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A new moon teaches gradualness and deliberation and how one gives birth to oneself slowly. Patience

About Me

"The Awakening"
A time comes in your life when you finally get it...
when, in the midst of all your fears and insanity,
you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice
inside your head cries out...ENOUGH!
Enough fighting and crying and blaming and struggling
to hold on.
Then, like a child quieting down after a tantrum, you
blink back your tears and begin to look at the world
through new eyes.
This is your awakening.
You realize it's time to stop hoping and waiting for
something to change, or for happiness, safety and
security to magically appear over the next horizon.
You realize that in the real world there aren't always
fairy tale endings, and that any guarantee of "happily
ever after" must begin with you... and in the process a sense of
serenity is born of acceptance.
You awaken to the fact that you are not perfect and
that not everyone will always love, appreciate or
approve of who or what you are... and that's OK.
They are entitled to their own views and opinions.
You learn the importance of loving and championing
yourself... and in the process a sense of new found
confidence is born of self-approval.
You stop complaining and blaming other people for the
things they did to you - or didn't do for you - and
you learn that the only thing you can really count
on is the unexpected.
You learn that people don't always say what they mean
or mean what they say and that not everyone will
always be there for you and that everything isn't
always about you.
So, you learn to stand on your own and to take care of
yourself... and in the process a sense of safety and
security is born of self-reliance.
You stop judging and pointing fingers and you begin to
accept people as they are and to overlook their
shortcomings and human frailties... and in the process
a sense of peace and contentment is born of forgiveness.
You learn to open up to new worlds and different points
of view. You begin reassessing and redefining who you
are and what you really stand for.
You learn the difference between wanting and needing
and you begin to discard the doctrines and values
you've outgrown, or should never have bought into to
begin with.
You learn that there is power and glory in creating
and contributing and you stop maneuvering through life
merely as a "consumer" looking for your next fix.
You learn that principles such as honesty and
integrity are not the outdated ideals of a bygone era,
but the mortar that holds together the foundation upon
which you must build a life.
You learn that you don't know everything, it's not
your job to save the world and that you can't teach
a pig to sing. You learn that the only cross to bear
is the one you choose to carry and that martyrs get
burned at the stake.
Then you learn about love. You learn to look at
relationships as they really are and not as you would
have them be. You learn that alone does not mean lonely.
You stop trying to control people, situations and
outcomes. You learn to distinguish between guilt and
responsibility and the importance of setting boundaries
and learning to say NO.
You also stop working so hard at putting your feelings
aside, smoothing things over and ignoring your needs.
You learn that your body really is your temple. You
begin to care for it and treat it with respect. You
begin to eat a balanced diet, drink more water, and
take more time to exercise.
You learn that being tired fuels doubt, fear, and
uncertainty and so you take more time to rest. And,
just as food fuels the body, laughter fuels our soul.
So you take more time to laugh and to play.
You learn that, for the most part, you get in life
what you believe you deserve, and that much of life
truly is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
You learn that anything worth achieving is worth
working for and that wishing for something to happen
is different than working toward making it happen.
More importantly, you learn that in order to achieve
success you need direction, discipline and perseverance.
You also learn that no one can do it all alone, and
that it's OK to risk asking for help.
You learn the only thing you must truly fear is fear
itself. You learn to step right into and through your
fears because you know that whatever happens you can
handle it and to give in to fear is to give away the
right to live life on your own terms.
You learn to fight for your life and not to squander
it living under a cloud of impending doom.
You learn that life isn't always fair, you don't
always get what you think you deserve and that
sometimes bad things happen to unsuspecting, good
people... and you learn not to always take it
You learn that nobody's punishing you and everything
isn't always somebody's fault. It's just life
happening. You learn to admit when you are wrong and to build bridges
instead of
You learn that negative feelings such as anger, envy
and resentment must be understood and redirected or
they will suffocate the life out of you and poison
the universe that surrounds you.
You learn to be thankful and to take comfort in many
of the simple things we take for granted, things
that millions of people upon the earth can only
dream about: a full refrigerator, clean running
water, a soft warm bed, a long hot shower.
Then, you begin to take responsibility for yourself
by yourself and you make yourself a promise to never
betray yourself and to never, ever settle for less
than your heart's desire.
You make it a point to keep smiling, to keep trusting,
and to stay open to every wonderful possibility.
You hang a wind chime outside your window so you can
listen to the wind.
Finally, with courage in your heart, you take a stand,
you take a deep breath, and you begin to design the life you
want to live as best you can.
Author UnknownSongs I like to sing...
.. Status Icons
Myspace Layouts
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Your Life Path Number is 22
Your purpose in life is to use your power for good
Of all the life paths, yours has the most innate power.
Your power lies in your vision, and you must recruit others to help you in this vision.
You are able to be a great idealist, but you still have the practicality to get things done.
In love, you tend to be a big romantic - but you also tend to keep your distance.
You have a lot of potential, and it's sometimes hard to live up to.
Sometimes you just feel like slipping into obscurity and doing nothing.
You tend to be prone to dramatic emotions, until you step back and look at things honestly. What Is Your Life Path Number?
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Profile courtesy of MySpace Layouts ~~~~~~~
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My Interests

Buried at PhotoCasket.com ((((((Music)))))) especially live, DaNcE dAnCe DaNcE, my children, all children, encouraging children to love music, teaching children about life and empowering them with the wisdom to figure it out on their own, HONESTY, laughter, my friends, adventuring to interesting new places all by myself just to hear good music, books, reiki, tantra, tantra and music in a symbiotic relationship, singing, SINGING with INTENTION, vibrational healing, full expression, dressing up according to how I hear the music, artistic recycled design, Black Rock City, dancing with FIRE, the temple burn, performance with a message, the dawn, N'awlins... LOVE that town, JAMCRUISE, music in my dreams, purple of all shades, riding bikes around the neighborhood in costumes with my kids when it's not even Halloween, manifesting reality, staying present in the moment, subtlety, growth and personal evolution, learning from mistakes, making a stand, making love, being alone, being brave, being bold, being a fool, picking up...dusting off...doing it all again... but differently, forgiveness, meditation, silence, cheesy love songs, deep conversations, being treated like a lady, being sexy in an elegant way, BEING ART, being me, reinventing myself ALWAYS, transforming music into light, ahhhh MUSIC...But mostly I'm interested in is remembering what it is to BE LOVE.
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I'd like to meet:

The whole of my other half... "and when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of himself, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other's sight even for a moment..."~Plato
Buried at PhotoCasket.com "The Way of the Warrior is simple. However, as you have often heard me say, it may be simple but it's not always easy.The Warrior always speaks her truth - no matter what the circumstances.The Warrior is totally detached from what others think and say about her. (This is absolutely necessary if she's going to observe the first rule above.)The Warrior always does her best to see the divinity in all that is. In this way, she shall never have any desire to own, control, manipulate, misuse or abuse any of the Great Spirit's creatures.The Warrior always follows the highest path as dictated by the highest authority in the Universe - herself.The Warrior totally trusts in - and surrenders to - the flow of her life. She knows all is as it should be. Therefore, she must always completely trust in - and surrender to - her Higher Self, her Soul, the Great Spirit.The Warrior knows all Love, all Wisdom, all Power lie within her - within her heart, her mind, her body, her Soul. There is nothing to seek, nothing to find, nowhere to go - except WITHIN.The Warrior knows with absolute certainty she has never made a mistake - she can never make a mistake. All of her life is simply a lesson in this classroom called Planet Earth. She learns as she goes. All is as it should be.The Warrior never takes life on Planet Earth too seriously. It's all a game, after all - a game in the classroom of Planet Earth. And games should be fun. Enjoy the game - it won't last forever!The Warrior's heart is always full - and always grateful. She never knows lack or emptiness - except, that is, when she creates those illusions by getting too infatuated with the Great Illusion - the human experience.The Warrior knows the Great Illusion creates some highly interesting challenges - for example, the challenge to rise above the Great Illusion.As she rises above the Great Illusion, the Warrior knows this experience is as it should be - she has chosen it. And in this choosing, she is remembering her way back to the Light - back to her Home. That was the only reason for choosing the Great Illusion in the first place.The Warrior knows all her brothers and sisters on Planet Earth have the same destination she does - HOME. But each may take a different path. And the Warrior knows that's okay! All will get Home - no matter what path they take. It cannot be otherwise - for ALL paths lead HOME.The Warrior knows the way of the wind. She loves the wind, but she knows she cannot capture it - she cannot own it. She can love it, luxuriate in its presence, glory in its energy. But if she tries to capture it, it becomes something other than what it truly is - it becomes still and stagnant air. She can never possess it completely - unless she refuses to ever own it - unless she refuses to ever have sovereignty over it. She can possess it only by letting it be free - by letting it be what it is. It cannot be otherwise. The Way of the Warrior is the Way of the Wind."
Buried at PhotoCasket.com"Tantra is one of the greatest treasures that is -lying there, unused. The day humanity uses it, the earth will become aglow with a new love... This very earth can be paradise... It is impossible if you depend on nature. It is very, very possible if you depend on Tantra. -OshoIn meditation, if two meditators share their energies, love is a constant phenomenon. It does not change. It takes the quality of eternity. It becomes divine.The meeting of love and meditation is the greatest experience of life. -OshoWhen all the seven centers (chakras) of a man are in tune and in harmony with all the seven centers of a woman, then you have found a soul mate. Tantra is alchemy; it can transform your centers. It can create a rhythm between you and your beloved.It is love at its peak. -OshoIf you remain aware you will come to know that sex is not just sex. Sex is the outermost layer, deep inside is the love, and even deeper is prayer, and deepest is God himself. Sex can become a cosmic experience. Then it is Tantra. -OshoTantra is the science of contacting souls, of going to the deepest core of the other. Tantra is one of the most important secrets ever discovered. But it is very delicate because it is the greatest art. To create a communion with the energy of the other,a dancing communion, is the greatest and most difficult art to learn. -OshoPeople are against me because I'm telling people how to love. I'm telling people how to love so deeply that love itself becomes your religion –that your woman one day disappears and you find God there; that your man one day disappears and you find God there, that one day, in deep communion, in deep orgasmic experience, in that ecstasy, for a moment you both disappear and there is only God and nothing else.You have been taught down the ages to be against sex and that has made you very sexual. That's what has happened to the whole humanity: repressed sex has become the obsession. People think I am teaching sexuality? I am teaching transcendence.Remember, there is no need to be afraid of women, no need to be afraid of men. We are alike, the same God. We have to learn how to love each other. We have to come closer to each other because that is the only way to come to God. Love is one of the greatest doors to God, just as awareness is another. I teach you both: a loving awareness, a conscious love. And with this you will become integrated, you will attain individuation. -OshoLet your making love be more like a happening than like a making… How can you make love? It is not something like doing: it is not an action. It is a state. You can be in it but you cannot do it. You can be loving but you cannot manipulate it…When you make love, be possessed. Move slowly, touch each other's bodies. The body is like a musical instrument. Don't be in a hurry. Let things grow. If you move slowly suddenly both your energies will rise together, as if something has possessed you. It will happen instantly and simultaneously together. Then only Tantra is possible. Move now into love…Just feel the energy descending on you and let that energy have its movement. Sometimes you will start shrieking: shriek! Sometimes you will start saying things: say! Sometimes only moan will be coming out, or some mudras, gestures; allow them. It is going to be a maddening thing, but one has to allow it. And don't be afraid, because it is through your allowing that it is happening. The moment you want to stop it, it stops, so you are never beyond control.Whatsoever happens in that moment is beautiful and holy; whatsoever, I say, unconditionally… nobody knows what is going to happen. You are simply left in the divine vortex. It will take you, and it will take you wherever it wants. You are simply available, ready to move with it. You don’t direct it. You have simply become vehicles. Let energies meet in their own ways. The man should be dropped out of it–just pure energy. You will not be making love only through the genital organs; you will be making love through your whole body.If you meditate before and then worship each other, there is no danger; everything will move rightly… then one day suddenly –the flower of Tantra.-OshoRemain in the moment going nowhere, and melt. Warmth, love, should be made a situation for two persons to melt into each other. That is why, if there is no love, the sex act is a hurried act… you are exploiting each other, not merging into each other.-OshoThe ordinary love is a demand, the real love is sharing. It knows nothing of demand; it knows the joy of giving. The real love is a nourishment, it strengthens your soul. Become a servant of real love –and that means becoming a servant of love in its ultimate purity. Give, share whatsoever you are, share and enjoy sharing. -OshoAnd when I say, "become a servant of love", I am not saying to become a servant of somebody whom you love, no, not at all. I am not saying to become a servant of a lover. I am saying become a servant of LOVE. The pure idea of love should be worshipped. Your lover is only one of the forms of that pure idea. The flower is one idea, one form, the moon another, your lover still another… your child, your mother, your father, they are all forms, all waves in the ocean of love. -OshoLove is the only experience that transcends time–that's why lovers are not afraid of death. Love knows no death. A single moment of love is more than a whole eternity. -OshoSex is a very small part of your biological energy. Love is your whole being, love is your soul. You have to learn that sex is simply a need of the society, of the race, to continue itself –you can participate if you want. But you cannot avoid love. The moment you avoid love all your creativity dies and all your senses become insensitive; great dust gathers around you. You become the living dead.-OshoIf sex is all that you have then you don't have anything. But if you conceive love as your real being, and loving another person as a deep friendship, as a dance of two hearts together with such synchronicity that they become almost one, you don't need any other spirituality.You have found it. -OshoThe person who has not known the other in deep love, in intense passion, in utter ecstasy, will not be able to know who he is, because he will not have the mirror to see his own reflection. -OshoLove is the greatest zen koan. It is painful, but don't avoid it. If you avoid it you will have avoided the greatest opportunity to grow. Go into it, suffer love, because through the suffering comes great ecstasy. Yes, there is agony, but out of the agony ecstasy is born. Yes, you will have to die as an ego, but if you can die as an ego, you will be born as a God, as a Buddha. -OshoLove will give you the first proof that life is not meaningless. The people who say life is meaningless are the people who have not known love. All that they are saying is that their life has missed love. -OshoIn a better world, with more understanding, love will be all over. Children will see what caring is. Children will see what joy it brings when you care for somebody. Love should be accepted more, violence should be rejected more. Love should be available more. Two persons making love should not be worried that someone should know. They should laugh, they should sing, they should scream in joy, so that the whole neighbourhood knows that somebody is being loving to somebody –somebody is making love. Love should be such a gift. Love should be so divine. It is sacred. -OshoThe most intelligent people are the most sexual people. This has to be understood, because love energy is basically intelligence. If you cannot love you are somehow closed, cold; you cannot flow. While in love one flows. While in love one feels so confident that one can touch the stars. -OshoBe true to love, and don't bother about partners, whether one partner or many partners is not the question. The question is whether you are true to love. But if it is possible, if you love a person and live the whole life with him or with her, a great intimacy will grow and love will have deeper and deeper revelations to make to you. It is not possible if you go on changing partners very often. It is as if you go on changing a tree from one place to another, then another; then it never grows roots anywhere. To grow roots a tree needs to remain in one place. Then it goes deeper; then it becomes stronger.Intimacy is good, and to remain in one commitment is beautiful, but the basic necessity is love. If a tree is rooted in a place where there are only rocks and they are killing the tree, then it is better to remove it. Then don't insist that is should remain in the one place. Remain true to life –remove the tree,because now it is going against life. -OshoThe person who is moving into meditation, or who is moving on the path of love, will be helped if he accepts the world as it is. Worldly people never accept the world as it is –they are always trying to change it. They are always trying to make something else. They are always trying to fix things into a different order, they are always trying to do something outside. The religious person accepts whatsoever is on the outside as it is. He is not disturbed, he is not distracted by the outside. His whole work consists on moving inside. One moves through love, another moves through meditation, but both move inside. The religious world is the world of the within. And the within is the beyond. -OshoMy whole teaching consists on two words, "meditation" and "love". Meditate so that you can feel immense silence, and love so that your life con become a song, a dance, a celebration. You will have to move between the two, and if you can move easily, if you can move without an effort, you have learnt the greatest thing in life." -Osho


Music and Intention: "A more advanced understanding of 'intent' involves what may be understood as alignment with the purpose of our higher selves, or the 'Divine Will'. It is that aspect of consciousness that is able to align with the sacred energy of sound. It is 'Thy will,' not 'my will'. When we have reached this level, our intent is to become a vehicle for sacred sound and we are able to by-pass the lesser aspects of self which may be out of balance. For many people, the initial understanding of intent is a major stepping stone in using sound as a transformative and therapeutic tool; for most of us have never created sound with conscious awareness and purpose." ~JonathanGoldman~
Buried at PhotoCasket.comAs to music...I prefer it LIVE, but I'll take it however I can get it. I LOVE MuSiC! I was born loving music.To me, music is the Holy Grail of all healing tools.In the words of Ravi Shankar, "Our [Vedic] tradition teaches us that Sound is God. That is, Musical Sound and the Musical Experience are steps to the realization to the Self. We veiw Music as a kind of Spiritual Disipline that raises one's being to Divine Peacefulness and Bliss. We are taught that one of the fundemental goals a Hindu works toward in his lifetime is a knowledge of the true meaning of the Universe, its Unchanging, Eternal Essence, and this is realized first by a complete knowledge of One's Self and One's own nature. The highest aim of our Music is to reveal the Essence of the Universe it reflects, and the Ragas are among the means by which this Essence can be apprehended. Thus through Music one can reach God."~~~~~~~~~ I
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Snatch, THE WITCHES OF EASTWICK, Dangerous Liaisons, What the Bleep
Buried at PhotoCasket.com"In the space of DIVINE LOVE...we become one, we can dance with the beauty of who we truly are. We see each other's souls, we experience totality of ourselves, and it is reflected in one another. When love is shared, showed and expressed in an unconditional manner, with no walls, total freedom and complete honesty, we fly to the skies of our inner heaven, we experience what it is to BE in ecstasy, and land in a place we where there is nothing but comfort and peace. There is nothing to hide from; nothing to block or protect ourselves from, there is only safety and acceptance. We see all of one another, both light and dark, and we embrace all that is within us, seeing it only as a face of love. Looking into someone's eyes from this space we surpass all fears, all doubts and all insecurities...and what we see is pure perfection of a beautiful soul. The energy of who we are inside flows into that someone and allows them to see themselves in that same light, we act as a mirror for them. We become beautiful gifts to each other, realizing that we are all ONE in this level of love. We become lovers of life, of happiness, of peace, accepting and completing ourselves on every level we have, being satisfied with what is no matter what it may look like, for what is, IS love. Judgments fall away as we realize the perfection of every single act that transpires in life. When we fly on the wings of freedom, structure builds no walls, hearts are not caged, passion is not doused, love cannot be stifled with the human illusions of boundaries, rules and control. True freedom spawns true love, and one cannot be present without the other. In this place of freedom and love we can soar to the heights of our greatest capabilities, we can find the tremendous possibilities inside ourselves, and express them with true power. The focus of our minds on this one thing; divine love, creates more and more as we attract others into our lives who are ready to feel this inside themselves. They become extensions of our love energy, as they awaken into who they are, and love is glorified more and more every moment. We began to see that there is no I, you, and them...but in love, we are ONE. The medium of pure love flows through each of us, it is who we really are, it is what we are made of, and the illusion of separation between human beings is no more than simply the levels of how much we are awakened to this fact...once complete in love, there is no distance, no riffs, no hate and no judgments. We begin to realize that there is no "out there" and "in here", but we are all universes, we contain the elements of galaxies nestled in the eternity of our souls. We contain everything we ever need to be who we always wanted to be...and so much more. We become creators of creation as we accept the creative force of pure love. Our minds awaken to the divine truth of our beings, that we are in fact...infinite love.This love surpasses every human emotion that arises, and when love is applied to each emotion felt, it is transmuted into light, no matter how dark we may view it as. In this place we actually become points of light, shining from the beauty of love, glowing in truth, basking in peace and living from our true selves. In the space of divine love...we need nothing more or less...we are perfection."~~~Josiah Barlow ~ 10/16/06


I gave my TV away!
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THE SECRET, The Divine Matrix ~Gregg Braden, Shifting Frequencies ~Jonathan Goldman, The Mysticism of Sound and Music ~Hazrat Inayat Khan, Rise to Globalism ~Stephen Ambrose & Douglas Brinkley, Blowback ~Chalmers Johnson, Blue Gold- The Fight to Stop the Corporate Theft of the World's Water ~M. Barlow & T. Clarke, Siddhartha ~Hermann Hesse, The Spiral Dance, Starhawk, Opening to Spirit ~Caroline Shola Arewa, Jewel In the Lotus, Choose Hope ~Krieger & Ikeda, Water Wars, Stolen Harvest ~Vanda Shiva, The Four Agreemnets, The Mastery of Love ~Don Miguel Ruiz, and many moooore!!!
Buried at PhotoCasket.comOVERCOMING LIMITING BELIEFS~~~Our beliefs are at the core of who we are. Beliefs guide our decisions and behavior in all areas of life. They determine what we think is or is not possible. More often than not they prove to be self-fulfilling prophecies. Some of our beliefs are not fully our own, but rather blindly taken on from others. Once a belief is formed, we work overtime to prove it right, even if the belief is something negative like “Nobody likes me” or “I am a failure.” Do we have to let our beliefs govern us, even if they are harmful to others and ourselves? Can we consciously make changes to what we believe?In the first half of the 20th century the world believed that it was impossible to run a mile under four minutes. When, on May 6th 1954, Roger Bannister ran a mile in 3.59 minutes, everyone was in awe. Then, a curious development took place. Within the following year many other runners ran the mile under four minutes. It was as if a spell had been broken. To understand this phenomenon better, we have to take a closer look at our beliefs, and how they affect us.Some of the beliefs we hold give us great strength and empowerment. Studies show that, on average, people who believe they are healthy live 7 years longer than those who think they are unhealthy, regardless of their actual health condition at the time of the survey.Other beliefs zap our energy. They tell us that we cannot achieve our goals or that we are not worthy of other people’s acceptance. Those kinds of beliefs are called ‘Limiting Beliefs’ in NLP. They typically sound like “I am ugly”, “I will never be successful”, “I can’t work with those kind of people”, etc.NLP groups Limiting Beliefs into three categories:Hopelessness: My goal cannot be achieved under any circumstances.Helplessness: My goal can be achieved, but I lack the ability to achieve it.Worthlessness: I don’t deserve to achieve this goal, because of something I am/am not or have/have not done.Limiting beliefs can be a result of significant experiences (reference experiences) in our lives. Consider the story about the man who, as a nine-year-old, killed his friend’s three-year-old brother, while playing baseball. He was focusing so hard on his next swing that he did not notice the young boy running behind him. As a result he formed the belief “If I go after my goal, I end up hurting others.” This belief made it very difficult for him to succeed in his adult life.When attempting to overcome limiting beliefs the first step is to become aware of them. This can be challenging, since our limiting beliefs have a way of hiding from us. They like to stay in the background, where they don’t have to explain themselves. It is almost like they are afraid that they will be proven wrong, if examined too closely.In order to uncover limiting beliefs, ask yourself questions like:In case of Hopelessness: Why is this goal unattainable?In case of Helplessness: What skills do I lack to attain it?In case of Worthlessness: Why don’t I deserve to achieve this goal?If you calmly ask yourself these types of questions, you will uncover the limiting beliefs that stand in-between you and your goal. It is important to note that beliefs tend come in clusters. Keep analyzing your beliefs, until you feel satisfied that you have uncovered all of the limiting beliefs that stand in your way. Once you are aware of your limiting beliefs and the way they affect your behavior, they will start to loose some of their power over you.Analyze you beliefs for their purpose. Ask yourself, “How does holding this belief serve my best interest?” Often beliefs serve a purpose. If you do get some payoff from holding a belief, but at the price of some unpleasant side effects, look for a belief that gives you the same payoff without the side effects. For example, replace a belief like “Men are trouble” by “Some men are trouble and I need to be careful to make sure I choose a man with a good character as my partner.” The payoff of both those beliefs is “being safe from pain”, but the second belief is less limiting.One way to stop believing that you cannot do something is to just try doing it. Once a belief has been proven wrong it looses its power, as was evident when Roger Bannister ran the mile in under four minutes. Of course, common sense should be applied with this approach as to avoid harm to self and others.References:Changing Belief Systems with NLP, Dilts, R., 1990Beliefs: Pathways to Health and Well-Being, Dilts, R., Hallbom. T. and Smith, S.1990


Eletra Woman & Dino Girl, Goddess Kali, Arundhati Roy, Margaret Sanger, Rachel Carson, Amma (to name a few)
Buried at PhotoCasket.com"The thought manifests as the word; the word manifests as the deed; The Deed develops into habit; and habit hardens into character. So watch the thought and its ways with care, and let it spring from love, born out of concern for all beings." ~The Buddha
Buried at PhotoCasket.comIntention~ "Intention is our focus. Intention brings us to the moment. In the moment we concentrate our efforts on what is appropriate for that which is before us. Intention is receptive and has a plan. It is an internal calling beckoned by an external voice. In the silence we hear the calling. Intention disdains rigidity, but requires structure. Intention is our prayer. We pray for right action. We pray for Divine guidance. We pray for balance.Then spirit and knowledge and intuition become a holy trinity." ~Marjorie de Muynck
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Buried at PhotoCasket.com The Rememberers d7~*MYSTICAL GODDESS*~ Roberta (:SmileyMonica:) Highly Sensitive People
"Some people are born into the world with their ears and eyes open to the strong energy pulsating all around them. They experience everyday sensory input in a uniquely heightened way that can cause both pleasure and pain. In an environment overflowing with subtleties of thought, chemicals, noise, light, scent, and both positive and negative energy, these highly sensitive people do not have the ability to filter the emotions, substances, and sensations they take in. They can be easily overwhelmed in crowds and may require quiet time alone to regroup their feelings. But highly sensitive people are far from being weak. On the contrary, they are strong, perceptive, intuitive, and exceptionally artistic people who have a wonderful gift of insight to offer.Highly sensitive people feel emotions deeply and, as they tend to be empathic, find themselves affected by the emotions of others, even the emotions of actors or characters in books. Because of this, they are perceptive of the needs, joys, and pains of others and they cannot simply shake off their feelings. They are as hurt by an insult to another as they would be by an insult to themselves, and try to avoid most conflict. When faced with negative emotions or situations, it can be easy for highly sensitive people to suffer from depression or anxiety. Their unique mode of perception allows them to develop a strong appreciation for nature, music, art, and literature. Many talented artists are sensitive and most sensitive people are artistic in some way.This sensitivity exerts itself physically as well, which can cause the nervous system to become overloaded when faced with bright lights, loud noises, strong tastes, or erratic environments. Highly sensitive people may be allergic to a number of foods, fabrics, and chemicals. They may also be so touch-sensitive that coarser cloths like denim bruise their skin. Thus, they fare best in peaceful, harmonious settings that offer strong support and may find they build their strongest bonds with other highly sensitive people who understand their needs. To minimize stress, it can be beneficial to create a daily routine, seek out calming activities, avoid jarring noise and lighting, meditate, and use relaxing essential oils.Though some highly sensitive people develop animosity toward their way of experiencing the world, it should be understood that it is not a curse, but a path to wisdom. Denying your sensitivity can lead to unhappiness but exploring its benefits can lead to positive change in yourself and others, particularly when you choose to seek out the world's beauty and demonstrate to others the heights it can reach." ~DailyOMLove and Light Roberta
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My Blog

The Alpha Mind

The Power of Alpha ThinkingC.M.Shalla, November 08, 2003  The mind has hidden powers and the infinite potential of the subconscious is amazing. For a person to develop new dimensions, there has...
Posted by ~aarianna~ on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 03:13:00 PST

Mirror Effect~Divyaa Krummer

THE MIRROR EFFECT ByDivyaa KummarBombay-INDIAwww’>http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LmRpdnlhYWt1bW1hci5j b20=">www. divyaakummar. com         &n. ..
Posted by ~aarianna~ on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 11:53:00 PST

Loving Intelliegnce

The intelligence of the head is not intelligence at all; it is knowledgeability. The intelligence of the heart is the intelligence, the only intelligence there is. The head is simply an accumulator. I...
Posted by ~aarianna~ on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 07:19:00 PST

Kopali Organics~ REAL people creating REAL ChAnGe

Posted by ~aarianna~ on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 12:27:00 PST

Living Without Blame

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: LoVe*addict Date: Jan 21, 2008 2:32 PMlightworkers____________________________________Disturbing EmotionsLIVING WITHOUT BLAME by Julie Redst...
Posted by ~aarianna~ on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 06:36:00 PST

Wisdom of a child

"Sometimes what you get is much better than what you thought you wanted."My twelve year old said this to me the other night. She is wise beyond her years...
Posted by ~aarianna~ on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 02:02:00 PST

The EXPERIENCE of Acceptance

Without living the experience of a situation one finds hard to accept, one cannot truly experience acceptance. It is the same with forgiveness. Those people in your life that really "piss you off" cou...
Posted by ~aarianna~ on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 12:21:00 PST


RE: HOW TELEVISION AFFECTS YOUR BRAIN CHEMISTRYMUCHlove to:~Radical Truth~ Please see links below for further research.The Awful Truth About TelevisionOriginal Source(http://trashyourtv.com/n...
Posted by ~aarianna~ on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 11:02:00 PST


----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: *?11~**Raven Sapphire~Emissary of Light**~11? *Date: Dec 10, 2007 11:59 AM~ Namaste ~ peace?gnosis ~ NutopianIn the year 2008, more and more p...
Posted by ~aarianna~ on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 12:33:00 PST

Universal Reflections

~ Namaste ~ ~Nita aka ~eerie Spiriteacher A Letter From DeepakWe are all expressions of the universal field of intelligence that endlessly creates and orchestrates everything in the universe. Each of ...
Posted by ~aarianna~ on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 02:04:00 PST