups which only causes war. We are all one. None is better nor more right than the next person. We are all equal. We are a rare phenominon. We have the ability to make choices and decide what our lives should be. Not some judgmental "God" We are God. We are God's thoughts, memories and feelings. If God judges us then he is only judging himself. All in all is all we all are.maybe? ***110011010100101010101111010100100100100000110111101010010 010101101011101100110101010110101010101101010101010111100010 101001010 ***I am Divine Harmony and my frequency is that of Divine Harmony. Honestly, Im never sure of anything sence all is objective but I would never think that "we" are the only ones out here in this vast infinite cosmos. There are infinite types of living energies living in infinite types of dimensions. Maybe?*** I am a Visionkeeper....................... *MEDITATION*We come together in group intent, raising our attention above the head, allowing spirit - in the form of light - to flow through the body and through this worldwide group working together. We direct this light from the intuitive center between the eyebrows, toward and permeating our planet as it hangs in space -- giving rise to a translucent, shimmering globe, transforming from white to silver to radiant gold. We hold this vision for 2 minutes, then envisioning the energies of compassion pouring through this group and out into the human, animal, vegetable and mineral realms upon the planet. We hold this vision for 3 minutes, then sounding aloudOOOOOMMMMMM OOOOOMMMMMM OOOOOMMMMMM * * * *** *** *** * * * I think that all realities are math equations that can never be solved. Pi. and I fear if we figure out the answer then the problem will be solved and we will be nomore. We would cancel our selves out. So we must never know. Fractals: in your finger prints, DNA, the Milky Way Galaxy, waves, natural patterns, speach, music, thoughts, feelings, memories, Pi and the glue holding it all together (the thing thats between all the fractals) is electricity, energy, light, gravity, magnetism, love. The love in our memories, feelings, thoughts, music, speach, natural patterns, and so on and it keeps fractaling out just like waves, the Milky Way Galaxy, DNA, your finger prints and the words youre reading right now. maybe*** *** *** THE TRUTH! The truth just can't be told. The truth about everything. Every subject. Even if reality is just an opinion and the only fact is that there are no facts. We can still find common ground that we can all walk on. The Truth.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with an open mind.


OM ... Nature, Saul Williams, Tool, NIN, a Perfect Circle, Pink Floyd, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Incubus, MUSE, Amon Tobin, Aphex Twin, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Beck, Cult of LUna, Peach, Children Of The Anachronistic Dynasty, Chevelle, Stone Temple Pilots, Smashing Pumpkins, Jimi Hendrix, Primus, Ween, Sigur Ros, Rage Against the Machine, Sublime, Bob Marley, Bob Dylan, Living Colour, Helmet, the Black Crows, Blind Melon, Jethro Tull, Henry Rollins band, Radiohead, Rights Reserved, Kerbloki, Silverchair, Melkiah, the Humans, the 3ffect, Dr.umbrella, the Doors, Gorillaz, Killa Priest, Blackalicious, Unsound, Bright eyes, Modest Mouse, Dave Mathews Band, Deftones, Grateful Dead, Chemical Brothers, Crystal Method, the Dust Brothers, Prodigy, Boards of Canada, Overseer, Dieselboy, Paul Oakenfold, AK-1200, Squarepusher, Green Jelly, Foo Fighters, Green Day, Videodrone, Temple of the Dog, Mad Season, and so much more. ***
*** *** ***


Pi The Crow, K-Pax, 2001: A Space Odyssey, the Animatrix and all the Matrix movies, Young Einstien, Powder, the Yellow Submarine, Fantastic Planet, and so much more.


TV is the modern Jesus preaching us about our modern God called money! Kill your Jesus because God is the root of all evil!!! ***


I love every book ever written!!! *** I wrote this... I understand that some people need something simple (like the concept of a judgmental God type figure that makes all the rules and punishes those who oppose him) to grasp on to inorder to understand reality. I know its comforting to just leave all the hard stuff such as life and death to a higher being. Its easier to believe that there is always someone else to blame the unexplained things on. Its nice to think everyone you love is waiting for you on the other side and all the world will be saved by the hand of some great higher power. Its good to think that there will always be someone there for you but my friend I know all of this isnt the case. There is no great judgmental God but there is a source. The great cause to this effect we call existence. The source of everything is energy. Another word for energy is love. Love is more powerful than your so called God. Without POWER and ENERGY your God would be powerless. We are apart of everything in the cosmos. Right now we are the most powerful beings we know of. We are the eyes and minds of the universe. We are aware of awareness because we are the universe trying to understand its self. We are the ones who judge eachother and our selves. We are the gods of our own lifes. We must take resposability for our own actions and our own mistakes before it is too late. Realize what you were meant to be. You are God and you dont even know it.


*the Eschaton* My folks and my Bro., Sabrina Borst, John Bowman Jr., GrandMa, Stephen Alexander Bowden, , Clipper, Tobie, and the rest of my family, ALL of my friends, Carl Sagan, Robert Anton Wilson, SCOTT.E LAKRUZH, Eloha and the Elohim, Siddhartha Gautama, Osho, Saul Williams, Tool, Alex Grey, Terence McKenna, Timothy Leary, Bill Hicks, Maynard James Kennan, Nostradamus, Chris Cunningham, Dr. Seuss, Jim Morrison, Paul Davies, All the Buddhas, All great philosophers, George Harrison, John Lennon, George Carlin, Collin Green, Kurt Cobain, Layne Staley, Bob Marley, Richard Pryor, Bruce Lee, Brandon Lee, Brandon Boyd, Roger Waters and David Gilmour, Trent Reznor, Link, Voltron!, M.C. Escher, HR GIGER, Vincent Price, Edward Gorey, Tim Burton, Todd McFarlane, Star People, the Most High and the All-Seeing Eye. Everything!*** *** *** Eye think that maybe the "Eschaton" is the center of EVERYTHING yet it is the only thing that you can truely classify as "nothing"*** 010111010010110000110 *** SPIRITUALITY vs. RELIGIONSpirituality says that God is within us, and that we do not need anyone else to make this particular divine connection for us.Religion says that we are separated from God, and that we need to communicate with and worship this ascended entity in order to make the divine connection.Spirituality says that we are free to make choices on our own, and that we must accept personal responsibility for our actions.Religion says that we must make their choices and act their way, depending upon a given religious denomination's belief systems.The theme of spirituality is fellowship through the employment of unconditional love.The theme of religion is fellowship through fear and guilt.Spirituality does not require us to make donations.Religion has become a big business.Spirituality says there is no Hell, no judgment, no angry God, and that we are loved unconditionally.Religion says there is a Hell, God gets angry and judges us. Therefore, we are not loved unconditionally.Spirituality says we are free to choose our own path to God.Religion commands us to do it their way, depending upon a particular religious denomination's beliefs.Spirituality says we go to God to lighten our burden.Religion has taught us to fear their God, depending upon a particular religious demonination's beliefs.Spirituality says we should not be ashamed of our sexuality. Rather, it should be a sacred celebration of love.Religion has taught us to feel ashamed, guilty and dirty about our sexualty.Spirituality teaches us to honor and respect Mother Earth.Religion has told us to "Be thou fruitful, multiply and subdue the Earth." I repeat, "... subdue the Earth."Spirituality reminds us that we are one with God and one with each other.Religion teaches disunity and separation which is the opposite of God.Spirituality says God is within everyone and everything.Religion says God and His messengers reside in Heaven and that "they" are the only intermediaries for us.Spirituality says we are born in innocence and purity.Religion says we are born with sin.Spirituality teaches that we are on a long spiritual adventure and journey which will ultimately end by reuniting with our Source.Religion says we have got one life to get it all right, and there is nothing but Heaven or Hell after that.Spirituality says we are free to express.Religion, over time, fostered the dreaded inquisition.Spirituality teaches unconditional love for all.Religion, over time, fostered the Crusades in which many were killed and slaughtered in the name of God.Spirituality teaches that we should love one another unconditionally and always honor the rights and choices of others.Religion treated Native Americans, the Mayans and other indigenous cultures as savage primitives who "must be saved."Spirituality teaches peace and harmony.Religion has caused more wars and more killing than any other reason.Spirituality says respect all living things.I have never once heard any religion say stop slaughtering millions of trees every year for Christ's birthday.Spirituality teaches us to have faith in ourselves.Religion teaches us to have faith in them.Spirituality says we have all the answers, that we can find them by "going within."Religion teaches us that it has all the answers and only its answers are the right ones.Spirituality teaches us to search for the Universal Truths, wherefrom our hearts will tell us when we have found them.Religion teaches we have no choice but to accept their version of the Truth. Which one feels better to you? Spirituality or religion? Go to the depths of your heart for the answer for, indeed, it will never lie to you, my friend...