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I support MTR
Drew Piper
Position: Senior Editor / Video Production / Website Development
Email: [email protected]
Cheri Roberts-Piper
Position: Managing Editor / Senior Writer
Email: [email protected]
Websites: | | piperpress
Adam Ruff
Position: Video Production | Staff Writer
Email: [email protected]
MTR News Network is a functioning mixed media group striving to create an atmosphere for journalists to express and report freely on current events without fear of censorship or reprisal. No corporate dollars or governmental dictates guide this site or its contents.
MTR pledges to support its writers and their works by maintaining an environment of professionalism and will do everything they can to legally and effectively promote the media group and the contents herein.
MTR will produce and provide original newsworthy and editorial content.
MTR has many things in store so your patience is indeed a virtue. As we seek to find and highlight the People’s voice that has long been buried in the mire of corporate owned media, we will be continuously adapting and adding new avenues in which our contributors can be heard. Your support and suggestions are appreciated.
MTR News Network is a functioning mixed media group with capabilities beyond the written word. As we grow it is our desire that you grow with us. Please check back frequently, as soon we will be adding the following:
Guest Journalists: a weekly article by established writers
Everyday Voices: a podcast of and by everyday people. Anyone can submit himself or herself to participate in the weekly podcasts.
Member Blogs: Create and maintain your own Blog at MTR. Blog posts will automatically be submitted for consideration to be moved to and featured on the front page.
Video: Video content from original interviews pertaining to current events.
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