The Ron Paul Revolution is global profile picture

The Ron Paul Revolution is global

Those who know others are wise. Those who know themselves are enlightened. (Lao Tsu)

About Me

Please Add Me To Your Top List Of Friends and put my email address in your addressbook;[email protected] . Use this email to send me a friend request or search for me when trying to update your top friends.
All that I want to accomplish is to get people to question the reality that they have been taught to perceive.
9-11 was an inside job. If such a huge thing can be pulled covered up and propagandized, what else have we been lied to about?
Coast to Coast is the most valuable resource that I can offer. If everyone listened to Coast to Coast I honestly believe that we would overcome the ills of the world. Please browse through the C2C links on the left side of my page. There is something for everyone.
Please post a comment but do not hate on anyone, Bush included. Use my comment board as your bulletin board to post critical videos and links.
My purpose in making this page is to provide so much information that defies the paradigm, that you can not help but be deprogrammed.
What do I mean by programmed?
Our brains are programmed the same way you would program a computer. We are programmed with Memes, or ideas. Read the book "Virus of the Mind" to fully understand what I am talking about. We are programmed from birth by tv specifically.

I have provided all the information neccesary to deprogram you if you are willing to view the content with an open mind. If your mind is already made up then you will continue to be manipulated.
If you are new to the concept of the New World Order then I urge you to view the 9/11 footage first. I urge everyone to take advantage of the Coast To Coast programs on my page. If you are interested in realizing that you don't know shit, please continue.
"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger." --- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials
(2nd in command - 3rd Reich)
I focus on 9/11 because we all saw it happen.
We all have been fed the same bs over and over again.
If 9/11 was an inside job, then everything you have ever thought about our governmet is false.
Everything you have ever thought about world politics is false.
If 9/11 can be pulled off and the masses can be manipulated so easily, it begs the question...
How else have we been manipulated...
What have we been lied to about?
What have we not been told?
I focus on 9/11 only as a means of getting you to question what you have been told. Everyone percieves reality uniquely. What makes our personal interpretation any better than the other 5 billion perceptions of reality?
There is so much more to life and we must go beyond focusing on the conspiracies.
Everyone perceives reality uniquely. In a sense we have chosen and continue to choose to limit reality to a rigid belief system. Tibetan monks spend their entire lives freeing their minds of their belief systems. Belief limits potential. If I know that I cannot walk on water then I will sink every time. Think about coal walking. How do you explain people walking across 7 feet of glowing red coals without burning themselves? I have never fire walked myself but I have heard scientists like Dr. Swanson describe his experience. He did not believe in the phenomena so he wanted to experience it himself. Before walking on the coals, participants were induced to visualize moss under their feet as they walked. Dr. Swanson could not believe that he was walking on hot coals but it felt like squishy moss. Towards the end of his walk, he started doubting what was happening and returned to the mindset that coals are hot and he immidiately got got burned.
Jesus compared faith to a mustard seed; Matthew 17:20 “He said to them, "Because of your little faith. Amen, I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."”
Faith is the absence of doubt. Faith is a two edged sword; it can cut both ways; positive of negative.
Jesus gives it to us plainly in John 10:34, “Jesus Answered, “It is written in your own Law that God said, “You are gods””
What that means is that we create reality as God creates reality. Our Consciousness manifests into physical reality.
Reality is whatever you make it. Have you ever been really nervous going into a job interview? Did you get the job? Did you have more success when you were confident that the job was yours?
What about parties? Have you ever gone to a party that you knew you would be out of place at? How does that compare to when you go into party knowing that you are going to have a blast?
Snowboarding. When I first attempted to hit jumps I thought about what I should and shouldn’t do. I ate sh*t every time. I came up with the idea to clear my head of all thoughts and hit the jump without thinking about it. I would sit above the jump, close my eyes and clear my head of all snowboarding thoughts. Then I would yell F*ck It, and I would hit the jump without a second thought about it. From that point on I never had to try to hit a jump. Stop thinking about how to do something and just do it.
Have you played 8 ball? I am hot or cold when it comes to pool and it all comes down to if I have faith. As soon as I let doubt enter my consciousness I realize it into existence. Think about your own experience playing pool. I am sure that you have had times when you could make any shot. Have you ever been in a funk where you can’t make a shot?
Golf is another sport that is all mental. The more you think about how to golf the worse you will play. Once again it all comes down to confidence. If you are confident that you will hit a good shot you will. If you are nervous that your shot will go astray it will. Keep it simple. Try this. Set up to the ball as if you were going to hit it to hole. Then stay where you are and point to the pin with your club. Take several practice swings to establish the flight path of the club, ensuring that you end your swing pointing to the pin.
Dr. Bruce Lipton has a PhD in microbiology among other degrees. One of his early experiments dealt with stem cells. He would put identical stem cells into different environments (PH, Temp, etc.) The stem cells would turn into different tissues based on the environment that they were in (bone, skin, muscle, etc.). This proves that the functionality of the cells is not produced by DNA. Mainstream science tells us that everything about us is realized because it was written into our DNA. The Human Genome Project was supposed to find every gene responsible for every trait. Big business bought the project as detailed in Dr. Leonard Horowitz’s book, DNA; Pirates of the Sacred Spiral, in the hope that they could patent every gene and create gene specific drugs.
Which brings up the absurdity of our drug policies. The Pharmaceutical Industry is just that, an industry. The number one goal of any corporation is to generate profit for its shareholders. A business cannot stay in business without a steady supply of repeat customers. This is why they treat the symptoms of disease and do not cure the disease. The worst part is that you go to the doctor to and get your symtoms treated with drugs only to experience side effects from the very drugs that you took to treat the original symptoms. The cycle continues indefinately.
Pain for instance. Pain is a built in alarm system that warns us of problems. Pain is like a smoke detector alerting us to a fire. Instead of finding the fire we put in ear plugs so we don't hear the alarm. What do you expect will happen to the fire?
What is worse is that big Pharma actually goes out of their way to harm us. The sicker we are the wealthier they become. For the sake of yourself and everyone that you love, listen to the C2C interviews under the health section on my page starting with the interview with Dr. Len Horowitz.
Have you ever wondered why weed is demonized and illegal? No deaths have ever been attributed to marijuana. If marijuan is illegal then why is alcohol legal? What about cigarettes?
Marijuana treats the symptoms of over 50% of all known diseases. If MJ was legal the pharmaceutical industry would be crippled. The pharmaceutical industry has over 2 lobbyists per congressperson. Does it surprise you that mj is illegal?
What gives someone the right to forcibly deny someone the right to expand his or her mind? Psychedelic drugs have been used for at least 10,000 years with no ill side effects. Psychedelic drugs are not addicting. They are even used with 50% success to get addicts off of hard drugs permanently.
What really pisses me off is how weed is demonized and then Ritalin is given to over 1 out of every 5 boys. DARE to keep kids off plants and hook them on pharmaceuticals. Drugs are handed out like candy and people aren't concerned. I don't know about you but I trust God over greedy men in lab coats. Just in case you were wondering, I haven't taken any pharmaceutical in over 2 years and I haven't been sick since.
God created us with a fully functioning immune system. We also have something called stem cells. Was God just playing a game with us like holding a steak just out of reach of a dog? Stem cells are the cells that create every other cell in our body. We have the tools to repair any damage ever done but we don't use them. Dr. Bruce Lipton goes into this phenomena in detail in the 2nd interview on my page. We have been taught and socially conditioned since birth that we must go to a doctor to get healed. Many if not most people heal themselves on the way to the doctor, like their subconscious was waiting for the doctor before having permission to heal the body. Think about this example provided by Dr. Lipton. All babies are born with the ability to swim but they loose that ability. Think about kids who are deathly afraid of getting in the water at their first swimming lesson. Fear caused them to forget how to swim. This fear came from everyone who freaked out when the child got to close to the water. The child learned to fear the water. Fear is a belief. What you believe transforms your cells/genetics to that belief. Think about spontaneous remissions of cancers or think about its counterpart, when an outgoing health individual is told they have cancer and then they die suddenly. It all comes down to belief.
I used to be passionate about researching the NWO and conspiracies in general. I realized that focusing on the conspiracies is actually giving them power to manifest materially. Apply what I have spoken about above.
I will post limited conspiracy content because I would have never found myself on my spiritual quest otherwise. Pursuit of conspiracies caused me to realize that reality is very different than what is sold to us by the establishment. The New World Order will be a fully realized One-World-Government. That might seem like a good idea until you realize that the people in power were responsible for putting Hitler in power. Look up "trading with the enemy act of 1942"
In the middle ages the elite openly spoke of commoners as cockroaches. That same elite is still in power
I used to have a bunch of small clips containing relevant info. I am going to get rid of the clips and post the most complete 9/11 documentary that I have seen yet. It has almost all of the clips that I had previously posted. I will try to broaden the scope of the videos that I post on this page. Please take the time to check back because I will update often.
Don't listen to anything that you have been told about 9/11. Seek out live 9/11 footage and analyze it yourself. Here is the most complete compilation of live footage that I have seen yet.
Aaron Russo, founder of the Libertarian Party, made a documentary detailing the descent from a free nation to a fascist dictatorship. Please watch, America; Freedom to Fascism.
What the Bleep Do We Know? The topics discussed in What the Bleep Do We Know include neurology, quantum physics, psychology, epistemology, ontology, metaphysics, magical thinking and spirituality. The film features interviews with individuals presented as experts in science and spirituality, interspersed with the story of a deaf photographer as she struggles with her situation. Computer-animated graphics feature heavily in the film. The film has received widespread criticism from the scientific community. Physicists, in particular, claim that the film grossly misrepresents the meaning of various principles of quantum mechanics, and is in fact pseudoscience.The comments of those presented as scientific experts converge on a single theme: "We all create our own reality." This is not a widely held view of physics by the scientific community, but it correlates well with subjective experience.
Dr. Steven Greer gave up his practice as a Nueral Surgeon to pursuit free energy which led him to UFO phenomena. He organized the disclosure project, a conference featuring 400 govenment, military, and industry insiders, who have had direct experience with UFOs.
Dr. Bruce Lipton will blow your mind as he presents the case for his new biological model, that belief trumpts genetics.
Part 2
Dr. Emoto - How Consciousness Affects water. To summarize his experiments, he took water from the same source and seperated it into different containers. Then he had meditators focus on the various water samples with various intentions and/or feelings (love, hate, passion, peace, and etc.). He then froze the water samples and examined the frozen water crystals under magnification. Each crystalline water molecule correlated to the feelings/intentions directed towards it. The water hated on was deformed. The water loved on was brilliant.
This is a crazy video documenting the nature of sound.
Michael Tsarion Speaks about the origins of evil.
Rule By Secrecy - Jim Marrs connects the dots.
Firefighters jump at in reaction to an explosion at ground zero.
A firefighter at ground zero clearly says that the building must be cleared because there is a bomb inside.
This adds to the weight of testimony from firefighters that bombs were evident in the WTC.
Fireman: "bomb in the building start clearing out"
This gentlemen is a survivor of the 9/11/01 "terrorist" attacks.
He gives an eyewitness testimony of how a bomb went off as he was evacuating.
In case you didn't know, 3 buildings collapsed on 9/11. WTC 7 was never hit by a plane. It collapsed in the afternoon. Larry Silverstein, leaser of all collapsed wtc buildings, says he chose to "pull" building 7.
But remember that it was just a coincidence that Larry bought wtc 1&2 6 weeks prior to 9/11,
and purchased a multi-billion dollar insurance policy against terrorism.
This is a great video analysis of the occurances at the pentagon and the debris recovered.
It is very concise and worth your time.
How does a weather balloon get mistaken for a flying saucer anyways? The Army first issued a report declaring that a flying saucer had crashed. The next day the Army published its official report that a weather balloon had crashed. Think about that for a second... UFO... metal... rigid... Is it possible to get them confused?By underground I mean not controlled by the establishment. The same elite that existed in the days of Galileo exist today. You remember Galileo right? He published the discovery of Copernicus that the earth rotated around the sun. He was forced into hiding to preserve his life. Excommunication was the least of his worries. Discoveries that disrupt the status quo will be suppressed. You might say that is impossible today. Not when the elite own the mass-media. Did you know that roughly 90% of everything you watch on TV, see at the movies, or read in the newspapers is controlled (produced) by 5 corporations, Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch's News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS). That begs the question, what is to keep the elite from mass producing propaganda and mixing it in with truths? After all, the best disinformation is that which you can't distinguish from the truth. Look how much garbage is on TV. Look how many people are addicted to their favorite shows. The point is that it is fake... useless information... intended to amuse us so we won't mind if our rights are taken away. It also programs us to believe what the establishment wants. What is evil is seen as good... Sopranos. What is good is seen as evil... 40 year old virgin. Why Did I Choose the name "Waking The Dead?" Because, humanity has been put into a deep hypotic trance that can only be broken when we "wake up." The only way to wake up is to educate yourself on the true nature of reality. The information is out there but in order to find it, you must actively seek it out. Once you uncover the truth the false reality will be broken and you will wake up. My goal with this site is to provide information that will break the paradigm. I have provided links to Coast-To-Coast programs that will force you to question the reality that you have been led to believe. Please take advantage of these resources.A common program infecting most people is religion.
Who Are We To Define Who or What God is?
Christians believe what the Bible says.
Muslims believe what the Koran says.
Mormons believe what the Book Of Mormon says.
Did God personally tell you that your way is the one right path?
Doesn't everyone think that about their own religion?
Did God personally write any of these supposedly holy texts?
We are told that God worked through the hands of his prophets. By whom are we told? The prophets themselves?
How do you know that they are not just making it up as a way to control you, As a way to get you to program yourself with that program?
We are all humans. The only thing that is different is the programming that fills our heads.
When you read the Bible, you are filling your head with that programming.
When you read the Koran you are filling your head with that programming.
When you read the Book Of Mormon you are filling your head with that programming.
When you watch TV or a movie, read a book or a newspaper, you are progamming yourself with that progamming. Whatever goes in comes out. You can not have a polluted well that produces fresh water.
This is how we are designed to fight each other. Our programming conflicts.
====================================================== ======================================================The problem with the Bible is that it was originally compiled and translated by the elite. On top of that it has been retranslated hundreds of times. Each translation leaves original meaning due to the fact that ideas portrayed in one language cannot be conveyed in another. This doesn't even account for the bias of the translator.
The translators of the bible have been the establishment.

My Interests

UPDATED Coast To Coast AM Shows

Click the following links in order be directed to the download pages for the C2C programs.It is a bit complicated to download but well worth it. Locate the textbox on the upper right of the page quickly and input the 3 letter code to its left before you get redirected to another page. If you do then refresh the url and try again (you can't use the back button).

Once you click the download button you will be prompted to wait 45 seconds. After 45 seconds a download button will appear.

Click on it and your download will start momentarily.

Listen to this mind blowing interview with Dr. Albert Taylor, former NASA scientist, and experiencer of being out of body since 5 years of age. Out of Body experiences clearly demonstrate that consciousness exists separately from the physical body.

Dr. Albert Taylor-OBE Expert-Former NASA Scientist-Coast to Coast AM Interview-Part 1

Dr. Albert Taylor-OBE Expert-Former NASA Scientist-Coast to Coast AM Interview-Part 2

Dr. Albert Taylor-OBE Expert-Former NASA Scientist-Coast to Coast AM Interview-Part 3

Consciousness & Quantum Entanglement_C2C_Jul 23 2006_Hr2.mp3

Consciousness & Quantum Entanglement_C2C_Jul 23 2006_Hr3.mp3

Consciousness & Quantum Entanglement_C2C_Jul 23 2006_Hr4.mp3

Consciousness & Water-Stephan Schwartz_c2c_Oct 22 2006_Hr2.mp3

Consciousness & Water-Stephan Schwartz_c2c_Oct 22 2006_Hr3.mp3

Consciousness & Water-Stephan Schwartz_c2c_Oct 22 2006_Hr4.mp3

Fred Bell_C2C_Dec 18 2006_Hr2.mp3

Fred Bell_C2C_Dec 18 2006_Hr3.mp3

Fred Bell_C2C_Dec 18 2006_Hr4.mp3

Gregg Braden, Interconnecting Matrix, C2C_Jan 18 2007_Hr2.mp3

Gregg Braden, Interconnecting Matrix, C2C_Jan 18 2007_Hr3.mp3

Gregg Braden, Interconnecting Matrix, C2C_Jan 18 2007_Hr4.mp3

2012_Tibetan Monk_Feb 14 2006 _Hour 2.mp3

2012_Tibetan Monk_Feb 14 2006 _Hour 3.mp3

2012 Tibetan Monk_Feb 14 2006 _Hour 4.mp3

Biofeedback_Dr. Jim Dardt_c2c_Oct 02 2006_Hr2.mp3

Biofeedback_Dr. Jim Dardt_c2c_Oct 02 2006_Hr3.mp3

Biofeedback_Dr. Jim Dardt_c2c_Oct 02 2006_Hr4.mp3 downloads are a bit easier to download. Just locate the link "download now" in he middle of the page. Do a search for it if you can't find it. If you have issues with the download passport simply follow the instructions on the page.Download this mp3 interview with G. Edward Griffin about his book, Creature From Jekyll Island , a history of the establishment of the Federal Reserve System.

Download The Interview Here

For those that do not know. The Federal Reserve is the private bank that issues (creates/prints) currency and loans it to the US government with interest. A private central bank establishes a shadow government that operates beyong the scope of the Constitution. This interview will shed light on the true nature of world politics.

Download this interview with Dr. Len Horowitz.

He is the leading Expert in the alternative health field who is on the front lines fighting the pharmacuetical industrial complex. He has written many books aimed at disclosing the sinister nature of the industry. He has also spent much time researching and proving the spiritual nature of humanity.

In case you did not know the pharmaceutical industry has its roots in IG Farben, the corporation that was for all intents and purposes Hitler's 3rd Reich. If you have ever wondered why such a thing as mercury could be included in childhood vaccines, you need to listen to this.

Singularity & UFOs_David Sereda__Coast to Coast AM_Sep 27 2006_Part 1

Singularity & UFOs_David Sereda__Coast to Coast AM_Sep 27 2006_Part 2

Singularity & UFOs_David Sereda__Coast to Coast AM_Sep 27 2006_Part 3

Dr. Bruce Lipton_Biology of Belief_Coast to Coast AM_Part 1

Dr. Bruce Lipton_Biology of Belief_Coast to Coast AM_Part 2

Dr. Bruce Lipton_Biology of Belief_Coast to Coast AM_Part 3

I am sorry to say that the links hosted on filelodge are down temporarily at best or permanently at worst. According to filelodge they are just undergoing maintanence. I will slowly update the list of links but it will take much time. Mind Over Matter - ConsciousnessGregg Braden - Consciousness, Ancient Wisdom & Science 1
Gregg Braden - Consciousness, Ancient Wisdom & Science 2
Gregg Braden - Consciousness, Ancient Wisdom & Science 3
Show Description

2012-Spiritual & Earth Changes-Tibetan Monk 1
2012-Spiritual & Earth Changes-Tibetan Monk 2
2012-Spiritual & Earth Changes-Tibetan Monk 3
Show Description

Consciousness & Water (Molecular Transformation) 1
Consciousness & Water (Molecular Transformation) 2
Consciousness & Water (Molecular Transformation) 3
Show Description

Quantum Entanglement, Consciousness - 1
Quantum Entanglement, Consciousness - 2
Quantum Entanglement, Consciousness - 3
Show Description

Singularity 1, w/ David Sereda
Singularity 2, w/ David Sereda
Singularity 3. w/ David Sereda
Show Description

Dr. Wayne Dyer - Spirit & Intention 1
Dr. Wayne Dyer - Spirit & Intention 2
Dr. Wayne Dyer - Spirit & Intention 3
Show Description

Dr. Bruce Lipton - Belief Affects Genetics 1
Dr. Bruce Lipton - Belief Affects Genetics 2
Dr. Bruce Lipton - Belief Affects Genetics 3
Show Description

Health Issues, Alternative MedicineDr. John Gray - Brain Chemistry Balancing Naturally 1
Dr. John Gray - Brain Chemistry Balancing Naturally 2
Dr. John Gray - Brain Chemistry Balancing Naturally 3
Show Description

Dr. John Abramson - Drugs For Profit 1
Dr. John Abramson - Drugs For Profit 2
Show Description

Tim Bolen - Health Advocate - Anti-Pharmaceutical Industry 1
Tim Bolen - Health Advocate - Anti-Pharmaceutical Industry 2
Tim Bolen - Health Advocate - Anti-Pharmaceutical Industry 3
Show Description

Dr. Tenpenny - Vaccines & Health Problems 1
Dr. Tenpenny - Vaccines & Health Problems 2
Dr. Tenpenny - Vaccines & Health Problems 3
Show Description

Dr. Tenpenny Bird Flu & Vaccines 1
Dr. Tenpenny Bird Flu & Vaccines 2
Dr. Tenpenny Bird Flu & Vaccines 3
Show Description

Dr. Len Horowitz - Origin Of Aids Dr. Len Horowitz - Alternative Aids Cures
Show Description

Dr. Len Horowitz - Pharmaceutical Depopulation Agenda 1
Dr. Len Horowitz - Pharmaceutical Depopulation Agenda 2
Show Description

Dr. Len Horowitz - DNA, Genetics & Healing 1
Dr. Len Horowitz - DNA, Genetics & Healing 2
Show Description

Mad Cow Disease-Cause=Heavy Metals 1
Mad Cow Disease-Cause=Heavy Metals 2
Mad Cow Disease-Cause=Heavy Metals 3
Show Description

Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby, The Science Behind Alternative Medicine 1
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby, The Science Behind Alternative Medicine 2
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby, The Science Behind Alternative Medicine 3
Show Description

Healing With Sound Hr1
Healing With Sound Hr2
Show Description

Chemicals, Toxicity, Dangers & Deceptions 1
Chemicals, Toxicity, Dangers & Deceptions 2
Chemicals, Toxicity, Dangers & Deceptions 3
Show Description

SpiritualityBiofeedback-Dr. Jim Hardt-
Spirituality Proven Scientifically 1
Biofeedback-Dr. Jim Hardt-Spirituality Proven Scientifically 2
Biofeedback-Dr. Jim Hardt-Spirituality Proven Scientifically 3
Show Description

Physics Vs Spirituality 1, w/ David Sereda
Physics Vs Spirituality 2, w/ David Sereda
Physics Vs Spirituality 3, w/ David Sereda
Show Description

Science Vs Spirituality 1
Science Vs Spirituality 2
Science Vs Spirituality 3
Show Description

Reincarnation & 2012 1
Reincarnation & 2012 2
Reincarnation & 2012 3
Show Description

Suicides & The Afterlife 1
Suicides & The Afterlife 2
Suicides & The Afterlife 3
Show Description

Deepak Chopra - The Hidden Soul 1
Deepak Chopra - The Hidden Soul 2
Deepak Chopra - The Hidden Soul 3
Show Description

Dr. Bruce Goldberg - Spirit Guides 1
Dr. Bruce Goldberg - Spirit Guides 2
Dr. Bruce Goldberg - Spirit Guides 3
Show Description

Metaphysical Egypt 1
Metaphysical Egypt 2
Metaphysical Egypt 3
Show Description

Enoch & The Great Pyramid 1
Enoch & The Great Pyramid 2
Enoch & The Great Pyramid 3
Show Description

Psychedelics, 2012 & Quezalcoatle 1
Psychedelics, 2012 & Quezalcoatle 2
Psychedelics, 2012 & Quezalcoatle 3
Show Description

Shamanic Psychedelic Learning 1
Shamanic Psychedelic Learning 2
Shamanic Psychedelic Learning 3
Show Description

White Witch, Dr. Evelyn Paglini Hr1
White Witch, Dr. Evelyn Paglini Hr2
Show Description

Exorcisms (recordings) 1
Exorcisms (recordings) 2
Exorcisms (recordings) 3
Show Description

Luciferian Perspective-Aaron Donahue 1
Luciferian Perspective-Aaron Donahue 2
Luciferian Perspective-Aaron Donahue 3
Show Description

Political Action Required

Minutemen Project 1
Minutemen Project 2
Minutemen Project 3
Show Description

RFID Chips, government tracking (food supply) 1
RFID Chips, government tracking (food supply) 2
RFID Chips, government tracking (food supply) 3
Show Description

Transgenics, Bioengineering (On The Brink) 1
Transgenics, Bioengineering (On The Brink) 2
Transgenics, Bioengineering (On The Brink) 3
Show Description

Police State, Control Grid, Alex Jones 1
Police State, Control Grid, Alex Jones 2
Police State, Control Grid, Alex Jones 3
Show Description


Global Agenda - Steve Quayle Hr 1
Global Agenda - Steve Quayle Hr 2
Global Agenda - David Icke Hr 3
Global Agenda - David Icke Hr4
Show Description

Bilderberg Roundtable Discussion-Jim Marrs, Alex Jones 1
Bilderberg Roundtable Discussion-Jim Marrs, Alex Jones 2
Bilderberg Roundtable Discussion-Jim Marrs, Alex Jones 3
Show Description

Jim Marrs - Secret Societies 1
Jim Marrs - Secret Societies 2
Jim Marrs - Secret Societies 3
Show Description

Secret Societies Round Table Discussion
Show Description

Illuminati Agenda - with Alen Watt 1
Illuminati Agenda - with Alen Watt 2
Illuminati Agenda - with Alen Watt 3
Show Description

Taxes-Erosion Of Freedom-The Federal Reserve 1
Taxes-Erosion Of Freedom-The Federal Reserve 2
Taxes-Erosion Of Freedom-The Federal Reserve 3
Show Description

Federal Reserve Fraud 1
Federal Reserve Fraud 2
Show Description

Freemasonic Roots of US Currency 1
Freemasonic Roots of US Currency 2
Freemasonic Roots of US Currency 3
Show Description

Apollo 11 Missing Tapes 1
Apollo 11 Missing Tapes 2
Apollo 11 Missing Tapes 3
Show Description


Dr. Albert Taylor - Astral Travel 1
Dr. Albert Taylor - Astral Travel 2
Dr. Albert Taylor - Astral Travel 3
Show Description

Dr. Albert Taylor - Astral Projection & OBEs 1
Dr. Albert Taylor - Astral Projection & OBEs 2
Dr. Albert Taylor - Astral Projection & OBEs 3
Show Description

Remote Viewing - Statistical Analysis 1
Remote Viewing - Statistical Analysis 2
Remote Viewing - Statistical Analysis 3
Show Description

Remote Viewing Targets 1
Remote Viewing Targets 2
Remote Viewing Targets 3
Show Description

Remote Viewing, Predictions, Past & Future 1
Remote Viewing, Predictions, Past & Future 2
Remote Viewing, Predictions, Past & Future 3
Show Description

Angels, Mer People, & Indigo Children 1
Angels, Mer People, & Indigo Children 2
Angels, Mer People, & Indigo Children 3
Show Description

Experiences of A Psychic Medium 1
Experiences of A Psychic Medium 2
Experiences of A Psychic Medium 3
Show Description

Science Of The Paranormal, Dr. Swanson 1
Science Of The Paranormal, Dr. Swanson 2
Science Of The Paranormal, Dr. Swanson 3
Show Description


ET Contact & Disclosure-Dr. Steven Greer 1
ET Contact & Disclosure-Dr. Steven Greer 2
ET Contact & Disclosure-Dr. Steven Greer 3
Show Description

Roswell Artifacts-Colonel Phillip Corso-C2C_Apr_09_2006_Hour_2
a href=" 5jb20vZmlsZXMvcm9vbTI2LzcxOTk2NC9Sb3N3ZWxsJTIwQXJ0

I'd like to meet:
Use this URL if the link doesn't work.

I am definately not interested in the typical girl. I am looking for a girl who sees past the bullshit. We have been marketed to our entire lives and most people are caught up in it.
I want to meet fellow truth seekers. I want to meet people who act on what they believe. I want to meet people who want to make a difference. I want to meet people who are open minded, willing to search for the truth regardless of where it takes them.
I want to meet people who seek enlightenment. I want to meet people who are interested in metaphysics and the power of consciousess.

I want to meet a man of knowledge

Please do not contact me if you are concerned with maintaining your image, celebrity gossip, or consumerism. Do not contact me if you put others down to lift yourself up.



Crop Circles, What Do They Mean? 1
Crop Circles, What Do They Mean? 2
Crop Circles, What Do They Mean? 3
Show Description

Ancient Texts & Discoveries, Glenn Kimball 1
Ancient Texts & Discoveries, Glenn Kimball 2
Ancient Texts & Discoveries, Glenn Kimball 3
Show Description

Atlantis Discoveries 1
Atlantis Discoveries 2
Atlantis Discoveries 3
Show Description

ETs & Ancient Texts 1
ETs & Ancient Texts 2
ETs & Ancient Texts 3
Show Description

Giants - Steve Quayle 1
Giants - Steve Quayle 2
Giants - Steve Quayle 3
Giants - Steve Quayle 4
Show Description

Dinosaurs & Humans Coexisting (goodbye evolution) Hr 1
Dinosaurs & Humans Coexisting (goodbye evolution) Hr 2
Dinosaurs & Humans Coexisting (goodbye evolution) Hr 3
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Irish Origins, Subversive Use of Symbols - Michael Tsarion 1
Irish Origins, Subversive Use of Symbols - Michael Tsarion 2
Irish Origins, Subversive Use of Symbols - Michael Tsarion 3
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The Holy Grail & Reincarnated Gods 1
The Holy Grail & Reincarnated Gods 2
The Holy Grail & Reincarnated Gods 3
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Human Origins 1
Human Origins 2
Human Origins 3
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Human Origins - Annunaki 1
Human Origins - Annunaki 2
Human Origins - Annunaki 3
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(DISCLAIMER: Zechariah Sitchin Is In Bed With The Rockefellers)

Intervention Theory 1
Intervention Theory 2
Intervention Theory 3
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Inside The Great Pyramid Hr 1
Inside The Great Pyramid Hr 2
Inside The Great Pyramid Hr 3
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Mind Blowing Science

Plant Perceptions, Psychic - Cleve Backster 1
Plant Perceptions, Psychic - Cleve Backster 2
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Human Obedience Experiments 1
Human Obedience Experiments 2
Human Obedience Experiments 3
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Free Energy, Dr. Eugene Mallove

Hutchison Effect (antigravity)

Psychic Archaeology - Stephan Schwartz - C2C 1
Psychic Archaeology - Stephan Schwartz - C2C 2
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Egyptian Artifacts Found In America 1
Egyptian Artifacts Found In America 2
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Past Live Regression - Dr. Brian Weiss 1
Past Live Regression - Dr. Brian Weiss 2
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Intro, Hyper dimensional Physics 1
Intro, Hyper dimensional Physics 2
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Hyper dimensional Physics - Richard C. Hoagland 1
Hyper dimensional Physics - Richard C. Hoagland 2
Hyper dimensional Physics - Richard C. Hoagland 3
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Pyramids on Mars, Cydonia - 1
Pyramids on Mars, Cydonia - 2
Pyramids on Mars, Cydonia - 3
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HAARP, A Massive Weapon, Interview with Inventors 1
HAARP, A Massive Weapon, Interview with Inventors 2
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Free Energy, Dr. Steven Greer 1
Free Energy, Dr. Steven Greer 2
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NanoTechnology, The Dark Side 1
NanoTechnology, The Dark Side 2
NanoTechnology, The Dark Side 3
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Cyborgs, Artificial Intelligence 1
Cyborgs, Artificial Intelligence 2
Cyborgs, Artificial Intelligence 3
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Mind Control Technology, Dr. Nick Begich 1
Mind Control Technology, Dr. Nick Begich 2
Mind Control Technology, Dr. Nick Begich 3
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Mind Control Technology - Military Application 1
Mind Control Technology - Military Application 2
Mind Control Technology - Military Application 3
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Biofeedback - Monitoring & Developing Your Brainwaves 1
Biofeedback - Monitoring & Developing Your Brainwaves 2
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New Weapons & Global Warfare 1
New Weapons & Global Warfare 2
New Weapons & Global Warfare 3
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Virtual Fields, Holographic Projectors, Dr. Fred Bell (Spectacular) 1
Virtual Fields, Holographic Projectors, Dr. Fred Bell (Spectacular) 2
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Global Climate Change (sun) 1
Global Climate Change (sun) 2
Global Climate Change (sun) 3
Show Description

Terrorism, PLO perspective 1
Terrorism, PLO perspective 2
Terrorism, PLO perspective 3
Show Description


Mostly Documentaries but movies that I love...

Dances With Wolves,
The Matrix,
Shawshank Redemption,
The Last of the Mohicans,
Dumb & Dumber,


I watch as little TV as possible.TV turns our brains to mush because it causes us to zone out and absorb whatever garbage they are feeding us. Reading and even the radio are good because the force you to use your imagination to create a mental picture. TV denies this.


"Journey To Ixtlan" by Carlos Casteneda,
"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle,
"A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Bible" by Dr. Steven Hairfield,
"DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral" by Dr. Len Horowitz,
"The Biology of Belief" by Dr. Bruce Lipton,


Jesus the Christ, Buddha, Ghandi

Click to zoom in on my visitor map!

My Blog

You Don’t Put On a Condom Unless You’re Going to F*ck!

There is a reason Bush signed a treaty with Canada allowing their millitary to be deployed in times of crisis in the United States.  The U.S.S.R discovered that soldiers wouldn't shoot their own ...
Posted by The Ron Paul Revolution is global on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 03:06:00 PST

The Ron Paul Revolution is Going Global

World Government affects the world. ...
Posted by The Ron Paul Revolution is global on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 07:18:00 PST

Ron Pual - Tea Party 07 - $6Million Raised in 24 hrs

Yesterday, Sunday December 16, 2007, was the 234th aniversary of the Boston Tea Party that sparked the American Revolution.about 1500 Ron Paul enthusiasts marched in Santa Monica to cellebrate.  ...
Posted by The Ron Paul Revolution is global on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 07:12:00 PST

Viva Las Vegas!

This was tons of fun.  I met Ron Paul Enthusiasts from around the country. I definately need to get some flags.Unfortunately this isn't sarcastic.This was after Ron Paul's speech.  Most of t...
Posted by The Ron Paul Revolution is global on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 06:02:00 PST

A True American Underdog

? ...
Posted by The Ron Paul Revolution is global on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 02:35:00 PST

State of the US economy explained

This is a copy of my friends blog.Ignorance Isn't Bliss State of the U.S. Economy Explained From earlier today. Ron Paul vs. Federal Reserve Chairman Bernake. Bernake gets slapped like a...
Posted by The Ron Paul Revolution is global on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 03:50:00 PST

If you take issue with anything Ron Paul stands for, please tell me about it.

I strongly support Ron Paul but I am willing to listen to anyone who thinks differently.Please leave your reply limited to a few paragraphs.
Posted by The Ron Paul Revolution is global on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 01:46:00 PST

Microchips in school uniforms, down the slipperly slope we go

Here is an article that was on the front page of Yahoo about RFID chips in school uniforms.Given that there is already subdermal microchips ready to be implanted humans, and there have already been TV...
Posted by The Ron Paul Revolution is global on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 11:15:00 PST

Germany Admits to Chemtrail Program

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: My Hate Speech3Date: Nov 5, 2007 1:29 PMAnjie MDate: Nov 5, 2007 1:25 PMFrom: truth09Date: Nov 5, 2007 8:47 PM----------------- Bulletin Messa...
Posted by The Ron Paul Revolution is global on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 02:12:00 PST

Will you watch on the sidelines?

Today we have a chance to change the course of the presidential election campaign and the history of our country. In the first 15 minutes past 12 AM midnight eastern time, Ron Paul supporters add...
Posted by The Ron Paul Revolution is global on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 01:04:00 PST