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Andrew, the Rock n Roll Psychic

The historian may be rational, but history is not. - Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier

About Me

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There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge
Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought
--Napoleon Hill "Think and Grow Rich"--
I am an artist who somehow ended up in business, a process analyst who perhaps thinks more like a painter or a mad scientist, and I am a romantic whose romanticism has too often walked hand in glove with a large dose of naivety on the slow road to sudden unhappiness but through it all I am still very much an optimist and a bit of a little kid at heart.
"Life is a daring adventure, or it is nothing"-- Helen Keller
I have written novels that didn't sell, plays that were barely performed and probably because of the mindset that drove me to do that ended up eventually writing stacks and stacks of technical documentation and analytical pieces for many very large companies, and I have worked and managed software projects all over the Unites States, including a stint (yes, it's true) as the Process Manager for Enron.
"To be Awake is Everything. You must climb from one rung to another if you want to conquer death." -- Gustav Meyrink
In fact, I, personally, wrote the Disaster Recovery Plan for Enron. I realize that now this is analogous to saying I designed the life boat plan for the Titanic but there was a time when this actually looked pretty good on the old resume. Before becoming a process analyst, though, I had another fairly interesting job, one that in many ways was a lot like my project management gigs—I was a psychic.
That’s right—I was a psychic, like in the read your palm and tell you what’s going to happen next Tuesday kind of psychic, which is not usually considered to be the perfect apprenticeship for a career in business.
"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song." -- Maya Angelou
Back in the late 80's and early 90's I worked as a psychic and astrologer and had a pretty successful career. I had a long running gig as the "Resident Morning Psychic" on a local rock station and a weekly column on metaphysics in The Free Press.
If you suffered from bouts of insomnia back in the early nineties there is a good chance you may have seen me on TV. I’m sure most of you have seen the “1-900-Psychic” infomercials, you know the ones where the cast and crew from Another World or General Hospital sat around and talked about their own personal psychic friends.
"One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar." -- Helen Keller
Well, I was on one of those—along with Erik Estrada, Jenilee Harrison, Stuart Damon, Richard Roundtree, and a host of others. My little blast with prosperity consciousness aired throughout the U.S. and Canada twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, for about a year and a half, all to the sweet clanging tune of about 150 million dollars, all the while serenading multi-billionaires to sleep while simultaneously robbing lonely hearted waifs and welfare mothers who could not possibly afford the calls.
It was fun--for a long time. I jetted around from LA to New Orleans to Washington DC and all points in between. When my daughter was just a toddler, though, I decided to stop doing readings professionally and "retired" for awhile in order to provide, hopefully, a more "normal" Middle Class environment for my beautiful baby girl.
"Nothing endures but change" -- Heraclitus
I set out to prove that a psychic could make it in the big bad business world (something that to most people probably would have seemed impossible); but my ability to analyze (and talk!) allowed me to do just that.
"Each moment is a place you've never been"
--Mark Strand--
"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight,
and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world"
--Oscar Wilde--
As a Management Consultant, I specialized in Change and Problem Management, Training Development and Delivery, Business Analysis and Strategic Planning and I have been elected twice (in 2000 and again in 2005) for inclusion in Who's Who in American Executives. Weird, I know, but absolutely true.
"If thou wilt know the invisible, open wide thine eyes on the visible"
--Kabbalistic Adage--
I have been lucky, too, in that my business consulting work has given me the opportunity to live and work in some beautiful cities--Boston, New York, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Nashville, Hartford, CT, Cincinnati, Columbus, Washington, DC, and now San Francisco and, as a psychic, I got to work all over the Midwest as well as in LA, Washington, DC, and along the Gulf Coast.
"You can see a lot just by observing" -- Yogi Berra
Surging waters flow together rapidly
Their pressure washes away boulders
This is momentum
--Sun Tzu "The Art of War"—
I have spent many many years reading and studying and "trying to figure it out". I am still trying. When I was young I wandered around the country chanting with Buddhists and hanging with witches and mystics and crazy people and along the way I somehow found time to drop out of several very nice colleges--I was at one time the academic wunderkind, then, later, the creative writing wunderkind. I never did graduate but now have the fancy liberal education of a Ph.D.
My real education is shamanic, metaphysical--out of this world.
Not real resume material. And as a former New Age poster boy,
once labeled “The Psychic Adonis”,
I had what is commonly referred to as “attitude.”
In order for me to develop my gifts as a psychic I needed to follow my own--very winding--path. I had to do it "my way"--no matter what it cost me. For now I am content to steal from several religious traditions to make sort of a syncretic spiritual stew--the Sufis, Russian Orthodoxy, the Power Puff Girls, the Jewish Kabbalah, with New Agey stuff everywhere you look and a heavy dose of Paganism for those cold winter nights.
But He said to them, "I have food to eat of which you do not know." -- John 4:32
“I really don't think life is about the I-could-have-beens.
Life is only about the I-tried-to-do.
I don't mind the failure but I can't imagine
that I'd forgive myself if I didn't try.”
--My "Second Mother" and truest spiritual guide for the past 24 years,
Nikki Giovanni--
"I cannot say who I will be tomorrow
Each day is new, and each day I can be born again"
-- Paul Auster, City of Glass --
I am constantly seeking the reasons why we're here. Spirituality is, once again, a driving force in my life. That hasn't always been the case but it is now. I believe very strongly in reincarnation and look to the beauty and wisdom of many different spiritual systems for guidance. I also believe, very strongly, in the power of art and music as a means of expressing the soul.
"A Champion is someone who gets up when he can't" -- Jack Dempsey
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"A new future requires a new past" -- Eric Foner
I believe very strongly that GOD exists
I believe the essence of GOD is within every creature
I believe in the power of LOVE as a positive, creative, healing force
Spirit and the "Supernatural" are active, pervasive forces
throughout the Universe
All Races, Genders, and Nationalities are equal in the eyes of GOD
(and in my eyes, as well)
"Action conquers fear." -- Peter Nivio

My Interests


My great-great grandmother, Polly Wolfe Brewer
Cherokee Nation, Hawkins County, Tennessee

"Little by little, one walks far." -- Peruvian Proverb

Nikki Giovanni, Sandy Koufax, Sophie Scholl, Norman Mailer, Gore Vidal, Magic Johnson, Marie Corelli, Claus von Stauffenberg, Sean Penn, Bill Moyers,

Mamie Till-Mobley (Emmett Till's mother), Rosa Parks, Henry Rollins, Peter Drucker, Gale Sayers, Mark Strand, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Marcel Proust, Muhammad Ali, Doug Flutie, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., all people who fight oppression and bigotry and try to make a difference in this world,

Rumi, Rilke, Gandhi, Paul Robeson, Langston Hughes, and all the great spiritual teachers, Jesus, Mohammed, Lao-Tse, and all who show love when it is far too easy to hate, who know there is a spirit at work in all things and who honor that spirit, no matter what

and especially my daughters
Riana Michelle and Lehna Jordann

My Blog

Moutain People and Mountain Music

I tried for a long time to distance myself from this music, not that I didn't love it or feel it hard in my bones but because as a child of mountain people who moved north to find work I felt I needed...
Posted by Andrew, the Rock n Roll Psychic on Sun, 18 May 2008 07:26:00 PST

Compassion Please for all Children of the World

I have gone through divorce and bankruptcy; I have been robbed, several times, wrecked cars and bikes and was even in a crash on a trolley car, lost a girl friend to Leukemia (she died when she was 27...
Posted by Andrew, the Rock n Roll Psychic on Sun, 18 May 2008 05:47:00 PST

Psychic Baseball

Ted Williams, a pretty fair country hitter in his day, said "baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed three times out of ten and be considered a good performer." Perhaps that sam...
Posted by Andrew, the Rock n Roll Psychic on Sun, 18 May 2008 05:38:00 PST

"Democracy in America Is a Series of Narrow Escapes, and We May Be Running Out of Luck"

Published on Saturday, May 17, 2008 by Democracy in America Is a Series of Narrow Escapes, and We May Be Running Out of Luck by Bill Moyers The following is an excerpt fro...
Posted by Andrew, the Rock n Roll Psychic on Sun, 18 May 2008 05:14:00 PST

Suicide Girl

In late 2006 I found out that one of my best friends from long ago, a beautiful creative fiery wild child, had committed suicide by hanging herself in her attic. She was only 35 years old; I had last ...
Posted by Andrew, the Rock n Roll Psychic on Sat, 17 May 2008 09:30:00 PST

CRAZY opens at film festival starring WAYLON PAYNE

Crazy, with the incredible Waylon Payne (who rocked as Jerry Lee Lewis in Walk the Line), will be appearing at select film festivals throughout the year.Thanks to my good friend Chelle Rose for sharin...
Posted by Andrew, the Rock n Roll Psychic on Sat, 17 May 2008 01:20:00 PST

All the Britney thats fit to print

Last year I put out quite a few blogs about politics and conspiracies and various pieces about who did this and why this happened to that and it was all very serious and analytical and high-minded of ...
Posted by Andrew, the Rock n Roll Psychic on Sun, 04 May 2008 09:45:00 PST

How to Live on Earth-A Native American Prophecy

How to Live on Earth-A Native American Prophecy The Native American Ten Commandments ...
Posted by Andrew, the Rock n Roll Psychic on Sun, 04 May 2008 05:39:00 PST

The Greatest of All Time

Muhammad Ali was one of the greatest boxers ever to step into the ring and, in many ways, also one of the most important political figures of the 20th Century.He was a tremendous fighter, who was abso...
Posted by Andrew, the Rock n Roll Psychic on Sun, 04 May 2008 05:23:00 PST

H.R. Pufnstuf Revisited

When I was in high school, I used to pull the blinds closed and watch this every Saturday morning, then grab my glove and cleats and head off to baseball practice at noon.  I also ordered my Fran...
Posted by Andrew, the Rock n Roll Psychic on Sat, 03 May 2008 02:46:00 PST