An oRc sighting in Valencia, CA on May 11th 2008. The Domination iz comin'. Look servile....
Here's an outtake from the "Into the Maelstrom" video shoot on May 10th, 2008, of an oRc soldier playin' air guitar on a battle standard.
On this Halloween Day, the WarChiefs have finally arrived! Order yer copy NOW and save yerself from the Domination!
Now Available on i-tunes!
And you can also get A Band of Orcs on Amazon MP3 ..
A Band of Orcs are the product of Gruesom Grimp's wicked sense o' humour. He was out cruzin' this dimension o' the multi-verse when he happened upon a group o' kidz playin' role-playin' gamez. The GM was about to roll for a random encounter, and the Grimp feelin' a tickle from his Ma's side o' the family (the gremlin side) thought it would be hella funny if the next thing the GM rolled actually came through to this side and scared the livin' bezeebees outa the gamers.
Player1: "Do we encounter anything?"
Player2: "Yeah, like ogres or somethin'?!?!?"
GM: "Let me see (sound o' dice rollin') encounter...A BAND OF ORCS!!!!"
Poor kidz.
The orcs pretty much slaughtered them, ending their pathetic little livez. But then, as fate (otherwize known as Mother Chaos) would have it, the GM's older brother was up stairz listenin' to some Slayer in hiz room. The orcs ran upstairz, intendin' to mutilate the poor Fuck, but stood etnranced by the demonic soundz of the lordz o' hell metal. They told Jed they would spare hiz life, if he showed them how to produce such evil, vile, primal soundz.
Jed, fearin' for his life, took all the Orcs down to the local gitar store, where the Orcs, of course, proceeded to tear through the store with their battle axes and...well, mostly break shit...but they did manage to salvage some muzical instruments and begin to learn how to play. Jed still livez az their muzic teacher!
The Grimp, alwayz knowz a golden opportunity to make money when he seez it, so he signed on to be their manager and the rest iz history in the makin'.... br
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