Our physical age is nothing to all that is.
My reality is a series of moments that are constant variables to produce situations of peace, joy (laughter), bliss, feelings of wholeness with no judgment. I have been on a journey ever since seventeen that has been leading me back to knowing, understanding that all things in life are connected and bad feelings are simply your judgment on any situation. All events, moments are lessons for inner growth to become what you are to become which is decided by you with every thought.
I Am
Love always, peace is within not outside...
I'm a director/producer of short film, student/writer/philosopher/teacher who is constantly looking for new learning situations within myself and my awareness of our universe. Truth seeker, truth speaker, truth is my language but with this comes deception, deceit, dishonesty because there is not one without the other.
I work with ease, contentment and flow within these lower vibrations of our known reality. I always put light and love into all my work, I am a light worker
I am a voice that speaks seldom or quite a bit but when I do, it is to bring peace of tranquility for knowing what is.
Unconditional Love for life and death is the only truth!
What Kind of Soul Are You?
You Are an Old Soul
You are an experienced soul who appreciates tradition.
Mellow and wise, you like to be with others but also to be alone.
Down to earth, you are sensible and impatient.
A creature of habit, it takes you a while to warm up to new people.You hate injustice, and you're very protective of family and friends
A bit demanding, you expect proper behavior from others.
Extremely independent you don't mind living or being alone.
But when you find love, you tend to want to be together right away.Souls you are most compatible with: Warrior Soul and Visionary Soul
We are all aspects of the source, every thought is a divine expression of all that is. Be creative in your desires, actions, expressions with no doubt on what you should or shouldn't be doing. You are in the place you need to be to fulfill yourselves and grow. Growth is the natural order of our universe, since all growth is change and that is the universe.
What Time Of Day Are You?
You are more than a little eccentric, and you're apt to keep very unusual habits.
Whether you're a nightowl, living in a commune, or taking a vow of silence - you like to experiment with your lifestyle.<
You Are Midnight
Expressing your individuality is important to you, and you often lie awake in bed thinking about the world and your place in it.
You enjoy staying home, but that doesn't mean you're a hermit. You also appreciate quality time with family and close friends.
I was born in the age of the old, my heritage is well known but I thrive in the age of the new. I am here to help, help bring forth humanity out of the old and into the new. I love and hate all things especially life and death, so intense yet gratifying to know it.