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Welcome to "The Message" homepage! Wait a couple minutes while all the images load! Some of the videos throughout include a wonderful LIVE version of "So Many Roads" by The Grateful Dead. Information about the Laws of Attraction and the movie "The Secret" and a message from John F. Kennedy just months before his assasination.
There is alot to cover!
This will be a journey within it's self; however, to deeply understand "The Message" you should stop by and say hello to our Top 10 Friends. There you will find information about the coming film, internet radio show, and e-book entitled "The Message".Our story starts right after 9/11 and as our transmission comes to a center. The collective sends Ursu (a spirtual healer) to meet with The Messenger. This will be the start of an amazing spiritual journey that begins to reveal an amazing complex story.
Hidden secret being kept @ St. Thomas College in Saint Paul, Minnesota, Underground Civilizations, Lumaria, 9/11 conspiracy, UFO's, Vampires, Revelations, Shadow Governments, The Meaning of Life, The Real Garden of Eden, the location of the Holy Grail; held by the Grail King and a spirtual awaking of a man as he finds out that he is a member of an ancient blood line of the Serpent Gods and how his destiny will lead him down the path of what The Hopi Elder’s call “The True White Brotherâ€.
“The Message’ is an introduction to this very complex story. All the imagery, music and writings are the reality of “The Messengerâ€. In his journey there will be an awaking of the senses that will bring upon important information for the free world. But can he keep his mind straight to tell the world his story? You will just have to read on to find out.
I must warn you some of the content I will be writing about is very real. The imagery and the events are based on fact; eventhough this story is truly fictional. It is up to you to decide if these writings are real or not.
Recently, a friend explained, that she was having some difficulty grasping really what this site is about and what really is "The Message".
The Message is a story of hope and a rebirth of a consciousness on a multi-dimensional and psychopathic way. Making you say to yourself that things will be different if we as one we all collectively make it change!
My journey will be just as exciting as yours; it will all be in interpretation. I just hope you will enjoy it and have an open-mind to it all. Because, this is just a work in progress. I want us all to take this journey together.
Much Love and Light,
Don Gillson-Adams
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"Just imagine playing life as a chessboard. How it works is, you weigh the pros and cons of each move. I can feel you want to relax my son and kick back but there will be plenty of time for that when your journey begins to the innerworld. The Hollow Earth’s ice age will be over by 4016 and we can all take safe haven on the surface for a newer life or go to which ever planet we would like in the universe the choice is always yours my children.
All the mythical stories are true. We want to connect and see that you too have the telepathy with Loch Ness Monster and Big Foot. They are just scouts from the Underworld and The Inner-Earth. They will comeback to send messages back from the surface. The trees speak the language. No wonder why you hit and killed a tree with your car on the day of possession. That tree could not communicate your story for you had killed it with your car. The bird’s listen they all speak man just doesn’t listen. How can he be so bold to say that man is more powerful. When God is what is and always will be? Whatever you want call God’s energy is what controls the universe. Listen to my messages. When I say look to the core for your answers these people come in peace. We love all that is and want you to be with us.
Definitions of psychotic have historically received a number of different definitions. The narrowest definition of psychotics restricted to delusions or prominent hallucinations with the hallucinations occurring in the absence of insight into their pathological nature. My son you have locked in your jail cell bears none of your medical symptoms. This cautionary statement is true. None of you know a thing about your mental health issues. It is all things that I have planned. Unfortunately, the greed of the surface has made the spiritual beings of the surface have no choice than to be locked up in your cell blocks. These children will be set free. However, do not think about sinning again for I will judge you in my court in the Kingdom of Heaven. The Devil is loose in your world. You must figure out who is Satan and you will all have peace within yourself. Look for false prophets. George Bush is just a puppet of the Reptilian Army. Unfortunately, the true government has been surpressed but I will soon release The Messenger to deliever "The Message" to all mankind."a caption from "The Message" written by : Don Adams
The Messenger's a automatic writing session with God
"There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify to the light so that all might believe through him. He himself was not the light. The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord.
I have left all sinners a survival kit to escape from the depths of hell. The Hopi survival kit is something you should read into. These sinners will have a chance to reach my gates; however, they will go through not eternity to reach the Sacred Lands and meet there loved ones but will spend the rest of the days with the flames burning on there skins until they can reach all the things I have given them.
God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one. Love not the world, neither the thing that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the father, but is of the world. Pay close attention to what I say here you are all coming into troubled times and I will taketh all away that man has placed in front of himself in greed, sodomy and evil. This is my earth use it the way it is intended not for your Corporate greed and a One World Government that your so desperately want.
I have designed the universe to be in unison with everything. You just fight me and have forgotten because you want nothing but riches and gold. This surely is no true path to the Kingdom of God.
These are things waiting for you in my Kingdom that I can give to you right now if you would only change. Everyone can you make this world a better place to live. Start to directly get involved and change the world yourself for your love for one another is much more powerful than the Devil. All that walk with me will conquer the Lucifer’s evil path and deception. You will help lead the world into true harmony and bliss. We look for a true world order of peace and harmony not of greed and evil. The world passeth away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever."
A caption from "The Message" written by : Don Adams
The Messenger's conversation with God
"Do not fight what we have to say. For that will lead you down the wrong path. If you feel negative energy coming then it is of evil. If you feel a positive and a negative it is of us. We pour out both to you so that you can disifer which one is real and which one is pain. We love all of you so much all you have to do is just believe we are with you. Listen to the voices within your head.
The Hollow Earth can bring all your fantasy a reality if who ever deems to listen to our prayers all you need is to believe we are out there tramsmitting signals of telepathy each and everyday. Listen to what we have to say. God wants us all to joyful lives, and have a wonderful stress free world. But if you keep turning a blind eye; the superstorms will come, and then it will not be the best of situations. God, will destroy the East Coast with floods and Florida will be covered in darkness. Tsunamias will take over the earth, major hail storms, and tornadoes will reek havic all over the word! Remember, what happened with Atlantis and Lumaria, do not play with Mother Earth she will just explode with her own energy.
Please protect her she is crying out; the surface needs to be cleaned. I am looking to you all to pitch in on this effort. Global Warming is not the true reason for all of this change it is because of me. If this effort isn’t done fast I will break the earth, and all privileged will be brought underground to my safe havens. Just like your bunkers you built in Colorado; however, your doors will be locked.
I have my own spy’s within your Reptilian Army. So, if the U.S. Shadow Government thinks the Reptilian Army can be kept secret not for very much longer. They are sadly mistaken.
We have them enclosed with our own shield over the Denver International Airport. You do not know the secret here but we have covered your friends from escaping our midst. Get the beast out and have him fight. Do you want to mess with God, God? I am all that is! But I love you all and if you can at least say you are sorry you will be on the right path to the to my wonderful Kingdom."
a caption from "The Message" written by : Don Adams
The Messenger's communication with God
"I will come one day and show you all our wonderful undergorund cities. But, not until some changes have taken place within your World Wide Government. I have given Hollywood the technology to use for the greater good for mankind; however, that same technology is placed in the arms of the shadows that create your military forces and your greediness.
Manipulation of the weather, cloning, stem cell research, this is for me to do and me to do only. You are only puppets from the Shadows beware they are strong forces on this earth. The government surpresses all of this information to the American public while their Corporate Bank accounts get fatter and fatter.
There are strong forces on earth, if you give into their greed and follow the shadows, you will never find the true way to heaven. For I will allow only a few people into my gates. Some that sin now will become a believer and some who are good now will be damned for still taking the greed way not the highway to God.
I have riches for all of you. Look underneath your Vatican, they are hiding all of your riches and you the cardinals know it, tear down there walls and expose the Vatican for what it is worth. Pay attention to all who speak. Muslims and Israelis work out your difference. For you Israelis and going down the wrong path of destruction. Don’t fight for your land. Have peace with Palestine. Settle for the land that has been given to you. We need not have war we need to have peace.
Anyone that is a true man of God will bow down to me. Or, would you rather pray for your own self in the spotlight? Remember that I can give you peace on Earth and good will towards men right away if you just listen to my message. I love every one of and never forget the light is where true heaven is. My son’s and daughters listen to the words that are coming from this pen. You must change your ways or you will be damned like all the shadows that have played our son’s and daughter’s like Muppets; Man Puppets.
You think you are doing the greater good, but you are fooled. You need to believe that there is a God. Your government is too corrupt and your wars are too deadly. Your people don’t need to die. I have them in my midst now. Just always remember that Jesus loves you and he has so many fun things in store for all of you in the Kingdom of God."
a caption from "The Message" written by : Don Adams
The Messenger's automatic-writing session with God
"George Lucas is automatic writing the stories of Maji Knights of years ago. "A long time ago in a galaxy far away a great adventure took place." Look at the parallel to the way Star Wars and the Universe is held together. Automatic writing tells your future and your past. I have chosen George Lucas to tell past history within the Universe.
The Hollywood stars have been doing it for years we have been preparing you for what’s to come. But we will not have the corporate greed within the studios and actors will be paid fairly. They have mastered the skills of telepathy and are in the top 2% of the world visionaries. I want all people to become a famed artist in their own names. Follow your dreams and come to my heaven and shine as bright as any star there.
For I will not judge any of you for your simple accomplishments in life. You are my entire son’s and daughters. If you wish to side with me and say you are sorry for your sins. I will bring the fantasy world to you and it will be just like Disney envisioned with some grown-up things to do as well. I will judge you at the time of Redemption. You must believe that my son's death on the cross, was because of capitol gain, corruption, suppression and a pathetic murder of a peaceful man.
I promise to bring back the dark ages again. Even more powerful this time around. It will be a place you will not wish to be when I come to make judgement on you all.
I have my new messenger who will carry my word; even though he is locked in this jail cell. I will send my Maji Knight Ursu down to free him so that he can speak in front of the whole world.
Look to The Messenger for advice and counseling; he will be your Light Worker. He will make sure along with his other Maji Knights that all are taken care of and tapped in to the telepathy that each and every one of you has. All you have to do is pray to me or write down some words calling out my name. Jesus Christ my Savior and I will protect you from God’s wrath. Be warned God is very unhappy with the Reptilian forces that have ruled the surface for so long
We need to focus on love. Even the Reptilians are being played by the Shadows. The Shadows are ultimate evil and we need to protect you from these Demons and cast them out.
God loves you all and worships you as his creation; however, you seem to disappoint God when you get to this greedy stage in your lives. Help the homeless get better shelters and cut back on your military spending. You should make love not war. I will be the judge of any nation that uses warfare against another nation. You must help clean the earth and make her beautiful once again. For I will give you this warning that the year 2012 is the End of Days. Heed the warnings I have given and abide by God’s rules. Follow the Ten Commandments they are strict and to the tee. For I will judge all who does not follow in the path of God. Your astronomers are correct the comet will hit the earth in the year of our Lord 2088. If you are still on this planet I will wipe a clean slate and nothing your technology will be able to do to stop my comet.
Admiral Byrd’s Theory is for real. We have an opening at the north and south poles. We have covered it so very well with our cloud like formations and our stealth protector shield. You will never find us until we want to let you know we are for real. Were do you think the UFO’s come from outer space? Look deeper than that they are right underneath your noses within the Hollow Earth and the Underground Cities. When we are ready to give you this wonderful technology the earth will be saved. Because all who believe in what I have to say will be taken by star ships to different edges of the galaxy sooner than you think.
a caption from the story "The Message" written by : Don Adams
The Messenger's conversations with God
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