But that doesn't even scratch the surface. Jerry is a fantastic singer, producer, arranger, and dabbler in many other instruments like guitar, saxophone, and keyboards as well. This regal Renaissance man is comfortable programming industrial beats on one hand while birthing earthly echoes on any object nearby, including the infamous garden weasel.
He has composed and recorded music for countless television shows, video games, and movies whilst churning out so many album credits that one must set aside a full day to really comprehend the stamp he has put on the music industry. In a world where most drummers and musicians all sound alike, Jerry stands alone as a charismatic legend.
Jerry now divides his precious time between numerous sessions, The Tony Levin Band, running his own studio in Woodstock , NY , Jersville, and his all new band Marotta Griegraber, whose debut album "Waking The Day" is now available.
From his early start with the band Orleans to Sarah McLachlan's latest CD this past year, Jerry Marotta is a juggernaut, obliterating all stereotypes, redefining this millennium of what a modern drummer really is. From his homeland of Cleveland , Ohio to Upstate New York, where he currently resides, he is known throughout the world for his unique feel and vision.
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