Member Since: 4/13/2006
Band Website: under contruKction
Band Members:
Hallo AndreaThe Unshaped Quartet CD was really worth the money. When I think that you guys did no
overdubs, everything played live !!
After the Intro the Turtle suite starts slow with loops and echos
(remindes me a bit of Robert Fripp and his soundscapes) but then it
gets a little faster and really rocking. Very niceguitar work. Then Al
Kholoq. A more rocking piece again. Invisible art slows down the
tempo. A vera lyrical piece I would call it. And there was something I
wasn..t aware of. Lazarus singing . I know he looks a little like the
great Pavarotti, but he also sing a little like the great Pavarotti
:-) The Knots comes with loops again. A slow and relxing piece.
Tannhäuser..s awakening has a little bit from all the other pieces.
Slow loops, more rocking parts with nice solos and once again Lazarus..
singing. After the Outro comes Atlantide. A slow piece a little bit
like Invisible Art. Aslightly melancholic piece but a good end for the
CD. To say it in one word: Very good. Well that..s two words, but one
is not enough.
Maria Powers (...) si dice che gli occhi sono lo specchio dell'anima di una persona.Be' per la musica io penso che quello che ascoltiamo, rispecchia il soul dell'artista, e ascoltando la tua musica per me, sei un grande artista!
Cindy Anderson (...) I received your cd "Energia Sottile" today and I just finished listening once through and WOW !! -- I love it -- what a masterpiece!
Congratulations -- it is simply wonderful,, the vocals and melodies are supreme.
Salvo Amore (...) ascolto molto volentieri il tuo cd e lo trovo per certi aspetti straordinario e poi sono innamorato dei suoni e dell'impasto sonoro tra la tua voce e il background musicale. Spero che avremo modo di parlarne di persona presto.
Mark What an album!!!!!
Hi lazarus, Just passing by to say what an incredible masterpiece that is the unshaped Quartet!! I got it in the post this morning and have played it ever since. Totally mesmerising,ethereal,tranquil,beautiful!!!Congratulations and i hope you and the band sell thousands of copies.ALL THE BEST MARK!!!!!!
Stefano Cardillo (...) Lazarus oltre a essere un amico è anche una persona con una vena artistica spiccatamente creativa e con una competenza musicale enorme. Lui suona lo stick, e ha un progetto musicale tutto da ascoltare e riascoltare.
Tutti e due gli album che ho ascolato sono una serie di belle idee che trovano corpo, secondo me molto bene, nelle mani di Lazarus e degli altri musicisti "compagni di viaggio" ( M. Cravini , A. Breviglieri e A. De Lucia ). Vorrei segnalarvi sopratutto due brani che mi sono piaciuti un sacco: " The Turle Suite" e " Invisible Art" .
DAN PETERSON (…) The pendulum effect of the bass & drums vs. melody and guitar is great. The stick is really becoming a natural thing in your hands; I mean this is just music, not just stickmusic , which is important to me.
Enjoyed, Dan
STEFAN HUTH Very nice music. I really like nocturnal geometries. Sounds like heaven .
ELLIOTT "(..) The combinatin of instruments and the sound textures you bring together make for an outstanding mix. (...).
Keep up the explorations...Every new piece goes someplace you haven't been before. Great stuff. I look forward to each new recording.(...)
SPECTROSCOPE (…) I love the Stick as an instrument with its unlimited possibilities, and you really make some fantastic music with it. All the best from Sweden! /Oscar, Spectroscope.
MANOEL MACIA (…) Each time I visit your site I always enjoy your great tunes, your great builded songs. You are a fine musician and it´s wonderful to find people with your taste.
RICK LAZAROFF (…) Another creative piece from Lazarus. Very good my friend. I love the fact that you push the boundaries of music. Nocturnal Gometries is a fine piece. I really do love The Knots. You are getting great sounds from the Stick.
Il serait vraiment surprenant que le son ne pût pas suggérer la couleur, que les couleurs ne pussent pas donner l'idée d'une mélodie, que les sons et les couleurs fussent impropres à donner des idées".
Je trouve ce titre original et surtout l'arrangement.
Belles couleurs chez vous."
ROBIN FLORES Lazarus, very nice! The greatest music will always speak louder than anyone's words can. So, I will go back to listening! All the best, my friend.
FRANçOISE "(...) C'est un honneur de devoir faire un commentaire sur ce nouveau titre. Très différent du reste mais j'aime beaucoup !! Le son les voix les arrangements !! J'aime beaucoup dans sa diversité.
A bientot et bonne chance avec ce titre.
Françoise. "
JIM STORM From the soaring vocals to the inspired tapping, I found [nocturnal geometries] a very uplifting and grand song. Keep up the great work..
LILIA [nocturnal geometrie *ndr] E' UN NOTTURNO STRUGGENTE!!!!!
MAURO AIMETTI ...per me ..'s something like: Pavarotti meets King Crimson, Zappa meets Pink Floyd, Biork meets... Lazarus !(...)Again Mr. Robert Fripp would be proud of you....hats off !!!
RON BAGGERMAN "(..) ...keep up the tapwork! you sound great! (...)i'm glad you're going strong as well and are finding your unique voice, style and story....(...) Hey Lazarus,
Thanx a million for coming to holland and joining our Stickday. Your playing was awesome.Very solid motors and beautiful harmonies, topped with some mesmerizing melodies you got a winner at your hands. you're defenitely are finding your only style which comes across very convincing. you knocked me out!
ANDREAS DE LUCIA (...) per quanto mi riguarda, e non è retorica, siete i migliori musicisti con cui ho suonato ....
... non aggiungo altro, parla la musica
BIGGADIGGA ...KICK ASS music! Keep up the beautiful work!!!!
TIMO DAHLER "heey man,
you were great on the European stick day! I'm the boy of the keyboard. I enjoyed. (...) I listened all of your song here on myspace, and every single song that I've listened, I got somekind of hypnotized! They're so good! beautiful music.
CAPTAIN BONES [Nocturnal Geometries *ndr] è un pezzo molto interessante senza dubbio... trovo la tua voce molto similare a quella di Bocelli (a me piace molto Bocelli).
Ha un continuo andare e venire di suoni (...) che escono dal buio per diventare luce come il momento in cui nasce la farfalla in un giorno in cui appena è finita la pioggia e ancora gocciola l'acqua dalle foglie degli alberi.
Complimenti davvero...
JIM LAMPI (..)I heard
the track with the operatic style singing first! It was so big that
the other songs sounded soft in comparison. Although I like the
instrumentals it was the vocal that stood out!
Perhaps you should make an entire CD of operatic Sticky music?"
MATHIAS SOROF "good ideas of progressive rock - verygood partnership of you and Marcello - great success in your stickplayer-devellopement !! - fine concept to bring bassguitar and stick together in a band."
SLY-SYLVAIN AUCLAIR "(…) Your Music is fantastic. It makes me travel without mooving :-) and brings to me a sense of peace. Keep it up!.."
DON SCHIFF "(..)Excellent musical stretching - you truly all listen very well and know what to do with what you hear. Wonderful creativity. "
TREVOR STEWART "(…) ... Wonderful colors - very moving. You definitely have a direction. Plus, I love anyone that puts Mingus next to Wagner.."
JRJ For a moment I could not speak
Everything was clear
Nothing mattered
No memories
Just sky
best to you
CRISTIANO ROVERSI (…) Apprezzo molto le tue composizioni, ci sento il metheny periodo "San Lorenzo" :) e pure l'Holdsworth nelle armonie. Complimentoni!
FULVIO LIUZZI "la tua musica molto suggestiva .. come viaggiare ad occhi chiusi su di un'autostrada senza fine."
DRESTARR "I've just finished listening to your incredible music and am awe struck. I'm also inspired. The techinque - impecable, the execution - flawless, the tonation - amazing, the chordal structure & composition - unbelievable!"
A W HAWKINS "Lazarus! you old devil! i simply love your atherial funky sound. what a joy. betwixed my heart and my dusty mind, me thinks your music hath found a new home. best regards and love
- a.w. hawkins "
GAIA/DOMINIQUE GARRAO "(..) Lazarus, I wanted to tell you that about a week ago, I had a great time driving while listening to your CD.
The breeze and the music of was perfect! (..) it was special to know that my friend from Italy played on that song! :)
Take care and I wish you all success "
MARCELLO GALLINA (...)suoni molto ricercati e profondi, le sensazioni sonore mi hanno trascinato ad immaginare la mia terra "La Trinacria", sei un musicista originale e innovativo
LUCIO DAMASCELLI (...)vecchi e nuovi progetti qui...bella musica, sempre ''frippata'' ma sempre originale...
CHRISTINA BJORDAL (...)Wonderful music! It creates images, landscapes, faces, moods... Thank you for this uniqe inspiration and for friendship! Going to work on some lyrics with your music still playing...
FRANCKY FLUID SYSTEM Lazarus, (...) you're a master stickist, your "sicilian jam" is a piece of a dream...
Alexis VAN EECKHOUT (…) I have very much enjoyed your splendid music too .
In particulary "THE KNOTS" and "SICILIAN JAM 1" .
GREAT atmo, i love it ! All the best to you
KUNST4LIFE (…) hi lazarus,
always fun to listen your tracks. everytime fav. sicilian jam ...
greetings, harry - kunst4life
LYDYA FILLIPPOVIC (…) keep up with sailing and exploring your magnificent musical high seas!
Hugs from France,
ENERGIA SOTTILE (…) Che bella che è....!!!
Le api rimane sempre la mia preferita!!!
é sempre un piacere ascoltarla!
Come a suo tempo ti dissi caro Lazarus, secondo me dovresti sfruttare di più la tua voce....Sai cosa voglio dire....
Un' abbraccio.
MEYNSPACE (…) This morning one listens to Sicilian Jam 1 and The Lazarus Song. Great music, touch/feel and tonal language. Once I played Chapmanstick a little, enough to understand what it takes to master such an instrument. Best wishes, good fortune & Peace
Sounds Like:
a corner for veryvery special friends:
Click on the pics and enjoy their sounds
Type of Label: None