Below picture is an actual Demolition - notice the familiar "Squibs"?
Learn what REALLY happened on 9/11 HERE!
THE WTC 7 MYSTERY COLLAPSE (TO PULL=CONTROLLED DEMOLITION)BBC World News started reporting that 7 World Trade Center had collapsed about 23 minutes before the building actually came down, as video of the news network's live broadcast on September 11th shows.The skyscraper also known as the Salomon Brothers Building was still standing and clearly visible over the shoulder of a BBC reporter in New York, even as the network provided accurate, past-tense details of its collapse. Jane Standley's live report was interrupted about five minutes before WTC 7 actually came down at 5:20pm EDT
Who is Ron Paul ???
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------ --------- ---------- ------- amp;hl=enAbout the FilmI Luke Rudkowski never made a film in my life, I sat in front of a computer at my local public access station BCAT with no knowledge of film making. Through countless hours of trial and error I was able to make this film. This film is not perfect but I did my best and that is what matters. Half-way through making this film on 1/29/07 I lost one of my best friends Dan Wallace to whom this film is dedicated to, I could not stop crying making this film.I spent whatever money I had in my pockets to make this film and for a 20 year old unemployed college student that’s not much. At this time due to a situation, the activists of NY911Truth and CHANGE have no money for flyers and DVDs.If you like what you see and want to support these actions donate $12.00 or more at and you’ll receive a high quality DVD version of the film.All proceeds will go towards fighting the New World Order specifically…1. Free Flyer’s for people 2. Free DVD’s for people 3. Mini DV tapes 4. A Hidden Camera 5. Wireless Microphone“Dedicated†was Produced and Directed by Luke Rudkowski @ you so much for watching this film, do a street action in the memory of Dan Wallace on every 11th of each month for truth and justice. Education is pointless unless we use it.