Ignorance Isn't Bliss profile picture

Ignorance Isn't Bliss

the profile code went haywire; main section vanished; it was dated anyways; busy on new video; vast

About Me


My Films Released To Date:

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4376374944190475658 (works for now)
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7225893063540828678 (taken down)
Get it in high quality with bitorrent (Now fully seeded!):
http://conspiracycentral.net:6969/stats.html?info_hash=94240 682b079efd27abda108f698db58dfe5dc1e
(Be sure entire link is pasted if you need to paste it!)

DARPA iXo A.I. Control Grid

Direct Link
Resource / Discussion page

NOTE: New version "DARPA iXo UPGRADED" is near release! No time to list details.

Here's the resource page direct link for if Myspace's MSPLINKS system blocks my link:
http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&f riendID=8195655&blogID=245404367&Mytoken=6D1ECD95-BB D6-4872-A37E30A2338426E03844355

Review by Bryan Finoki, of Subtopia.com:
"20 cyber-bugged minutes virtually adrift inside the surreal cytoplasmic warfare-obsessed cerebral distortions of DARPA’s techno-militaristic planning regime. If the war machine could dream this would surely be it. Seriously, this is some freaky-ass shit.

Needless to say, it plays like some narco-induced Rumsfeldian mash-up of war-play gameification, complete global surveillance mechanization, programmed battlespaces and landscape lobotomization, all timed to the frenetic and pummeling gait of a sci-fi drum ‘n bass soundtrack that is absolutely perfect in a swarming entomomechanophilic army kind of way."

Link to the Subtopia Review (apparently MSPLINKS blocks Subtopia too): http://subtopia.blogspot.com/2007/06/darpa-trip.html

My Words:
This was constructed almost entirely using government / military quotes, animations, videos, images and photos. The narrative is sourced from government quotes from start to finish. It is the “official version”, if you will, but in an unprecedented format.
It unveils the governments numerous and ongoing programs related to A.I., “NBIC”, the “Global Information Grid”, nanotechnology, biotechnology, autonomous drones, “naval sea-bases”, space weapons, weather modification… or more directly: domestic and global totalitarian technological domination. American Imperialism meets Artificial Intelligence.
The only debate is: what are we going to do to stop it? Time’s running out…
It mostly centers around DARPA materials, as they’re the fountainhead of all of this, but this is all a broad multi-agency effort. Some of the video content, the “OS” of the video, was screen captured from the DARPA sites old iXo interactive flash presentation, from almost a yearago, but is now no longer available.

Blogged by Noah Shachtman, editor of the Wired.com Danger Room Blog.

They Want Your Soul

Direct Link
Full-Res Download
Resource Page

The Original! Old stuff.

Here's the direct link for if Myspace's MSPLINKS system blocks my link: http://ignoranceisntbliss.110mb.com/


Runtime - 146 Minutes

Infowars compilation video.

The PC used to render it was lackluster, and it came out rough. Sooner or later I'll open up the project files, rearrange a few things, and render with this machine that will make it look nice.

R2T title logo artwork by Earl Smith of
www.IlluminationArtworks.com & www.RedPillsOnly.com

Upcoming Projects:

-"The Killing Machine: IRAQ" -"Waging Peace"

-"an unholy alliance"

Title Sequence Sneak Preview

Approx Release Date: FALL 2008

This piece will debunk the most prominent forms of modern false doomsday terrormongering which are the "War on Terror", "Global Warming" mass hysteria, New Age 2012 "Doomsday Prophecy", and the "Biblical Middle East" scenario's used by the Religious Right propaganda arm of American Imperialism.

This will be a full on assault of these forms of psychological terrorism, which will also clearly demonstrate how each is actually leading to the same exact "god on earth" artificial intelligence system via DARPA/NASA/Google.

Shelved Projects:

All of these projects are still in my stream of consciousness, but I'm simply too overwhelmed with everything to do it all:
-My other effort-related Myspace accounts.
-My websites, and even my blog considering the way I'd prefer to have these operating.
-"Road to Terrorstorm" "evolved edition" 6 hour DVD project. Now formally known as the "Quagmire Project". If you've been paying attention to this development then I hope you understand.
-Too much else to list.

MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests





4 on a page version:


http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c49/IgnoranceIsntbliss/new -customa.png
http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c49/IgnoranceIsntbliss/new -customa4page.png
By: tekmo
alternate: http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/3066/fed4yg8.jpg
4 on a page version:


I'd like to meet:

[Section Last updated 2/5/06 - Check blog list links for more recent posts...] *Future Revelation

By IgnoranceIsntBliss

This subject applies to everyone, whether you believe in Revelations prophecy or not. I've labeled the technology that I'm about to show you The Beast, for many reasons. We literally have biological "CPU's", and in October 2004 they announced that they successfully taught them to fly an F22 flight simulator . This is mankinds greatest achievement , for now, what else compares? Full scale " NBIC " proliferation is underway, and the public has no idea. What I'm telling you isn't some story that I cooked up. It's all backed up by news, science and government reports, documents, journals and websites - all unclassified. Most of these links are linked to my blogs on the subject, but the links to the official sources can be found within them. There's plenty of more evidence that I haven't blogged yet, but it will come.

This is one of the most unknown subjects in existence, despite Multi-Electrode-Array technology being over 30 years old (1972). They are literally taking live rat neurons and hooking them to machines. These neurons, and related equipment, can be bought off the Internet if you don't believe me. These neurons learn, as you would expect. They do have some hurdles to climb still, at least from an unclassified perspective.

What people need to understand is that this will eliminate Moore's Law, the exponential growth rate that's supposed to keep computer AI from becoming self-aware for approximately a couple more decades. Many experts say that (with silicon chips) for every hour of hardware engineering it creates 24 hours of software engineering. Now all they have to do is finish programming the software to communicate fully with the neurons.

People need to realize that brain neurons are much " smarter " than we ever thought, and that these "natural" neural networks get "smarter" through more "work" and "experiences". They are even humanizing the rat brain neurons now, by injecting rat embryos with human stem cells. They will be able to grow them in massive sizes and arrays, once they have them properly built. Quantum computing is now a reality , which will improve the capabilities of neuron manipulation by light speed. By creating this networked collective intelligence, it will kick NBIC into overdrive.

Quantum Microprocessor

The government has every intention to do this, ASAP. One main goal is the creation of this emerging NBIC technology, which stands for "Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno" "convergence". It's basically fusing (converging) nanotechnology (nanobots), biotechnology (biological engineering), information technology (computers and communications) and Cognitive science (brain, consciousness) into one (NBIC) at the atomic (nano) scale. It's embedding nanobot parts into synthetically grown biological cells, that have electronic DNA (more advanced than humans). Not only will they think collectively themselves, but they are also being designed to function as brain implants. They'll be able to " inject " them into you intravenously using nanotubes. Those are just some of the uses.

They're motivated to do this for many reasons. There are very good uses of the related technologies, and there are very bad uses. Some good uses include entertainment, helping people with disabilities, curing diseases like Alzheimer's and even lifespan lengthening. Those are the reasons that you will usually see mentioned whenever you do catch a headline.

The other uses include cognitive super computers, brain/body

augmentation (enhancement), " collective society " / behavioral engineering and the ultimate goal which is called Transhumanism . They (scientists, politicians, futurists) want to transform humans into a new hybrid being, called posthumanism. That's right, they're trying to take evolution into there own hands, to rapidly (by 2020) transform us into posthumans with embedded manmade parts and genetic modifications caused by mans hand.

To achieve this goal the government is converging, to converge, to converge. They are converging all levels and departments of government with all national laboratories and universities along with any and all organizations or corporations they see fit. All of the discoveries and findings from each science (NBIC = all of them) get fed into the NSF's national science Terraserver supercomputer database, which is right at DARPA's fingertips.

DARPA is the government organization responsible for technologies like the Internet, stealth, unmanned aerial vehicle's (UAV) and hover drones . Their current notable technological "thrusts" include "Brain Technology", "Cell & Tissue Engineering", "Geonomics & Proteomics", "Bioinformatics", "Bio-Silicon Interfacing" and "Biocomputation". DARPA is a convergence organization by tradition. They move in and out of departments and organizations as they see fit, to meet their goals. Now the national standard has adopted this philosophy, and many of their "conspirators" have adopted their goals but each in their own way. There are too many too list but I will touch base on several of them.

One choice example is NASA. One of NASA's thrusts targets "biologically inspired computing", one reason being for their " Intelligent Archive " system. NASA has a history of "converging" with DARPA for androids , but now they've converged with Google for "large-scale data management; massively distributed computing; the convergence of research in biological, information and nanotechnologies". Google has a huge ambition in the NBIC field and a long history of privacy violations, massive records databases, being in bed with government intelligence agencies and probably large-scale stocks scams involving the federal employees for stock profits and controlling the traffic of the Internet. Despite all of that, the merger was never made into a negative publicity issue .

NASA has even recently taken more interest in civilian affairs to expand on Digital Angel's (actual name) GPS RFID / Biochip tracking system, the expansion targets adding (a convergence of) emergency response capabilities to the tracking abilities. Digital Angel is the satellite system used for tracking the FDA approved implantable biochips , manufactured by VeriChip. Digital Angel can literally track schools of fish underwater, worldwide. The Senate is quoted on saying that they will one day rule about whether these implants will become mandatory or not. What are they waiting for, another "911" terrorist attack?

Still, the ultimate goal is NBIC proliferation and brain implants. Brain implants (Overview Part 1 , Part 2 ) have been capable of controlling various physical elements of animals and humans since the late 60's , in horrific ways. The current list of capabilities include "remote control" sleep / motivation, physiology / movement, "nirvana", emotions and other things like recording what the eyes see and some computer controlling capabilities. One evil that people seem overlook is the ability to stop peoples hearts with these implants.

The next generation neural implants, being funded by the NSF, will be NBIC injectable implants, no saws required. These will give advanced precision to the things that I've already mentioned, and add capabilities like intelligence / memory modification and augmentation, behavior modification, holographic visuals, wireless mind to mind / computer / satellite interfaces and more; by the time these become reality and standardized. Sony is already planning on converting their gaming platform over the neural interface, but does that mean that we should submit to the government ? Theyll stop making non-neural games soon after it all comes, mark my words.

So far I have documented cases, where these brain "computers" have lived for over 2 years. With advances in materials and processes, and stem cell rejuvenations, it's inevitable that the lifespan of these brains will last indefinitely. Sources for neuron stem cells include rats / other animals, " assembly line " technology, dead and decaying bodies (no joke), dying people in suspended animation , the national Cord Blood Bank and abortion embryos.

The government has gone through leaps and bounds to demonstrate that they will spy on US. The main topic on the matter is the Patriot Act and the use of the NSA's fabled Echelon dome network , which they now even acknowledge. Bush and company are rubbing spying on US in our faces regarding Echelon, ITS / CTS and the Internet. It's inevitable that they will hook these "beasts" into Echelon, ITS / CTS, the Internet and all of their many other tracking / records systems.

This is an absolute disaster in human ethics and religion. Even top AI scientists will tell you that AI "Artilect" proliferation (and NBIC) should be a major issue in society , yet there is none. This goes beyond AI, and at a rapid pace. This is also taking evolution into our own hands, and splicing in a twist of manmade parts. It's man playing "god" on a global-species level. Transhumanism will only bring forth "speciesism" clashes, whether the transhumanist want it or not. All dignity in humanity will be lost. Even if the evolution THEORY is absolutely correct, it doesn't mean that there's no God, and that we have the green light to stomp out humanity at a rapid pace. I'm sorry, but its just a theory, a GOOD theory yes. Don't get me wrong, life does adapt and "evolve", but it still doesn't have all of the answers.

If these proliferate it could induce a cashless society, as described in Revelation, which is already being implemented . Now since the "brains" will/have neurons, they are "creatures". They come from beasts, by definition.

This really brings a whole new meaning to "mark" of the "beast". The mark is the chips and scar that is tied to the actual beast system, that doesn't allow you to function without its mark. Everybodys been theorizing that the bio/brain-chips are mark of the beast. The biggest mentioned is the biochip, because of the whole cant buy or sell without issue. It goes way beyond in my overveiw, because I've yet to see anyone point out what the brain implants mean in this context. The biggest reason top scholars proclaimed computers would be "the beast" is because

1. It's "an image" that is worshipped, mentioned 10 times. (Holographic mental projection)

2. that "speaks" (they're talking about us seeing audio in visuals like Media Player shows)

3. That causes all who dont worship the image of the beast to be killed (Don't accept implants in a mandatory system)

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:16-18

I see it as the brain implants of the "forehead" as what cause the image: minds eye holograph imagery. The implants will literally have people orgasming in digital exstacy, and considering the intelligence we're dealing with it's highly probable that people would worship the system as a collective: one world religion. Since the NSF is pursuing nano brain implants, no saws required, the population getting those implants on a large scale could happen by 2012 .


And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

Additionally, these are / will be man made. Although the scriptures I've read dont state it this way, I have seen many imply that 666 is the number of man. Either way if people are collectively worshipping this man made system, and it takes over, that would be a choice time for Him to step in.

The Fed's NBIC Trinity

Furthermore, the transhumanist "biorevolution" seeks to rapidly evolve humanity by 2020. At this point "humans" will be become obsolete , and class wars like never before will likely erupt. The transhumanists say that people will have the right to stay human, but apparently they dont care if we have any dignity as humans. Is it worth testing if the God of Creation decides our actions obscene actions are worthy judgment? For us to decide for ourselves is to play god. The Great Flood was the result of far less, and even the scientists will agree that it probably happened.

Moreover, there is already an actual New Age esoteric religion already hailing this coming neurosphere / singularity as the Second Coming, Eden II, Heaven on Earth, etc. It is known as the NEUARK GENESIS II . Those people have their faith in what is coming, but dont these people realize that the system is the governments?

And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Revelation 14:9-12

And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God. Revelation 15:2

And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. Revelation 16:2

And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. Revelation 19:20

And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. Revelation 20:4




All links in this section go the their Google Video pages where you can view them in large size, finish any series, and download them using Google Video Player.

The Century of Self
The Trap
Manufacturing Consent

The Power of Nightmares
The War Against the Third World
Police State 2000
Before there was Dubya.
Hijacking Catastrophe
Arsenal of Hypocrisy
Press For Truth

Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime
Truth & Lies



Advertising Attitude (Psychology) Authoritarianism Authority Collectivism Communication in politics Community leadership Community organization Constitutional history Control (Psychology) Corporate state Democracy Despotism Elite Fascism Emotional conditioning Emotions Fear Government, Resistance to Human behavior Imperialism Individualism Information society Legitimacy of governments Liberty Knowledge, Sociology of Militarism Mass society Military policy National socialism Political Science Press -- United States Political psychology Power Propaganda Propaganda -- United States Psychological warfare Psychology Public relations Republics Revolutions Secret societies Social influence Social pressure Sociology Sociology, Military State, The Totalitarianism United States United States -- Military policy War War and society

The websites / propaganda-outlets that I visit often to stay on top of the latest: http://www.911blogger.com/
http://www.fbodaily.com/fbo/fbosearch.html (for "DARPA")
http://www.google.com/views?q=american+empire+view%3Atimelin e
http://www.realclimate.org/ http://www.gop.com/News/
Add those to your "iGoogle" "Bookmarks" interface, with the following news search "gadgets" (do a Google News search with the criteria and then scroll to the bottom to find it), to stay just as informed as I am: 1: "al qaeda" iran
2: darpa "artificial intelligence"
3: google "artificial intelligence"
4: global warming
5: "al gore"
And I can't leave out my Myspace blog subscriptions. Add those to yours.
State of Fear, Al Gore's Assault on Reason, Taking Sides - Social Issues, America, Political Behavior of the Electorate, A More Perfect Union, Understanding Mass Communication, The Western Heritage, International politics on the World Stage, World P{olitics Trends and Transformations, Sociology 03-04, Macroeconomics, The Making of America, Understanding Human Behavior, Media Now, Sociology - Understanding a Diverse Society, Out of Many, American Government and Politics Today, The New Pearl Harbor, The 911 Commission Report, Measuring & Evaluating School Learning, Psychological Testing & Assessment, Constructing the American Past, Thhinking Throught the Past, Persuasion - Social Influence & Compliance Gaining, Manufacturing Consent, Broadcasting in America, Dynamics of Mass Communication, Mass Media Research, Psychological Testing, Towers of Deception, Looking Out - Looking In, America On Trial, The Humanistic Tradition, Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Genetic Analysis, Operation Northwoods, Rebuilding America's Defenses, USMA Militant Ideology Atlas, NIST 911 Report, Church Committee Reports, Myth of Delusion, OSS - Psychology of War, Rockefeller Commission Report, Edward Bernays: Propaganda, Five Beliefs That Propel Groups Toward Conflict, Networks- Diffusion- & Cycles of Collective Action, Partisanship and the Enduring Effects of False Political Information, Political Cycles and Local Newspaper Coverage of Protest Events, Rationality and Psychology in International Politics, The Mass Psychology Of Fascism, When Osama Became Saddam, Globalization and Governance, Mind Design Ii -- Philosophy- Psychology- Artificial Intelligence, Noam Chomsky - What the Linguist is Talking About, Balancing the Right To Protest in the Aftermath of September 11, The Culture of Terrorism, Peace and Conflict, Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism, The Social Psychology of Evil, What Evolutionary Theories of Religion Tell us about Terrorism, Linguistic Markers of Psychological Change Surrounding September 11th, Cognitive biases affecting judgment of existential risks; Cognitive Illusions, Heuristics, and Climate Prediction; Group Biases, Motivated Reasoning and Voter Decision Making, Motivated Reasoning in Outcome Bias Effects, Beyond dependence- An identity approach to social power and domination, What Uncle Sam Really Wants, Dynamics of repression and mobilization, Levels of control across cultures, Noam Chomsky - Class Warfare, Noam Chomsky - Imperial Ambitions, Noam Chomsky - Language and Freedom, Opposing Fascism, The Mass Psychology of Fascism, The Concept of Nature Liberal Political Thought, Identity politics and social pluralism, Enigmas of Fascism, America’s Homegrown Fascism, Historical Experience of the War Against Fascism, Emotions and political identity, Media Control The Spectacular Achievements Of Propaganda, Art Of Deception, Noam Chomsky - Necessary Illusions, You Are Being Lied To, Propaganda- Persuasion- Deception, Propaganda The Formation of Men's Attitudes, Propaganda And The Public Mind, Altruism and political sociology, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, Self-Deceit, The Social Psychology of Hatred, Influencing Human Behavior, The Psychology Of Persuasion, Emerging Trends in the Study of Protest and Social Movements, The Sinularity is Near, The Age of Spiritual Machines, Policing of protest in Western democracies, Social movement success, Effects of Groupthink on Tactical Decision Making, Sociology and Classical Liberalism, Cultural Evolutionary Theory and Social Psychology, The Grand Chessboard, Welcome to Terrorland, War Against War!, 911 - Decent into Tyranny, 1984, Crossing the Rubicon, National Strategic Plan for the War on Terrorism, National Strategy for Combating Terrorism, Blowback 911 And Cover-Ups, SunTzu - Art of War, The War on Freedom, Webster Tarpley - 911 Synthetic Terror; Elections, Defections & the Partisan Brain; Extreme Genetic Engineering, The Imperial Republic after 911, Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, Understanding A Globalized World, Levels of Organization in Artificial General Intelligence, The Future of Geothermal Energy, Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance, Holy Bible, neurosphere, Digital Soul, Diffusion of Innovations, A Universe of Consciousness, The Spike, Transform Circuit Analysis for Engineering and Technology, Basic Electronics, Mechanical Drawing, Chemistry, The Builders, Mathematic ideas for Modeling and Applications, RF Electronic Communications Systems, The Faith - History of Christianity, Crime EXTRA: 300 years of crime in America, Cybercitizen, Mathematics: An Introduction to Neural Networks, Artifical Intelligence - A Beginner's Guide, Out of Control, The Unfinished Revolution, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, They Never Knew: The Victims of Fallout Testing, Freemasonry and it’s Ancient Mystic Rites, A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, The NATO Handbook, The Templars in America, Electronic Circuits and Symbols, Electronics and Electronic Fundamentals, Jesus/Mary Throught the Ages, Mythic Astrology Applied, The Killer Strain - Anthrax and a Government Exposed, Beyond Therapy - Biotechnology and the Pursuit of Happyness, All Connected Now, The Case for Astroloy, Who’s Running the Nation?, The Civil War – Day By Day, The Resistance Manifesto, Ancient Egypt, The Art and Practice of Caballa Magic, Visions of the Virgin Mary, En Route to Global Population, Vaccine A, The Making of America, The Nuclear Almanac, The Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill, The Freemasons, Atlas of Anatomy, Genetic Analysis, The Encyclopedia of Magic and Witchcraft, Ancient Civilizations, MYTHOLOGY, A Man of Faith (Bush), The Meaning of Masonry, Handbook of Todays Religions, Revelations Revealed, The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness, No Fear of the Storm, Creations of Fire, Paradigms Regained, Rise of the Vulcans-The History of Bush's War Cabinet, The Real meaning of the Zodiac, A Demon Haunted World – Science as a Candle in the Dark, The Government Racket - 2000 & Beyond, Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol, The Mind of Jesus, The CIA At War, Concrete Mathematics, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Algorythims, Fluid Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Pearl Harbor – Final Judgment, The Purpose Driven Life, Kissinger – Does America need a Foreign Policy?, Wiring Simplified, Essentials of Technical Mathematics, Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance, C++ Programming for Technology, Algebra for College Students, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Physics Foundations and Applications, The 911 Investigations, Private Pilots Handbook, Pocket Ref, Electronics Pocket Ref, Engineering Mechanics, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Time Travel, The Book of Shadows, Urantia, US Armed Forces MNBC Survival manual, The Terrible Gift(biotech), US Armed Forces Survival Guide, Holy Land in Maps, Gag Rule, Global Corporate Identity, Digital Electronics, Electronics Drafting, Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry, Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor, The Dynamics of Worship, In the Blink of an Eye, Can a smart person believe in God?, The Gospel in the Stars, Industrial Electronics, many FM-‘s, Basic Electronics, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Morals and Dogma, Monies of The Bible, Global Freemasonry, Electronic Circuits, Mathematics – The Alphabet of Science, Introduction of Technical Mathematics, The Dionysian Artificers, America’s Secret Destiny… get the idea?


Jesus Christ - The Original Dissenter
All True Patriots, that have or will ever bless this world.
All of the men and women of our armed forces, that have and will defendour country and our freedom. Unlike many, especially typical liberals, even if Im against the war(any), and its leaders reasonings, I still wouldnt spit on my troops like those assholes did after vietnam. Hopefully we wont see that here, if so I'd spit back even thoough I might agree with them(Liberals) on certain issues. They serve your country/men, its not their fault if our leaders are assholes with agendas.
It's not unAmerican to to scrutinize our leaders, and their agendas. its not unAmerican to point out major flaws. Its unAmerican(despite how they've been programming everyone to think these days) to turn your cheek, and allow it to go on. Remember that AmericA isn't the Fed, the People are America. The Fed is just the corporate structured entity that we allow to manage order, and represent our interests.

My Blog

*Web proficient software engineers needed

I finally figured out how to literally and legally fight Google. How to slow down its AI from getting smarter. It could be easy! Message me.     Full report will follow. ...
Posted by Ignorance Isn't Bliss on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 06:57:00 PST

Washington Prepares for Cyber War Games

Washington Launches "Cyber Storm II" Cyber War Games http://www.webpronews.com/topnews/2008/03/07/us-preps-for-cy ber-war-games : Starting next week four foreign governments, 18 federal...
Posted by Ignorance Isn't Bliss on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 11:16:00 PST

Air Force releases Cyber Command Strategic Vision

Air Force Cyber Command Strategic Vision Released http://www.defensetech.org/archives/004047.html : Air Force Cyber Command's Strategic Vision spells out the command's operational scope and pos...
Posted by Ignorance Isn't Bliss on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 10:03:00 PST

Weaponizing PlayStation

Weaponizing PlayStation March 9, 2008: The U.S. Air Force is buying 300 PlayStation 3 game consoles. Not to play games, but because it's the cheapest way to get the powerful processors that create th...
Posted by Ignorance Isn't Bliss on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 06:52:00 PST

Commercial Satellites as National Technical Means

From Secrecy News: Commercial Satellites as "National Technical Means" U.S. intelligence agencies could do more to incorporate commercial satellite capabilities into the U.S. intelligence satellite ...
Posted by Ignorance Isn't Bliss on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 06:20:00 PST

FMI 3-04.155: Army Unmanned Aircraft System Operations (field manual)

FMI 3-04.155: Army Unmanned Aircraft System Operations (field manual) From Secrecy News: The Reimer Digital Library is BackThe U.S. Army today restored public access to the Reimer Digital Library, ...
Posted by Ignorance Isn't Bliss on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 06:17:00 PST

Mainstream Book, The Big Switch, chronicles Google CEOs A.I. quotes and more.

Mainstream Book chronicles Google CEO's A.I. quotes and more. "The Big Switch", by Nicholas Carr, gives fresh insights into the future of computing and the Internet, and in the last chapter compile...
Posted by Ignorance Isn't Bliss on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 03:06:00 PST

White House Openly Refuses to address the $-Value vs. Oil Prices

White House Openly Refuses to address the $-Value vs. Oil Prices Dana "PUPPET" Perino sticks to the Rules. Says she'll be fired if she talks about the Dollar!   MONEY: VERSION 1:http:/...
Posted by Ignorance Isn't Bliss on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 05:43:00 PST

>End of Nations - EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty (NAU insights)

End of Nations - EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty New documentary focuses on the EU's pork-barrel Treaty of Lisbon. The top-down EU is the best window into understanding what this whole "North Amer...
Posted by Ignorance Isn't Bliss on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 04:06:00 PST

Martial Law warning & Military Weather Experimentation exposure on TV recently

Martial Law warning & Military Weather Experimentation exposure on TV recently Florida Weatherman explains military weather modification using the days weather radar:   ...
Posted by Ignorance Isn't Bliss on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 09:12:00 PST