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Sylvain St-Amour

"© Welcome to S.St-Amour on MySpace-Harmoniciste "

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Member Since: 3/17/2007
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DEBUT ALBUM “Café Des Solitudes” :

Sylvain fortuitous meeting with Sylvain Charest, sound engineer and outstanding multi-instrumentalist, was undoubtedly, the end of a chaotic road and the beginning of a wonderful collaboration as well as an authentic friendship. This association has led him to a road paved with creativity, innovation and ultimately the recording of the album "Café Des Solitudes". Through his coaching, his friendship and his advice, he has allowed him to push his musical limits even further. This musical complicity has brought him to peace with the musical universe. His first album "Café des solitudes" is an all out harmonica project : the soft bellows of the harmonicist who refuses the institutionalization of his instrument. Diversity and emotion are the drive force of my playing and subsequently the core of the album.

La sortie du premier album de Sylvain "Café des solitudes" est le doux rugissement d'un harmoniciste en quête de son Graal. Cet album est le fruit d'une collaboration entre deux loups solitaires. En effet, sa rencontre avec Sylvain Charest, ingénieur de son et multi-instrumentaliste génial fût l'élément déclencheur qui mena à la conception, la production et la distribution de l'album. Par son coaching, son amité et ses conseils, il lui permit de repousser ses limites musicales. Cette complicité musicale lui a permis de se réconcilié avec cet univers éthéré qu'est la musique !!!!


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The O.P. Project is an all "cop" musical venture. Police officers communicate their experiences and perceptions of the world with their passion for music. You get a glance from our vantage point, in a complex world where the stakes are often high and diversity of our communities are ever present.
"Angel in Blue" is the outcome of our first series of recording sessions. A tribute song to our Brothers and Sisters Fallen in the Line of Duty.


I developed a passion for the harmonica about 20 years ago. The instrument chose me one night, while attending a Bob Walsh concert. I immediately knew that the harmonica and I would have a long lasting relationship. I have always wanted to be in perfect harmony with my instrument so I could add my harmonicas to music and lyrics. Over the years, I felt the urge of leaving the traditional musical path that many tend to identify to the harmonica. The great value of freedom of expression, that is so dear to everyone but so difficult to set in motion, is also very important to the musician. In order to express myself musically, in a free and honest way, I hobbled towards various musical horizons.
Through this process, which at times felt more like an escape, the soloist suddenly became a melodist. My sound has matured into a swifter and more ringing musical phrasing.
Latino and African sounds blend in perfectly with my playing while the main melody remains occidental. The influence of rock guitarists is very present in my music. The dynamic of the songs are very guitar oriented.
My musical project is based on diversity and emotion.Life has showered me with many pleasant surprises. One of them was a short detour in Western Canada where I lived for 3 years. Over there, I fell in love with the magnificent Prairies. That particular landscape was everything a freedom freak like me could ever hope for . The never-ending horizon, the constant winds, the wheat fields that turn into a blond ocean on windy days and the breath-taking sunsets , were all settings that greatly inspired me.

My first album "Café des solitudes" is an all out harmonica project : the soft bellows of the harmonicist who refuses the institutionalization of his instrument. Diversity and emotion are the drive force of my playing and subsequently the core of the album. Finally, my fortuitous meeting with Sylvain Charest, sound engineer and outstanding multi-instrumentalist, was undoubtedly, the end of a chaotic road and the beginning of a wonderful collaboration as well as an authentic friendship. This association has led me to a road paved with creativity and innovation. Through his coaching, his friendship and his advice, he has allowed me to push my musical limits even further. This musical complicity has brought me to peace with the musical universe. I'm a "RONIN" since i have no allegiance to any styles.

You want to be part of my story : Tell your friends about my music, spread the word on the internet, order my cd, bulletin my banner to your friends !!!

Thank you so much for all the love and the support !

Ma passion pour l’harmonica a débuté il y a près de 20 ans. L’instrument m’a choisi un soir ou j’étais allé voir un spectacle de Bob Walsh avec son harmoniciste, Guy Bélanger. J’ai su à ce moment que l’harmonica et moi ferions un long voyage ensemble. J’ai toujours voulu arriver au point où je me sentirais en complète harmonie avec mon instrument et ce, afin de me mettre, ainsi que mes harmonicas, au service d'une mélodie.

Au fil des ans, le goût de sortir des sentiers musicaux traditionnels, dans lesquels plusieurs ont tendances à positionner l’harmonica, s’est fait sentir.Cette grande valeur qu’est la liberté d’expression, si chère à tous et si difficile à assumer, l’est tout aussi pour le musicien.Le juste équilibre entre l’expression musicale et le harassement du sens auditif de ses voisins mène vers la recherche d’une harmonie qui permet l’expression aux frontières de ma zone de confort.Afin de pouvoir m’exprimer musicalement, de façon honnête et en toute liberté, j’ai clopiné vers divers horizons musicaux. À travers cette démarche, qui par moment s’apparentait plus à une cavale, le soliste s’est transformé en mélodiste.Ma signature sonore a mûri vers un phrasé musical à tendance véloce et une tonalité cristalline. Les saveurs latines et africaines teintent parfois mon jeu d’un son vaporeux et l’attaque du phrasé est typiquement occidentale. L’influence des guitaristes rock est omniprésente dans mon son. Conséquemment la dynamique de mon jeu est très « guitaristique ». Mon projet musical se fonde donc sur la diversité et l'émotion.
La vie m’a fait de merveilleuses surprises. Une de celles-ci est ce court détour où j’ai vécu 3 ans dans l'Ouest canadien. Là-bas, je suis tombé éperdument amoureux des majestueuses prairies. Cette géographie est faite sur mesure pour un assoiffé de liberté comme moi. L’horizon sans fin, l‘omniprésence du vent, les champs de blé qui se transforment en océan blond par grandes brises et les couchers de soleil totalement hallucinants ont exacerbé une sensibilité bien musicale.
Ma rencontre fortuite avec Sylvain Charest, ingénieur de son et multi-instrumentiste génial, fut sans contredit pour moi, la fin d’un parcours chaotique et le début d’une collaboration et amitié authentiques. Cette association m’a propulsé sur une route pavée par la créativité et l’innovation. Par son coaching, son amitié et ses conseils, il me permet de pousser mes limites musicales. Cette complicité musicale m'a réconcilié avec cet univers éthéré qu'est la musique. La sortie de mon premier album "Café des solitudes" est le doux rugissement d'un harmoniciste en quête de son Graal. Bref, je suis un "RONIN" car je n'ai d'allégeance à aucun style.



"Great music, great artist! A big BRAVO!!”... JanJam Music & Justin Time Publishing

: :

Café des Solitudes
Sylvain St-Amour; Sylvain Charest Quartz records Qu-st-020070601 (
Café des Solitudes is an eclectic and evocative programme of original compositions that are written, arranged and performed by multi-instrumentalist Sylvain Charest, featuring the accomplished “harmoniciste”, Sylvain St. Amour. The recording is essentially a duo project, with Charest multi-tasking on electric and acoustic guitars, keyboards as well as bass, percussion and drums. St. Amour possesses a potent and mesmerizing harmonica technique, and is most certainly the emotional voice of the project.

Lesley Mitchell-Clarke


Roots reviews September 20, 2007,
Quebec's Sylvain St-Amour joins Mike Stevens and Bob Lanois as Canada's top roots harmonica players. The recognition is based on the strength of Café des Solitudes, a collection featuring St-Amour on harmonica, along with multi-instrumentalist Sylvain Charest on guitar, bass, keyboards and percussion. For the most part moody and atmospheric, the album's 10 tracks are a blend of folk, blues and jazz.

Robert Reid, The Record (Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario)

"Your a harmonica master.".... Big Walker :

" You got SOUL !!, my friend Sylvain the Harmonica Genius !” Stevie Stern :

Sylvain St-Amour has the best Harp in the Northern Hemisphere. Beautifully Magical.... Suzanne Dee Gorman :

Awsome music Sylvain, keep it up..... S.C. Studios:

Oh the wonder! Wow man,I get God bumps up my arms and back when I listen to your music. It reminds me that we are free to be transparent,intimate and distinct. I'm still feeling the vibes you put out and into me and it feels like its opening my heart and my head. Thanks....
Jerome Godboo :

Sylvain, a pleasure to have you as a friend. You've really managed to capture that spacious feeling of the prairies in your music. Terrific! Best wishes.... Steve Baker :

Im truly impressed by your whole purpose... Youre not only a master at one of the most "forgotten" instruments... You are the master of a "real good" way to incorporate it... "Big Props!" goes out to you Sylvain St-Amour... BWISE


Ton playing sur ton disque est bon en criss. Je sent une vieille âme et ben de la moelle épinière... Be yourself! Take care my friend.... D'un Ex-Coloc.... Jimmy Bourgoing


Beautiful harp playing... probably some of the best I've heard in Quebec.... Keep up the good work..... Lee Mellor :

Cher Sylvain, Tes tunes sont vraiment excellentes, ta facon de jouer l'harmonica est impressionante. Bravo !.... Édith Butler

Because I have worked with some of the great contemporary harmonicists, I feel I am qualified to say your music and playing is unique and soulful.... Rex Tanner:

You have got yourself a brand new fan - you pull some gorgeous WARM & Mellow tones out of that harmonica, too. BRAVO ! It's been years since I've come across a harmonica player that I've enjoyed so much (the last one was Carlos del Junco).... Brenda Lewis :

Juste un mot pour te dire que je suis jaloux de Minousky! Belle construction, plein de feeling! Je comprends encore mieux où tu veux amener l'harmo. Beau travail. Lâchons pas....
Guy Bélanger:


Elvis Costelo, Charlie Parker, John popper, Pat Esposito, Queen, J.J. Milteau. Steve Baker, Paul Butterfield, Howard levy, Little Walter, Jason Ricci, Carlos Del Junco, Norton Buffalo, Magic Dick "J. Geils Band", Toots, zlap...

Sounds Like:

Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Fans & Friends of Sylvain

Hi everyone, this is the fan page chic writing to you from an undisclosed location.  LOL  I am working on getting Sylvain air time on radio stations across the US--here's how you can help! 1...
Posted by Sylvain St-Amour on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 10:18:00 PST

O.P. Project: Join our venture!!!

Posted by Sylvain St-Amour on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 08:07:00 PST

New Blog up on fanzone!!!

Hey everyone, if you haven't joined the fanzone yet, now is the time to do it!!!We are going to be having new articles and pictures and up to date info. It's so much fun. We have been getting lots o...
Posted by Sylvain St-Amour on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 02:10:00 PST

Our Fan Site & How YOU CAN HELP US!!!

Hello and hope everyone is having a great weekend. If you have not signed up for the new fansite--there is a link on this page! Please sign up if you support Sylvain and his music! We are going to ...
Posted by Sylvain St-Amour on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 10:15:00 PST

Sylvains Fan Site

Greetings to all of you fans and friends of Sylvain. This is just another reminder that we now have a fan site that is going to be filling up weekly with news and info about Sylvain and what he's up ...
Posted by Sylvain St-Amour on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:06:00 PST


Hello everyone! Just wanted you all to know that we have a new web-site setup for Sylvain Fans! This is not just a fan site to show that you're a big fan ofSylvain! This site will give up to date ...
Posted by Sylvain St-Amour on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 11:37:00 PST

My Dear Friends--Just in case you did not see Bulletin

Dear friends, Due to restraints on my time, my management will be maintaining my web site for me. As you know, I have a full schedule with my job, rehearsals. recordings, and now performing. This l...
Posted by Sylvain St-Amour on Wed, 28 May 2008 02:55:00 PST


"THE O.P. PROJECT" The O.P. Project is an all "cop" musical venture. Police officers communicate their experiences and perceptions of the world with their passion for music. You get a glance from our ...
Posted by Sylvain St-Amour on Sat, 10 May 2008 09:27:00 PST

BANNER CODES / " Angel in Blue"

Copy this code to your website to display this banner!Copy this code to your website to display this banner!Copy this code to your website to display this banner!Copy this code to your website to disp...
Posted by Sylvain St-Amour on Sat, 10 May 2008 09:13:00 PST


Posted by Sylvain St-Amour on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 08:35:00 PST