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"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor..."
"And advanced forms of biological warfare that can targetspecific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."
- Taken from "Rebuilding America's Defenses", Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century," September, 2000, By the Bush Administration.
The Facts:
The twin towers were the first steel high rise buildings to collapse from "fire" in the history of the world. But the footage, eyewitnesses and seismic evidence clearly shows the building being demolished with explosives as they collapse at free-fall speed. The twin towers were designed to withstand the impact of a jumbo jet, hurricanes and earthquakes. 200,000 tones of steel and 425,000 cubic yards of concrete was turned to dust in 9.2 seconds, thats 10 floors per second, impossible without the aid of explosives planted all over the building. We were told jet fuel weakened the steel which lead to the collapse, but this has been proven impossible as scientific fact, pictures and tapes of firefighter communications on that day show the fires were nearly out, but they were told to "pull back". All the wreckage from the twin towers and building 7 was immediately shipped as scrap metal to other countrys before investigators could enter the site.
Did you know that the Government and the leaseholder Larry Silerstein actually wanted to get rid of the twin towers? There was much empty unused office space, as the renting costs grew higher, the asbestos fire proofing between all 110 floors needed to be replaced due to new laws, the whole project was set to cost millions, the towers were also a drain on government money as the towers were air tight and oxygen needed to be pumped around the buildings, not even mentioning the immense costs for lighting, heating and maintenance.
Did you know that the Americans have the technology to fly and land aircraft via remote control? You do now.
FACT: Jet fuel burns at 800 to 1500F, not hot enough to melt steel (2750F).
There were many reports of lots of explosions before and during the collapse and the demolition is clearly seen on the footage that was aired live as the towers fell, but these reports were not shown again after later afternoon and close up footage of the collapses was removed, why was this? Anyone who thinks that fire over several floors can make a high rise building fall to dust at freefall speed is simply having a hard time facing the real facts.
The movie and picture below show the explosions blowing out of the building 20 to 40 stories below the collapsing line, these are called "squibs" in demolition terms, these can be seen from many angles. Molten steel was found several basement levels down under the world trade centers and building 3 months after the collapse, these registered as extreamly high tempretures and point towards the use of high grade/thermite explosives able to cut through thick steel support columns like a knife through butter. This links up with the reports and footage of basement level explosions before the collapses, the fact that all the wall tiles were blown off the wall in the lobbys before the collapses and the fact that people with bad burns and injuries were being lifted from the basements before the towers fell.
Compare the footage of the towers falling to this video of a planned demolition.
Did you know George Bush's brother Marvin Bush was head of security for the world trade centre complex until his contract expired on 9.11? And Larry Silverstein took out a 7 Billion dollar insurance policy on the world trade centre complex a few months before 9.11 specifically covering acts of terrorism.
A number of “power downs†were reported by employees at the world trade centres in the months leading to 911 businesses were temporarily moved out and a complete power down meant that no security cameras or security systems were in operation during this period, a select number of workers carrying cable spools and tool boxes were reported coming in and out of the towers, drilling and large amounts of dust in the air vents were also reported, could they have been laying the wiring for a planned demolition? Why were bomb sniffing dogs removed from operation in the few weeks before 9.11?
The flights that were hijacked that day were only 20% full, and after looking at the flight records, they were not even scheduled to fly on September 11th, why is this?
How many buildings did you watch collapse on September 11th? The unreported World Trade Centre 7 collapsed on 911, it was a block away from the twin towers and housed a government command bunker, and offices of the secret service, CIA and FBI. The 48 story building collapsed into a neat pile in 6 seconds. The government says fire (over 3 floors) caused this collapse, but this again could not have happened because of fire, examine the footage, the building is being demolished using explosives, see below.
Compare the footage of building seven falling to this video of a planned demolition.
Did you know that the building 7's owner Larry Silverstein admitted on TV that he gave the order to "pull" building 7?. "Pull" is a demolition order used to signal the countdown to activate the explosives inside the building,
read about it here. A planned demolition takes months of planning and the explosives have to be placed in specific places, all this points to prior knowledge of the 9.11 attacks. This suggests that building 7 was used as the control centre for the crashing of the two planes and the demolition of the twin towers as they had a perfect view of the two buildings and their surroundings, this is where all the buttons were pushed. Destroying the building cleverly got rid of any evidence of planning and explosives which also destroying paperwork for many on-going investigations.
9 of the hi-jackers that the US government says were flying the planes that day have turned up alive in other countries, some of the men they say were piloting the planes couldnt even fly More information...
We were told that a Boeing 757 crashed into the Pentagon, again this is a lie, photos taken a few minutes after the crash before the walls collapsed show 1 hole in the wall no more than 16ft in diameter, intact windows around the hole, no tail, no wings, no luggage, no bodies, no marks on the lawn.
Click here for the Pentagon flash movie
The only footage that the government has released is 5 frames from a security camera, but this footage only raises more questions as it does not show a Boeing 757. Click the frame above for more information.
Read the full 9/11 timeline here
So why would the government do this?
-Control of Iraq and soon Iran, then who knows where next?
-Power, world domination
-Save The American Economy from collapse.
-Introduce Martial Law in America
History has shown us over the years that our governments use a technique called Black Flagging, this is where they attack themselves to create hatred against their chosen subject and reason to go to war.
A prime example of this is OPERATION NORTHWOODS which has only just been released due to the public information act, Operation Northwood’s was written up but the defence generals in 1962, it proposed that the United States would fly aircraft up via remote control filled with a fake passenger list (in reality would be secret agents) and shoot them down over Cuban waters as a pretext for war against Cuba, they also planned to sink an American navy vessel filled with troops and shift the blame on the Cubans, does this sound a little familiar?
Since 9.11 president Bush has been able to say and do whatever he wants using the pretext of the "terrorist attacks". For example, the patriot act, new laws restricting the American people, introducing a Martial Law and ovcourse the war on Iraq. This is all part of the governments plan, create a dramatic event killing thousands of Americans, blame Bin Laden and Sadam so that they can take over the Oil that American needs so much.
The fact is that just before the invasion of Iraq, Sadam was about to change the currency with wich he buys and sells Oil from the American Dollar, to the Euro. Two thirds of the worlds oil is dealt in US Dollars, if this were to change the American economy would crash, causing much damage, they needed to stop Sadam, and what better way to do it than linking him to the "terroist attacks", and use people own fear against them by claiming that he was hiding wepons of mass destruction WHICH WERE NEVER FOUND.
Sadly Britain has tied itself to the USA and as a result we have the same need for Oil and natural gas, which is where the London Tube Bombings came in, another fake attack to scare the British people and fuel hatred towards Islam and so called terrorists and take complete control of Britain my militarizing the police force.
Notice how because of the "terroist threat" National ID Cards are on the list to be introduced, everyone’s DNA on record and expansion of the British Police force. The attack has the exact same traits of a cover-up as 9.11 does, no video footage of the men entering the tube trains, conflicting stories, arrival and departure times don’t add up, camera's on the bus's were out of action that day with evidence of tampering.
Why was the only bus to be bombed the only one to be re-routed down a backstreet out of hundreds of buses that day? The most interesting smoking gun is that it was admitted by Peter Power (head of crisis management) that at the time of the tube bombings there was a 1000 person strong terror exercise going on which simulated bomb attacks on the exact same stations that were targeted that day, EXACTLY the same way that the fighter jets on the morning of 9.11 were taking part in an exercise that simulated hijacked aircraft being flow into the world trade centres and pentagon. Coincidence?
Everybody needs to open their eyes and realize what’s happening. The amount of evidence linking our governments to terrorist attacks all over the world is far to vast be contained within this page, if you are interested in what you have read so far simply follow the links on this site or find your own, spread the word.
Still unconvinced? If youve got a question unanswered im sure one of the many documentary will -