Jmmanuel Truth About Jesus
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Wondering aimlessly, archaic babblings , archaeoastrology Egyptology, revolution ascension philosophy politics or should I say anti- politics, trees, earth, stars, moon, sun, monoatomic elements, art “life in general†trying to find food, and a place to stay, mass resistance, a 7 mile serpent, 2012 , Anunnaki, Nibiru, free energy, cannabis, and good people to smoke it with.And all of this stuff I'm sure will only bore you =pBlack Pope (has nothing to do with race but with character)
Vatican Assassins
St. Patrick's NYC + Cardinal Egan + Black Pope
New World Order
Council on Foreign Relations
Trilateral Commission
Skull and Bones
MK Ultra
Operation Paperclip
Operation Northwoods
Gulf of Tonkin
John F Kennedy assassination
911 Truth
Building 7 in the World Trade Center complex
2000 Presidential Election
2004 election
voter fraud
electronic voting machines
War on Drugs
C. I. A. + War on Drugs
C. I. A. + Iran Contra
C. I. A. + MK Ultra
C. I. A. + Saddam Hussein, Baath Party
C. I. A. + Manual Noriega
School of Americas
F. E. M. A.
Mount Weather
Oklahoma City Bombing
Timothy McVeigh + C. I. A.
Waco, TX + Branch Davidians + ATF + Janet Reno
Bill Clinton + War on Drugs + Mena, Arkansas
Elian Gonzalez
Prescott Bush + Trading with the Enemy Act
Marvin Bush
Project for a New American Century + Rebuilding America's Defenses + "new pearl harbor"
IBM + Third Reich
Bohemian Grove
The Philadelphia Experiment
Monsanto Pharmaceuticals
Nikola Tesla
Agent Orange + Monsanto Pharmaceuticals
Donald Rumsfeld + Monsanto Pharmaceuticals
Bayer + AIDS
ENRON + Bush + Cheney
FEMA + Hurricane Katrina
Global Warming + Atmospheric Nuclear Testing
Ozone Depletion + Atmospheric Nuclear Testing
RFK Assassination
Freemasonry + NASA
Particle Weaponry + UFO
Ocean Warming/Ocean Current Shift
2012 + Mayan Calendar
Evidence for Ancient Atomic Warfare
Trance-Formation of America by Cathy O'Brien
Knights Templar
Nine Dimensions
Sumarien tablets
Bill Cooper
Rockefellers + Rothschilds
Federal Reserve + Fiat Money
Problem - Reaction - Solution
H. A. A. R. P.
Russian Woodpecker
David Icke (Researcher)
Sirius + Dogon Tribe
Stewart Swerdlow (formerly worked for gov't, whistle blower, researcher)........
people who didn't sell there soul like this guy did,,,..
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..As world events continue to unfold, more and more will witness the ugliness of the predominance of bullying behavior. The rulers of the stronger nations are forcing their will upon the weaker nations and will become more demanding and unreasonable. Nation states are using an enormously oppressive power much like that of masters over slaves.
History is repeating itself – again. There was once a super race of aliens known to the ancient people of the Earth as the Anunnaki. For many reasons, the Anunnaki have been reduced in power today. This race of beings thrives on conquest and enslavement of those who are under them.
.. ......
Jmmanuel Truth About Jesus
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