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About Me


OMG! How long have I been sleeping? Thank you, friends, for helping to open my eyes to the absolute corruption overtaking our world. Sometimes I wish I'd have never searched myspace videos... but most of the time, I'm eager to learn all I can and do all I can. I've already joined in a rally march for The World Can't Wait organization, and I'm looking forward to doing as much as I can to help open the eyes of many Americans... I've never voted before. I haven't even so much as watched TV in over 5 years. Yes, I've watched SOME things, but only when major things were happening in the world. When I have watched TV in the last 5 years, other than news (which in the last month or so, I've learned is corrupt), it's been things like Cops; mostly because I wanted to be one. But seriously, when 9/11 happened, folks, I didn't even know what the Twin Towers WERE! That's how blind I'VE been. Anyway... I want to share a part of my life with you that brings all of this full circle for me...My Father was a very religious person up into my adult life. Now, for like the last 10 years or so, he's taken on a whole new perspective on what we call 'life' and religion... (thank God! or shall i say thank ME?) Anyway, when I was 9 years old, he moved us to a Christian Fellowship sorta camp place... It was definitely a Christian cult, and I say this only because of the tactics they used to 'control' the people they had WORKING there, who also lived there. But, looking back, the things they taught were of ultimate value to me; as I have come to find out that most of what they taught and spoke of there was ABSOLUTE TRUTH. At this place, there were prophets who spoke of the future; and they spoke of these exact things of which are plastered all over my page now. They spoke of the coming of the Anti-Christ, the mark of the beast (micro-chips), Genocide, and war and compared it to the likes of Hitler's mass murder. Their mission was to educate the people of the world how to 'conserve' and how to survive in times of war and in times of the 'Devil'. They also focused on 'spiritual warfare' and ridding people of 'spirits'. It was almost 'excorcist' material... wait, it WAS excorcist material! But, in the process of their education on surviving in times of desoluteness, they would stumble across Prophets who were from Africa, India, Indian Reservations, The Philippines, Asia, Kenya etc. etc. These prophets were DRAWN to this little house in the desert where this camp was...These 'prophets repeatedly said that we WILL live to see the coming of the Anti-Christ. Times like these are staring us in the face. What I learned there is coming to pass, folks. Some 25 years later! It's absolutely unbelievable to me that so many Americans are blinded by the fact that their 'government' IS capable of such evil. When it comes to politics, I'm still in diapers... I know nothing. But, I DID go to school and I'd like to know, what ever happened to "We the People..."??? All I know is this 'cult' I was in when I was a child spoke about these same exact things happening in the future. Well, here's the future... I'm living it. So, because of my background, I'm apt to sway towards the Conspiracy Theorists (factualists) and the people who aren't afraid to admit that, YES, their 'government' IS capable of doing the same exact things Hitler did, if not worse. And YES, this government IS capable of mass murder. And YES, they ARE capable of killing us all for their own personal gain!!! One thing's for certain... The more people that WAKE UP as I have done, then the more of a chance our children and their children and so on and so forth have of living in a future like the past we've been so fortunate to have. Please, I beg you, don't believe anything I've said... LOOK FOR YOURSELF. INVESTIGATE what's going on around you in this country and the whole world. It's not a nice place to be. Let's join forces and MAKE it nice!!! Please. Have an open mind and let your heart guide you into the truth. And remember, the 'truth' might not be anything you've ever fathomed it was before. Just please, INVESTIGATE and SEE the TRUTH! Let's do something to BREAK the chains!Peace, my friends.
..9/11 Mysteries Part 1: DemolitionsFrom : 90 minutes of pure demolition evidence and analysis, laced with staggering witness testimonials. Moving from "the myth" through "the analysis" and into "the players," careful deconstruction of the official story set right alongside clean, clear science. The 9/11 picture is not one of politics or nationalism or loyalty, but one of strict and simple physics. How do you get a 10-second 110-story pan collapse?A movie that might actually reach our complacent mainstream. No agenda. No finger-pointing. Just the facts and the "mysteries." Look at that. Think about this. A story of people: Willie Rodriguez's strange recollection of noises on the 34th floor. Who was up there, bumping around? Scott Forbes' similar story, weeks before the towers fell. A story of blasting itself. Here's how shaped charges slice through steel beams to control the way they fall... The Ultimate Con.. WE THE PEOPLE WILL NOT BE CHIPPED!

My Interests

Please Visit - Stephen - 9/11 Truth Ends War

Disturbed - Land Of Confusion (DJ Lee Solution Mix)

Proof the fires were burning themselves out. If it was a raging inferno inside as you was told how did these people get to the edge of the impact hole?

Bush admits bombs in WTC

Flashes In The Dust - See many of the demolition charge flashes before and during the implosions of the towers.

If you doubt explosions at WTC watch this video.

FDNY - Maybe you will believe the people who were there.

More Firefighters confirming explosions at WTC, these guys were there, they know what they saw & heard. Why are they being ignored?

Explosives Clearly Seen & Heard As The South Tower Falls

Mayor Giuliani claims he was warned WTC was going to collapse, why wasnt this warning given to the Fireman??

Bush Caught Lying About September 11th. Bush has admitted on TV that he saw the first plane hit the building. How did he witness the suprise attack? Perhaps that is why Eminem, Mos Def, and Immortal Technique believe Bush did it.

I'd like to meet:

9/11: Press for Truth - The families present their 2 1/2 year struggle to create an investigation and inquiry into the events of 9/11 -- which was at first heavily resisted and even explicity prohibited by the President and Vice-President ..

WKJO: Who Killed John O'Neill? - Traumatized by the September 11th attacks, one man struggles to dismantle official history, ... all » at the expense of his sanity and even his life. Grappling with multiple realities - and multiple personalities - he must retreat into his mind in pursuit of the truth. In a fictional film about non-fictional events, there is a place where belief and faith will blind you, where nothing is sacred, and to get there all you have to do is ask: "Who Killed John O'Neill?" ..

9/11 Justice - A brief but carefully presented and supported criminal indictment of George Bush, Dick Cheney, Richard ... all » Myers, and Condoleeza Rice for murder in the events of 9-11, presenting all the best evidence in a concise but powerful manner. It includes Larry Silverstein's admission that the explosives were used; and Norman Mineta's identification of Dick Cheney as the person who gave the order not to scramble jets, or fire any weapons in defense of the Pentagon. ..

Dust to Dust: The Health Effects of 9/11 - Into 2006 there has been growing concern over the health effects of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the Financial District of lower Manhattan. With the moment of the collapse of the twin towers and Building 7 of the World Trade Center, pulverized buildings, electronic equipment and furniture propelled forward from former buildings.

Additionally, in the five months following the attacks dust from the pulverized buildings continued to fill the air of the World Trade Center site. Increasing numbers of New York residents are reporting symptoms of Ground Zero respiratory illnesses. ..

9/11 Forgotten Heros - Sierra Club Chronicles

What Its REALLY Like In Iraq - Does it look like we are helping these people? Rebuild their hospitals, schools, houses & shops... Give them food, water & medicine if you really want to help.

As long as children keep seeing their parents violently killed for no reason this will never be over, all you are doing is teaching another generation to hate us. Could you imagine your children living like this every single day?

Bush admits no WMD in Iraq, admits Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

Iraqi Plea To America & Britain To Wake Up

American soldier exposes US policy in Iraq

Dr. Doug Rokke talks about Depleted Uranium


Bush Caught Lying About September 11th. A Blatant lie, caught on tape. Why is this not addressed?


Larry Silverstein admits WTC 7 was a controlled demolition. Larry Silverstein, the owner of the WTC Complex says on a telephone call with the FDNY commander he tells him to "pull it" referring to building number Seven of the WTC complex.

"Seven Is Exploding" - WTC7 Is The Smoking Gun

John Kerry says WTC7 a controlled demolition

Giuliani Lies About WTC 7

How likely is it that these few fires brought down WTC7
WTC7 - Cutter charges running up the side of buillding 7.


The Secret Evil Of September 11th


This video shows Frank A DeMartini, manager of WTC construction and project management say that the WTC design was enough to withstand MULTIPLE boeing impacts and not collapse. Frank A DeMartini died on 9/11 in the collapse of the North Tower, he had stayed behind and with his co-workers helped rescue approx 70 people trapped inside the Tower.


Did a plane a really hit the Pentagon?

9/11 Pentagon Attack: A Closer Look

9/11 Pentagon Strike, Flight 77 did NOT hit the Pentagon

3D Pentagon strike recreation - By comparing the size of the police car to the object and recreating the whole scene in 3D it is evident that the object is NOT a boeing 757 jetliner.

9/11 Truth: Bridget Thornton on the Pentagon Strike

9/11 Conspiracy - A former Army General who was in charge of imag... (more) Added: March 31, 2007 A former Army General who was in charge of imagery interpretation unit for technical intelligence during the cold war says Flight 77 did not hit the pentagon.

My Blog

If You Were Still Here

What would I do if you were still here?   A shelf hangs up on my wall of remninces & all Memories of you When I had you here - little things of 'what-nots' Things of past Things that tie knot...
Posted by sad_but_true64 on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 05:38:00 PST

Use the Daffodil Principle

Several times my daughter had telephoned to say, "Mother, you must come to see the daffodils before they are over."   I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead . "...
Posted by sad_but_true64 on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 05:15:00 PST

Safeguards Against Chemtrails

From: Lori Date: Feb 29, 2008 10:53 PM   From: Pan ManDate: Feb 29, 2008 9:47 PM You can try this very effective herbal/naturopathic remedy fromherbalhealer.comcolloidal silverolive leaf extra...
Posted by sad_but_true64 on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 11:08:00 PST

I wonder if THIS will work??   http:...
Posted by sad_but_true64 on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 10:51:00 PST

Posted by sad_but_true64 on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 02:11:00 PST


What About Oprah?By Gary Sigler I have been getting a lot of negative email lately about Oprah and her sponsoring  a teaching class on Eckhart Tolle's book on "A New Earth."   While in Oreg...
Posted by sad_but_true64 on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 06:29:00 PST

Free Corn

Free CornThis is something worth thinking about.There was a Chemistry professor in a large college that had some Exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab the Prof noticed...
Posted by sad_but_true64 on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 03:52:00 PST

Adam and Eve

Posted by sad_but_true64 on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 05:15:00 PST

Some Stupid Shit lol

I GOT THIS FROM MY DAD IN AN EMAIL... I RESPONDED IN 'RED'... enjoy! :D     Very interesting perspective by Jay Leno...   I hope you will all read to the end.  Jay Leno ...
Posted by sad_but_true64 on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 09:34:00 PST

Im blowing up the internet today!

The following are two blogs I've written, and I plan on sending it to every news station, news paper, etc etc that I possibly can today.  The first one is less than 2,000 characters in length, a...
Posted by sad_but_true64 on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 06:53:00 PST