The following are facts. If you don't believe any of them, do your own research. In fact, do your own research anyway. Don't believe anything you read without verifying it first.
The crimes of 911 were not done by angry, freedom-hating Muslim 'terrorists', they were carried out by cold-blooded murders, that have weaseled their way into our own government, to justify invading the Middle-East and set up a police state in the U.S. All the answers are not known, but there are HUNDREDS of facts to back up these claims. These 10 are some of the most remarkable:
10. The Bush administration resisted the formation of the 911 commission for 441 days. When both he and Dick (Cheney) testified before the commission, they did so together, behind closed doors, with no transcript taken, and not under oath.
9. At least 5 of the hijackers on the FBI's list are still alive in the Middle East.
8. In September of 2000, The Project for a New American Century, a neocon 'think' tank, called for "a new Pearl Harbor" to justify a massive military buildup.
7. Seven countries gave warnings of impending attacks. Many officials, including John Ashcroft and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, were told not to fly on that day.
6. Millions of dollars were made on 'put options' that were put on American and United Airlines just prior to 911. A put options is a bet that a stock will fall. Investigations into this phenomenon were halted when CIA links surfaced.
5. The Secret Service broke protocol by allowing President Bush to remain in a well-publicized classroom, on live TV, long AFTER it was known the country was under attack and HE could be in danger.
4. Whenever contact is lost with any airplane, fighter jets routinely take to the air to investigate. This commonly occurs about 100 times a year in well under 20 MINUTES. On 911, TWO HOURS passed without any interceptions.
3. WTC steel was quickly shipped overseas and melted down. Physics professor Steven Jones from BYU was able to obtain some of this steel. He found traces of thermate, which is used in controlled demolitions.
2. Fire has NEVER (prior to or after 911) caused any steel frame building to collapse. The sudden, vertical, explosive, and total collapses of the Twin Towers at near free-fall speed can ONLY be explained by controlled demolition.
WTC 7 was the THIRD building that collapsed on 911. It was 47 stories and came down at 5:20pm straight down, in its own footprint without damaging the surrounding buildings in LESS THAN 7 SECONDS, or again, free-fall speed.
It looked like this:
Loose Change
911 Mysteries
Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State
911 Press for Truth
It lies to you
The New Pearl Harbor
The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions
Debunking 9/11 Debunking
Anyone that has woken up and sees through the lies they hold in front of us