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Erin with an E

I am here for Friends

About Me

Why is it that whenever I go to Walgreens or CVS (my two FAV stores...) they never have Sugar Free Rock Star? I mean, wtf? All I want is a freakin' Sugar Free Rock Star and they never, ever have 'em. Oh yeah, they have Sugar Free Red Bull for a dollar more (capitalist malcriados), and they have No Carb Rock Star (I'd rather gnaw on my own toenails...though I might have to get used to the taste of the Carb Free stuff if they continue to ignore my pleas for the good stuff). Why, oh why, is the world going insane? Sure, we have plenty of Mormon polygamists in Texas, but no freakin' Sugar Free Rock Star...bastards.
Neili graduates in two weeks!
Read the Family = The Shiz section for details)!
Officially I'm doing homework right now...unofficially I'm stalking myspace in the mere hopes that some peeps will be online so I can procrastinate a bit. So, if you're out there, holla at your girl! BUT, I just got back from New Orleans for a 'conference' that was school-related. Officially it was a trip for the Conference on College Composition and Communication (or something), yet unofficially it was an opportunity to reacquaint myself with the lovely and oh-so-endearing Bourbon Street (yes, I'm stuck in the officially/unofficially binary right now, get over it). I went with awesome people (Nicole is a freakin' hoss and rode a plane for the first time...Lawrence and Isaac amused me and put up with me while we were out and about...Laura was a cheap date...Kristina, Megan, and Jody rocked out the last night!). So, after three nights partying it up in the Big Easy, I then headed to College Station for Nikki's wedding (can't believe little ol' Nikki is a married woman!). All in all, it's been a busy couple of weeks...and there's no end in sight. If you are interested in writing a 30 page paper for me, give me a shout...I only have 4 of them. =) Maybe I should actually try starting one...
Family = The Shiz
I love being back in San Antonio and around family and old/new friends. The only drawback, aside from being away from my non-San Antonio peeps, is that my sister is so far away. I knew it would be difficult, but I hate feeling like I've missed her whole pregnancy. The baby, born 03/08/08, is a girl (Lilah Elise - that's right, she has a pimpin' middle name courtesy of her Auntie Erin). Ask yourself this - could this child be more perfect? Answer - no. Not even your kid is this perfect, so back off. She was a tiny thing at 6 pounds, 4 ounces, but she's the cutest thing ever. She has blonde hair and blue eyes (for now) and looks killer in a onesie. Such a diva already. Mommy is doing well, though the recovery will take some time. Daddy is over the moon. Grandpa and Nanna were there shortly after the birth, and Mimi is taking care of Casey and baby as we speak. When you have two sets of parents, you have to get creative with names.
**And here's a shout out to my little sis, Lindsay, who bitched me out for not including her in my family section...that's what happens when you move a thousand miles away and ignore me, you little shit. BUT, I am partly to blame and feel that since she IS the shiz, she should be included. The kid is attending San Francisco State U. and kickin' ass, the little smarty pants. She is not only a tree hugger, but a lover of the of those people who will really make a difference because her heart is always in the right place and she puts her money where her mouth is in terms of saving the world and helping people see that one person really can make a difference. I love her, even if she is a monumental brat...that is definitely something we have in common!**
Friends = Big Pimpin'
I know I have awesome friends because everyone lets me fall off the face of the earth for a while when I'm studying and locked in my apartment with my phone ringer turned off...thanks for your patience! So much is going on with everyone - Neili's graduating, Kim's loving her new apartment and freedom, Donny is in the new house with the family, Nikki totally got married, Margie's kicking ass in school, Michael Lee made it through her first semester in grad school, Candace is moving here to rock the hizouse, Nicole keeps me from physically harming myself when school gets too stressful and still manages to be a great mom, girlfriend, student...etc! I'm lucky.
Special props and congratulations go out to Neili...she's graduating Spring 2008 with her degree from A&M! Whoop!

Myspace Graphics

My Interests

I read a lot (stop judging me) and enjoy listening to music. Mostly, I'd love to live a life of hanging out with my friends and family, drinking good beer (gimme a Harp), playing dominoes, and listening to good music.

I'd like to meet:

Jim Morrison - in the early years when he was ripping out the hits and poetry.
Edgar Allan Poe - on a night when he was actually sober and writing like a madman.
Maya Angelou - all I want in life is to drive her tour bus...geez.


Tool (if you claim to be a Tool fan, answer this - Have I been a Tool fan for years? Can I remember jamming to Opiate, Undertow, and Aenima when they came out? If not, you are not a Tool fan, so don't approach me about it b/c I'm a musical snob and don't have time for you). Hosted at

The Police...nuff said
Classic rock is definitely one of my favorites, particularly The Doors, Hendrix, Zeppelin.
Texas country like Cross Canadian, Reckless, Honeybrowne.


Hosted at
LOTR (I love 'em all, but Return of the King rocks my world the most)

Wizard of Oz (again, save your judgment. If you don't like this movie, even a little, then go ahead and pack your crap up and move to a foreign country and officially label yourself a fascist). If you don't like the movie b/c you are afraid of the flying monkeys, you might actually be related to me b/c I have quite a few relatives who claim the same.

A Clockwork Orange...actually, the book is awesome, too...but I'll admit I had to watch the movie to really get the I am placing this on my movies list, rather than book list...though the book ends differently than the movie...and there are two separate book versions, one British, one American...but you get what I'm saying. Spartans. Nuff said.

High Fidelity...or any movie with Jon Cusack, really.


The West Wing (aside from the final season)

CSI (Las Vegas, mostly...New York is okay...Miami is crap now. If I see Horatio standing sideways, head down, coat tails thrown back ONE more time, I might vomit in my mouth a little)

Supernatural - I'm addicted. Jensen Ackles is, like, so hot. Like, OMG, he is sooo cute. I know, that probably made YOU vomit in your mouth a little. Bonus.

Ghost Hunters - it's on Sci Fi, Lee Ann introduced me to this greatness. They use technology to hunt's like Paranormal State (on A&E) but a million times better. I heart Steve Gonsalves.

LOST, biatches!


To Kill a Mockingbird
Their Eyes Were Watching God
LOTR (duh)
Left Hand of Darkness


Every member of my family, in some way

Condoleeza Rice (no explanation necessary...even if you don't like her political views or affiliation, you have to give props to someone so accomplished, determined, educated, etc.)

Any person who knows what they want in life and will try relentlessly to achieve success...if you're this kind of person and a single male, give me a call!