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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a professional Activist. By that I mean that try to survive in the rat race by being an activist. I actively promote Ron Paul for President in 2008.
My decision to support Ron Paul is very simple. 1st and foremost he openly denounces the Federal Reserve System. No other Presidential Candidate does.
2ndly he openly supports enforcing the Constitution as law. Given that before becoming President one must swear an oath to defend and apply the Constitution, if one expects to be President of the US, they better care about the Constitution.
This excludes Hillary and Giuliani specifically, and over 90% of the rest of all the Presidential Candidates.
Ron Paul is the Champion of the Constitution and has been for all 10 terms he has served in Congress. He is known by his colleagues as Dr. No. He votes no on anything not clearly allowed by the Constitution, and he happens to be a Medical Doctor.
I love everything to do with nature; backpacking, camping, hiking, traveling, and etc.
I am always up for adventure. I am actually organizing a road trip following Ron Paul around the Country.
Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions about myself or about Ron Paul. I have been following him for about 3 years and I know a lot about him.
My Background
Let me try to sum it up concisely. I was raised in the church, southern baptist to be specific. Thus I was indoctrinated with those values. I briefly considered myself a democrat after my first year of college after being immersed in anti-America liberal information basically placing the blame of all the ills in the world on the US. Then I was turned onto Newsmax and other very conservative sources and I became aware of the threats facing America in the world and the need for evasive, conservative policies.
Then about 4 years ago I was introduced to Coast to Coast, a late night talk radio show devoted to going way beyond the confines of anything mainstream. There I first heard Alex Jones who intrigued me enough with his 9-11 truths that I finally took a critical look 9-11 and was shocked to find that 9-11 was an inside job. My whole perception of the way the world works was turned upside down. If I could be lied to so blatantly about such a big event that I witnessed go down, what else had I been lied to about. This began my conspiracy theory conquest.
Coast-to-Coast was responsible for opening my mind. C2C is a late night talk radio program that is dedicated to starting where the mainstream media stops.
BRGuests range in quality from the most concrete Professionals to the self proclaimed psychics. Listeners hear it all. But before anyone gets on the air, listeners are privy to a brief bio of the guest. There is also disinformation. Over time, at least a year of active listening, you will be able to distinguish truth from fiction.
Dr. Bruce Lipton, microbiologist, was interviewed on C2C. His breakthrough work proves that belief trumps genetics, that what a person believes determines how their cells function.
Dr. Gregg Braden, physicist and Archaeologist, was interviewed on C2C. He who has been on the front experimenting with consciousness, mainly documenting its role in affecting/determining physical reality. His first real world experiment took place in the War Zone of the Israel/Lebanon War of the 80'2. Meditators were placed on the front lines and coherently felt peaceful. Bombers didn't drop their bombs. There was no violence. There was no crime. When the meditators left the area the War continued.
C2C featured Dr. Emoto, the Japanese Scientist who has documented the affects of consciousness on water crystals. He started by photographing frozen water crystals after the water had been loved on or hated on. The crystals that had been loved were beautiful while those that were hated on were deformed.
Then I heard an interview with Dr. Steven Hairfield, Metaphysicist, who told of his experiences as a monk in the far east and what he has learned from studying ancient texts from around the planet.
My world was really rocked when I read "Journey to Ixtlan" by Carlos Casteneda, and I realized that I had been programmed, like one would program a computer, by my parents and society. I had been taught how to perceive the world. By my accepting it as truth I made it so.
Then I read "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz, and further realized the extent of my programming and how I was responsible for creating my own personal hell on earth with my consciousness.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Ron Paul


Sustainable Living Practitioners

Organic Farmers

Ron Paul Enthusiasts

Seekers of truth.

Nature enthusiasts

Non Materialistic persons

and everyone else.

My Blog

September 11, 2001

I have seen live footage documenting the events on 9-11. All three towers collapse faster than the speed of gravity. This is only possible if highly vollatile explosives were used subsequently crea...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 22:48:00 GMT

The Banking Conspiracy

The United States Constitution.Article 1, section 8, paragraph 5:Congress has the power to... "To coin Money, regulate the Valuethereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights andMeasure...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 22:30:00 GMT

Conspiracy Quotes from the past

Conspiracy Theories are outrageous so I have collected quotations from famous people thoughout history speaking about conspiracies. ____________________________________________________________ __ Fam...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 22:15:00 GMT

Bohemian Grove

Some photos at the Bohemian Grove in California n Grove Pictures3.htm e info concerning the Bohemian Grov...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 22:40:00 GMT

Opperation Northwoods (government plan = create helpful terrorist events)

I heard about Operation Northwoods from Alex Jones ( was a plan given to the secretary of defense by the Joint Chiefs ofStaff on March 13 1962. The operation called for implementi...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 22:37:00 GMT

Patriot Act

I want to encourage you to look into the Patriot Act and the subsequent Acts that have been passed. The US Constitution has been shredded and Americans are not aware of it. The basics: Defi...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Nov 2005 22:44:00 GMT

Greek Mythology VS Genesis

I was listening to the Author of the book, "The Parthenon Code:Mankind's History in Marble" ( I was intrigued by the the similarites between Genesis of GreekMythology.Greek Myt...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Sep 2005 22:42:00 GMT

How can you make a ton of money easily?

By knowing the right people. Here's the deal, Triess is revolutionizing the Hi-Fi industry by being the only company to fully integrate curves into cabinet designs. The majority of people who expe...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Dec 2004 15:12:00 GMT