9/11 truth profile picture

9/11 truth

It's not a conspiracy theory if you can prove it

About Me

This myspace is back by popular demand! If anyone has any information regarding 9/11 that they would like posted on here, just message me. Any copied work must have give credit to the orginal author and the book, website, ect where it was orginally published. I want this page to be a place where people can share information they have on the subject of 9/11.
Everyone who asked me where they can get the pentagon flash code, it is now hosted on this website. You can also find a backed up version of everything on this page here:http://www.geocities.com/sp468732

Questions and debate are welcome, but hatemail is not!
Recently, I have been getting TONS of mail and due to this volume, I can not respond to everyone who sends a message. If you ask me a question or for advice, I will surely respond as quick as possible.

9/11 Research Outline

    World Trade Centers
    Fire Engineering Calls investigation a half-baked farce
    Illegal Steel Removal
    No steel building in history has collapsed from fire
    Hijackers didn't cause collapse
    Hijackers alive!?!?
    WTC 7
    Building 7 furthest away from main towers, yet closer buildings remained uncollapsed
    Collapse of tower 7 was controlled
    WTC 7 Investigation
    Flight 93
    Flight 93 was shot down
    Flight 93 eyewitness on Howard Stern
    Flight 93 shot down
    Flight 93 or another plane?
    Eyewitness accounts of Flight 93
    Flight 93 "shot down"
    War Games
    9/11 Timeline with wargames
    War Games
    Cheney in Control
    Historical Reference
    Declassified Operation Northwoods puts 9/11 into context
    Operation Bojinkas
    Hitler's Reichstag Fire puts 9/11 into context
    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor Memo
    Be aware, there are two theories about the Pentagon
    The 'missle' theory, and the 757--"Official" theory.
    In actuality, neither has enough evidence to fully support it.
    We can never know until they release the video footage
    Pentagon Analysis
    Supposed 'plane' video = Is this a 757?
    Possibly a plane
    Pentagon Lawn
    Inconsistency of eyewitness accounts
    Size of hole
    FBI confiscated possible proof of plane
    Seismic data, videos
    Bad pilot makes amazing flight path into pentagon
    Rumsfield misspoke and says a missle damaged the Pentagon
    Use the following two websites to search for 911 victims in the Death Index, and find that most are not there.....
    Social Security Death Index
    September 11th Victims List
    Widows Lead 911 Truth Movement
    Sibel Edmunds
    9/11 Citizens / Citizens Coup

    Bin Laden
    Bin Laden, MSNBC report that he is CIA
    Usama Bin Laden....Not Wanted for 9/11
    Investigations Halted
    Investigations Halted by Tenent
    Taliban would have given Usama to US
    Clinton not innocent either
    Bush-Laden Connections
    Who is Usama Bin Laden

    W199i book photo
    W199i Article
    W199i Links
    Put options and the real profiteers of 9/11
    Ten smoking Guns
    9/11 Money Trail
    9/11 Outline from prisonplanet.com
    911 Tapes reveal a different story
    EPA lies about Asbestos
    Flight school warned FBI
    US plans for war against Al-Qaeda
    Anthrax Attacks

*This outline is meant for research and understanding of 9/11, there are many more sources than these.*
*These were chosen to act as a beginning for your own research on the events of 9/11.*

9/11 Links

Free 9/11 Documentaries

911 Visibility Project All Alex Jones Videos
911research.com Bittorents from 911 lets roll
RBNLive.com Martial Law Part1
911Truth.org Martial Law Part2
911busters.com Martial Law Part3
911WasALie.com Hijacking Catastrophe
Total911.info Loose Change Part 1
911skeptics.blogspot.com Loose Change Part 2
SeptemberEleventh.org David Ray Griffin Speech, shown on C-Span2
911ForTheTruth.com Confronting the Evidence pt1
UnansweredQuestions.org Confronting the Evidence pt2
911ShareTheTruth.com Confronting the Evidence pt3
911Review.org Confronting the Evidence pt4
911Physics.co.nr Confronting the Evidence pt5

Other Documentaries and Speeches

Painful Deceptions

Tons of 9/11 Videos pt1 "Unanswered Questions"
Orwell Rolls In His Grave part 1 pt2 "Senator Mark Dayton Exposes Coverup"
Orwell Rolls In His Grave part 2 pt3 "News [Propaganda] Reports"
Indy Media Radio pt4 "The Pentagon"
Indy Media pt5 "AA Flight 77"
Indy Bay pt6 "Pentagon Scraps"
Red Pill Videos pt7 "Global Hawks - What really Hit the Pentagon"
Techno Slavery pt8a "Building 7"
The Dossier pt8b "Building 7 continued - Silverstein confesses"
SnowShoe Films pt9 "The Towers"
Archive pt10 "The Collapse"
The New Pearl Harbor(book) Free DVD of Painful DeceptionsThanks to TAYLOR of the 9/11 Truth group for these links

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

And for all you British 9/11 researchers, check out this site:http://www.nineeleven.co.uk/

My Blog

Former Bush Admin Official Speaks Out!

Date: May 9, 2006 7:09 PMwe shall not wavier we shall not falter, and we WILL NOT let the legacy of the ideals set before us in the constitution down! OWNFrom: Tony JonesDate: May 9, 2006 3:58 PMCHECK...
Posted by 9/11 truth on Tue, 16 May 2006 03:19:00 PST

Letter I got on Myspace

----------------- Original Message -----------------From: outlaw_starrDate: May 4, 2006 9:46 PMi worked at the 911 commission in nyc as security, and one thing A LOT of the families of the victims sa...
Posted by 9/11 truth on Mon, 08 May 2006 02:42:00 PST

Another 9/11 Oddity

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: still waters run deepDate: Apr 24, 2006 2:10 PMFrom: The ResistanceDate: Apr 23, 2006 5:18 PM --> --> --> --> --> --> TOP BANNE...
Posted by 9/11 truth on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:22:00 PST

For anyone else who has a 9/11 Truth profile (or is interested in creating one)

Here's a bulletin I sent out on March 28, in case you missed it:I was just looking through my friends list today to add some new people to the Top 8 and I noticed that there are tons of new 9/11 profi...
Posted by 9/11 truth on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 05:17:00 PST

A photographic Analysis of 9/11- Everyone really needs to see this

Posted by 9/11 truth on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 12:39:00 PST

Slicing Away Liberty by Bernard Weiner

Slicing Away Liberty: 1933 in Germany... 2006 in America?Stories by TopicBy Bernard WeinerOnline Journal Guest WriterFeb 27, 2006, 00:43I must confess that I'm utterly baffled by the lack of sustained...
Posted by 9/11 truth on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 12:34:00 PST

A very short explanation of oil as a motive

Oil is only a very small part of the reason America would have for attacking itself on 9/11. I can promise you that we will NEVER invade Saudi Arabia, even though that is where the terrorists are from...
Posted by 9/11 truth on Thu, 05 Jan 2006 05:00:00 PST

The Gift that keeps on giving!

Finding the true criminals in any crime is not very hard. Aks your self one question: Cui Bono? Who benifits? The Bulldog Manifesto | January 2 2006 So what if the Bush administration wants ...
Posted by 9/11 truth on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 02:48:00 PST

Question 9/11 Video

http://www.question911.com.nyud.net:8090/911.swf       Posted by 9/11 truth on Fri, 23 Dec 2005 05:18:00 PST

Crazy Conspiracy!

This work may be freely copied and distributed without permission as long as it not for commercial use. Please include the author's name, the web address where you found it and the copyright notice.Co...
Posted by 9/11 truth on Sat, 17 Dec 2005 12:36:00 PST