"Let Them Eat Art" profile picture

"Let Them Eat Art"


About Me

It's no longer Friday night and I'm sitting here digitally 'talking' to a machine, but no longer whilst waiting for an electrician to come and turn off the fire alarm bells that were sounding throughout my entire block because I inadvertently left the kettle on the gas ring, much to the annoyance and disturbance of my fellow tenants, to whom I humbly apologized. Especially you.Since then I have been getting used to my G4 and OSX, finally. I know, I know, a dinosaur, it's true.I like to create surreal photomontages because a.) it gives me immense pleasure, and b.) in order to subvert the dominant notions of 'Reality', to challenge preconceptions, to confound expectations and throw out today's stereotypes with yesterday's bathwater. And it is a way of passing the time until the process of Armageddon is complete and the entire human race ascends en masse to the 4th Dimension, in 2012.*NEW* MY ART IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AS GREETINGS CARDS OR PRINTS, CLICK HERE:# # # # # # # # # # # on RedBubble.com" # # # # # # # # # # # " /P.S. Can the person who nicked my garden chair please return it?Thanks

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Purple and teal


My Interests

Graphic Art, Illustration, Photomontage, Ancient History, Ancient Egypt, Social History, Genealogy, Ornithology, Philosophy, Theology, Gnosticism, esoteric Christianity, Hermeticism, Spirituality, Spiritualism, Mysticism, Buddhism, 'Paranormal', UFO's, Crop circles, Vegetarianism, motorcycles, cats, and life itself.

I'd like to meet:

You on a dark night!
Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP)
Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.

Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. How Rare Is Your Personality?


Wide range...Dylan, Woody Guthrie, Leonard Cohen, Elvis, Rolling Stones, Led Zep, White Stripes, Sex Pistols, Stranglers, Clash, Buzzcocks, Ramones, X-Ray Spex, Lee Scratch Perry, Bob Marley, Dreadzone, Dubliners, Pogues, Chieftains, Sinead O'Connor, Air, Aphex Twin, Peter Green, Morcheeba, Portishead, Massive Attack, Moby, KLF, Robert Johnson, Maddy Prior, Pentangle, Janis Joplin, Velvet Underground, Iggy Pop, Frank Zappa, Handel's Messiah, Bach...y'know, all the usual stuff...and more latterly, Ms.Amy Winehouse.


Gosh,lots; anything with ghosts/vampires/aliens, motorcycles, big tits, cloth caps and/or ukelelies. Stuff like; Easyrider, Psychomania, Great Escape, Life of Brian, Edward Scissor Hands, Carry On Camping,The Leather Boys, Scorpio Rising,The Shining, One Flew over Cuckoo's Nest, No Limit (George Formby),The Ghost Goes West, Blythe Spirit, Laurel & Hardy, Marx Bros., Norman Wisdom, La Haine, A Christmas Carol, It's A Wonderful Life, Angels With Dirty Faces, Casablanca, Oliver, Wizard of Oz, Kes, Tommy (The Who), The Producers, Good Bad Ugly, Natural Born Killers, Sin City, Run Lola Run, LIFE OF BRIAN, A Cock & Bull Story, V for Vendetta, etc, etc...


I don't have a TV, it broke. And no, you can't come in to check. If you're still on terrestrial there's bugger all on anyway. Maybe, Time Team...Newsnight, The X Files, Britains Most Haunted, Horizon, that sort of thing, and The Simpsons! But in my youth, all the classic cult/kids tv shows really,You all know the ones. Oh, and 'Dad's Army', FATHER TED and 'Monty Python', of course. 'League of Gentlemen' was absolutely brilliant, genius comedy! Remember 'Then Came Bronson' ? cult 1969 Harley guy...


The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce:Interdimensional Communication & Global Transformation[David Wilcock/Wynn Free], A Man Seen Afar, The Upper Room, Awakening Letters - Wellesley Tudor Pole, WALTER HINZ, GRACE COOKE/WHITE EAGLE, WILLIAM STAINTON MOSES, EDGAR CAYCE, The Door Marked Summer[Michael Bentine], Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance[Robert Pirsig], Cosmic Voyage[Courtney Brown], Cosmic Journeys with Robert Munroe[Rosalind McKnight], Book of Hiram[Lomas & Knight], Mothman Prophecies[John Keel], The Celestine Prophecy[James Redfield],Secret Chamber[Robert Bauval], Talisman[Bauval/Hancock], The Sign & The Seal[Graham Hancock], Small is Beautiful[E.F. Schumacher], On The Road[Kerouac], Mr. Nice [Howard Marx], Das Kapital [karl Marx], Adolf Hitler: My Part In His Downfall[Spike Milligan], Republic[Plato],The Observer's Book of Birds, et cetera, to name BUT a few.


My artistic influences are John Heartfield, Hannah Hoch, George Grosz, Margriet, Duchamp, Man Ray, Richard Hamilton, Terry Gilliam, Peter Kennard, Cath Tate, & Graham Rawle amongst others, and I love the work of Peter Blake, Gilbert & George and Chinese artist, Kenneth Hung. Other 'Heroes/heroins'(for we must not ignore the feminine aspect); Jesus of Nazareth, Mary Magdalene, John The Beloved, Giordano Bruno, Tomasso Campanella, Ghandi, The Dalai Lama, Spike Milligan, Bertolt Brecht, Python Team, Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie, John Peel, John Lennon, George Harrison, to name but a few. Previous generations of mankind are all heroes in their own right.

My Blog

Some great bands from the Punk days...

Stiff Little Fingers, from Belfast, whom I saw live at Halifax in 1978. Another one from Northern Ireland, the dulcet tones of Mr. Feargal Sharkey, 'Teenage Kicks' by The Undertones, John Pee...
Posted by "Let Them Eat Art" on Thu, 29 May 2008 12:43:00 PST

Strange Days on Planet Earth

Thanks to: Can You Adam & Eve It?Thanks ~neesanfrankOdelicKindness of Strangers~Live Green saves Wildlife~Nita aka ~eeriejethroStarSeeds Awakening~Lauralei'Tony P Scruffy: Enemy Combatant, Number One ...
Posted by "Let Them Eat Art" on Sun, 25 May 2008 08:31:00 PST

The Pineal Gland, Polarization, and Relationships

This is a very informative article that was posted by others as a bulletin, and I considered it worth saving as a blog.From: e-michael-P-2012-e1/ RE: VIDEOS:DMT, PINEAL GLAND, 3RD EYE ,HEIGHTENED AWAR...
Posted by "Let Them Eat Art" on Sun, 25 May 2008 05:28:00 PST

American ’Stonehenge’, the Georgia Guide Stones

Georgia Guide Stones - American 'Stonehenge'This enigmatic standing stone monument was erected in 1980, commissioned by a mysterious man who gave his name has R. C. Christian, an obvious reference to ...
Posted by "Let Them Eat Art" on Sat, 24 May 2008 05:16:00 PST

Meat-Eaters and The Myth of Canine Teeth

You will often hear meat-eaters defending their actions by claiming that humans possess canine teeth, and are therefore intended to eat meat. This is simply not true. We humans have the genealogical r...
Posted by "Let Them Eat Art" on Fri, 23 May 2008 05:31:00 PST


A short lecture by Napoleon Hill (1883-1970), "Founder of The Science Of Success". ...
Posted by "Let Them Eat Art" on Wed, 21 May 2008 03:46:00 PST

Goldring Amazing Consciousness Visuals

Here's some amazing meditation/spiritual/quantum/metaphysical/consciousness/asce nsion/enlightenment visuals from Goldring. Of interest to those consciously seeking Enlightenment, and/or stoners.http:/...
Posted by "Let Them Eat Art" on Wed, 21 May 2008 02:09:00 PST

James Gilliland Update

An update with Art Bell. ...
Posted by "Let Them Eat Art" on Wed, 21 May 2008 12:26:00 PST

UFO Contactee, James Gilliland on Coast to Coast AM

E.T./UFO contactee, James Gilliland, speaks to Art Bell about his experiences. ...
Posted by "Let Them Eat Art" on Wed, 21 May 2008 12:15:00 PST

The Disney Corporation

Thanks toStarhenge Sky TheGaianDragon. com War Propaganda: Disneyland Goes to War Torn Iraq by Michel Chossudovsky'Disneyland' comes to Baghdad with multi-million pound entertainment park From The Ti...
Posted by "Let Them Eat Art" on Tue, 20 May 2008 07:27:00 PST