Staying active in both mental and physical pursuits. Development of self and community involvement.
Distribute Widely! Repost & Distribute! Distribute Widely! Distribute Widely! Repost & Distribute! Distribute Widely! Distribute Widely! Repost & Distribute! Distribute Widely! Distribute Widely! Repost & Distribute! Distribute Widely!Greetings & SalutationsWe here at Replacements Needed are planning a trip to DC in October to attend the IMF and World Bank meetings from 0ct. 19th - 21st of this year. We are based in Seattle, Washington and are organizing a "Caravan for Unity" from the west coast to DC. If you are an organization whose aims include ending war, indigenous rights, reform of global monetary systems, freedom, free speech, democracy and/or civil rights or any other cause that needs attention brought to it then we would love to have your support. We are hoping that the bio-diesel buses out there will be able to take part in the trip. We encourage pirate flags and lots of noise makers. Let’s ALL show up and let those in charge know that we are sick and tired of the destruction of our planet and its peoples in the name of profits for the corporate elite. Join us in this endeavor and together we can make a difference.At present we have some reporters and a cinematographer interested in the trip. We are looking to make our way across the country to St. Louis to rendezvous with other groups from the Midwest and together make our way to DC for this historic meeting of the worlds leading financial institutions at a point in our collective history that Vladimir Putin described in May as a time that “disrespect for human life, claims to global exclusiveness and dictate, just as it was in the time of the Third Reich.†It is now time to set aside our apathetic natures and to stand together and join in the struggle for Freedom and to restore Democracy to our once great nation. The fight must no longer be about merely the war, the focus must shift to the economic disparity that exists across the globe. When five per cent of the population controls over eighty percent of the wealth, while failing on every level to meet basic responsibilities, the time has come to unite everyone. We must set aside our differences, whatever they may be, and band together to fight the corporations and corrupted governmental structures that are killing the very planet that we must all share. No longer shall we sit on the sidelines watching as corporations and governments kill indiscriminately so that a select few can maximize profits. No longer can we afford the luxuries of bigotry and disdain for our brothers and sisters. We need to stand together; for it is through unity and unity alone, that we will overcome these greedy, corporate, warmongers. Join us in this trip to DC and let us show what a people united can accomplish.Thomas Hays Replacements Needed [email protected] Widely! Repost & Distribute! Distribute Widely! Distribute Widely! Repost & Distribute! Distribute Widely!Distribute Widely! Repost & Distribute! Distribute Widely!Distribute Widely! Repost & Distribute! Distribute Widely!
Not so into TV.
Best Quote: Speech of Yasser Arafat Before the UN General Assembly November 13, 1974"Those who call us terrorists wish to prevent world public opinion from discovering the truth about us and from seeing the justice on our faces. They seek to bide the terrorism and tyranny of their acts, and our own posture of self-defense.The difference between the revolutionary and the terrorist lies in the reason for which each fights. For whoever stands by a just cause and fights for the freedom and liberation of his land from the invaders, the settlers and the colonialists, cannot possibly be called terrorist, otherwise the American people in their struggle for liberation from. the British colonialists would have been terrorists; the European resistance against the Nazis would be terrorism, the struggle of the Asian, African and Latin American peoples would also be terrorism, and many of you who are in this Assembly hall were considered terrorists.For the full 13 pages of this speech follow the link below. rafat_1974.pdf
Malcolm X, Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Bobby Seal, Rosa Parks, Anyone standing up for what they truly believe in.