Hello, friends. Welcome to the Official Outlaw News Myspace
We are an aggressive alternative source of news with a focus on grasping the
bigger picture, rather than getting bogged down in details and politics.
For those of you who knew me before I was deleted, and for all others
interested, I have reconstructed the old page as best I could.
For any of you who haven't been around lately, things have been going like
this: I Post most of the articles on my non-Myspace page ( OUTLAWJOURNALISM.COM ),
so that if I am again disappear, all of the work won't do the same. I then post
the links to all of the articles on my Myspace blog, and in bulletins. There are
a total of four options: 1.) Check bulletins regularly, 2.) Subscribe to Myspace
blog, 3.) Goto the homepage regularly, and 4.) RSS feeds from
Of all the options, subscribing to the Myspace blog is probably the best,
since you're already on here. This way you are sure not to miss anything.
Outlaw News Myspace Exclusives
Toward a New Civilization - After having been gone for awhile, I posted this
the day after the 6th anniversery of 9/11, and consider it to be one of my most
import posts.
Nietzche is Dead
Living The Nightmare
Andre Is Interviewed About Propaganda And Thought Control
An Emotionally Rousing Neo-Nazi Music Video
Germany: “Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of
their daughters"
New Age COINTELPRO and the Optimism Gestapo
Why the Bastards Deleted me: Their View and Ours
7 of 64 Outlaw News Stories Effectively Banned on Digg
Outlaw News Correspondent Interviewed By Mexican Television
God-Hating Mossod Agent Spinelessly Attempts To Defame Outlaw News
FACT: Majority of American Middle School Girls Are Blow-Job Sluts
Letters To The Editors
Assailed by the PC Police
We need a plan to exterminate whites
The Catched profile of another Deleted Friend
Doctors And Guns
Martin Luther Quote
Well now, this is weird (keywords: rush limbaugh, hell, sick, vomit, weasel,
snake, filth)
Documentary: Hidden in Plain Sight: Meet the Bush Family: Nazis, crooks and
Hate Laws
'What's Wrong With 'Anti-Hate' Laws?'
Democrat Control Means Hate Bill May Pass
Top 11 Reasons You Should Fight Hate Laws
The Chip
Pentagon to implant microchips in soldiers’ brains
A generation is all they need (to implant us all with the mark of the beast,
Microchips for mentally ill planned in shake-up
Awesome resource: see the front pages of 549 newspapers from 56 countries
Global Child Sex Industry
UN shame over sex scandal
UN Investigated Over 300 for Sex Abuse
UN Child Sex Slave Scandals Continue
UN staff accused of raping children in Sudan
Britain Awakens to New Slave Trade in Bordellos
Child Sex In The Holy City
Mexico: Ties Between Elites and Child Sex Rings "Beyond Imagination"
Ted Gunderson Chronicles - CIA Sex Slave trafficking and Satanism
Future World
These Changes Will Kill Us All (video)
Children being used as 'guinea pigs' in mass Wi-Fi experiment, warn teachers
Nano Holograms, Nanowires, Spectral Catalysts, Polymers
Connect Your Brain To The Internet?
HAARP: Weapon of Total Destruction
Space Arms Race Is Most Definitely On
Singularities and Nightmares: Extremes of Optimism and Pessimism about the Human
Health fears lead schools to dismantle wireless networks
Cell Phones May Be As Harmful As Cigarettes
Cell Death from Mobile Phone Radiation
Secret Report .. Phone Dangers And Tetra
Evolution is a hoax
VIDEOS: Invisibility Cloak Findings at Duke University
Alan Watt on "Investigative Journal" with Greg Szymanski
Alex Jones Confronts Young Rothschild (!!!)
Illuminati and CFR
Aging Dollar vs. Young Amero
The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians
What You Should Know About Blackwater
Cargo Cults
Iranian President Speaks at Columbia University
You're Gonna Love This
Arrest Madman Dershowitz Before It's Too Late
Videos From Israel
DOCUMENTARY: Iraq: The Hidden War
Alleged Former Abu Ghraib Guard Discussed Gang Rape of /child in YouTube Video
CNN: U.S. Customs and Immigration Services Lies and Cheats
America, meet your foreign policy advisers
Alex Jones "Overthrowing The New World Order" Parts 1-6
Secret Government
Strange Weather - Ball Lightning
CIA Mind Control Experiments
Who Killed Princess Diana?
Abu Ghraib - The Bottom Line
Noam Chomsky Explaining the Fact that he is Employed by Israel
CNN/Dobbs: W Fulfills His Dad's Dream Of A New World Order
Johnny Pilger: Nicaragua - A Nations Right To Survive
Satanist Former Bush Cabinet Member Tommy Thompson Talking About How Great The
Verichip 666 Implant "In Your Right Arm" Is
Here's To The State Of The Union
Thunderbolts Of The Gods
Dr. Dahlia Wasfi speaks at Iraq forum
Big Brother Police State Hell
UCLA officers allowed to use tasers for "pain compliance"
"As Long As You're Not Doing Anything Wrong, You Have Nothing To Worry About"
Foil Wiretaps at Home!
Via RFID, these billboards know you by name
Pathetic, dumbed-down, Godless America
The US Empire – Beginning of the End Game
The Coming Collapse in Housing
Figures Lie & Liars Figure
Chris Matthews Says The U.S. "Wants A Little Bit Of Fascism", Then Drops F-Bomb
The Government Hates God
As the World Burns: Pope invites Henry Kissinger to be a political consultant
and he accepts
Is Bush A Demented Drug Addict or Retarded? I forget
May I Quote You, Mr. President? A selection of 50 quotes from President George
W. Bush, for entertainment or meditation
Defeating The Bill Of Rights: Bush's Lone Victory
Don't Blame Only Bush, It Is Also You, The People
Bush's Daughters are Sluts
Chavez Derails Plan For Global Dictatorship - you gotta love this guy.
Hugo Chavez Vows to Defeat 'The Devil'
Other Stuff
Women talk three times as much as men, says study
Apocalypto: The Most Powerful Film Of All Time
The Holocaust Was Part of a Larger Genocide
What Else is the Mainstream Media Lying About?
Satanism and Ritual Abuse - Case-by-Case Documentation
European Parliment: A Modern Tower of Babel
I'd like to meet:
Humans. If you’re not a psychopath or a zombie, add me.
Also, a woman who hasn’t heard of ‘ divorce ’*... ..
*That link is to a song about the attitude of the people of our* parents, sung by a band that was a lot better before he got that hair cut.
*Read: my generation’s
Queers, Pedophiles and Sex Slavery
Bush's fake reporter, Who turned out to also be a Gay Prostitute
Johnny Gosch, Jeff Gannon, Hunter Thompson and the Unraveling of a Troubling
DC Hilton and Ritz Carlton used for congressional child sex says federal agent
The Franklin Cover-up Scandal
Republican Pedophilia - a long and distinguished list
Mexico: Ties Between Elites and Child Sex Rings "Beyond Imagination"
Mind Control and Ritual Abuse - Archive*
Elite Pedophile Sex Rings - Mystery Babylon
Court shocker: 10 months for kiddie porn producer
FEMA Camps: The Last Neo-con line of Defense
Rex 84: FEMA's Blueprint for Martial Law in America
FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS: Locations and Executive Orders
American Prison Camps Are on the Way
Last Act Of Congress Preserves Internment Camps
Bush OKs $38M To Preserve US WWII Internment Camps
Talk Host Gallagher: ‘Round Up’ Olbermann, Damon, And ‘Put Them In A Detention
Neocon Lapdogs: “Round Up Traitors And Put Them In Campsâ€
Privatized Immigrant Detention Facilities for Families Revealed to be Modern-Day
Concentration Camps
North American Union - Archive*
Video: Pretext For The North American Union
Hey, listen - I like Mexicans just as much as anyone.
Most of them that I've met are incredible people. Their morals are better
than most Americans'. But, the fact is there is an agenda behind this mass
immigration. We are being combined with Mexico (and Canada), and both are
cultures are being destroyed in the process. Do Mexicans really want their
families to be broken up and destroyed, like American families have been?
The Illegal Immigration Invasion
Pat Buchanan: Impeach Bush over illegal aliens
Wake Up And Smell The Invasion
Immigration's Sickening Futility For America
The End of Morality
Hell Awaits, America
The Shame of the Nation: A Collective Perversion
America's Media-Driven Descent Into Depravity
"From Guernica to Hiroshima: How America Reversed Its Policy on Bombing
Greed, Sex Slavery, Forced Abortions and Right-Wing Moralists
Amnesty: Torture by US widespread
The CIA's Pain Project
Human Hell and the Demons of War
Elite Occultism
Richard Nixon was right: "Bohemian Grove is the Faggottiest goddamn Place on
Michael Richards: Freemason, Shriner, Racist
Eyes Wide Shut: Occult Symbolism
Richard Dawkins Is An Angry, Pathetic Dogmatist, Shameful Embarrassment To
Scientific Community
Misguided Christians
2 things that make me sick: Bush and Co. using gullible
Christians to support satanic wars for
..Israel...., and sniveling "liberals" who
dismissing the fact that Bush is openly a Satanist and Homosexual and whining
about how "he's a conservative Christian on Crusade". The third thing that makes
me sick is the entire Federal Church of Christ of Zionism.
America, meet your foreign policy advisers
Mega Church Pastor Rick Warren attacked for kindness to Arabs
FEMA To Turn Nation's Churches Into The Whore Of Revelation
The Armageddon Lobby
Holy Land churches condemn Christian Zionism
This is probably the key issue we need to be dealing with,
because as long as we are being chemically gassed from the sky, we are going to
be dumbed down and sick, and unable to deal with the other issues.
Everyone needs to write the military, and tell them that WE KNOW what they are
doing, and that they need to stop. This will force the issue into the
public realm.
Chemtrails - Archive*
Inquiry into spray cancer claims
(No caption required.
Click to Enlarge .)
Children Discarded
Occult/Satanic Nature of Pedophilia
Judge Orders Release of Abu Ghraib Child-Rape Photos
Hospital admits to burning aborted babies in waste incinerator
Oct. 29th massacres in Palestine history and Ben Gurion wonders: "How can an
order be given to shoot children?"
Alleged Former Abu Ghraib Guard Discussed Gang Rape of Child in YouTube Video
The Flouride Conspiracy
Death By Aspartame
Monsanto Whistleblower Says Genetically Engineered Crops May Cause Disease
How Food Giants Use Dirty Tricks To Target Kids
Courting CODEX - 'Whole-Food' Deceptions...
8 Brain Diseases That Give You Superhuman Powers
How Gene Patents Are Putting Your Health at Risk
Wi-Fi could fry your brain
Call To Remove Cancer-Causing Plastics From Containers
The Experts Agree -
9/11 Was an Inside Job! - Archive*
911 Demo Proof - Statements From Firefighters, Police
VIDEO: Congressman Curt Weldon Alleges 9/11 Cover-up
NEW FILM: 9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out
Scientific Poll: 84% Reject Official 9/11 Story
More than 1/3 of Americans now suspect 9-11 was a government conspiracy.
Video: Norman Mineta’s Testimony Proves 9/11 Was an Inside Job
The US Government's Usage of Atomic Bombs at the World Trade Center
CENTCOM Sergeant Details Traitorous Stand Down Orders On 9/11
Video: NORAD on 9/11: what was the U.S.A.F. doing that day?
Most Police, Firefighters Now Believe 9/11 Inside Job
X-Files spin-off predicted 911
Dead Kennedys
Video: The Murder of JFK
BBC - CIA role claim in Kennedy killing
JFK: America’s Last Real President
Mossad And The JFK Assassination
RFK And McCarthy
Beyond "Bobby": Exposing the continuing conspiracy and cover-up of the RFK
Bankers wage open war on workers
Central Bankers Seek Totalitarian Power
Former IDF calls for bribing government officials and manipulating American
Ilya Ehrenberg - The Man Who Invented The ‘Six Million’
The Zionist Network
Israel developing anti-militant nanotech "bionic hornet"
1919 Army Report Identifies Zionist and American Complicity in Bolshevik
The Armageddon Lobby
Illuminati Mystery Babylon in Israel
Who Really Controls America?
Zionism: A Power Cult Of Greed, Evil - Take Back America
Anti-Zionist Jewish Protesters
Video:Israeli Involvement In 9/11 On Fox News
Christian And Jewish Zionists Are Going To Burn In Hell Forever (PDF)
Video: Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews
The Difference Between Judaism and Zionism
Israel ups the stakes in the propaganda war
Iraq war was good for Israel: Olmert
Jewish Prof Sues Organized Jewry
A closer look: The Israeli origins of Bush II’s war
Netanyahu And The End Times
Chronology Of Zionism’s Master Plan For World Domination
How Israel Killed For The Atom Bomb - With Timeline
Truth about the Talmud: Racist, Rabbinic Hate Literature
Song: Jerusalem on the Jukebox
Israel to kill on U.S., allies'' soil
More settlers videos: “We killed Jesus, we are proud of it!â€
Israeli Knesset Seeks to Make Questioning Holocaust Globally Illegal!
Israel: Whose Country Is It Anyway?
Olmert's Bloody Reign & Ties To 911
Holocaust Porn - Made in ISRAEL
The Moral Bankruptcy of Israel’s Founding Idea
Video: Extradite Luis Posada Carriles!
Support for YOUR WAR is the opposite of support for OUR
Depleted Uranium & The REAL Reason For The Draft
Depleted Uranium Measured in British Atmosphere
Bush's Depleted Uranium Nightmare
Depleted Uranium Situation Worsens
Depleted Uranium Radioactive Contamination In Iraq: An Overview
Doing the Wrong Thing in Afghanistan: Depleted Uranium: The Definitive Moral
War Protestor's Public Suicide in Chicago Went Unnoticed by Media
16,000 Single Mothers Serving in Iraq
Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a "New Middle East"
(includes insane new map)
Don't Be Fooled By His "Gentle Gentile" Stature And Kind
Demeanor! He's Hitler Reincarnated To Finish The Job(s)! He's Secretly Planning
To Kill The Jews Because He Is Driven By Hate! "Drive Them Into The Sea", He
Says, "Just Drive Em On In" - Terror Terror Fear Jews Jews Terror Death!
Holocaust Holocaust Holocaust Holocaust! Never Again! It's Final! We Must Launch
Preemptive Nuclear War With A Non-Hostile Country Because Of His Obvious Blatant
Clear Plain Secret Plot That Only Israel Knows About Or Has Heard Of! The
Mission Is Clear! The Secret Evidence They Claim To Have Is Incontrovertible!
There Will Be No Discussion! Never Again Never Again Never Again! Olmert And
Mossod Have Said It, Fieth And Netenyahu Have Confirmed It, And
Allen Dershowitz Has Decided The Matter ! There Will Be No Discussion! A
Massive Apocalyptic Nuclear War Shall Comence, Being Launched Preemptivly In
Self-Defense In The Name Of Peace. The American Government And Military Cannot
Fail To Sacrifice It All To Stop The New Holocaust, When We Are Certain, Based
On Strategically Disseminated Calculations Of Israeli Politicians And The
Rambling Schizophrenic Rhetoric Of Prominent IDF Generals, That Some Such Thing
Will Possibly Be Likely To Occur For Some Unspecified Reason! There Will Be No
Debate. No Questions, Or In The Name Of Freedom And Free Speech You Can Rot Like
Ernst Zundel In The Name Of Liberty We Have A Right To Self-Defense Never Again.
Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s letter to President George W. Bush
Ahmadinejad’s letter to Americans
Full Text of Pres. Ahmadinejad’s Letter to German Chancellor
The "Wipe Israel Off The Map" Hoax
Bush's Desire for a Conflict With Iran Is A Crisis Made in Israel
Robert Gates & the Iran Arms Sales
Effects of ill-advised CIA plot in Iran still haunts U.S.
Full Text of David Duke's Speech in Tehran
Democrats Blame Iraqis for U.S. Induced Misery
Rogue U.S. Troops Knowingly Bombed British In Iraq
Iraq: A Job Well Done
Baath Party Statement: The US' and Iranian's game in Iraq and in the region
Incredible Photographs: Sand Storm in Iraq
Are 70,000 Pentagon Mercs Killing Iraqis?
VIDEO: Saddam was literally a human sacrifice victim
Ex CIA Analyst: Saddam Did Not Gas The Kurds
'In Saddam's time I never saw a friend killed in front of my eyes. I never saw
neighbors driven out of their homes just for their sect. And I never saw entire
families being slaughtered and killed'
Iraqi Sufis Join the Fight Against Coalition Forces
This is the hell we have bequeathed to the Arab peoples of Iraq
What is to be Done? Palestinian Solidarity in a Time of Massacres
American priest, nun join Gaza human shields
Israel rejects landmark truce offer
The Niggerization of Palestine
Genocide or Erasure of Palestinians: Does It Matter What You Call It?
Did you know?
The "Gaza-Solution" and the Ongoing War on Islam
Hezbollah 2, Israel 0
Hezbollah versus the CIA's Cedar Revolution
Her Majesty’s Terrorist Network
Ambulances Intentionally hit by Israeli forces, then they claimed it was a
"Anti-Semitic Hoax", which was quickly proven to be a bad piece of fiction, but
by then the media had already settled the issue in favor of the Talmudic State
Side Issues
Psychedelic Mushrooms Have Spiritual Benefit
Stunning pictures of animals in the womb
Use Google To Search The Heavens
The spread of religion over 2000 years (gif animation)
Locking Down The Internet
One Third Of Jailed Journalists Are Bloggers
Bloggers Who Criticize Government May Face Prison
US government wants bloggers to register
Private Spies Stalk The Internet Trying to entrap non-existent "Al-Qaeda cells"
into incriminating themselves
Software Will Let Users Dodge Government Internet Censorship
Mind Control
Mind Control in contemporary America
MK-Ultra Mind Control victim owed compensation in CIA case, judge told
Lifelong Learning, Thought Control & Behavior M odification
Mind Wars: Brain Research and National Defense
The “Over Mind†communicating through mind control and psy-ops?
Subtle Bodies - Manipulating the Mind of Man
Feminism has no benefactor (save banking and satanic
Gloria Steinem: How the CIA Used Feminism to Destabilize Society
"Women's Rights" – a Purposeful Deception or Academic Rambling and Lack of
The Dawn of the Feminist Police State
Because Hating to Read is no Longer An Excuse for being Stupid
Politics & Conspiracy
Terrorstorm - High Quality version
9/11 Mysteries Part 1: Demolitions
Martial Law 9/11: Rise Of The Police State (2005)
Loose Change 2nd ed / Extra Footage
9/11 Eyewitness
Mohamad Atta and the Venice Flying Circus
David Ray Griffin interview in Copenhagen
Recent Interview With Andreas von Buelow
The Great Conspiracy
Charlie Sheen on 9/11 - CNN Coverage
Prof Steven E Jones Lecture
911 Revisited
David Shayler on 911: Part One / Part Two
David Icke on 911
Charlie Sheen on 911
The Truth and Lies of 9-11
Illumi-Nazi 911
Secret Evil Of 911
911 - Attack or Godsend? Part One / Part Two / Part Three
SEPTEMBER 11: Evidence to the Contrary REDUX 2006
Aktenzeichen 9/11
911 - The Great Illusion - End Game of the Illuminati (2004) Part One / Part Two
Alex Jones - Weekly Report - Live 01.27.04 - building 7
911 - David Ray Griffin in DC 9-24-05
Perspective on 9/11 (compilation)
9/11 Revisited: Scientific and Ethical Questions by Steven Jones at BYU
David Ray Griffin - The 911 Commission Report
David Ray Griffin - 911 and the American Empire (2005)
The 9/11 - 7/7 Connection
FOX: 911 The Israeli Connection (4 Part Series, Spy Scandal)
Painful Deceptions - An Analysis of the 911 Attack (Revised by reopen911.org)
Confronting The Evidence: A Call To Reopen The 911 Investigation: Part One /
Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five
Alex Jones - 911 The Road To Tyranny / Extras
War and Globalization - The Truth Behind September 11
911 - The Greatest Lie Ever Sold by Anthony Hilder
Outside the Box #29 (Featuring Ted Gunderson)
Shadow Government Bush Administration Complicit in 9/11 attacks
Ludicrous Diversion - 7/7 London Bombings Documentary
Pandora's Black Box: Flight of American 77
First Citizen's Inquiry Into 9-11 - Jim Marrs
PBS - Silverstein Admit He And The NYFD Pulled WTC Building 7
Aerosol Crimes (aka Chemtrails)
Chemtrails: Clouds Of Death
The Freeman Perspective - Chemtrails
Chemtrails : What is wrong with our skies?
Time Lapse film of Chemtrails
Chemtrails over Aachen
Chemtrails - Documentary From Canadian Working TV
Chemtrails - Mystery Lines In The Sky
Chemtrails - Planes In Germany - 10Km South Of Berlin
Chemtrails Confirmed - Excerpt
Child Abuse
Conspiracy of Silence (Pedophile Politicians) *Important - Must See
Ted Gunderson Chronicles - CIA Sex Slave trafficking and Satanism
Ted Gunderson - The CIA and Pedophile Trafficking In Children - You Must See This
Sex Crimes and the Vatican
Conspiracies, varied
JFK 2 - The Bush Connection
Waco - The Big Lie
Capitalist Conspiracy - 1960s Anti Illuminati NWO
Jim Marrs - Rule By Secrecy
Gay Rights - Inside the Homosexual Agenda
Hidden Agenda - Illuminati Control Of Society
The Real X-Files - Americas Psychic Spies (remote viewing)
Operation Hollywood
Drug War
Dateline Report On CIA Drug Trafficking - Gary Webb, Cele Castillo, Ricky Ross
Plan Colombia: Cashing-in on the Drug-War Failure (2003)
DNW - War on Drugs (1999)
GNN - Drug War Reality
Economic Tyranny
AMERICA: From Freedom to Fascism (doesn’t work, will fix soon)
The Crash - The Coming Financial Collapse of America
The Money Masters: Part One / Part Two / Part Three
The Capitalist Conspiracy
Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve
Monopoly Men (Federal Reserve Fraud) (1999)
Masters of the Universe - The Secret Birth of the Federal Reserve
Sherry Peel Jackson - Breaking the invisible Shackles of the IRS
Theft By Deception - Deciphering the Federal Income Tax
G. Edward Griffin - Inflation
The Corporation
Federal Reserve System
Hidden Agenda - Illuminati Control Of Society
Who Controls our Children?
The Environment
Behind the Green Curtain (Environmentalism for landgrab)
Sweet Misery - A Poisoned World (Aspartame)
FEMA Camps
FEMA Plans On Suspension Of The Constitution Exposed During Iran Contra Hearings
FEMA Camp Footage
Texe Marrs: Gulag USA - Concentration Camps in America
Beech Grove Indiana FEMA Camp - April 5 2006
Live Talk 13 (FEMA KILLS)
C-Span - Concentration Camps In USA - FEMA North Bush
General Political Corruption
The Clinton Chronicles
The Power of Nightmares - Rise Of the Politics of Fear: Part One / Part Two / Part Three
Secrets Of The CIA
Alex Jones - Matrix of Evil
Alex Jones - American Dictators: Documenting the Staged Election of)
America's Choice - Liberty or Sustainable Development Part One / Part Two / Part Three
Police State 2 - The Take over
Police State 3: Total Enslavement
Alex Jones - Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports EXPOSED
Dave Lindorff: The Case for Impeachment
Greg Palast - Florida Election Fraud Scandal Part One / Part Two
Greg Palast - Enron Expose
George W. Bush Election Expose
Globalism & NWO
The UN Deception Conspiracy Will Not Be Televised
Global Governance - The Quiet War Against American Independence
FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order (2004)
The American Union by 2005 - 2006 by Robert Gaylon Ross
Alex Jones - Police State (2000 )
Alex Jones - America destroyed by Design
The United Nations: A Look Into The Future (1998)
The REAL Face of The European Union
Global Governance: The Quiet War Against American Independence
Despotism and Democracy (1946)
Globalism - CIA Creates Terrorism - General Partin
Who Infiltrated America? Jesuits? Zionists? Illuminati? NWO? Aliens? / Part Two
USA Builds The Communist Empire
New Orleans - Hurricane Katrina - Gun Confiscation
America in Peril - How NWO is Taking Over the USA
Immigration by the Numbers .
Bilderberg 2005 Meeting - Exclusive Footage - Dr Johannes Koeppl
Globalism - CIA Creates Terrorism - General Partin
Health Issues
Vaccination: The Hidden Truth
Suppressed Medical Discovery: Dr. Robert C. Beck
lecture on curing cancer and HIV with micro-currents
Christopher Bryson - The Fluoride Deception
Vaccination - The Hidden Truth (1998)
We Become Silent - The Last Days Of Health Freedom
Dr. Len Horowitz - Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola Part One Part Two
AIDS virus put in our medicine
Genetically Modified Food: Panacea Or Poison?
The Future of Food (2004) (GM Foods)
How Healing Becomes A Crime - Cancer Cure Suppressed By Medical Drugs
HIV = AIDS - Fact Or Fraud? (1996)
Dispatches: Supermarket Secrets Part One / Part Two
G. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17
David Icke on Aspartame
Media Control
Spin (Brian Springer - 1995)
OutFOXed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism (Interviews)
War is Sell
Reality Check - Alan Watt
Proof That The History Channel Is CIA Propaganda
Operation Hollywood
Mind Control
Mind Control - Earth Rising
Mind Control - Excellent Documentary
Mind Control - Mkultra Survivor Testimony - Cathy O'brien & Mark Phillips (2006)
Mk Ultra History - American LSD & PCP Testing For Mass Mind Control
Cathy O'Brien: Mind Control Out of Control (MK-ULTRA)
Cathy O'Brien: A Trance Formation: Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four
The American and Nazi Project of Mind Control
The Most Dangerous Game: Mind Control Part One / Part Two / Part Three /
Seduction of a Generation (Sensitivity Training as Brainwashing)
HAARP or another conspiracy
Dr. Nick Begich - Angels Don't Play This HAARP
David Icke: The Bohemian Grove & Mind Control Rituals
World's Greatest Conspiracy Theories - No 1. - Mind Control
Cathy O'brien - Mind Control Out of Control - Part 2
Dr Rober Lifton - Mind Control Expert
History Of Mind Control And Programming - Stewart Swerdlow
Secret Societies/ Elite Occultism
Illuminati - Bush Skull & Bones - Secret Society Documentary
Illuminati - The New World Order - Top Secret - Part 2
Reality Check - Alan Watt
Illuminati History - Mr Henry Kissinger (German) SOMEONE SUB THIS ENGLISH
Illuminati: The Hidden Agenda for World Government
Ted Gunderson - CIA - Satanism
Alex Jones - The Order of Death
Bilderberg 2005 Footage
Alex Jones - Dark Secrets inside Bohemian Grove (2002)
The Georgia Guidestones (The American Stonehenge Promoting Depopulation)
Texe Marrs - Illuminati Mystery Babylon (2002)
Okay. The video
list was having serious problems, since the spineless CIA juice-box heads at
Google deleted my account, and so many other people's. If you want the highly
defective (but still massive and useful) list that used to be here, go
here .
.. about this - television is a MASS HYPNOTIST, in the most literal sense - the colors, images, music and tonality of voice are designed to put people in a TRANCE STATE, and then project {inflict} a jaded, sex-driven, meaningless world view onto the viewer. The real issue is not the propaganda, it is the physiological MIND CONTROL. It is one of the greatest tools that the satanic elite are using against us, and has been the instrument of THE WHORE OF BABYLON as she has "spread her fornications into every nation" (rev.17) if you are looking to begin to liberate yourself, breaking your television is as good a place as any to start (i would recommend throwing it off of your roof , or out of a window, because they really do explode, and that rocks). Anyway, no, I don't have a television.
Mohammed the Prophet (pbuh), Khalid, Ali the Invincible, Isaiah the Prophet, Mohammed Ali, Edgar Cayce, Waylon Jennings, Alex Jones, Senator John W Decamp,
Letters to the Editor