Group Leader: Taylor
Debunking the Debunker, if you will:
Popular Mechanics Attacks Its "9/11 LIES" Straw Man
Reply to Popular Mechanics re 9/11
Alex Jones Responds To Ben Chertoff, Popular Mechanics 9/11 Debunking Campaign
Reply to Brent Blanchard's A CRITICAL ANALYSIS
Popular Mechanics' Deceptive Smear Against 9/11 Truth
As we all know, many Americans rely on the TV to get their news. Well, if your looking for the real thing, it's gonna take some brain power. Yes, that's right: READING. However, I've made this site pretty informative, with sources for viewing, too, for those who aren't used to the idea. The blogs will be back up to date shortly, since the German site with all the good clips was shut down about a year ago. For the beginners who still have no idea about the scam behind 9/11, I'd suggest starting with Loose Change 1 & 2 by Dylan Avery and Jason Bermas. You can find the video on this page or at youtube. These documentaries let you know whats up without confusing you too much. And it's all common sense, really. Anyone who walks outa here without some slight knowledge about our governments agenda should never, ever breed...EVER. There are enough stupid people in the world, and that's what we're trying to change. You shouldn't help by adding to the flock.If you already know about this, SPREAD THE WORD. I don't care if it's by promoting my site, or the sites you found ON my site. People need to know.CNN Poll... check it out:::Some questions to ask yourself:::Why were there no photos or videos of the Pentagon plane?Why didn't the Secret Service hustle Dubya out of the classroom?Where was George H. W. Bush at the time of the attacks?How did Bush see the first plane crash on live camera?Why was security meeting scheduled for 9/11cancelled by WTC management on 9/10?I wish that were it...Click here for more. and hereThe time has come to stop using the flag as a blindfold, to stop waving our guns and our gods at each other, to take a close look at the facts which have emerged from the attacks on the World Trade Towers and to recognize the very real possibility, indeed probability, that We The People are the victims of a gigantic and deadly hoax.In a normal terrorist event, the terrorists cannot wait to take credit, in order to link the violence to the socio-political intent of the terrorist organization.Yet the prime suspect in the New York Towers case, former CIA asset Osama Bin Laden (whose brother was one of George W. Bush's Texas business partners), has issued only two statements regarding the September 11th attacks, and both of those are denials of any involvement.Huge problems are emerging in the official view of events. It's known that the United States was planning an invasion of Afghanistan long before the attacks on the World Trade Towers. Indeed the attacks on the World Trade Towers perfectly fit the timetable of an invasion by October stated by US official. 9-11 Conspiracy: Are Americans Victims of a Hoax? The Lie Of The Century9/11 Research Outline
More 9/11 Documents can be found at the following:: BEWARE little sheep: THIS EXLUDES FOX!!! fair and balanced, my ass.THANK YOU TAYLOR!!!Pentagon
Pentagon Analysis
Supposed 'plane' video = Is this a 757?
Possibly a plane
Pentagon Lawn
Inconsistency of eyewitness accounts
Size of hole
FBI confiscated possible proof of plane
Seismic data, videos
Bad pilot makes amazing flight path into pentagon
And the MISSLE to damage this building???
World Trade Centers
Fire Engineering Calls investigation a half-baked farce
Illegal Steel Removal
No steel building in history has collapsed from fire
Hijackers didn't cause collapse
Hijackers alive!?!?
Building 7 furthest away from main towers, yet closer buildings remained uncollapsed
Collapse of tower 7 was controlled
WTC 7 Investigation
Widows Lead 911 Truth Movement Everything You Need To Know About 9/11
Bin Laden
Usama Bin Laden....Not Wanted for 9/11
Investigations Halted
Investigations Halted by Tenent
Taliban would have given Usama to US
Clinton not innocent either
Bush-Laden Connections
Who is Usama Bin Laden
War Games
9/11 Timeline with wargames
War Games
Cheney in Control
W199i book photo
W199i Article
W199i Links
Put options and the real profiteers of 9/11
Ten smoking Guns
9/11 Money Trail
9/11 Outline from
911 Tapes reveal a different story
EPA lies about Asbestos
Flight school warned FBI
US plans for war against Al-Qaeda
Anthrax Attacks
Historical Reference
Declassified Operation Northwoods puts 9/11 into context
Operation Bojinkas
Hitler's Reichstag Fire puts 9/11 into context
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor Memo
Flight 93
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Flight 93: Mayor of Shanksville Says 'There Was No Plane'
American Free Press | September 19 2004
American Free Press visited Somerset County to look into some of the questions surrounding United Airlines Flight 93, which allegedly turned over and crashed in a refilled strip mine between Lambertsville and Shanksville, Pa., taking 44 lives with it.
Many local residents believe the plane was shot down, which they say would explain why parts of the plane and its contents were found strewn over a large area.
One question, "is what happened to the physical wreckage of the plane?"
Nena Lensbouer, who had prepared lunch for the workers at the scrap yard overlooking the crash site, was the first person to go up to the smoking crater.
Lensbouer told AFP that the hole was five to six feet deep and smaller than the 24-foot trailer in her front yard. She described hearing "an explosion, like an atomic bomb"—not a crash.
Lensbouer called 911 and stayed on the line as she ran across the reclaimed land of the former strip mine to within 15 feet of the smoking crater.
Lensbouer told AFP that she did not see any evidence of a plane then or at any time during the excavation at the site, an effort that reportedly recovered 95 percent of the plane and 10 percent of the human remains.
While specific details vary, the explanation for the disappearance of the plane is that the reclaimed land acted like liquid and absorbed the aircraft, which is said to have impacted at between 450 and 600 miles per hour.
This explanation is also used to explain why there was only a brief explosion with one short-lived smoke cloud, not unlike a bomb blast.
"I never saw that smoke," Paula Long, an eyewitness, told AFP. Long ran "immediately" after hearing the crash but did not see the cloud of smoke caught in the now-famous photograph by Valencia McClatchey, she said.
"It [the ground] liquefied," Bob Leverknight, an active member of the Air National Guard and correspondent with Somerset's Daily American, told AFP regarding how the wreck and much of the fuel disappeared. One of the massive engines, Leverknight said, however, bounced off the ground and was found in the woods.
Jim Svonavec, whose company worked at the site and provided excavation equipment, told AFP that the recovery of the engine "at least 1,800 feet into the woods," was done solely by FBI agents using his equipment.
Here's a few more interesting links: (ps, still working on the smoking gun, as if there isn't one already, right? *sigh*)
Flight 93
911 Passengers: 11 are listed in the SSDI Social Security Death Indexthe North and South TowersWhy Did the Trade Center Skyscrapers Collapse? The Column Failure TheoryWhat You Know About 9/11 (if you're like me)Hard Science and the Collapse of the World Trade CenterEvidence of Explosives In The Twin Tower CollapsesBYU Professor Questions 9-11 Tower 'Collapse'William Rodriguez Testimony Destroys 9-11 Cover UpThe 9/11 WTC Collapses: An Audio-Video AnalysisEyewitness Account From Inside WTC 1Who Told Giuliani the WTC was Going to Collapse on 9/11?The Core of WTC 1 was Solid After the Aircraft Impact9/11 Firefighters: Bombs and Explosions in the WTCDemolition of the Twin Towers is Provable Through Simple AnalysisSo BASICALLY:The Twin Towers were designed to withstand fully loaded Boeing 707's crashing into them.Marvin Bush was a principal in a company called Securacom which provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport.FEMA was in New York on September 10.The OEM issued a WTC collapse warning even though no steel framed building had ever collapsed through fire.Giuliani received a collapse warning.Survivors escaped from above the WTC 1 impact level, therefore the building's core was solid.There were no 800C infernos in the twin towers.Firefighters in the impact area of WTC 2 reported no inferno or failing structure immediately before the building's collapse.Numerous eyewitnesses reported explosions prior to the collapses, as did firefighters transmissions.Videos show a ground shake followed by white smoke appearing at the base of WTC 1 seconds before its collapse.Firefighters were warned of WTC 7's collapse. Larry Silverstein said of the building "the smartest thing to do is pull it" (i.e. demolish it), and it subsequently collapsed into its footprint.Seven days after the collapses deeply buried heat sources in the WTC wreckage had temperatures ~500 degrees hotter than the maximum burning temperature of jet fuel.The fires in the WTC wreckage were not conventional fires, and they burned for three months.The new WTC owner made a huge profit off of the attacks.The collapse analysis was a farce.the Pentagon
Implications of the Part of the Pentagon Struck on September 11thMissing Pentagon EvidenceSurviving Photographic Evidence of the Pentagon AttackPentagon Attack ErrorsPentagon Attack locationPentagon damage (however minimal)
All of the sites that debunk 911 conspiracies are very contradicting. I was reading through one recently and almost fell over from merely reading something so dumb. They like to respond to this question:
How can a plane that large take out only one portion of the building, with no visible damage caused by the wings?
with this:
Planes don't leave cartoon-like imprints of themselves after an impact.
The WTC towers would disagree with you here:
Even though we all know that the impact zone of the Pentagon had recently undergone renovation, common sense needs to take a hand. With the plane traveling at such a high speed, and taking into account the weight and capacity of the plane, we know that the Pentagon should have sustained MUCH more damage. There should have been marks from the wings. We should have seen engines, seats, wheels, luggage, bodies. None of those things were found that day. But evidence WAS hauled away before any proper investigation was allowed to take place:
This happened with every other "attack" that took place that day, as well. WTC wreckage was hauled off by Controlled Demolition, Inc.:
On a more positive note, there wasn't much to clean up In Shanksville, considering there was no plane. Most all of them stood around the 20 foot hole, looking mildly bored.
In Conclusion:The lawn outside the damaged facade shows no signs of gouging in the limited number of photographs.Objects seemingly in the plane's flightpath outside the building were apparently not disturbed.The first photos of the Pentagon Attack Fire show it's too hot to be a kerosene fire.The Pentagon Attack Damage to the interior is too deep and too collimated to be from the liquid fuel of an airliner. Only a shaped-charge warhead can cut a circular hole in a wall after going through 3 m. of poured concrete.The light-grey smoke is indicative of a DU warhead strike, and not jet fuel.The FBI seized the video surveillance from a gas station within minutes of the attack.The FBI seized the video from the Sheraton Hotel and told the employees who had viewed the tape not to discuss what they had seen.The DoD originally claimed that their surveillance cameras did not capture the attack, but later released 5 frames from the camera that looks over the point of impact. After extensive analysis on a number of Flight 77 Sites, it is clear that the pictures have been tampered with.The attack on the Pentagon was rehearsed in the Pentagon Mass Casulty planning excercise on October 24, 2000 - see hereWTC Building 7
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WTC-7: The Improbable CollapseWTC 7 non-investigationfires, evacuation, destructionTHE CONTROLLED COLLAPSE OF WTC 7Silverstein, FDNY Decided to 'Pull WTC 7'Evidence that World Trade Center Building 7 Was Pre-wiredMajor WTC Insurance Company Questions Building 7 CollapseIn brief:The fires in WTC 7 were not evenly distributed, so a perfect collapse was impossible. Firemen anticipated the building's collapse (even though fire had never brought down a fire-protected steel building prior to 9/11). Silverstein said of the building "the smartest thing to do is pull it." WTC 7 subsequently collapsed perfectly into its footprint at freefall speed. Molten steel and partially evaporated steel members were found in the debris.