OMEGA EMPIRE COMMUNICATIONZ - OEC - 2013 & Aft profile picture



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WELCOME BRETHRENS! Gr33tingz FAMILY, ANCESTORS, OFFSPRINGS, NOMADZ, Guests, newcomaz (neophytes & old spirits)!
Shalom Chaverim (Hello Friends)! Sha'alu Shalom Yerushalayim! Geia sas adelfia kai adelphes (Greetings brothers & sisters)!
1st of all thank you for joining us & taking time into something thats worth it. Realize that its not our intent to belittle, unduly criticize or “bash” any1 who may hold personal, religious or political persuasions or opinions other than our own. Even tho we may absolutely disagree wit your opinion & have 100% proof to back de aboslute truth up, we'll defend to da death your Creator-given right & free-will to hold it for aslong as u wish. We are not “anti-”anybody; we are only pro-Truth. For those whom dont know what TRUTH is - have a misconception: DA TRUTH
BEWARE! satanic (luciferian) controlled and empowered, negative, envious, self-righteous, egocentric spammed out, worthless info and bot generated Comments of self-promoe get denied instantly for its un-ethical, imoral and lame! Not professionaL! If ya'll knew what giving artists a COMMENT meant maybe you would actually COMMENT on their art/music/page rather then always competing for the number, money, fame, adrenaline rush ego feeding or whatever high-horse you're riding on. DO NOT just say "THANK's FOR THE ADD or REQUEST". especially when you requested, cause then its evident that you use bots and you're a tit sqeezin corporate unholy motha suKKKa! If you ain't got something to say, SAY NOTHING @ ALL ! Focus on revolutionEYEzing yaself and stop acting like you know it all when you don't know da half suKKKA! Swallow your pride, conquer your demons, experience life, cross-reference it all (roots of history, geogrpahy, math, science, religions, facts, philology, etymology, linguistics) analyse prophecies and study THE HOLY INNERRANT and ACCURATE overwhelming yet SIMPLE "WORD OF GOD" and then prove my FAITH WRONG rather than wasting my time without ONE PIECE of EVIDENCE or LOGIC!
Many More OMEGA artists/activists Profiles Coming SOON! THE BeST ONE'S HAVE BEEN KEPT A SECRET & YOU SHALL ALL HEAR/SEE WHY! Tis a sacred process of strategic ptolemic anti-evil tactix being made before further adjustments so fasten ya life-belts! Enjoy these Old Gemstones for NOW!
SPIRITS AWAKEN in the 9TH HOUR!!! 8th generation!!! 7TH Seal! SPIRITUAL WAR OF DA gODz! HEAVEN vs HELL! Nu Atlantis! Armageddon and TRIBULTION of the Apocalypse in REVELATION and the BOOK OF DANIEL! !
WeR NOT ageists, racists, fascists, classists, fake judges holdn grudgZ outof ignance 2wrd YAHASHUA HaMassiach, corp clones dependent on Worldy & fake universal system (political, mobocratical, technocratical, religious, materialistic). WE R givaz of Wisdom, TRUTH & UNCODNITIONAL LOVE thru da 1WAY of IESOUS/YEHOSHUA HRISTOS/HAMASSIACH.
Dont care about your money or bank account/credit card so put it away (hence why we don't ask for it ANYWHERE on OUR PAGE'S). We do CARE & PRAY for your soul (psihi) (mind-body-heart) & SPIRIT (pneuma, Life force, unseen energy of self).
If U R xtremely happy in your life & content with what you have been taught & you feel that you have a grasp of what's going on in the world & universe along with the feeling of clear uncodntional love, purity & energy then you already know what we r bout. You see land, money & media are means of control!
Deprive people of their land & you can control them wit money seems to b the short version of it & most of us have been got by de short & curleez.
Whats it they say?
"Ignorance is truly bliss".
YHWH FORGIVE U & BLESS U! CHRISTOS ALITHOS! MAY U ALL FIND da RIGHTEOUS PATH Commentz Here: Xpress Ya Self Freely or Get beheaded by da S-wordz! O.E.C. - Praize de Almy-T YHWH

My Interests


Member Since: 1/21/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: CURRENT MOON lunar phases:
MEDACINE MEN (MEDA MEN) aka FARMAKI aka FARMASSISTS : Necta (Nektarios) & Cronos (Polychronios) Farmakis (blodd brothers)

PARAXENY : Necta, Cronos & Surge Cess

LOGIKAL ASPECTS Optiks & Mindst8

TRIP-iLL-OrthoDOX : Necta, Cronos & Conscience

ANGLES Of INCIDENCE : Necta, Cronos & JP Crawla

GENERAXION : DJ Labs, Nach One, Mc like & Rekam

SNAKE CHARMAZ : Nec aka Creoplazm, Cron aka Poly, Visual Kortex & One-I

CYLINDA VELONIZM : Ethix Skeptro, Cronos aka Tone-Arm, Dj Noa-1, One I, Jess E-J & Dj Lab's

SACRED SOIL & dE APLHA-APLHA SPROUTS Nectar - Lead Vocals, Percussion, Primitive & TRribal Instruments, Keys
Cronos - Backup & Additional Voc, Trumpet, Percussion, Primitve & Tribal Instruments & Keys
Optiks - Drums, Percussion, Woodwinds, Keys & Effects & Back-Up Vocals
Mindstate - Bass Guitar, Percussion, Saxaphone (Tenor) & Back Up Vocals
Zaharias - Native Percussion & Back Up Vocals
Caligua - SPanish and Acoustic Guitar
Gerasimos - Latin Percussion
Clint - Acoustic and Electric rythym & lead guitar. Backround Vocals. Percussion & Key's.
Karoulis - ANatolian and Hellenic Percussion & Gypsy Vocals
Guests on each song playing different World instruments of ALL genres! Ply-Fusion!

{IMAGINE8} : INSTRUMENTAL project with 8 OF OMEGA'S 10 Produca'z!

{PANDEMIC PRAXIS} : Necta - Cronos (Hellas) - Surge Cess (Gyana/Portugal) - DJ Noa-1 dA Vinyl Feyetah (Hellas) - Karoulis dE Barbarian (Hellas) - Patouxas (Hellas) - Oprah de Omega Empress (Jamaica, UK) - Maqflah (Guadeloupe) - Roachino Ro Tella (Italy) - Rowan dA Roaddawg (St. Kitts) - PJ (Hellas) - Sensei Krang (W. Indies) - Generaxion (DJ Labs, Nach One, Mc like & Rekam) (Chile) - An-Also (India) - Minus (Serbia) - Fak Off & Cru (Bulgaria) - C-Dubbs (Romania) - Ami Racle (Iran) - Tazzah aka Taz-2, Krun, Jurnee One, Miss Bee & ADI Crew (Australllia) - Big Croc (Australia) - Jazzy Taz (Tazmania) - Mr. E. (UK) - Avan Off (Russia) - Mingus (New Zealand) - MC Boufos (Cyprus) - Down 2 Earth (Botswana) - Kyaldo (China/UK) - Avan Off (Russia) - Rob A.N.K.O.N. (UK) - MProduction (French/Canada) - Reiz Born (Canada/UK) - Will (Nigeria) - Franklin (Haiti) - Fenaxis (Phillipines) - Joel (Native America) - DaReal (Native America/UK) - Mono Observer (UK/Hellas) - Paralysis (France/Canada) - Spud (Africa) - G (Nicaragua) - Adolpfo (Honduras) - Vensive & Cru (Chile) - DIncredible (Holland) - Antartes (Hellas) - Dione Cut - Sponge (Jamaica) - Conscience (Cnada/UK) - Logikal Aspects (Native America/UK) - DK7 (Albania) - Psyco Mantis the 5th Guerilla (Barbados).

{OMEGA DJ'Z & AFFILIATIONZ} : Dj NOA 1 dA Vinyl Fighta,Dj Vensive, Dj Will Powa, Dj Labs, Amir Da Terrorist, Dione Cut, C-Dubbs, Scarlem, Roach 1 & MOnolith Cru, Somewhere Outside Consciousness, Xenophobe, Tislam da Great, EQ, Mzery, Masia one, 905, 416, Rokon da Shaman & Unknown Entity, Angelino, BZJam, G.C.P. & Skitz, Skitzo & 40 Below Ent., Genelec & Memphis Reigns, ParanormL Sykiatrist & The Beyonders, Secta 7, Wes Nile, Kingz Army, Paragontes, Luke Geraty & Syntax Records, Braille, Labtekwon, Baracuda, Noah23, AthenA aka Pandora, Society of NIMH, Paralysis AKA Arthur Malifecous, Total Blackness (Darknezz), House of David, ABraham's Seed, Lost Tribes of Yisrael & Yisrael, Yosef and the Shepperds, The Sheep, Ekklisia, Church of YHWH, Masked Evangelist, Early Church Elders (E.C.E.), Ortho Dox Disciplez, Saints of YHWH and more being added as we speak!

Diverse multi-genre stylee & syko Classic Funky & Broken Jazz Break Mix-Tapes & Compo'z by: Nectar, PolyCronos, Optiks, Minst8 & Dj Noa 1.
Guitar and Bass, Vocals by : Rob ANKON, Joel Bisson, Tyla, Necta & Cronos.

Clarino by : Patouxas *Acoustic Recorder(flogera), Native Flutes(seeder, bamboo and steel), Hand Drum, Spoons, Forks, Knives, Rocks, Wood, Bottles,Card Board Boxes, Bouzouki, Toumberleki, Kazoo by: Big Croc, Baglamas & Lyra by : Karoulis the Barbarian also Nectar & Cronos.

Every Single Instrument dat Xzists & Percussion played by: Nectarios Farmakis, PolyCronios Farmakis, Sergio Alves, Mystic Mindst8 & Optiks Kadatonik aka Yishai.
Beat Boxing by Snake Charmaz & DJ NOA-1

Influences: 1ST and 4most Praise and Thanks 2 THE 1 & ONLY Inspirator, main Influence and Creator (father/mother) of all..
The ALMIGHTY (El Shaddai) HaShem YAHWEH = Self Existing Great Master ETERNAL Most High 1 Maker = Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscience, Omnicronosient, Omni-dimensional, OMNI-TEMPORAL P3rf3ct UniVersal InFiNiT3 CRe8oR/Originator/Designer = YHWH (YHVH) ELOHIM! TO clarify things we must mention that we thank and respect The FULL TRIUNE essence of YHWH Elohim (ELOHEEM) = YHWH + YEHOSHUA OF NAZARETH HAMASHIACH + THE HOLY SPIRIT of YAUWEH aka RUACH Ha KODESH the Guardian & Comforter!

2nd main influence:
Our seed's, familia, fans & ALL the ELECT (CHOSEN 1'z). THE ETERNAL and LIVING CHURCH OF YHWH our CREATOR (YAHWEH). The MINOR and ALL Scriptural PROPHETS from the beginning until NOW, The Heavenly ANGELS (Divine Agents aka Aggelos) of HEAVEN such as the Seraphim & Cherubim - Archangel Gabriel, Micheal, Raphael, The Shepherds & Humble Sheep, Kids & Innocent Survivaz & strugglaz, Philadelphians, Christadelpihans, Apologetics, Evangelists (not fake mianstream 1's), Nazarenes, Tru Ministers & Pastors (Sermons), Martyrs, Saints, Aesthetics, Sooth Sayers & ALL the REAL Apostles - Disciples of YeHSHUA HaMosiach & The children of YHWH such as the REMNANT 1nce Lost but re-Gatehred Blessed Tribes of JACOB aka Iakov aka Y'srael (ISREAL = THE BODY (SOMA) OF Yeshua HaMassiach (Christos) aka THE REAL CHURCH/BRIDE).
The rugged poverty filled drug and alcohol filled crack homes most of us were brought up in, subways, bus shelters, jails, penetentary, institutions, streets & ghettos we have (and most still do) lived in and dwell @ across the Earths (Gaia) Terra Firma. 3rd World & non-3rd World countries along with ALL the starving children (50,000 die a day after being enslaved too) that need Orthodox Christian-MESSIANIC spiritual nourishment and help/truth/healing to get away from ha satan the serpent winged devil and the fallen angels = nephelim = annunaki = aliens = hybrids (hu-brids) such as the reptillian kind! Urban (metropolitan) and suburban cities, rural areas, farms, countries, islands, caves, monastaries, mountains, ocean, and sea.
Experience, travel, suffering, torture, trauma, prosecution, imorality, unlawfulness, unrighteousness, backstabbers, snakes, jakes, cops, war, army, cold world, evil people, the deceived massess, frenemies and enemies (NME), living and learning is are huge 1's!

Energizer, Motivator, Comforter & Teacher (Bottom Line) is:

Yehoshua means YHWH Salvation!!!
YeHoSHUA THE MESSIAH (The Begotten SON OF YHWH which is BOTH "Mashiach Ben Yosef" (the suffering humble perfect servant & comforter @ His 1st parousia) & "Mashiach Ben David" (the reigning Eternal JUST King/Ruler/Judge @ His Triuphant 2nd Coming - Millenia & beyond). {see Isaiah 52:13-15 - 52:12, Psalm 22} - He is the Annointed Prophet, Teacher, HIGH PREIST & Minister and as foreshadowed by other m'shichim in the TANAKH. He is THE 1 PERFECT PURE EXAMPLE N HOLY WAY = de ONLY RIGHTEOUS PATH.

Influences are so many & come in all form, shapes, sizes, timelines, countrys, genres & multiple dimensions. Ofcourse we are influenced by the founding fathers PARAXENY & FARMAKI aka MEDA MEN aka MEDACINE MEN aka FARMAKAIOI (Nec aka Nectar aka Nectarios Peter Farmakis, Surge Cess aka Yagga aka Sergio Alves & Cron aka Cronos aka Poly aka Polychronos Tony Antonio Farmakis & the main members of Omega Empire Communication'z - O.E.C. - 2013 & AftaH Squadron (OE).
Aim is on THE TEACHINGS OF YEHSHUA THE MeSSIAH & main focus is especially on freedom/justice, tradition & ethics, morals, children, creatures, life, manefastation, art, and our whole external & internal mega, macro & micro environment/energy, quarks & action's.


10's 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's 2k's, ALL Fusion, Folk, Jazz, Soul, Funk, Disco, Primitive & indegenous music, Sea People music, Island Music, aboriginal music, Kundalini, Raja & Karma Meditation, Video Game, Arcade, Credits, O.S.T., Soundtrack & Cartoon/Documentary Theme Music, Ancient Chants, Lyres & other Primitve & Native ABoriginal Instrumentalz. ALL forms of Rock, Heavy/Progressive/Christian Metal, Hardcore, Cross-Over, Punk, Disco-Punk, Retro, Roots Reggae, Afro-Beat, Regaeton, Dub, Ska, Avant Garde, Classical, INdustrial, Drum & Bass, Jungle, Trip-Hop, Chill-Out/Downbeat, House, Deep House, Soulful House, Jazzy House, Progressive House, Vocal House, BossaNOva - Lounge, Nu Jazz, Acid Jazz, Soul, Nu-Soul, Brit-pop, Electronica, Nu Wave & Nu-Jazz, Lo-Fi, Ragtime, Mowtown, Samba, Salsa, Merengue, Soca, Latin, Gospel, Opera, Electro, IDM, Glitch Hop, Breakbeats, Upbeats, Jam Band Poly Fusion Technical Atlantica, Rare & Dusty Grooves, Experimental, Ethnic & Tribal, Underground HIP-HOP, Atmospheric Hip-Hop, Independent HIP-HOP, South Syde (Souf, Hyphee, Crunk whatever u wanna call it today juss so u know), Boom BAP Cassico, Ghettotech, Grime, Christian RAP or Gospel Rap, Spiritual RAP, Sykadelik HIP-HOP, G-Funk, Backpack RAP, Nerd RAP, Progressive Rap, Old sKOOL, Nu Skool, TRU Skool Hip-Hop, Space RAP & Down 2 Earf Hip-Hop!

We Love all the forefathaz of Hip-Hop, Music and the roots of it all. Bless ya SOUL & SPIRIT (MIND/BODY/HEART=TEMPLE & LIFE-FORCE=ENERGY) for eternity! WE R3sp3ct & have been in some way influence by all GOLDEN ERA and befroe (going to mid 70's) Hip-Hop, Be Bop and Boom Bap or Breaks!

4th Disciple, 8-Off aka Agallah, Alchemist,Buckwild, Beatminerz, Beatjunkies, Beatnuts, Baby J,Dj Premier, Diamond D, Dr. Period, DJ Scratch, Dr. Dre, Dead Sea, Dj Muggs, Dan The Automator, Dj Spinna,Erick Sermon, Easy Mo Bee,Fat Jon The Ample,Godfather Don,Havoc, Hi-Tek,Insight,Jay Dee, Just Blaze,Lord Finesse, L.E.S, Large Pro, Lewis Parker,Mathematics,Pete Rock, Prince PAul,RZA, RNS, Rob The VikingShowbiz, Storm, Stoupe, Salaam Remi, Skitz,True Master, TrackmastersY-Kim...

90% of West Coast and Souf (south) Side Production and flows, such az da G-funk, Hyphee, Crunk, Bay Area, So Cal Style, Triple 6 Mafia (3-6) and Screwed and Chopped ish - 8-Off (8off The Assassin aka Agallah da Don), 4TH (Fourth) World Occupants, 3rd Bass, 2PAC & Outlawz, 3RD Eye, 3XCrazy, 3PLE Darkness, 2FOR5, 112, 33 THE GREAT, 7l & Esoteric, 7th Foundation (Foolnation), 14 Fathoms Deep, 41st,

Alladin, Awesome Dre & The Comitee, Atomz Fam, Alien Nation, Abstract Rude, Abstract Tribe Unique, Aceyalone, Alchemist, Araknaphobix, Above The Law, Anticon (especially Sixtoo, aLIAS, Dose One, jEL & Sole), Army Of The Pharaohs, AZ, A+, Analog Brothaz, Artifacts, Arrested Development, A.T.C.Q. (A Tribe Called Quest, Q-Tip, Phife & Shabam Sadeeq), Afu-Ra, Afrika Bambaataa and The Soul Sonic Force, Arsonists, Asher D & Daddy Freddy, Asheru & Blue Balck, Apani B the FLy MC, Ali Vegas, Audio Two, Animal Pharm, Ace Lover, Atmosphere aka Slug & the Rhyme Sayers originators, Aesop Rock, Anti-Pop Consortium, All Natural, All City, Al Tariq & Peter Gunz, Aphrodelics, Alkaholics, Apathy the Alien Tongue, Afro-Rican, Arabesque aka Aramaic, A.W.O.L. 1, American CREAM Team (C.R.E.A.M.), Adlib, A.T.U. aka Abstract Tribe Unique, A-Trak,

Boogie Down Productions (B.D.P.), Big Juss, B.C.C. / Boot Camp Click (Especially Heltah Skeltah {Ruck & Sean Price}, Smif N Wessum, O.G.C. & Black Moon), Big L, Big Daddy Kane, Big Punisher (Pun), Black Starr (Blackstar), B.O.N.E. Enterprise, Bone Thugz-N-Harmony & MO' Thugz Fam, Bizzy, Black Wine, Beat Junkies, Busdriver, Biz Markie, Binary Star, Black Sheep (Drez), Blade, ol' Busta Rhymes, Blackalicious, Brand Nubian, Bahamadia, Boo-Ya Tribe, Braintax, Brotherhood, Boogie Monsters (Boogiemonsters), B-Real, Brass Tacks, Big Noyd, Beatminerz, Brassmunk, (Brass Monk), Buddha Monk, Blac Monk, Benefit, Benzino, Beastie Boys, Busy Bee, Bushwackaz, Biggie, Big Sike (Syke), Bootleg, Bushwick Bill, Bomfunk MC's, Buckshot da B.D.I. Thug, Battle Axe Warriors older ish, Black Thought, Blahzay Blahzay, Bobbito, Brooklyn Zoo, Basement, Bogous, B.B. Jay, Belles In Monica, Balckface, Buck 65, Buck 50, Blood of Abraham, Black Eyed Peas and William I AM old stuff before selling out, Big JAZ, B-Boys & B-Girls, Breakout & the Funky 4, Breakers from New York City (NYC) to Chicago to Toronto to London to France to Athens to Toronto to Vancouver to Montreal.

Chi Ali, Chester P, Cappo, C-N-N (Capone-N-Noreaga), Cannibal Ox, Cenobites, Chino XL, Channel Live, Centa Of Da Web, Cella Dwellaz, Canibus, Cut Chemist, Cormega, Charisma (Charizma - PBW), Crooklyn Dodgers, Chubb Rock, Common Sense, Cypress Hill, Citizen Kane, Concrete Mob, Cookie Crew, Casual, Cool Breeze, Camp Lo, Cormega, Clipse, Copywrite, C-Rayz Walz, Cali Agents, Camu Tao, Common Ground, Chief Kamachi, Celph Titled, Cali Kings, Chuck D, Cut Killer, Children of The Corn (Korn) and Cam'Ron old ish, Coldcut, Clicc, Crazy Tee & C-No Gee, Chocliar, Checkmate, Chali 2na, Call O' da Wild, Charli Baltimore, Cisco

Dope Poets Society and D. Sanjani, Daz & Kurupt, Dogg Pound, Dayton Family, Doug E. (dougie) Fresh, Dilated Peoples, D.I.T.C., Digital Underground, Dan the Automator, Da Bomb Squad, DV (D.V.) Alias Khrist, DA Smart, Dre Dog, Diamond D, Diamon, Domino, Dog Eat Dog, Drednotz (Dreadnotz), DXT (Grandmaster DST), Dark Sun Ridaz, DMX (Dark Man X), Da Bush Babees, Daddy Fire, Dagha Lord Massada, Dangerouz Waters, Digable Planets, Defari, Darc Mind, Darcsyde, Deadly, Del tha Funkee Homosapien, Dizzie Rascal, Devious Styles, Double Soul, Duo, D&D All Stars, Delinquent Habits, Declaime, Dr. Oop, Dream Warrioirs, Down 2 Erf, D.L., Dope Poets Society, Deliverance, Deep Puddle Dynamics, De La Soul, Divine Styler, old D12, some Diplomats & Dipset beats only, Demigodz, Dirty Unit, D-Nice, D.O.C., Divine Verbal Dialect, D-styles Dj U-Neek, Dj Craze, DJ Shadow, DJ Jazzy Jeff, DJ Honda, Dj Faust, DJ Revolution, DJ Rectangle, DJ Babu, DJ Krush, Dj Muggs, Dj Premier (Primo), DJ Craze, Dj Spooky, Dj Moves, Dj Numark, Dj PAUL, dJ FunkMaster Flex, Dj VADIM, DJ H.O.P., DJ Flare, DJ Dexta, Dj A-Trak, Dj Mix Master Mike, Dj Greyboy, DJ Spinna, Dj Terminator X, Dj Rob Swift, Dj Quest, Dj Kid Koala, Dj Design, Dj Shame, Dj Fury, Dj Cool Clyde, Dj Rap,

Ed Rush, East Flatbush Project, EPMD (Eric Sermon & Parrish Smith), E-A-SKI, Edan, Easy Mo B (Bee), El Gant, Ed O.G. & The Bulldogs, Eddie Ill, Eminem (Slim Shady) MNM's First demo and Lp, Everlast, El Da Sensei, El-P, Elemental, Eyedea & DJ Abilities, Eligh, Encore, E-Rule, Epedos,

Fat Boys, FU-Shnickens, Fab 5, Freddie Foxx aka Bumpy Knuckles, Freestyle Fellowship, Fresh Prince (Will Smith), Flemo Park MIlitia, Fiend, Fresh 3 Mc's, Flipmode Squad,Fat Joe the GANGSTA old ish, Fondle Em' Fossils, Freestyle, Flatlinaz (Flatlinerz - U.S.A.), Falvour Flav, FS, Five Deez, FLU, Foreign Exchange, Furious, Funky Fresh Cru (F.F.C.)

Grand Master Flash, Grandmixer DST, Govenor Bolts, God Complex, Group Home, Gang Starr, Ghetto Concept, Gospeel Ganstaz, G.C.P. (Guilty CRime Productions), Gunshot, Goodie Mob esp Gipp, Goretex, Gangsta Nip, Global Flowtations, some of Game & G-Unit's beats (thats all and thats pushing it), Grand Puba, Gab Gotcha, Guru aka Baldhead Slick, Godlen Chile,

Hobo Junction, Heather B, Heavy D & th Boys, Hill Top Hoods, Hiero aka Heiroglyphics, Heirolific, Hoodys, Hijak, Hyenas In The Desert, Hen-G, Heiruspects, House Of PAIN, Handsome Boy Modeling School, Hurricane G, Halfbreed, House of Krayzees, Haiku D'etat, Hoodrats, High & Mighty,

Iconz, Ill Al Skratch, Invisible Skratch Pickles (I.S.P.) & dA whole AXIOM Kru, Ice-T & Body Count, Insomniak, IAM, Insight & Dahga, Ill Advised, Isolated Showers, I.R.S., Insane Poetry, Insane, Incognito, Ill Will, IllMind Muzik, Ill Seer & Delegates of Culture, Ill Mind, Infamous Mobb,

Jugganotz, J.A.B. (J.B.), Jugga da Bully, JT Money, JT da Bigga Figga, Jedi Mind Tricks 1st 2 lp's (Stoupe REMAIN'S raw usually regardless even doe Vinne Paz is on some brainwashed ish), Jacky Jasper, Jazzmatazz, Jess Wess, Jurassic 5 (J5) & especially Charlie 2una, Jehst, Joe Budha, Jamalski (Jamal-Ski), Jamal, Jus Allah, Jemini the Gifted One, Jaen Grae, Jay-Z 1st Lp (Reasonable Doubt), J Dilla aka JD (J.D. - J-D) or Jay Dee of Slum Village, Jadakiss (old stuff), Jigmastas, J-Rawls, J-Live, J-Love, J-Treds, J-Zone, J-Rocc, Jaz-O, Jerbo, J.J, Jinx da Juvenile, Jgaboo da Ignant (Ignaant), Jungle Brothers,

King Just, Kool Keith (Keith Core) & dA Ultramagnetic MC's (especially Dr. Doom & Dr. Octagon aka Nogatco), Kool Herc, KRS-1 & BDP, KMD, Kool Moe Dee, Kool G Rap, Kaliphz, Kurtis Blow, Kut Master Kurt, Killa Kela, Kool Herc, Killarmy, Kashal-Tee, Koncentration Camp, Kwame, King Tee (King-T), King Sun, K-solo, K-os, Keith Murray, Kanser, Kankick, King Honey, Kheops, Kurious, Kris Kross, Kombo, Kazi, Key-Kool & Rhemattic, Kaotic Sypher, KMD, Krumb Snatcha, Kwest The Mad Ladd, Kurious, Krondon,

Labtekwon, Leaders Of the New School (L.O.N.S.), LA Symphony, Lady Of Rage, Lone Catalysts, Lordz Of The Underground, Large Professor, Living Legends (Murs), Luniz, LoopTroop, Lord Have Mercy, Lord Finesse, old LL Cool J, Lost Boyz, Little Brother, Lewis Parker, Lauryn Hill, LootPack, Lovage, La KLikaria, LOX, L.C.O.B. aka Lost Children Of Egypt da less violent ish (older stuff), Last Emperor, LMNO, Louis Logic, L-Fudge (El Fudge), Likwit Crew, Lord Jamar, Lord Jamal, Life & Nefertiti, Last Boy Scoutz, Lexicon, Little Indian, Lordkim Allah, L'Roneous, L.I.F.E. Long, Lil' Theodore

Michie Mee, MF Doom, MF Grimm, Mista Grimm, Madlib, Madvillain, M.E.D., Money Boss Players, Mystidious Misfitss (Mistidious), Main Source, Mikah 9 (Myka), Mos Def, Mood, Micranots, Mark B, Motion Man, MC Lyte, Massive Attack, Mountain Bros., Mr. Lif, M.O.P., Mud Fam, MHz, Maestro Fresh Wes, Marely Marl, Mad Lion, Medusa, Masters of the Universe, Mantronix, Millkbone (Milkbone), Master P, Master Killa, Mobius SunTzu, Makaveli, Mad Skillz, Masterminds, Mastamind, Mr. Complex, Mr. Dibbs & 1200 Hobos, Mass Influence, Mike Ladd, MC Ren, Malik B., M.E.D. & Madlib, Medeski, MC Solar, MC Juice (J.U.I.C.E.), Moka Only, MC5, Mr. S.O.S., Marxman, Material, Mykill Miers, Manso, Malik, Melaqua, Mike Heron, Merchant, Marvel, Mystic, Mystik Journeymen, Mr. Brady, Mr. Cheeks & Freaky Tah, Mr. Len, Mr. Shadow, Mr. Mike, Mr. Dead, Mass Hysteria, MCJ & Cool G, MC's, Mcz, MC Gary Gee, MC Serch, Miz, Madlocks, Muzion, Majesticons, Mase (Murder Ma$e) some old stuff, mr. Maniac, Menace, Masters Of Illusion (Illusionz), Missin' Linx, M.C. Roxanne Shante,

N.W.A., NAS (old ish), Naughty By Nature, Naptron, Nine (N9ne), Necro Beats, Nefarius, Nice & Smooth, N.T.M., New Kingdom, Nstradame, Non-Chalant, No Question, Non-Chalant (Nonchalant), Noo Trybe,

Orko Eloheem (The Sykotik Alien), Outkast and da Dungeon Family, Omen, ONYX, Oldominion, Organised Konfusion (Phoaraoh Monch & Prince Po), Outsidaz, Original Flavor, Onry Ozbourne, Oktober,

Public Enemy (P.E.), Paris, Poor Righteous Teachers (P.R.T.), pROJECT bLOWED, Peanut Butter Wolf, Prince Paul, Pete Rock & CL SMooth, Psycho Realm, Phi-Life Cypha, Portishead, Professor X, Paul Nice, Proof, Progmatic, Posneg, Poemcee, Push Button Objects, Pacifics, PackFM, Primeridian, Pigeon John, Planet Asia, People Under The Stairs, P.I. Crazee, Point Blank, Pudgee the Phat Bastad, Pugslee (Pugzlee) Atomz, Papa Chuk, Phil Blunts, Poison Pen, Pumpkinhead, Pep Love, Pseudo, Phil Da Agony,

Quest (?uest) Love, Queens Bridge Productionz (Q.B.), Queen Latifah, Queen Pen, Q-Unique, Quasimoto,

Ras Kass, Rock Steady Cru (rocksteady), Rakim, R.A. - RA dA Rugged Man aka Crustified Dibbs, Rodney P, Rampage, Reflection Eternal, Radioanactive, Rawkus, Red Alert, Rebel Alliance aka Architects of Intellect, Raw Breed, Roots Manuva, Rage Against The Machine (r.a.t.m.) & Zack De La Rocha, Redman, Rascalz (esp Fit aka Msifit), Rock Steady Cru, Riccochet Klashnekof, Rough Element, Run DMC (Jam Master J, R.I.P.), Revolutionary Kingz, Royce The 5'9, Rah Digga, RAhzel, Roolette, Redcloud, Rok-One, Roc Raida, Rasheed, Rascoe (Rasco), Roll Deep Cru, Richie Rich, Raw Dog, Raggadeath, Rough House Survivours, Remnant Militia, Rezidue, Rufus Balq (Roofus), Ruffa, R.X. Lord, RAP-A-LOT, Ruthless,

Slick Rick, Spoonie G, Solitaire, Scaramanga, Sir Menelik, Saafir, Show - Showbiz & A.G., Styles Of Beyond, Son Doobie & Funkdoobiest, Shabazz dA Disciple, Scorcayzee, Slum Village, ol Swollen Members, Spooks, Sandor, Siccmade, Swingfly, Souls of Mischief, Smoothe Da Hustla, Scholly D, Saul Williams, Sticky Fingaz, Soul Assassins & the Alchemist, Science Venomz, Supa Saian Crew, Spearhead, Street Reportaz, Special Ed, Steezo, Spontaneous, Scienz of Life, Science Venomz, Spectac, Spectre, Soulive, Sage Francis, Sleep, Sackloth Fashion, Syntax, Self Jupiter, Shapeshifters, Sonya Blade, Shortee, Scratch Perverts, Self Scientifik, Sway & King Tech, Sunspot Jonz, Sungodsons, Solo & Kam, Smooth B, Shorty, Step By Step, Screwball (Scruball), Sauce Money, Saukrates, skam2, Skii, Sporty Thievz, Simply Majestic, Stones Throw, Supernat (Supernatural), Stones Throw Records, Super CAt, Supa Dave West, Salt-N-Pepa, Shadz Of Lilngo, Shazzy, Smokin Suckaz Wit Logic, Stylz, Snakeyez, Snake Eyes, Society of NIMH, Society, Stepchild, Section 8, Shamus, Syndrome aka Devious Monk, some So So Def and Jermaine Dupri old stuff, Sha Rock, Soul Sonic Force, Sir-Mix-Alot,

Talib Kweli, T-Bone, Tung Twista, The Herbaliser, The Woodsmen, The Whoridas, The Henchmen, The Reeps, Tricky, Tragedy Kadafi, Trigga Da Gambla, The Pharcyde, The Almighty RSO, The Fugees (The Refugee Camp All-Stars), The Alkoholikz (The Likz), The Ummah & Organized Noise, Tony dA Skitzo, sum Timbaland beatz, The Dwellaz, The Mexicans, Terror Squad, Triple Darknezz, The Roots, Taskforce or Task Force, Twinz, Tommy Evans, Tony Touch, Total, Tech N9ne, Theory, Thrust, The 4 Hoursemen, T La Rock, Tag Team, The Cold Crush Brothers, Tajai, TRU, Tame One, Top Dogg, Trooper, Top Quality, Tone Def, True, Tash, Too Short & Baby D (Nation Wide Ridaz), Tupac Shakur, The Mint Squad, The Odd Couple, the Reepz, the Temple Of Hip-Hop, The Invisible Pair Of Hands, The B Boys, Triple Crown, Tru-Paz, The Grouch, Tim Dog, The Creators, The Nonce, The Coup, The JIVE All-Stars, The Mystics, THE LAST POETS !!!

UMC'S, Ubad, Unspoken Heard, Ugly Duckling, Unsung Heroes, United Stylz (U.S.),

Vast Aire, Vordul, Visionaries, Verbal Kent, Valis, Viktor Vaughn, Vinyl Reanimators, Violator, V.O.R.,Whodini, Wyclef & Praz, Wordsworth, Walkmen, Wildstyle, Woodsmen, Wreckx-N-Effects, Wu-Tang Clan & FAM plus da WHOLE CHAMBER MUZIK FAM, Warcloud (Holocaust), Wanda Dee

Young Black Teenagers, Young Dro, Young Bleed, Y@k Ballz (Yak), Yeshua Da Poed, Young Zee,

X-Clan, X-Ray, X-Ecutioners, X-Raided, X-Men, X-Niggas (Niggaz),

Zulu Nation, Zion I, Zeb Luv,

Active Member & B.D. Foxmoor - Agria Fili (A.G.) -Babylwna (Vavylona = Babylon), Brigada,FF.C (FFC = Fortifoed Concept), Dustheadz Click & Sparky T, Frontal Attack,Goin' Through (old stuff),Hmiskoumbria (HMIZ is Mithidratis, Mentzelos & Prytanis) & Dr. Dreez,Mastermind aka John Wu, Mitsos O Vromilos,Nevma (Nebma),Razzastarr & Odysseas,Sadahzinia,Tigre Sporakia - Terror-X-Crew aka T-X-C is Euthimis & Artemis (TXC),Warriors,ZN (Zwntanoi Nekpoi esp Hxokratoras, Paithi Thavma aka Taki Tsan aka Timvorihos, Xarmanhs, Mhthenistis),

A Tropa (Brasil), Abdel Wright, Abdoul Art, Afircando, Akshan, Albert Griffiths & The Gladiators, Alerta (Colombia), Alpha Blondy, Amazhan, Ambelique, Andrew Diamond, Angel, Anna Fisher, Anthem Band, Anthonii & The Banned Ban, Anthony B, Anthony Cruz, Anti Babylon (Brazil), Antidoping (Mexico), Apache Indian, Aqua Livi & The RootsImansion, Arawak JAH (Cuba), Ark Band, Articarlton T, Assassin, Augustus Pablo Tribute.

BB Seaton, B.E. Mann, Back Lash, Baldread, BamJimba, Bands Inna Germany, Barabas, Barrington Levy, Basque Dub Foundation, Bawajafar N' Free, Beenie Man, Belgium Bands, Benjahman (Swiss), Benjy Myaz, Benny Bwoy, Beres Hammond, Beyond Rhythm, Big Daddy Reggae, Big Mo & The Mau-Mau, Big Mountain, Bingie Barker, Blaak Lung, Black Judah, Blacksheep, Bob Andy, Bob Marely & The Wailers, Bob Riley & The Fishers, BombaBomba (Italy), Boom Shaka, Border Roots, Bounty Killer, Brasucas (Brazil), Bredda (Argentina), Brian & Tony Gold, Buju Banton, Bulletproof Marshmallows, Bunny Rugs, Bunny Wailer, Burning Babylon, Burning Spear, Bushman, Butumbaba (Argentina).

Cañaman (Spain), Calabash (Belgium), Calton Coffie, Candis Francis, Capleton, Caribbean Pulse, Carl Henry (Canada), Carl McDonald, Carl St. Clair (UK), Carlos Jones & The PLUS Band, Carlton Livingston, Casey White, Causion, Cease Fire, Ce'cile, Chala Rasta (Argentina), Cham, Charly B, Chevelle Franklin, Chico, Chief, Christafari, Chuck Fenda, Cindy Simeon, Clark Gayton, Clinark, Clinton Fearon & Boogie Brown Band, Cobra, Coco Tea, Code Red, Come - Unity (Germany), Congregation Band, Cora Redi-Russell, Corner Stone, Cosmo, Creation Rebels, Culture, Cutty Ranks.

Da'Ville, Daddy Roots, Daddy Teacha, Dakeye, Dale Hauskins, Damian Marley, David Gould, David Kirton, Daweh Congo, Della Grant & Twinkle Brothers, Delroy Williams, Dennis Brown, Determine, Detour Posse, Devon Khemis, Dezarie, Dj Collage, Djate, Doctorreggae, Don Carlos, Don Yute, Dr. Jah, Dr. Mooch, Dread Daze (Ireland), Dub Addis (Ethiopia), Dub Congress, Dub Dis, Dub FX, Dub Station, Dub Trio, Dubblestandart, Dubios Neighbourhood (Germany), Dubmatix (Canada), Dubwize, Dwight Pinkney, Dylan Judah, Dylan Murray.

E-Dee, ERE (Eclectic Roots Ensemble), Earl "Chinna" Smith, Earl Sixteen, Earl Zero, Earthquake Lightning & Thunder, Edi Fitzroy, Eek A Mouse, Elan, Elephant Man, Elijah Emanuel & The Revelations, Englishman & Shango Band, Ernie Smith, Errol Brown, Eugene Grey, Ever-G, Everton Blender, Everyday Prophets.

Finley Quaye, Fiona, Fireproof Crew, Firestorm, Fluteman John, Fourth Dimension, Freddie McGregor, Freedom Fighters (France), Fully Fullwood, Fyah Wyah.

Garnet Silk, Gentleman, Giop's (Italy), Glen Washington, Good Morning Babylones (France), Gregory Isaac, Grimy Styles, Groundation.

Haile Unlikely, Half Pint, Henry Turner Jr. & Flavor, Hobo, Holy Piby (Argentina), Hope Massive, Hopeton Lewis, Horace Andy, Hylton Brown & his Worldwindband.

I-Shen Rockers (Germany), I-Tal Fire Iba (VI), Ibadan, InI Kamoze, Indika Reggae Band, Inka Inka, Inn-A-Valley (Austria), Inner Circle, Inner Visions, Irie Time, Iron Lion, Isaac Haile Selassie, Isouljahs, Istan Black & The Sweets.

J.C. Lodge, Jacob Miller, JRLOU (Canada), Jah Beng, Jah Breeze Rhythms, Jah Creation, Jah Cure, Jah Elvis, Jah Levi, Jah Pickney, Jah Revelations,Jah Roots, Jah Shaka, Jah Stoney, Jah Thunder, Jah'Key Malle, Jah-N-I, Jahcoustix (Germany), Jahmark and the Soulshakers, Jahmeek, Jahmila, Jahmings Maccow, Jahranimo, Jahruba, Jahworks, Jah Cru, Jah Mali, Jam Down Records, Jamaica All Stars, Jamaica Papa Curvin, Jamara (Germany), Jan Delay, Jason Lyrics, Jatavi (Finland), Jawbreaker "JB", Jeorge From Yard, Jerry Harris, Jethro, Jeremiah Band, Jimmy Cliff, Joanna-Marie, Joe Higgs, John Browns Body, John Holt, JohnStone, Johnny Baby (NL), Johnny Clarke, Johnny Dread, Johnny Osbourne, Joseph Israel, Judy Mowatt, Jumbalassy, Junior Braithwaite, Junior Byles, Junior Delgado, Junior Kelly, Junior Marvin.

Kafu Banton (Panama), Kaliroots (Canada), Kalle Baah, Keith Hudson, Keith Hurlock, Keith Poppin, Ken Boothe (Booth), Kevin Batchelor, King Mellowman, King Shadrock, King Shark, King Tubby, King Sunny, Kreyol Syndikat, Kulcha Far I, Kush & Bloodfiyah Angels, Kussondulola (Portugal), Kwanzamo Roots Rockers, Kwesi Selassie, Ky-mani Marley.

Lady Saw, Lady Shelly, Lambsbread, Lantan (UK), Lasana Bandele, Lazo, Lee "Scratch" Perry, Legal Kulcha, Lenn Hammond, Leroy Brown, Leroy Sibbles, LindWall Reggae Band (Germany), Lion & Fox Artists, Lion Dread, Lion Vibes, Little John, Little Roy, Liv-I-Culture Band, Live Wyya, Lloyd Brown, Lone Ranger, Los Cafres (Argentina), Los Pericos, L'équipée Zion (France), Luciano, Lucky Dube, Lutan Fyah, Lynn Taitt.

Macka B, Magic Rocker, Mahad Mahan, Maitam (Costa Rica), Majek Fashek (Nigeria), Mang Dub, Manu Chao, Marcia Griffiths, Marcia Higgs, Marcquis Melody, Marijah, Mark Tyson & BNX, Mark Wonder, Marly, Maroghini, Marty Dread, Maxi Priest, Medicine Man, Melody Makers Club, Mensajeros, Messian Dread, Michael Rose, Midnite, Mighty Diamonds, Mighty Roots, Mika (Belgium), Mikey Dread, Mikey Jarrett, Militant, Mishka, Misty In Roots, Mixman, Moja Nya, Mombasa, Monty Alexander, Moonraisers, Morgan Heritage, Mossman, Mountain Lions International, Movements (Germany), Mr. Absolute, Mr. Easy, Mr. Macho, Mutabaruka, Mykal Somer, Mystafya, Mystic Bowie, Mystic Jammers, Mystic Man (France), Mystic Roots, Mystic Vibrations, Mystic Vision.

NYC Reggae Collective, Nadine Sutherland, Nahki (Japan), Nasio, Natiruts, Native Elements, Native Roots, Natti Love Joys, Natty Nation, Natural Vibrations, Nazarenes, Negus Negast (Venezuela), Neutral Sisters, New Found Flavor, New World Beat Band, Noddaclu, NonStop Reggae, Nora Dean, Nori Nori, Norris Man, Nu-Ras, Nuborn, Nueva Alianza (Argentina), Nuevas Raices, Nuff Respect, Nuffsed.

O-Shen, Oku Onuora, Omeil, One Band, One Groove, One World, Ooklah The Moc, Orange Grove (NL), Orthodox Issachar, Ossie Dellimore, Out Of Many.

Panache Culture, Papa Dee, Papa Latty (Nigeria), Pato Banton, Peter Broggs, Peter Spence (UK), Peter Tosh, Poor Man Friend, Positive Roots (France), Pressure Cooker, Prince Buster, Prince Far I, Prince Ganja, Prince Jabba, Prince Mydas, Pull It Jah (France).

QshanDeyá, Queen Makeda, Queen Omega, Quest For Fire.

Raiz Muzik, Randeesh, Rankin Joe, Ranks & Banks, Ras Alan, Ras Danny, Ras Donovan, Ras Droppa, Ras Indio (Belize), Ras Lee & Roots, Ras Michael, Ras Midas, Ras Mo, Ras Negus, Ras Perez (Germany), Ras Rebel, Ras Shaggai, Rasbawa (France), Rascalin & The Roots Rockers, RasteR (Italy), Razz & Biggy, Re-G Band (Hungary), Reação (Brazil), Rebel Souls, Red Di, Red Rat, Reggae Cowboys, Reggae Katt, Reggae Nation (Guyana), Reggaelution Band, Resination, Revelation, Rico's Music, Rising Lion, Rising Son, Rob Dread, Rob Symeonn, Rockie Dan, Rocky Dawuni, Root 1, Roots Creation (Nl), Roots In The Sky (Italy), Roots Nation, Roots Nyabinghi (Brasil), Roots Rock Reggae Band, Roots Rock Society, Roots To Freedom, Roots Vibration, Roots of Creation, Rootstock, Rootvalta, Royal Roost, Roykey Creo (Aruba), Rub A Dubs, Rude Rich & The High Notes, Richihe Spice, Rythmation.

S.T.O.R.M. Band, Sahra Indio, Sammy Dread, Sangie Davis, Sasi The Don, Sativa (Portugal), Scholars Word, Scientist, Scion Sashay Success, Sean Paul, Seeed, Seefari, Sensimilla Dub (Brazil), Senya, Shaba Ranks, Shaggy, Shaka Buku, Shakey Ranks, Sheya Mission, Shiney Culture ,Singer Judah & Jah Children, Sista Sista, Sister Carol, Sister Nancy, Sizzla, Slo Down (Denmark), Sly & Robbie, Small Axe (UK), Soldiers of Jah Army, Sonia Collymore, Soul Majestic, Soul Vendors, Soulroot, Sparticus, Stable Roots, Staylefish (UK), Steel Pulse, Steele (Canada), Stephen Marley, Stitchie, Strategy (Barbados), Stream, Sub Urban (Dominica).

TOK, Taj Weekes & Adowa, Tanto Metro & Devonte, Tanya Mullings, Tariii, Tasha T, Tchiya Amet, The Amharic, The Buccaneers, The Devastators, The Elements, The Itals, The Lambsbread, The Lions, The Meditations, The Melody Makers, The Motives, The Overtakers, The Pocket, The Skatalites, The Slackers, Third World, ThreePeace, Tippa Irie, To-Isis, Tonca, Tony Culture, Tony Rankin, Tony Rebel, Toots & The Maytals, Toussaint & The China Band, Trait d'Union, Tribal Seeds, Tribe Of Judah, Tribo de Jah (Brazil), Triniti, Triple X , Tripledub, Trumystic, Tuff Gong and Jr. Gong, Turbulence, Twinkle Brothers.

UB40, Umojah, Umoya, Unitone, Unity Syndicate, Up Stream, Uptown Rebels, Urban Tribe (Sweden).

Vegitation , Vibration X, Victor Essiet & The Mantadors, Villa Ada Crew.

Wailers Band, Wailers News, Ward 21, Warrior King, Watusi, Wayne Stoddart, Wayne Wonder, Well Charged (Canada), Whispering Lion, Willi Williams, Winston Jarrett, Women In Reggae, Working Vibes (Italy).

Yabba Griffiths & Traxx, Yabby You, Yami Bolo, Yasus Afari, Yaya Yaovi (Africa), Yeliz K. Band (France), Yellowman, Yogie, Yorou (France), Young Dread, Young Elderz, Youth Of Spirit.

Zema, Zerby, Ziggy Marley, Zion Judah, Zion Train, Zion-Trinity, Zukie Joseph.

Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, Frank Zappa, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Beatles, Rolling Stones, The Doors, Black Sabbath, Fleetwood Mac, Ramones, Strawberry Alarmclock, King Crimson, Golden Avatar, Gentle Giant, Suicidal Tenacies, Biohazard, Sepultura, Pantera, Tool, System Of A Down (S.O.A.D.), Pear Jam, Smashing Pumkins 2 P.J. Harvey, Pixies, Iron Maiden, Beach Boys, Santana, Mahavitsu Orchestra, Jonny Cash, Neal McCoy, Neil Young, Radiohead, Blurr, Brian Eno, Jim Morrison, Van Morrison, U2, Genesis & Phil Collins, Sting and the POlice, Arnakia, Magic De Spell, Oh! My GARden, Xylina Spathia, Leukh Simfonia, Grateful Dead, Soul Aasylum, Mogwai, Pearl Jam & Eddie Vedder, Husker Du, Pennywise, Dinosaur JR., The Orb, Ministry, Skinny Puppy, Helmet, Steve Miller Band, Rush, The Yard, Cream & Eric Clapton, Band, The Byrds, Jethro Tull, Dire STraits, Uriah Heep, Creedance Clearwater REVIVAL (C.C.R), JOE COCKER, ROD STEWART, TRIUMPH, JOURNEY, STYX, TOTO, ELECTRIC LIGHTHOUSE, Simon & Garfunkel, Peter Gabriel, Peter Simon, Atomic Rooster, The Average White Band, The Monkeys, Animals, Cowsills, April Wine, SPooky Tooth, B.T.O., Grand Funk Railroad, Sebutones, the Spoils of War, The Guess WHo, Joan Baez, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Bad Company, Dr, John, Eddy East, The Bee Gee's, Black Sabbath, Boston, Iron Butterfly, Robert PLant, Al Greenwood, Mick Jones, B.E.O., Bob Seger, Carson, Pyx Lax, Afoi Katsimoixas, Mikroutsikos, Stevie Ray VAUGHN, Gordon Lightfoot, Dream Theatre, Soundgarden, Scorpions, White Snake, White Lion, Nazareth, Little Feet, Psychedelic Lollypop, Al Mitch Ryder, Frank Zappa, B-52'S, Eagles, Foreigner, Doobie Brothers, Cake, Beck, Tragically Hip, Christine McVie, Ypogeia Reumata, Queen, Oak Ridge Boys, Three Dog Night...

Freaky Flow, Capital J, Aphrodite, Co-Lab, Venetian Snares, Aphex Twins, Coil, Hive, Progiy, Chemical Brothers, Fatboy Slim, Kraftwerk, Red Snapper, Asian Dub Foundation, Marcus Intalex, Liam Howlett & the Prodigy, Skinny Puppt, Sneaker Pimps, Massive Attack, Squarepsuher, Amon Tobin, Coil, Hive, Venetian Snares,
Philip Glass, Ravi Shankaar, Dead Can Dance, Demis Roussoss, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Tsaikovsky, Chopin, Philharmonics, Sergio Gainsburg, Bill Laswell, Rick Rubin.
Awilo Longomba, Fela Kuti, Kanda Bongo Man, Koffi Olomide, Papa Wemba, Youssou N'Dour.
Abbey Lincoln, Ada Moore, Adela Dalto, Afro Blue Band, Ahmed Abdul-Malik, Al Casey, Al Cohn, Al Haig, Al Sears, Al Smith, Alan Broadbent, Albert King, Albert Wynn & His Gutbucket Seven, Albert Ayler, Anita Baker, Alberta Hunter, Alex Bradford, Ali Akbar Khan, Allen Ginsberg, Andre Previn Trio, Andre Previn,& His Pals, Andy Bey And The Bey Sisters, Andy Williams, Angel Sessions, Anita O'day, Ant Pebbles, Arbee Stidham, Arnett Cobb, Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers, Art Farmer Quartet, Art Farmer Quintet, Art Farmer Septet, Art Neville, Art Pepper Quartet, Art Pepper Quintet, Art Tatum, Art Taylor, Arthur Prysock, Arturo O'Farrill, The Astors, Avishai Cohen & The International Vamp Band, Azymuth, Art Pepper, Archie Shepp, Bill Evans, Bobby Timmons, Bobby Watley, Booker Little, Buxton, Bud Powell, Cannonball Adderley, Chet Baker, Clifford Brown, Charles Mingus, Curtis Miller, Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington, Donald Byrd, Dave Brubeck, Duke Jordan, Dexter Gordon, Duke Jordan, Duke Pearson, Eric Dolphy, Fats Navarro, Gary Barts, George Benson, Gene Ammons, Grant Green, Hampton Hawes, Hank Mobley, Horace Silver, Judy Garland, John Coltrane, Johnny Griffin, JB & The Horns, Jackie McLean, Kenny Dorham, Kenny Drew, Keith Jarrett, Lee Morgan, Lennie Tristano, Lou Donaldson, Louis ARmstrong, Mal Waldron, Marvin Gaye, Max Roach, McCoy Tyner, Miles Davis, Ornette Coleman, Oscar Peterson, Paul Desmond, Phineas Newborn Jr., Quincy Jones, Ray Charles, Ray Bryant, Red Garland, Roy Ayers, Roland Kirk, Sammy Davis, Scott LaFaro, Shirley Scott, Sonny Criss, Sonny Clark, Sonny Rollins, Stan Getz, Stanley Turrentine, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Sun-Ra, Tina Brooks, Tommy Flanagan, Thelonious Monk, Wayne Shorter, Wes Montgomery, Wynton Kelly, Walter Fats...
Teddy Patterson, Doug Swanigan, Phil Brines, Cecil Hunt, Booker T and the MG's, Boosty Collins, Prince, Parliament and Funkadelic (P-Funk All-Starz), George Clinton, Person, Maynard Parker, Buddy Caldwell, Victor Paz, Jon Faddis, Richard Williams, Billy Harper, Seldon Powell, Darryl Washington, Larry Killian, Lee Morgan, Virgil Jones, Hubert Laws, Billy Cobham, B.T. Express, The Bar-Cays, Taste of Honey, Honey Drippers, Miracles, Temptations, Nat King Cole, Lionel Richie, Chicago, Earth, Wind & Fire, Teddy Pendegrass, KC & The Sunshine Band, Thelma Houston, Jow Hackson, ESG, Tower of Power, James Brown, Roger Troutman, Blue Magic, Tyrone Davis, Jimmy Lewis, Chuck Berry....
Sade, Edith Piaf, Erykah Badu, Diana Ross, Sarah McLachlan, Enya, Undisputed Truth, Tina & Ike Tunrer, Björk, Aretha Franklin & Erma Franklin, (Aretha's Sister) Whitney Houston, The Supremes, Maxine Brown, Nina Simone, Simone Burley, Shirley Horn, Gladys Knight, Natalie Cole, Nancy Wilson, Sarah Vaughan, Dianne Reeves, Ella Fitzgerald, Patti Austin, Roberta Flack, Randy Crawford, Patti LaBelle, Carmen McRae, Rene' Marie, Rachelle Ferrell, Chaka Khan, Sharon Bryant, Carla Cook, Betty Carter, Billie Holiday, Etta James, Peggy Lee, Ledisi, Diane Schuur, Blondie, Dixie Chicks, Sinead O'Connor, Annie Lennox, Candi Staton, Jocelyn Brown, Janis Joplin, Joan Baez, Martha Wash, Alanis Morisette, Dolly Parton, Bessie Smith, Grace Slick, Ann Wilson, Linda Ronstadt, Emmylou Harris, Lena Horne, Shirley Horn, Karen Carpenter, Barbra Streisand, Donna Summer, Nancy Wilson, Debbie Harry, Chrissie Hynde, Dusty Springfield, Peggy Lee, Judy Garland, Natalie Cole, Bonnie Raitt, Bonnie Tyler, Nancy & Frank Sinatra, Stevie Nicks, Julie Driscoll, Sheryl Crow, Roberta Flack, Bette Midler, Big Mama Thornton, Natalie Merchant, Liz Phair, Vestel Goodman, Dotty Rambo, Joan Armatrading, Phoebe Snow, old Mariah Carey, Rosemary Clooney, Blossom Dearie, Dionne Warwick, Dinah Washington, Doris Day, Barbara Lynn, Loretta Lynn, Ruth Brown, Rosemary Clooney, Mahalia Jackson, Janet and Loytoya Jacksons old stuff, Shirley Caesar, Sugar Pie De Santo, Koko Taylor, Fontella Bass, Lyn Collins, Valerie Wellington, Ronnie Spector, Little Esther Phillips, Marva Whitney, Lydia Pense, Betty La Vette, Irma Thomas, Marcia Ball, Jean Knight, Dolores O'riordan, Anouk, Jill Scott, Tracy Chapman, Macy Gray, Dido, Anastacia, Delta Goodrem, Vanessa Williams, Monica, Monifah & Regina Belle...
Cesoria Evora, Buena Vista Social Club, Bebel Gilberto, Tito Puente.
Eleni Paparizou, Stelios Khazanztithis, Paulos Sithiropoulos, Maria Callas, Iannis Xenakis, Vangelis, Yiannhs, Mahairitsas, Vasilis Papakonstadinou (Papakwnstantinou), Marinella, Aggelakas, Asimos, Haris Alexiou.
Enigma, Tibetian Monks & other monk or priest chanting and hymns, Gospel & Orthodox Chants, Traditional Gypsy - Balkan - European - AFrican - Eritrean - Habesha - Carib - Hawain - Asian - Hungarian - Albanian & Midevil Folk Music, Orthodox Patriarchia, Chaber, Baroque, Feng Shui and Yoga healing vibe's, chime's, nature, animals, birds, frogs, bugs, crickets, tzitziria, mediterranean/latin/anatolian,north africa & sykadelia fusion jazz style percussion & tabla while playing a lyra, baba chang, baglama and sitar!

WE PLAY, CREATE AND LOVE/SUPPORT 'Anything' but "POP" and new-age un-Bubble-Gum FAKE "R&B" trendy type tingz.
WE also love and practice:
Love, Death, Life, Pain, Emotions, Meditation, Nature, All Arts, Poetry & Spoken Word, Kama Sutra (with wife only), Energy, Healing with PRAYER and HELP from YHWH, Freestyling, BeatboXing, Aura Reading, Geo-Strategic-Meta-Syko Analyzing, Activism, Anti-Feminism, Anti-Fascism, Anti-RACISM, Anti-Nationalism, STOPPING anti-semitism & anti-christinaity & anti-hellenism, Anti-Capitalism, Mysticism, Hiking, Camping, Serious Discussions & Topics, World Issues, Evil Politics, Fraudulent Auditings, Discovering, Philosophy, Spirituality, Theology, Science and CReationism while exposing darwinsim pseudo-science and evolutionism, Space, Hydrotherapy, debunking the zodiak theories aka Astrology & Astrology, Meta-Physics & Quantum Physics, Mothers aka Women aka Females aka Queens aka Ladies yet we don't suport misogynism or feminism we support EQUALITY and UNITY, Petroglyphics, Ascension, The Supernatural, ultra and Paranormal, Unexplained, Unknown, exposing M-Theory and other theories, Traveling, Universal Exploration, Sports, B-Ball, Sk8, Soccer, Acrobatics, Freerunning, Swimming, Diving, Cave Dwelling, Hiking, Camping, Mountain Climbing, exposing Mythology, Truth, Wisdom, Knowledge, Facts, Evidence, Boom Boxes, Cutting the heads of fake slithering snakes that try to wrongfuly sneak into OUR garden of unconditional love & truth!!! CreatorS (YHWH'S) Tru WORD and ALL LIVING EXISTENCES - BAD & EVIL - NEUTRAL - EVERYTHING! Every moment in life is an influence and a preperation!
Sounds Like:

Sounds like da ETERNAL LIVING Alpha & Omega HOLY SPIRIT of YHWH aka YAHWEH (most call G-d - GOD) is taking control and dwelling within OEC (O.E.C. - 2013 & AFTAH SQUADRON), THE SPIRIT of the PANTOCRATOR KING OF KINGZ YEHOSHUA HaMassiach aka IESOUS HRISTOS NAZOREOS(known to most as JESUS CHRIST of NAZARETH) revelating FORBIDDEN LOST MYSTERYS of WISDOM with 100% EVIDENCE through DIVINE intervention within the temples aka vessels (O.E.C. Messengers) which are on earth but out of this EVIL, CORRUPT, ILLUSIONARY, DECEIVED COLD WORLD!

UNIVERSAL ORGASMz seeping through you're illusionary smokescreen!
Sounds like NOTHING eVa HEARD before in any creatures EARS!
Sounds like what da CREATOR & Messiah YEHISHUA (IESUS) CHRIST (HRISTOS) wants to say to the UNIVERSE's creatures over the most astonishing, brisk musical production eva! SouNdz like nuttin mandem eva heard before in HISTORY! Sounds like the final trumpets sounded by YHWH's angels with hamrony. Prepare 4:
Rapture/Armaggeddon(DOOMSDAY)/2ND COMING/Ressurection/JUDGMENT!

6 Temples aka communication center/studios in total - In 4 different continents!
1 of them is an High-Class Recording & Multi-Media Studio / Digital Film / Research /Analysis Lab/ Animated Graphics/Programming Center/Gigantic web of Communication & Forbidden Wsidom Vault.

Utilizing Digidesign Pro Tools Hardware & Software with:
-Unlimited TRacks
-Over 32 outputs
-Endless VST, TRTAS & Audiosuite Plug-ins
-Digi 002 48-V Phantom Powered Soundcard/Mixer
-Pro Tools 7 with every plug-in! SampleTank, AudioSuite, T-Racks, Waves, WaveLab 5, Audition Adobe 2.0, Acid Pro 5-6, Fruity Loops, Native Instruments Pro-52, Cubase, BeatCreator-X, Ableton Live, Reason, Final Scratch, Serato, All kinds of digital compressors and limiters, eq's and filters, 7 PC'S with massive speed N WAY BEYOND a TeRaByTe space! Lil'.

-AVALON 737p Vaccuum Pre Amp
-4 TECHNIQUE SL-1200 MK2 with top line SHURE and STANTON N33dL3z
-Pioneer CDJ-200
-Pyramid PM-2700 Stereo Equaliser/Mixer

-CR-5 yORKVILLE professional 500watt amp -Pair of Yorkville YSM1-P bi-amped studio monitors & matching liquid-cooled 17" sub-woofer. wu ferrrrrrr... -Pair of 450WATT Cerwin Vega Power Boom Speakers. 50 Cent, penny whistle... -2 Pair's of Sony Professional headphones and tonz of random pairs,

-AKG C300 diaphram Mic
-4 SM-58 sHURE Microphone's
-6 random Mics
-DIGITECH Vocal300 FX/Processor/compressor
-Korg Triton Studio Workstation 61
-Behringer Eurorack UB802 MIC PRE-AMP
-AIWA tape Deck/Receiver

Electric Bass/Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Upright Bess/Cello, Strings, Recorder(Flogera), Native Flutes (seeder, bamboo and steel), Digeridoo, Kazoo, ancient lyres & other pre-historic & lil, medium and BIG size classic primitve instruments from anatolia, carib, aboriginal islands, indigenous america, africa and mediterranian lands!

A nice Fusion Drum set consisting of 15 pieces including Sonor/Westbury/Sabian/Ziljian/Yamaha ish.
Arabic drum, Brazilian & Latin Percussian (Lp), Djembe's, Darbuka, Tympani, Maraca's, Brushe's, Tom's, BaoBab Tabla & Various other Tabla set's, Cowbell, Latin Drum, Native Drums, Water Drums, Trumpet, tambourine, and shaker, Wood Cajon, Vibraphone, Baba Chang's, Marimba, Marching drums/snares of all sorts, Native Hand Drums, Spoons, Forks, Knives, Rocks, Wood, Bottles, Card Board Boxes,

Potatoe & olive sacks full of cables. Transformers, generators, stage lights!
Multi-Connectors & knobs.

100+ crates (all together roughly 10,000 recadz of all sizes) of old/new (1800's to NOW), rare world-wide music used for collecting, spinning, mixing, scratching, sampling, juggling, warping, tapping and slicing!!! Been collecting since da mid 80's!

Not only does OMEGA behold the rawest. highest-energy filled, wild, passionate entertaining performers that contribute tot he people with every musical aspect, while constantly rockin da crowd & captivating those who have never realized the potential of a true musical performance no matter where, when or why! Omega is one of the most balanced project cordinators and set makaz internationally! Especially when perfoming experimental fusion or primitive/modern orchestral material that consists of atleasrt 20 people on stage, excecuting actions or playin instruments.
Promising the world the best they have to offer, OMEGA's re-energEYEzing & reconstructing trust in the CReator and happiness in our soul, cardio system, mental workshop. Dedicating years into analysing every inustrial quark to ovastand music's socio-political uni-dynamics, econoimic industry structre, zionist media pyramids and audio-tech survival mechanisms in orda to create, ressurect, recreate and overall produce/engineer the most dominant original strong sound ever heard in human ears. These spiritual directors, mental excersiza'z & diverse tribalists of love are making close contact with the ear of mankind! Omega's education level in the lyrics is much higher than most musicians but also reaches the lowest form of primitive communication aswell.



Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Secular/West X-MAS X-Pozed by OE! Are u joking? Youre not commemorating IESUS CHRIST that way! (just a lil song to get you started) CLICK HERE: APOLYTIKON, KONTAKION, KATAVASIES, VESPERS, ORTHROS = HYMNS/CHANTS of the NATIVITY of CHRIST Carefully read...
Posted by OMEGA EMPIRE COMMUNICATIONZ - OEC - 2013 & AftaH on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 01:46:00 PST

VALENTINES DAY! The REAL meaning Behind this evil satanic anti-YHWH PAGAN occult MYTH-DECEPTION

True Worshippers/Disciplesof GOD = Yahweh (YHWH)(Monotheism)As Spiritually Observed by Noah, Moses, Elijah, Enoch, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, King David, King Solomon, Yahshua Messiah (Hristos) of Nazaret...
Posted by OMEGA EMPIRE COMMUNICATIONZ - OEC - 2013 & AftaH on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 06:00:00 PST


    Under the Law or Led by the Spirit?   THE WAY IS ANRROW   THIS MEANS LOATHING SIN REGARDLESS ON YA PAST UPBRINGIN   Jesus Christ of Nazareth said, "I am The Way, the Trut...
Posted by OMEGA EMPIRE COMMUNICATIONZ - OEC - 2013 & AftaH on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 06:32:00 PST


Before I begin....Imagine if  Dinosaur's were still on earth physically and in POWER...controlling us by da zillions, cloning us, and selling our dead, keeping us trapped, raising us (porrly and ...
Posted by OMEGA EMPIRE COMMUNICATIONZ - OEC - 2013 & AftaH on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 11:59:00 PST

SATAN's TREAT's have U TRICKED? HELL-O-WEEN? Come inside for some AMAZING Fact's

                    Trick or Treat?              &nb...
Posted by OMEGA EMPIRE COMMUNICATIONZ - OEC - 2013 & AftaH on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 02:40:00 PST


World War 3, Black GolD, where the mid-east nations stockpile oil and NATO goes in to secure the wests oil supply. Deus Ex! That game is basically an idiot's guide to all of this NWO stuff. Command &a...
Posted by OMEGA EMPIRE COMMUNICATIONZ - OEC - 2013 & AftaH on Tue, 04 Oct 2005 11:54:00 PST


Da multi-phasic harmonic have been destroyd by a oscillating electrolitiko-pulsation of anti-inertia and delusional time capsules that have distored you're perception of reality and made u re-absord y...
Posted by OMEGA EMPIRE COMMUNICATIONZ - OEC - 2013 & AftaH on Tue, 04 Oct 2005 12:40:00 PST

The Jesuit Connection to the Assassination of Abraham & more As most Americans know, Abraham Lincoln was an American statesman and the 16th President of the United States (term 1861-1865). He was born in Hardin County, Kentu...
Posted by OMEGA EMPIRE COMMUNICATIONZ - OEC - 2013 & AftaH on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 12:06:00 PST

Importance of the AMYGDALA and FRONTAL LOBE

Helping children and women would be start....Rebuilding emergency shacks or whateva u can..Provide need, aids, food to the people of the land and the innocent bystandaz..Rejoice all cultures with no j...
Posted by OMEGA EMPIRE COMMUNICATIONZ - OEC - 2013 & AftaH on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 11:08:00 PST


I love u all...Whether you're on a non-vegetarian or vegetarian diet, vegan..whateva..The MAIN key to health is simple. Include a wide of variety of different foods in ya diet..stay from da saturated ...
Posted by OMEGA EMPIRE COMMUNICATIONZ - OEC - 2013 & AftaH on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 11:10:00 PST