Nectarine profile picture


What...are you on your way to a dick meeting?

About Me

Nectarine is uneasy music born from an uneasy mind. A bleeding heart liberal based in Houston, TX – I’ve been composing and recording experimental electronic music as both a reaction to and an escape from the current state of our nation.
Built around computer generated beats and homemade circuit bent instruments, Nectarine's music is dense and complex, familiar and foreign. Glitchy beats collide with children's xylophones and broken toys to create a sound collage that has been called "paranoid", "chaotic" and "enticing" by listeners.
In addition to solo work, I’m a member of the improvisational electronic act together.We are Instruments along with good friends/fellow freaks Eddie Parsec and Doc LeJuene (rocketshipajax). I also contribute textures and electronic chaos to a new acoustic duo called elov and collaborate with several other electronic musicians in the Houston area. The newest project in the works is a long-distance hip-hop collaboration called Hopvine with my old buddy Senator Rosenberg….coming soon!!
I play quite a few shows in the Houston/Austin area, both as Nectarine and with together.We are Instruments, so please come out and see us!!
Current Releases:
Nectarine - Parallelograms EP (SH-000) 12/2006
free electronic download available at
Nectarine - ring.mod (SH-001) 04/2007
“a vibrant display of carefully programmed parts, found sounds and subversive commentary on modern culture” – Houston Chronicle
available at, CDBaby and iTunes
Upcoming Releases:
together.We are Instruments – A Different Kind of Band (tWaI-001) 02/08
Wait 'til the Ice Melts – Exponential Records Compilation (EXP-10) 03/08
more info available at Exponential Records .
Nectarine - The Candy Coated Conspiracy (SH-002) 04/08

My Interests


Member Since: 5/16/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Nectarine is Matthew Potter - playing anything he can get his hands on...synth, sampler, laptop, speak&spell, sk-1, electronic womb, wind chimes, glockenspiel, acoustic guitar, bass, typewriter, contact mics, blah, blah, blah. Matt thinks using a psuedonym is pretty cheesy but Nectarine inisists that its a must.

Influences: My wife Margie
My parents
Skinny Puppy
Justin Broadrick
Aphex Twin
Reed Ghazala
John Cage
Boards of Canada
Alejandro Jodorowsky
Steven Drozd
Mouse on Mars
Hunter S. Thompson
Martin Dosh
Four Tet
William S. Burroughs
Pierre Schaeffer
Eddie Parsec

Currently listening to:
"You are Beautiful at All Times" - Yppah
"The Distant Future" - Flight of the Conchords
"Good Arrows" - Tunng
The Wicker Man Original Soundtrack
"Plain" - Eddie Parsec
"Untitled" - rocketshipajax
"Pure Trash" - Dosh
"Meme" - Milosh
"Live @ Spiderhouse" - mirm
"So This is Goodbye" - Junior Boys
"Andorra" - Caribou
Record Label: Savage Henry, Royal Rhino, Broken Levee
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

somebody SHIT IN MY CAR... read that right. i accidentally left my car unlocked last night and went  to head to work this morning only to discover someone had taken a huge shit right in my driver’s seat. W...
Posted by Nectarine on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 12:53:00 PST

What the hell is going on with Nectarine?

I’m wondering that myself...some of you might have noticed that I had to back out of the Wait Til the Ice Melts CD Release parties and pretty absent from everything in general lately...maybe if ...
Posted by Nectarine on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 10:33:00 PST

Myspace email, etc.

man...i'm about done with myspace. if it didn't seem like such a necessity for a band i would have eighty-sixed it already. my email has gotten to the point where its pretty much unusable...i got lock...
Posted by Nectarine on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 08:20:00 PST

Wait til the Ice Melts Compilation CD Release Parties

I'm honored to be a part of the upcoming Exponential Records release Wait 'til the Ice Melts : New Music from the Lone Star State alongside some friends and favorites like mirm, on (hiatus), Ernest Go...
Posted by Nectarine on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 03:58:00 PST

Tuesdays at Notsuoh

Man...things are pretty interesting over there...we're starting to develop a pretty intense following among the city's homeless and that can't be a bad thing. Having the freedom to play for a really l...
Posted by Nectarine on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 01:02:00 PST

t.Wai setting up shop at Notsuoh in January

Your favorite noise collective together.We are Instruments will be starting a residency at Notsuoh on Tuesday nights beginning next month. We're going to be playing a freshly baked, all-improvised set...
Posted by Nectarine on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 10:51:00 PST

Shows not updating...PLEASE READ

For some reason, my shows aren't updating when I make changes so... Wanted to make sure and let everyone know that the Engine Room show on 11/24 has been cancelled. The venue and date changed several ...
Posted by Nectarine on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 01:16:00 PST

Back troubles...major bummer

well....i'm laid up with some major back problems and it looks like i'll be out of commission for at least a week or so. what a drag...nothing makes you feel really old more than hobbling around cripp...
Posted by Nectarine on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 10:20:00 PST

Objectif Interview Online

Greetings all... My interview with Radio Objectif on KPFT is finally available on my website right here. Also...this Thursday at AvanteGarden (aka Helios) come check out myself, Transla...
Posted by Nectarine on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 02:03:00 PST

Illumina Records Scam...

I rec'ved this email yesterday from Illumina Records and a follow up today...these usually don't fool me but since they mentioned one of my songs I thought it might be legit. I'm definitely down to do...
Posted by Nectarine on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 03:05:00 PST