I’m Lauren Shields, a photography student based in the Peterborough area. This page displays my main passion, photography - id love to know your opinion on it!
'Photography is my window and my opportunity to let the butterflies in my stomach fly free.'
'I see photography as an art - not just recording what I see. '
Henri Cartier-Bresson once said - ‘For me the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity, the master of the instant which, in visual terms, questions and decides simultaneously’.
..Which i agree with, for me the camera is exactly that - a sketch book.
'I’ve always loved art and photography; it’s a way to escape from the world, or to completely confront it.'
My main way of getting my photography seen is through my Myspace page (I also use flickr), which I set up in February 2006 to see if people would like my work. From there it’s grown, allowing me to progress and improve, which I will continue to do.
In a few years time, id love to say that id had many exhibitions, more published work and had published a book full of my work.
On The Peterborough Daily Website
My Flickr Page
My DeviantArt Page
My personal myspace is: http://www.myspace.com/shieldsmeister
A few things i love:
My friends
Not giving money to 'The Man'
The glass onion
Growing things
Burning glow sticks
Chillin out with friends outside in the summer
Tribal hooks
Staying up till sunrise
Charity shops
Watching the world go by in trains/planes/cars/buses
Alice in wonderland
Making cds for everything! espesh my shower cds
Amazing clouds
Coffee shops
The feeling of unity
Hand-made books
Thankyou to everyone that has bought prints, you really encourage me to create more.
If you'd like any infomation about prints feel free to message me.