There is more to life then the bullshit we are spoon-fed by the media and government everyday. When society as a whole knows more about who Paris Hilton fucked last night , then they do about how our own government fucked us, there is a problem.
Police OppressionIf you have any pictures of the Police acting improperly feel free to send them to me and I'll post them.
I'd like to meet:
Dan Wallace R.I.PAny brave, courageous and educated person who is not scared to make a positive difference today for tomorrow.
Bloomberg Freedom of The Press Subway Ride
9/11 Victim’s Family Member Demands News Coverage
Scum Chart
CHANGE Confronts Giuliani Again!CHANGE confronts John McCainBrzezinski NWO Scum Welcomed by CHANGEhttp://the911insidejob.blip.tv/file/205293/
David Rockefeller Confronted
WeAreChange Confronts Democrats
.. "
“Activism is Terrorism†Well According To The Police In NYC
Reporter Arrested at GOP Debate
| View | Add FavoriteThe Revolution will not be televised.
Saturday ACTIONS
Ground Zero Vigil - Almost every Saturday without fail since January 2004, the activists of "CHANGE" have held a Vigil for Truth at Ground Zero, reaching millions of people with the provocative but heartfelt message that "9/11 Was an Inside Job." Join us!We go at the source of the problem every Saturday and address it. We are not afraid to tell people the truth no matter what adversities we face.MOST SATURDAYS 1-4PM @ WTC Memorial PATH Station
Near corner of Church St. and Vesey St.
Subway: M/N/R/W to City Hall, 1 to Cortlandt, E to World Trade Center.
The Truth seekers
Almost once every weekday from 5:00pm to 7:00pm without fail since January 2006, the activists of "CHANGE" go out to the New York City. We reach many intellectual people who willingly engage in conversation during the event with an open mind. This is an event that goes straight to the heart of New York City and reaches thousands of real New Yorkers.
| View Show | Create Your OwnVolunteers are needed and anyone who gives a dam is welcome to come and help.
immortial technique, dead presidents and 2Pac
the best fictional drama on TV the "News
"Behold a Pale Horse" and "The Dark Alliance". By the way all the authors of these books where murdered for what they wrote.
All the men below who died for a reason are heros, These men actually gave a damn about the people. These men sacrificed themselves for the good of the people and they deserve to be respected. I'm sick of sheeply who only care about themselves and will step over everyone to get a head. Fuck All Yall. Get Educated, Motivated and Activated about what life is really about.
R.I.P Dan Wallace
1/2/1984 - 1/29/2007
One of our most prominate, courageous and dedicated young members of CHANGE, Dan Wallace is no longer with us. Dan's father Robert Wallace gave his life on 9/11/01, leaving Dan with many unanswered questions about 9/11. Dan was an ardent activist who showed no fear when confronted by police at street actions at WTC Building 7 and at the New York Stock Exchange. Dan was an eloquent speaker, both on videos of the street actions and at St. Mark's Church, where he gave a moving ovation before a packed crowd in a recent Sunday night presentation. Dan Wallace, 23, was found dead early Monday morning in his bed. The exact cause of death is yet to be determined.
He was a young man of great conviction and conscience, and his heart was as big as his smile. Dan will be sorely missed by myself and the members of "We Are Change". Our hearts go out to his family, especially his mother who must endure the deaths of a husband and child in the span of only a few years.
We carry on the fight in the memory of Dan Wallace. He is in our hearts now, as his Dad has been in our hearts already. We continue the mission that Dan felt so strongly about: to strive to expose the truth of 911, and to bring the real 911 criminals to justice. Dan, you are with us, we'll never forget you, and we promise to make you proud.
On behalf of Dan's Wallace family and friends.
We as CHANGE have been doing street actions every Saturday and several weekdays, Dan was a huge part of these street actions and the only way I can think of remembering Dan is with the continuation of these street actions national and globally. On every 11th of each month stand up for the truth and do a street action in your community. Do it for Dan! do it for Dan’s father Robert Wallace. Do it because the victims of 9/11 deserve the truth. This is the only way I can remember and respect Dan, by fighting for the truth. Me ad Dan fought together shoulder to shoulder for the truth This is what he would want.
Do A Street Action On Every 11th Of Each Month
"We love you so much Dan. I miss you so much, you where like a brother to me. I’m going to make you proud and get justice for your father, I promise".
- Luke
2/11/07 Candle Light Vigil
These are my hero’s which are still alive...
911 Survivors and Family Members
The old me.
I used to play basketball, this is me in my prime.