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Divine Union

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a work in progress and don't feel I can be defined (especially in words as we are infinite beings). So I will share with you the parts of me that I have discovered and I hope you view the pictures I have on this page as they are glimpses into part of who I am also. I am a spiritual being living a human experience.
My passion is divine love, and Divine Union, to love everyone equally and to have compassion for all and lets not forget the ultimate truth.
My spirituality is a big part of my life. I am a healer, a teacher and a student of life. I offer healings of the heart through sounds (ancient earth tones), vibrational remedies (such as gem and flower essences), animal communications (white buffalo teachings), crystals and hands on activation of the heart.
Although I have been christened in the Greek Orthodox church I do not believe we can be defined by any one religion. I allow the heart to be what guides me. To listen to that inifinite guidance that comes.
My heart is drawn to different cultures, such as the Aboriginals of Australia, the Native Americian Indian(mainly Lakota and Hopi) and the Buddists. I believe these cultures have a lot to teach us, on how we should be living, and that way of living is from the heart, connected to great mother earth and the great central sun.
I believe to react from the brain you come from fear, but to respond from the heart is to come from love.
It is time for the joining of the brain with the heart, to become one within you, to become one with all that is. It is time to find your way home to love. It is time for Divine Union.
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My Interests

My passions/interests are spiritual healing and teaching of the self. The white buffalo, Divine Union, meditation, CRYSTALS, sound therapy, vibrational remedies. Traveling is one of my main passions. The USA is one of my favorite places to visit. I love getting in the car and just driving. Check out my pictures, I have placed a selection of some of my favorite shots. I have also traveled around Australia also, seen some of the most amazing places, but I know that there is more to see and I can’t wait to embrace it all. I love writing, drawing and making crystal jewelry. I love to laugh. I love spending time with all my nieces and nephews, they are such great teachers. I enjoy the movies, but haven’t been much of late. I enjoy spending time with my beautiful family and friends. I love dancing, singing. I love using my voice doing sound activations, earth tone activations, singing the song lines. I love using my voice for healing work and earth activations. I love being in nature whether it be going for a bush walk or even just sitting and meditation or being at the beach on a nice day where there is a beautiful breeze. I love the desert. I love the Australian desert, and I especially love the desert in the USA. All over. Spending time in Red Rock country is one of my favorite things to do. I love exploring new places and really connecting to the heart energy of all that is.I especially love seeing the God in others and knowing that is the truth, that all else around is just an illusion. One of my biggest lessons is to hold onto the truth no matter what illusions are thrown at me. To have compassion no matter what is going on around me.

I'd like to meet:

People who are centered in their own hearts and who are driven by Divine Love. People who are kind, caring, compassionate, spiritually aware and awake.If Divine LOVE is not your intention please do not send me a friend request.Although I have blocked band requests, if you are heart driven, send me an email and I will consider it.

.. You scored as Healer. You are a Healer Empath. You take in the energy of others and transmute it. You trigger transformation in others and free trapped energy. You are capable of great healing abilities. You walk between the worlds and bring waves of healing energy with your presence. (from "The Book of Storms" by Jad Alexander at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Empaths/)











Fallen Angel





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My Blog


When I closed my eyes I feel itWhen I opened my eyes I saw it When I opened my heart I knew itWhen I opened my mind I became it It is quite simply indeed, we are all ONE, and we are all LOVE No matter...
Posted by Divine Union on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 04:37:00 PST

Skys the Limit

I have been carrying my camera everywhere lately as I have such a fondness for the beauty of mother nature and all she has to offer.  Lately the clouds have been calling me, ok, even more so than...
Posted by Divine Union on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 05:23:00 PST


Anyone that knows me, knows that I LOVE the clouds.  I can spend hours just watching them and I feel so at peace when I can see so many different surprises.  I got stopped for speeding in th...
Posted by Divine Union on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 01:08:00 PST

Blessings and More

Where do I honestly start with how I am feeling now.  How can you put the infinite connection that just goes on and on into any type of words.  No real words can express it.  It is simp...
Posted by Divine Union on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 04:25:00 PST

Just Sharing

The energies of 777 have come in like a clean sweep.  On the day I felt quite calm and centered and I could feel the connection to the infinite energies of the universe. Now several days later an...
Posted by Divine Union on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 05:37:00 PST

The Joy of a Mother

I wanted to share with all who want to hear, how much I love my mother. I had spent most of my life, up until now, looking and only seeing the pain and fear that I have taken on from my family, especi...
Posted by Divine Union on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 11:15:00 PST

Flower of Life Clear Quartz Pendants Photos

  I attempted to take photo's of my own flower of life pendant and as a result this is what I got in 2 of the shots.  Quite interesting, considering the camera wasnt moving at all.  " ...
Posted by Divine Union on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 11:35:00 PST

Acturian Code

  I spent some time today on the Acturian website and I really enjoyed the codes. I felt the energy shifting within me and I then stumbled across this one at photobucket.  Please enjoy the ...
Posted by Divine Union on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 11:17:00 PST


Today I went on an outing with a soul sister to a gem show.  It took us over an hour to get there, but we always have a great time together.  We have magical conversations which always opens...
Posted by Divine Union on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 09:35:00 PST