Invisible Art profile picture

Invisible Art


About Me

This is not a band. This is me.
I play in many prog-metal, rock, fusion bands, but this is my personal project. Songs that I play with my unique instruments (7 strings or 6 strings "mirror mode"© basses). For further details please go to Invisible Art Website
For the other projects please go to visit the following websites:
Pindaric Flight - Psychedelic Prog Metal Trio
DONOTBLOCKOURADS ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- The Unshaped Quartet CD
10€ shipped!!!

This project consists of four musicians that put together their own experiences and merge influences of jazz, progressive rock, european fusion.
The quartet is formed by:
Invisible Art
Andreas de Lucia
More than 50 minutes of soundscapes, progressive rock, European jazz/fusion influences and many more...
Buy it now and jump on the flight!!!
Remember: 10€ shipped to you, wherever you are!!!

Here you can leave comments about me, my music or whatever you want!

Click to zoom in on my visitor map! You can also make your own!

My Interests


Member Since: 6/8/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Me, Myself and I... ...and of course my unique and crazy 7 strings bass...

And these are my fellow travellers...

Andreas De Lucia: percussives & allsorts

Klawha: guitars

Lazarus: Grand and Alto Stick®, loops and voice

Cello: Grand-Stick®, Alto-Stick® and guitars

A special thanks, a warm embrace and a tender kiss to a precious soul (you know who you are...)

Influences:King Crimson, Robert Fripp, Tony Levin, Porcupine Tree, TOOL, Massive Attack, Ozric Tentacles, Pink Floyd, Anathema, Spock’s beard, Neal Morse, Joey de Majo, Billy Sheehan, Michael Manring, Bill Burke, OSI, Gordian Knot, Dream Theater, Pat Mastelotto, Jay Terrien, Sigur Ros, Mogwai, Terry Bozzio, my best friend Andreas De Lucia and many others...Capolavoro assoluto:"Guardare la vita in faccia, sempre, e conoscerla per quella che è , amarla per quella che è, e poi..metterla da parte.... ...Per sempre gli anni che abbiamo trascorso, per sempre gli anni, per sempre l’amore, per sempre le ore..."
Sounds Like: King Crimson, Robert Fripp, Trey Gunn, Gordian Knot, Sean Malone, Michael Manring, Bill Burke, Billy Sheehan.....but most of all sounds like me!
"Prying open my third eye..."
"My black & white soul"

Some said about me...:
LAZARUS "Non so quanti anni o quanto lavoro tu ci abbia dedicato (credo parecchi) ma ti sei inventato di sana pianta uno stile che ti rende unico al mondo; questo ti rende musicalmente prezioso da una parte e delicato dall'altra, ma sempre e comunque unico."LIDIA "Ciao Andrea! Grazie a te per la scoperta...emozionante! Colpita e affondata! Complimenti, la tua musica è magia nell'aria! Vivo di questo ed è bello incontrare chi ti sa dare un'emozione, un respiro, un battito nuovo per ogni giorno!"

e ancora

"...anima sensibile perchè chi riesce a mettere in musica un pensiero, una parte di vita, un'emozione e scatenare sensazioni belle a chi ascolta è...anima sensibile!!"CESCA "...ho appena riascoltato tutto e...posso ridarti la conferma che è bellissimo. Completo a tal punto che non mi ero accorta che eri solo..tecnicamente non saprei dirti cos'e bello, ma posso dire che se solo chiudo gli occhi riesco ad essere ovunque!"OGRE "Featured member week 5 - Jan. 20th-26th 2007 This week's featured member is Invisible Art- Andrea from Milano, Italy. While he also plays in 2 different rock bands, the Invisible art page showcases his solo work on 6 and 7 string basses. This guy has not only a unique approach to playing, he even incorporates a unique approach to stringing some of his basses (look on his page and you'll see his "mirror mode" bass- definitely unique). He also plays the Chapman Stick on occasion. Finger-tapping his way through beautiful melodies and complex song structures, Andrea is definitely expanding the palate of sounds people can expect to hear from a bass. Combining the melodic sensibility of Jaco with the 2-handed tapping virtuosity of Stu Hamm, Invisible Art is absolutely a project to check out for yourself."MYRICAE "Grazie. ....ho sognato....ho pianto, ho provato delle sensazioni che la mia mente aveva dimenticato. Grazie per la tua musica..."BETTA "...RILASSANTE...SOFT....COINVOLGENTE...EMOZIONANTE....MUSIC A CHE VA ASCOLTATA AD OCCHI CHIUSI....PER ASSAPORARNE APPIENO IL GUSTO...IL SOUND FRUTTATO E DOLCE...GRAZIE..."DISSOLVENZA IN NERO...E STOP! "ogni volta che capito qui..i brividi..m sa che devo venire a sentirti dal vivo!"STEPHEN SCOGGINS "Man you can play the bass very well. Your song invisable art is excellent. THe melody is outstanding. It really is beautiful. Your other songs are wonderful as well. Aquatic improvisation was a stand out too. They all were. Keep up the good work man. I woish the best of luck to you."NICK HULL "Yo man love your sound, not enough people make an art out of playing the bass these days."RHYTHM RANCHER "Dear Invisible Art, Greetings from california. you are a bass MASTER!! Im an old bass player from the olden days, been doin it for over 40 years now, and you are AWESOME. your technique humbles me, and i am now a beginner all over again. :)) thanks for inspiring me bro. i aprreciate deeply. much respect to you, peace, love ~RR "CHIP BOAZ "I like your pieces a lot. This is some of the most musical applications of tapping that I have ever heard. Well thought out compositions, technical sensitivity. You've got a lot of good things going! It's nice to hear the seven string used so fully too - such a beautiful instrument with an incredible range. Great stuff!"AND A FEW TO BREAK... "you can certainly play the bass in many ways...very impressive..."BARN OWLS "hey man i just want to say that your stuff is extremely mind blowing and spacey, it takes me out of this world. hey man i cant stop listening to your stuff its so fucking sweet!!!"JAKE PORETTO "crazyiest bass i have ever seen! the songs are amazing, its a real honor!"RACADIADAMUS "They're many people out there that can impress with their musical ability, but it takes truely natural talent to entrance with their playing. I feel like im in a different world altogether for the few minutes i hear these songs."...EBASSIST... "your sound is increadible definetly a good new addition to the world of bass..."PAT O'KANE "Dude Your stuff is insane!"PHANTASMAGORIA "I listened to your music and it kicked ass totally. Its so cool to hear musicians thinking outside the box in what they do."ANALOG MISSIONARY "Really like your work, great chordal pieces- love the tones and style. Very nice indeed."MARK ROBERTS "Very creative music! I always like to meet players that push the boundaries of their instruments..."DAN LO.FI. "beautiful music. like a selection of classical sonatas and preludes... :)"ROXANNE "You know of a song that when you hear it first thing in the morning, you look out the window and say "it's going to be a good day"? That's what "Invisible Art" does for me...thanks :-)"COLLIN LANDINGUIN "Andrea, You have developed a very impressive technique and unique style."WHIPLASH "your music is absolutely amazing. keep playing your beautiful music. make that bass sing like you have been and man i dont know how people couldnt consider you one of the greatest bassists of all time. keep thumpin it out!"LAKOTA LONGWOLKER "I love nothing more than seeing an artist shatter the boundaries imposed by popular belief of what an instument is capable of. And you are doing it in a profoundly technical/musical manner."MARCUS UNLIMITED "There is always so much more that can come out of an instrument when someone makes ONE instrument their primary focus. Chopin's perspective on the piano is Invisible's perspective on the bass."JUMP IN FRONT OF THE TRAIN TO EASE THE PAIN "i am amazed at how well you can play. i am a bass player myself, and i really enjoyed your music. in my opinion, you are one of the best bass players i have ever heard."ARIA "Very nice! It's great that people like you exist, because music would be really boring if every band had same instruments and techniques."STEPHEN "Andrea, i really enjoy your music. its soothing and easy to relax to. i play the bass but in a completley different direction than you do. listening to three steps beside you has prompted me to begin persuing the more melodious side to bass playing as apposed to the vicious funk attack i abuse my bass with daily. so i guess in short i just wanted to say thanks for the inspiration to broaden my bass horizions and to make music thats not only pleasing to the ears but pleasing to the mind body and soul as well thanks and keep on doing what you do a fan and friend!"
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Se continuiamo così non ci saluteremo mai..., hai detto proprio così: "Se continuiamo così non ci saluteremo mai...". Ma io avrei continuato per sempre......e sempre.......e sempre.........e i tuoi occhi mi hanno detto che avresti continua...
Posted by Invisible Art on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 07:34:00 PST

Per Lotte

Il buio è fitto ormai sulla MI-TO. Soffia un vento verso ovest che mi accompagna verso te, che non ci sei... Il castello trema ad ogni folata, è vero, ma la forza di ciò che tu sai mi da l'energia per...
Posted by Invisible Art on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 01:43:00 PST

Visioni di Atlantide - Visions of Atlantide

A volte le emozioni, le vibrazioni dell'anima scaturite da forti sensazioni o da piccoli brividi riescono a viaggiare per centinaia di chilometri senza che ce ne accorgiamo.Quando capita però queste v...
Posted by Invisible Art on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 11:56:00 PST


Ragazzi, leggete qui cos'hanno scritto di me!!!! Non credo di meritarmi tutte queste belle parole, anche se devo dire che fanno molto piacere!!!!Featured member week 5 - Jan. 20th-26th 2007 This week'...
Posted by Invisible Art on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 09:32:00 PST

Ma l'amore è una scelta o un caso?

Ma l'amore è una scelta  o un caso ?   Perchè nel caso  fosse una scelta  significherebbe che, forse per paura di rimanere soli, di non essere capiti, di sentirsi solo "a metà".......
Posted by Invisible Art on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 02:44:00 PST

FOTO!!! NEW PICS!! A Night of Sounds

Ecco le foto del concertone dell'altra sera!!!!!! Il prossimo live lo chiameremo DEEP RED....=)Commentateeeeee!!!!!...
Posted by Invisible Art on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 11:59:00 PST

CONCERTO! A Night of Sounds

Vi aspettiamo tutti!!!!A Night of Sounds Clikkate sul link per tutti i dettagli!Sarà una serata molto psichedelica!!=)Featuring:Invisible ArtLazarusChakra Vacuum...
Posted by Invisible Art on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 05:25:00 PST

Pindaric Stick & Jam!

Ci voleva proprio una bella suonata domenicale, vero ragazzi?!=)Ci siamo divertiti un sacco. Abbiamo cominciato ad arrangiare un pezzo tutt'altro che facile e poi la jammona da 25 minuti dove vogliamo...
Posted by Invisible Art on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 12:16:00 PST

La mia prima volta...con lo STICK!

Non ci sono parole per descrivere questo strumento!è una figata e basta!! =) Spero di trovarne uno usato e di iniziare a comporre anche sullo Stick perchè è davvero unico!!! Ecco le foto della mia "pr...
Posted by Invisible Art on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 10:44:00 PST

F1 Monza Grandprix Photo Report!

Here are a few pics I took at the McLaren Mercedes-Benz paddock and in the pit lane. I had a special VIP Pass!!! =) Take a look and leave comments!!! PEDRO DE LA ROSA!!!! ...
Posted by Invisible Art on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 11:59:00 PST