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Embrace and Remember!One who is aware of his Godself or trueself recognizes it in all. Regardless of his position in the world, he will see you as an equal, a brother or sister in the remembering process.He will look at you as an equal because he recognizes your divinity. His knowledge of himself will strengthen yours. You are here in part to remember your Godself, your divinity. Your Godself is the truth of who you are. The more time you spend during the day in recognition of your divinity, your Godself, the more you'll become aware of it in your brother, sister, and in the world. So how do you recognize your divinity?If you feel anything that does not reflect peace, love or joy, then you are not in recognition of your Godself, your divinity. When you are experiencing or expressing any type of negativity, you are not in recognition of your divinity. Peace, love and joy reflect the presence of God. Peace, love and joy are natural extensions and expressions of someone who has allowed himself or herself the recognition of his or her Godself. Please note that someone extending and expressing his or her Godself will never judge you for how you choose to feel or behave. ByJames Blanchard Cisneros
I pray that the light continues to light the way for all of us. (Much Healing)
Let love be our greatest gift today
Love and LightONE!11TH HOUR!!
The 11th Hour
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Much love and light, as we take this amazing journey together into Oneness.Knowing only love in our hearts will bring Us that much closer to the Light. Hold still my love and feel the rapid beat of your heart as the silent voice of your true self speaks. Know that you are perfect in every way. Releasing all fear and doubt fore it is merely an illusion of your own creation. Hold on to what resonates with you fore it is truth Awaken into Now! We Are One! Loving you loving me Awakened777 ONE!
Let us make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace and Love for one another There is One body, and One Spirit just as you were Called at Birth. One Lord, One faith, One baptism thru the unity of Oneness. One God who is the father of All in All, thru All, over All whatever your denominations God is One!!! Let us pray tonight for peace and love among us. Love a stranger with a simple smile the more love you give the more healing we All will receive,