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About Me

Nelson Mandela 1994

Our deepest Fear is not that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our, light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves; Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other People won’t feel insecure around you We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is Within us It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone And, as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give Other people permission to do the same As we liberated from our fear, our presence Automatically liberates others.

"Divine Love"

Here she stood by his side here she was to him what he was to her divine and beautiful comforting and pure two beloveds cast in a role beyond human capacity for completely understanding this but together they would touch heaven and together they were as one united in divinity united in divine love she saw him as no one else could he saw her as no one else would and in their world most divine they carried out their heavenly vow amidst the cruelty of the blinding world they rose above and walked in the light for the light of love is all there is and this he was given to show him and sustain him for her love filled him as manna from heaven and her hands held him and softened the blows for he suffered the injustice of all humanity and her light was needed to remind him of home let us understand that of all the injustice what was done to her when he left this world was done unto him for his true message the one of divine love the love of two most holy and sacred was taken and lost and ever more has the world been searching for the love of the feminine the love of his life listen to the soft whispers as your heart begins to speak in divine union with heaven open to how it feels to be unafraid of worlds unseen watch as all are transfixed and transformed by this soulful exchange of heart and heaven understand the power in this place let yourself pause and integrate this majesty for you have come far and we have been waiting all will unfold beyond your imagination all is made ready for the beautiful ones all of time melding together all of space so infinite and vast spiritual beings in all dimensions join together in the beautiful dance.

I am an Aquarian, who believes in intuition, and follows it. A humanitarian with liberal ideas, intellectual conversation with deep thinkers who are not afraid to express their views, tend to attract me. Spirituality and Astrology play an important roll in my life. Travel is something I pursue with a passion, both national and international. I prefer to live close to water whether it be a river, lake or the Ocean. Mountain ranges and the rainforest add to a feeling of calmness in my life. Sharing quality red wine, Italian and Thai foods give me pleasure. The building industry has played an important roll in my life, with its physical challenges. A return to university and the study of Alternative health, lead me into my current career, specialising in Challenging behaviour. I gain much satifaction being able to improve "quality of life." I ride a Harley Davidson motorcycle and just love the sense of freedom it affords me; It helps wash away the stress I accrue from my work in disabilities.I tend to be an optimist always searching for the positives, respecting individuality. I have great internal strength and tend to be independent, some say a little shy,and sensitive, but my confidence builds quickly when engaged by the right person. I consider myself to be a very social.The challenges of Photography and Computer technologies fascinate me. My peers tell me I am quick witted and have a dry sense of humour. Like to stay fit and healthy, enjoying an early morning walk.I guess "complex" describes me.

Rudolf Steiner on Love.

Love is the creative force in the world.
If we try to discover the source of whatever
is creative we come to love; love is the ground,
the foundation of everything that lives.
The way to the heart is through the head. Love is no exception.
Love starts when we push aside our ego
and make room for someone else.
For human beings, love is the most important
fruit of experience in the sense world.
The more [love] one gives,
the more [love] one has to give.
All you need is already within you,
only you must approach your self with
reverence and love.
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Source: I Am That


Laurence's Favourite Links:

My LightWorkers Page
Amazing World Clock
Rudolf Steiner
Coffs Harbour
Massive Maps
my kwanyin mastersspeak
My Celestial Friends


The Geatness of a Nation and its Moral progress can be judged by the way its Animals are treated.
Mohandas Gandhi

My Intent for a Better World.

My First intent~~Support Life.

I refrain from opposing or harming anyone.I allow others to have their own experiences. I see life in all things and honour it as if it were my own. I support Life.

My Second Intent~~Seek Truth.

I follow my inner compass and discard any beliefs that are no longer serving me.I go to the source, I seek truth.

My Third Intent~~Set my Course.

I begin the creative process. I give direction to my life, I Set the Course.

My Fourth Intent~~Simplify.

I let go, so there is room for something better to come in. I intend that I AM guided,guarded, protected, and lined up with the highest good, at all times. I trust and remain open to receive from both expected and unexpected sources. I simplify.

My Fifth Intent~~Stay Positive.

I see good, say good, and do good. I accept the gifts of all my experiences. I AM living in grace and gratitude. I stay positive.

My Sixth Intent~~Sychronize.

After intending and surrendering, I take action by following the opportunities that are presented to me. I AM in the flow where Great Mysteries and Miracles abide, fulfilling my desires and doing what I came here to do. I sychronize.

My Seventh Intent~~Serve Others.

I Practise Love in action. I always have enough to spare and enough to share. I AM available to give help to those who need it.I serve others.

My Eighth Intent~~Shine My Light.

I AM a magnificent being, awakening to my highest potential. I express with Joy, smiling easily and Laughing often. I Shine my Light.

My Ninth Intent~~Share My Vision.

I Create my ideal world by envisioning it and telling others about it. I Share my Vision.

My Tenth Intent~~Synergise.

I see Humanity as ONE. I enjoy gathering with light-hearted people regularly.When we come together, we set the stage for Great Oneness to reveal Itself. We Synergise.

You Decide is leonardo da vinci depicting Mary Magdalene??

Zeus gathered the gods in council to express his concern that these unusual creatures would one day challenge their hegemony. He was loathe to exterminate them with his thunderbolts, though, because there would be no one to bring the gods offerings. He solved the problem by putting each creature into a trance and then splitting it down the middle…Upon awakening, each half only dimly remembered what it had been prior to being cleft in two. Zeus explained to the assembled gods and goddesses the cleverness of his scheme. These creatures would no longer pose a threat to the gods, because they would dissipate their considerable energy by spending the rest of their days searching for their missing halves - Leonard Shlain (recounting Plato’s Symposium account)

You Scored as Zeus
You are Zeus - god of the sky; ruler of Olympus.

Zeus ..
.. 100% .. ..
Dionysos ..
.. 90% .. ..
Hades ..
.. 80% .. ..
Hephaistos ..
.. 80% .. ..
Ares ..
.. 70% .. ..
Apollo ..
.. 60% .. ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


May the light of your soul guide you. May the light of your soul bless the work that you do with the secret love and warmth of your heart. May you see in what you do the beauty of your own soul. May the sacredness of your work bring healing, light and renewal to those who work with you and to those who see and receive your work. May your work never weary you. May it release within you wellsprings of refreshment, inspiration and excitement.May you be present in what you do.May you never become lost in bland absences. May the day never burden.May dawn find you awake and alert, approaching your new day with dreams, possibilities and promises.May evening find you gracious and fulfilled. May you go into the night blessed, sheltered and protected.May your soul calm, console and renew you. Math dha rìreabh!(Excellent) Slainte mhor (Blessings)


Listen to the Great Mother. who was called Ta'urt,Isis, Artemis, Astarte, Aphrodite, Ceridwen,Diana,Madonna,Dione,Mary Arionrhod,Brigod, Maat, Kali, Magdalene,and many others names. Hear the words of the Star Goddess whose body encircles the universe. For I AM the soul of Nature that gives to the universe.From Me all things proceed and unto me they must return.And you who seek to know Me, know that your seeking and Yearning will avail you not unless you know the Mystery.For behold,I have been with you from the beginning,and I am that which is attained at the end of all desire.I am the Beauty of the green Earth and the white moon among the stars,and the mysteries of the waters, I call upon your soul to arise and come unto me. Let my worship be in the heart that rejoices. For behold all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals.Let there be beauty and strength.Let there be power and compassion. Let there be honor and humility.Let there be mirth and reverence within you. For that which you seek, you find not within yourself,you will never find it without.

"LOOKING For Your Face"

From the beginning of my life I have been looking for your face but today I have seen it.

Today I have seen the charm, the beauty, the unfathomable grace of the face that I was looking for.

Today I have found you and those that laughed and scorned me yesterday are sorry that they were not looking as I did.

I am bewildered by the magnificence of your beauty and wish to see you with a hundred eyes.

My heart has burned with passion and has searched forever for this wondrous beauty that I now behold.

I am ashamed to call this love human and afraid of God to call it divine.

Your fragrant breath like the morning breeze has come to the stillness of the garden You have breathed new life into me I have become your sunshine and also your shadow.

My soul is screaming in ecstasy Every fiber of my being is in love with you

Your effulgence has lit a fire in my heart and you have made radiant for me the earth and sky.

My arrow of love has arrived at the target I am in the house of mercy and my heart is a place of prayer. ~RUMI~

If you can value truth above approval, and friendship over beauty, wealth or fame, If you can share your gifts and talents wisely, leaving someone better off than when you came... If you find happiness in simple pleasures and see the rainbow, not the falling rain, If you have faith to keep right on believing in miracles no one can explain, If you look to see the good in others and keep your spirit honest, true and free, Then you shall be, not just happy and successful, but the person you were meant to be. From the writings of Emily Matthews

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My Blog

What Is God? Physics turned upside down

The problem with modern physics today, it is WRONG. These two video's cover creation, made up theories of Quantum Physics, Crop Circles, UFO's, Extraterrestials The Arc of the Covenant, Ancient civili...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 17:28:00 GMT

Infinite Self "Having the Courage to Go Beyond"

Infinite Self "Having the Courage to Go Beyond" ?~Walking together in Love,Light & Awareness~? Laurence
Posted by on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 21:53:00 GMT

I Am, You Are, GOD stuart Wilde

I am,  you Are  God~~Stuart Wilde ..Walking together in Love,Light & AwarenessLaurence
Posted by on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 01:56:00 GMT

Temptation, Desire & The Serpent

TemptationThe serpent. The expulsion from Paradise. Archetypal stories that have moved millions of human beings, but who has understood their real meaning? Theories abound, but humanity remains suffer...
Posted by on Sun, 11 May 2008 01:21:00 GMT

Our Lady Sophia

OF OUR LADY SOPHIA 94. Who is our Lady Sophia?She is a high Aeon of the Fullness (PLEROMA), whose name means Wisdom and who is of a feminine character.95. Is Sophia only known to Gnostics...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 08:35:00 GMT

The Book of Life & Akashic Records

The Book of Life & Akashic Records Explained by Archangel Metatron!Excerpts lifted from the front page of the site listed below:My Beloved Readers, possibly the most fascinating subject there is to wr...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 18:44:00 GMT

AUSTRALIA DAY~2008~I Am Australian~A MUSIC~Fest

"I Am Australian" - The Seekers "I Am Australian"I came from the dream-time, from the dusty, red-soil plains;I am the ancient heart, the keeper of the flame.I stood upon the rocky shores, ...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 06:34:00 GMT

Celtic Spirituality

Celtic Spirituality:The Mystic Druids Part 1: Celts are an ancient tribe that inhabited most part of the Northern Europe between 800 BCE and 400 CE. Their unique culture has always attrac...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 00:29:00 GMT

Isis, the Virgin of the World

Isis, the Virgin of the World IT is especially fitting that a study of Hermetic symbolism should begin with a discussion of the symbols and attributes of the Saitic Isis. This is the Is...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 17:36:00 GMT

Soulmate Unions:

Soulmate UnionsSoulmate Unions:Uniting Body, Soul and Spirit in the Fifth-Dimensional New EarthArchangel Michael through Celia FennDearest Ones, one of the greatest gifts of the Fifth Dimension will b...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 14:07:00 GMT