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RELATIONSH+T hit the fan !!!
iDolphin/Relationsh+t/Laminated Dreams
1 Curtain, Instrumental
2 Relationsh+t
3 Wings
4 Cyber Love
5 j’Hallucine
6 OCLD, Obsessive Compulsive Love Disorder
7 Absolute Friends
8 The Night
9 Saga-Instrumental
10 Pop’n Roll
11 Laminated Dreams
12 Sitzen Macht Popo, iDolphin Featuring Rockguru
13 Final Transformation - Instrumental
Relatiosh+t hit the fan just in time for St-Valentines. Dealing with failed romance has never been more fun. International fashion model and super-soul spy, iDolphin's front-girl, Rossee draws inspiration from her fabulous existence to drop witty lyrics about falling in and out of love, shady encounters, glamorous parties and hangovers, body image issues, and yes, enlightenment.Get it all out on the dance floor. Listening to iDolphin's Relationsh+t not only will make your body move, it will surely help you release emotional toxins and make you loose weight as it has done for Rossee and her model friends.Fact: Rossee has dropped 13 pounds through the recording of her debut album. One pound a song!