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Snagged from The BR Family
Above All Interests
Isn't It Great?
1. You have the right to any religion or no religion, and you can practice it in any way you want. The Government can't limit you in that or in your free speech or in your printing or writing anything you feel like printing. You have the right to joint together in any associations you wish to. You have the right to join together to petition your government to answer for anything they do that you don't like and they have to respond and work with you.
2. You can be your own HOMELAND security. You can keep weapons to protect your home, neighborhood, city and state. The government should be afraid to mess with you.
3. The government can't, during peacetime, put soldiers in your house to watch you or mess with you like they do in other countries. Even In a time of war they have to pass a special law to do it... and you can vote it down.
4. You have a right to privacy that is GUARANTEED. The government may not tap your phone, read your private mail, come in your house or office or house to look at your private stuff unless they have a court order... and even then you have rights to REASONABLE SEARCHES... very cool.
5. You can't be put on trial without formal and proven indictment. That means they have to prove that they should even try you. You can't be put on trial for the same suspected crime more than once. You can't be forced to say, write or expose anything about yourself that the government can use against you in court. (Some say filling out a 1040 is in violation of this!) You are innocent, unless the system proves you guilty.
6. You have a right to a speedy trial. You have the right to a jury that has no prior opinion of the case. You have a right to have the trial in your home state. You have the right to face your accuser and people who claim to have seen you do what they say you did. You have the right to witnesses in your defense and the state has to wait for them. The government must allow you a defender even if they have to pay one.
7. You have the right to a jury trial where your property is concerned.
8. The government can't set your bail too high. The government can't be cruel to you.
9. When it comes to human rights, just cuz it ain't written down doesn't mean you don't have it. The people have all human rights.
10. The power derives from the people. It goes People first, then State, then National.
Olberman on the 1st day of the Military Commission Act
Olberman on the signing of the Military Commission Act 2006
Olberman goes over the Bill of Rights...
The Bill of Rights 2006
911 Blogger
911 Research WTC7
911 Review
911 Truth Seekers
American Holocaust
Cutting Through the Matrix
Free Press International
Indy Media
Information Clearing House
Independent Americans
Info Wars
Fox Attacks
Freedom Above Fortune Joe Bannster's site
Freedom and Privacy Committee
From the Wilderness
The Justice Project
Nonconsensual Talking
Police State 21
Prison Planet
Radio Liberty
Support the Truth
Torrent Spy
-This is a great torrent site and torrents are a great resource to pass information through. You can download these free movies and books. Plus its home page lists important articles that we all watch.
True Majority
Truth 24 7
Truth Stream
Veterans for 9/11 Truth
We the People
Internet Radio
- Internet radio is key to get more factual knowledge. Winamp provides a great resource to radio stations in their media library. All of these stations can be found in the Shoutcast Radio section.
American Voice Radio : Freedom Call, Constitutional Crusaders
- The host of Constitutional Crusader is Marcel Roy Benshadler and this cat is wild. His voice is a little tinny, but his information is really good. Although much of it sounds like it would cause a big uproar and fuss, but it is very informative as a way to protect yourself.
GCN : Alex Jones, Free Talk Live, Jack Blood,
First Amendment Radio
Progressive Blend Radio
Rant Radio : Rant Speak
-Follow along at Sean Kennedy Live Journal
Republic Broadcasting Network :
Action Groups
John Connor of the the Resistance, Resistance Manifesto
Make your custom magnet at
NY 9-11 Truth
Pepper Spray Productions
Scholars for 9-11 Truth
The World Can't Wait
-World Can't Wait action locations Act Locally
The change begins with removing this archetype
Bush v. Bush
Conspiracy of Silence
Republican Pedophiles
The Military Commission Act...
House of Representatives Vote H.R. 6166
Senate Vote S.3930
There are groups already out there to help in the fight for the governmental reform we need. Groups like CREW who sent the FBI the information on Foley. I will find more and list them as I do.
I'd like to meet:
Those who wish to wish to return government to people who will work for the benefit of the people.
Our Sentiment
A True Sentiment from JFK
This is troop support...
Not in our name...
My Q & A Section
A question was posed...
"[Teach] about what though?
like, it's not really clear to me.
teach each other about what?
how our government's fucking up...or...what?"
It was answered as follows...
I want to work with people who help teach people. Among those teaching are the answer to this question.
1) Teach each one about waking up to the lies and corruption of the government.
2) Teach each one to not listen to the propaganda.
3) Teach each one how to correct the problems.
4) Teach each one to educate himself, instead of expecting someone else to provide the information they need.
Everyone on my friends list is someone who sees a problem and they have begun to ask for change, but that is not coming about. The overall thing to learn is to be more effective in creating the change we want to see. We must work together to first succeed in common problems and securing our freedom to do so.
First and foremost...
Be the change you wish to see.
-Muhatma Ghandi
A question was posed...
We have a common cause and I respect you very much my brother. The people of this nation need to wake up and see the light. You mention this on your page and you add a third step, "do something". Hypothetically, lets say we have 50% of the American population aware of the Bush regime's agenda. What do you suggest we do then?
It was answered as follows
We are in the same fight for the power of back to the people. You asked what should be done...I answer it like this, be creative.
I am not here to tell people what to do and neither should anyone, outside of WAKE UP and EDUCATE. What I want to do is provide options. I have begun with resources to educate. I plan to move next into pointing out the corrupt officials and ways to find them. We all see that there is corruption, but we don't see all of the players, just the leading puppets.
That is what I am doing, you can join me in my focuses, you can join someone else in theirs, or you can start your own. Let me know what your focus is and I will help people reach you as an option. That is what I mean by DO SOMETHING.
-Each one teach one.
A question was posed...I do believe the message you gents got was from right-wingers.
me, being an Anarcho-Communist (or anarcho-syndicalist) looks to communism as a means of Economy, not rule or Stalinism.
Simply tell them:
Learn what the fuck Communism is, and tell them that Marx didn't start Communism, nor did he even know what the whole basis behind it even was.
It was answered as followsI am not a communist and frankly I have not studied it extensively. What I did get from it is essentially you have a group of people who will establish the transition to communism then are supposed to give up the power once everything is implemented. Problem is the power is not relinquished.
If you can provide a better one I will put it in a blog or on my site for clarification.
I don't want to get into a debate on it, but I would see that Constitution as something that can establish many of the views that communism wishes to achieve with a rotating overseeing government.
The response...
I'm happy you have an open mind though, and that's all that matters to have a peaceful world :)
This is what Communism/Syndicalism is:
The workers (being the working and middle class) overthrow the upper-class, either through a bloodless revolution or bloody, it's up to them.
And the workers/unions control the means of production and cost.
There are still jobs, but the foreman isn't paid more than the worker, most likely the foreman would get paid less than the worker
And since hierarchy and capitalism need one another to survive, it would only be right to abolish the hiearchy to ensure capitalism doesn't come back.
Castro, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, and the rest of them completely defecated the word of communism, and even Marx did to an extent by trying to turn it into a philosophy when all it is is just a different form of economy.
I probably even gave it a shitty definition.
A question was posed...
I always had a plan to move my family to Canada If the shit hit the fan, Whats this North American union the article talked of and is there a way of fighting the raping of our country? And if not is there a way of a lower middle class family like mine to flee it??I know you probably get many many emails a day, but Please get back to me on this subject!! You seem to have more knowledge on this then I do.
It was answered as follows
I am not sure if this is going through. Myspace has cracked down on my email and friend requests.
Moving to Canada may not be sufficient because Canada will also be added to the American Union. The plan is to merge the economies of Mexico, US and Canada into one with a single currency called the amero. The dollar is being inflated to the point of collapse with the ultimate fallout somewhere between 3 and 5 years. Some estimates even say a beginning coming in about 6 months. The federal reserve is as federal as federal express. They have been doubling the number of dollars in circulation over the last six years and intend to double it again. The inflation means that the actual value of the economy, measured by stock market, is double the actual value.
Essentially the borders will be nonexistent and we all will have a national id card that will allow you to go between the current borders. Or an rfid passport, which is expected to begin implementation next year.
The best defense now is to eliminate the debt that you may have because when the fall happens mortgages will be called in all at once and if you are not able to pay you will lose your home. Credit cards will have interest rates skyrocket and your cash will be essentially worthless. This will also happen if people move to reject the fed also. So one suggestion that I have heard is move the money you have to commodities like gold and silver. There is the liberty dollar that is backed by silver and a good alternative. Gold is not as good because the private banks that own the fed have essentially cornered the market on gold, although there still is some available.
The Free State Project is a good program to look into. I have not reviewed it fully myself, but I have heard of it. It has been set up in I believe Vermont and will be using the liberty dollar as the currency.
I hope that I have been able to assist you in your research. The main thing we must do is inform others and link up so that the people will resist and police officers and military officials will disobey the horrendous orders that will be coming down throughout the next few years.
The suspected plan that Bush is implementing is martial law. This is evident is the Military Commissions Act and the Warner Defense Act. Look into these recent laws.
I hope this helps.
-Each one teach one.
The soundtrack to the revolution features...
517 Collective, Akir, Azeem, B Wiv Deece, Dead Prez (Stic Man & M1), The Conch, Corporate Avengers, Cy Marshall Law, Dean Glenn Hubbard, El Vuh, F.I.G.H.T. Club, Fuck the Police, Immortal Technique, J-Money, Jedi Mind Click, Kang and Kodos, Paris, Rage Against the Machine, Ronin, Roy Shivers, Solar, Spearhead, Tha Truth, Today,Tupac, Vice Vers
Immortal Technique - Bin Laden
Immortal Technique - Leaving the past
1984, Equilibrium, Fight Club, Fog of War, V for Vendetta, Wag the Dog
Open Complicity: Anatomy of the 9/11 Cover-up
CIA Agent Speaks
7/7 Bombing: Ludicrous Diversion
9/11 The Falling Man
9/11 Mysteries Part 1: Demolitions
9/11 Press for Truth
Loose Change 2
Orwell Rolls In His Grave - by Robert Kane Pappas
Weapons of Mass Deception
The Mayan Calendar Comes to the North
Super Size Me
part 1
part 2
part 3
Password: xsharex
-download each part from megaupload...then extract all 3 files together with will need the above password...
if you dont have anything to extract .rar files get this:
WinRAR Program
Who Killed John O'Niel
OWN-the-NWO Masterpiece Project v1.0-A
Constitution & Liberty
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The Philosophy of Liberty:
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Constitution Class:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
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Despotism and Democracy (1945)
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BUSTED - The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters (2003)
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9/11 Analysis
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Confronting The Evidence: A Call To Reopen The 911 Investigation
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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9/11 Revisited: Scientific and Ethical Questions by Steven Jones at BYU
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9/11 Revisited montage:
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David Ray Griffin -9/11:
The Omission Report:
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The American Empire
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Other Speeches:
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911 Eyewitness
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Loose Change 2nd Edition:
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Painful Deceptions - An Analysis of the 911 Attack (Revised by
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The Truth and Lies of 9-11 (2004)
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The Great Conspiracy - The 911 news special you never saw
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Perspective on 9/11
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War and Globalization - The Truth Behind September 11
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Police State
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FEMA CAMPS: Because, they LOVE YOU
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911 The Road To Tyranny
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911 RTT Extras
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911 RTT Special Emergency Release
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Martial Law 9-11: Rise of the Police State
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Martial Law 9-11: Extras
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Matrix of Evil
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Police State 2000
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Police State II: The Takeover
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..20Masterpiece%20Project/PS3totalenslavementsmall.gif" width="164" height="210"
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Police State 3: Total Enslavement
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Texe Marrs: Gulag USA - Concentration Camps in America
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What is Fascism? (
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DNW - War on Drugs (1999)
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Plan Colombia: Cashing-in on the Drug-War Failure (2003)
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The Capitalist Conspiracy
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Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve
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The Money Masters
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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The ILLUMINATI All Conspiracy No Theory (2005)
Part 1
Part 2
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The REAL Face of The European Union
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Satan's Kingdom (
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The American Union by 2005 - 2006 by Robert Gaylon Ross
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Conspiracy of Silence (Pedophile Politicians)
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The Kay Griggs Interviews
Part 1
Part 2
Full 8 hour interivew:
Part 1
Part 2
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America's Secret Destiny-Ralph Epperson
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Global Governance: The Quiet War Against American Independence
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Brainwashing 101
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Trance Formation of America Mind Control Out of Control
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A Trance Formation (follow up):
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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The Most Dangerous Game
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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Zionist War Crimes - The Case For The Prosecution
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Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars & Bilderberg 2005
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The Great Deception - The War on Terrorism - An alternative view (2002)
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America Destroyed By Design
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Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports EXPOSED
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Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove & Order of Death
Dark Secrets:
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Dark Secrets Special Feature:
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Order of Death:
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Masters of Terror
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American Dictators: Documenting the Staged Election of 2004
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Who Controls our Children?
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The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
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Behind the Green Curtain
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The Power of Nightmares
Part I: Baby It's Cold Outside
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Part II: The Phantom Victory
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Part III: The Shadows in the Cave
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Nick Begich: Are You A Manchurian Candidate?
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Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre (U.S. Use of Phosphorus Bombs in Iraq)
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The United Nations: A Look Into The Future (1998)
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Ted Gunderson - SATANISM & The CIA's International Trafficking in Children
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The Georgia Guidestones (The American Stonehenge Promoting Depopulation)
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Beyond Treason (Use Of Depleted Uranium in Iraq)
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Hidden Wars of Desert Storm (2000)
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The Oil Factor: Behind the War on Terror (2004)
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David Irving - Truth in History
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The Trials of Henry Kissinger (2002)
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The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz (By David Cole)
Part 1:
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Part 2:
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Illuminati Mystery Babylon (2002)
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The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines & Their Mind Control
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a href="
Check out the public access satellite channels, for those of you who have satellite tv, Free Speech TV and Links TV
Here are some online news TV stations. You can also see the Shoutcast TV that is included in the Winamp media library for further online TV.
INN World Report
These show have so many clips that you should see just put them in YouTube or Google Video...
Countdown with Kieth Olberman
Colbert Report
Daily Show with Jon Stewart
More than likely all of you who visit this site are WOGs and just don't know it. This man will show you some of what you will need to do to prepare yourself.
Patrolling with Sean Kennedy
-You can view the episodes through Google Video here
-download the episodes using a torrent client like Utorrent and get the torrents here .
1984, The Art of War, Behold a Pale Horse, The Capitalist Ideal, Crossing the Rubicon, Federalist Papers , Anti-Federalist Papers, Illuminatus, Ishmael, The Law, Rule By Secrecy
Go to this site for more E-books and Audio Books...
E-books & Audio Books
Declaration of Independence
The Constitution of the United States of America | 12mb - RAR File
The Amendments to the Constitution
-get a pdf copy of the Citizen's Rule Book and Jury Handbook here .
LINCOLN said "Study the Constitution!
Let it be preached from the pulpit,
proclaimed in legislatures, and
enforced in courts of justice."
Quality reprints may be obtained from:
Christian Patriots
P.O. Box 521
Placentia, CA 92670
(714) 449-9504
Whitten Printers
1001 S. 5th St
Phoenix, AZ 85004
(602) 258-6406
"You have rights antecedent to all earthly governments; rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; rights derived from the Great Legislator of the Universe."
-John Adams, Second President of the United States
Jury Duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
You are above the Law! . . . . . . . . . . 4
Jury Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Law of the Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Ten Commandments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Communist Manifesto . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Give Up Rights? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Jury Tampering? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Patrick Henry Shocked . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Jury of Peers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Freedom for William Penn . . . . . . . . . 18
Jefferson's Warnings! . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Index to the documents . . . . . . . . . . 21
The Declaration of Independence . . . . . . 26
The Constitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
The Bill of Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Cynthia McKinney
Go Chavez
Is it bad that Malcolm X is timeless?
Doesn't that suggest that nothing has changed?
Dennis Kucinich on the Military Commision Act
INN World Report Interview
Put these names in You Tube or a search engine for more.
Alan Watt, Alex Jones, Assata Shakure, Cynthia McKinney, Dennis Kucinich, Hugo Chavez, Irwin Schiff, Jim Marrs, Joe Bannister, Leonard Peltier, Marcel Roy Benshadler, Mumia Abu Jamal, Noam Chomsky, Ron Paul, Sean Kennedy, Prof Steven Jones, Webster Griffin Tarpley. All of you connected to this profile.
R.I.P. - Bill Hicks, Che Guevara, Emmit Teel, Fred Hampton, Huey P Newton, Hunter S Thompson, JFK, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr, RFK, William Cooper, Tupac Amaru Shakur, The victims of 9-11