~*~Free Flow Success~*~ profile picture

~*~Free Flow Success~*~

Life is from within outward, never from without inward. You are the center of power in your own life

About Me

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I love learning and I live life with passion constantly pushing myself to grow, expand and experience new levels of living. I am a life long student of the University of Life, majoring in Love, Joy, and Prosperity with a concentration in Manifesting and Success.
I'm independent and don't mind appearing foolish to others for coloring outside the lines. The space beyond the lines is where the miracles and magic happen, and as far as I'm concerned it's the best place to be! I love reading, writing, drawing, graphic design and digital imaging. I am a natural born entrepreneur; imaginative, creative, confident, and passionate. I am committed to success and the pursuit of life long learning, personal development and spiritual growth.
I have a healthy sense of humor and there is nothing better than a good laugh! I have fun in life and I don't take anything too seriously, including myself. When I mess up or do something stupid, I just laugh and remember I'm a work in progress, learn from the mistake and move on. You live, you learn, and you laugh if you know what's good for you. While my inner comedian is always ready to come out and entertain, I'm also always up for some quality thought provoking conversation or reading! I'm not going to lie, I also have a inner dork and I can't resist a good personal development or spiritual growth book especially if it has to do with consciousness, creativity, science of success, or any of the other fascinating discoveries made in recent years! The self help section has been my section of choice since I was about 15 and I have developed a passion for all things personal development. There is nothing more rewarding than inspiring someone to dare to dream the impossible, teaching someone new empowering ways of thinking or guiding someone to uncovering their own unique creative genius, gifts, and talents.
I've been labeled a hippy, tree huger, rebel, over achiever, comedian, smart a**, perfectionist, dork, leader.. . described as fun, responsible, spontaneous, brave, strong, ambitious, smart, crazy, inspiring, insightful, creative, kind, real and a multitude of other things. The truth is, these are all characteristics and attributes that I have. However, when it comes down to who I am and who you are, I am much more, we are much more. We are each a unique creative expression of the universe (universe=God, source energy, collective conscious) becoming aware of itself, and our purpose is to let our light shine.
I am blessed and grateful to spend my days growing and developing myself, my business, my wealth, and my joy. I read, write, learn, create, connect with people, build relationships, help people, and confidently go wherever my intuition takes me. I'm willing to try anything once. If my intuition says "turn here!" and my thinking mind says "yeah, okay that's ridiculous", I say "thinking mind, this has nothing to do with you" and I make the turn! My intuition always takes me to gratefulville. My mind usually takes me to why-did-I-do-thatville.
We are each creative by nature, empowered by truth, and successful by choice. (I just felt moved to throw this out there)
Creative by nature:
We are each creative beings. We create our realities and we do this through the predominate thoughts we hold in our mind. Creating is what we do, we are creators , every time we think we create, so conscious or not every person is creating. However, when we become conscious we participate in co-creation in which we become aware of our connection to our source, a source of infinite power and intelligence, we turn the auto pilot off and use our brain for the amazing tool it is and we take action towards fulfilling our purpose.
FYI: Your purpose is to make your dreams become reality.
Empowered by Truth:
Proverbs 24:5: "A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases strength."
The only distinction between strength and power is that power provides and moves energy.
Knowledge is information. Knowledge is a valuable asset. So, a man of knowledge is strengthened by possessing a valuable asset. Wisdom is a result of the coming together of truth and knowledge.
Truth is a state of being, truth is awareness of the divine spark within, truth is a state of being connected with the omnipresent creative intelligence and allowing the eternal flow of well being, creativity, and divine love to work on you, flow trough you, and flow from you.
" I am the truth" - Jesus The Christ.-John14:6
Notice the quote says I AM the truth. Not I understand, comprehend, or hold the truth. Also note, the statement was made by Jesus The Christ. Jesus is the physical manifestation of spirit/source energy/universal mind and Christ is spirit working through Jesus.
We are all physical manifestations of spirit and when we become conscious of our spirit we are wise. We are inspired with creative impulse and use our brain and knowledge to act in accordance to our creative impulse and create.
So when we discover truth, we connect with source energy and act from source energy and are empowered by the movement and flow of energy. We are empowered by Truth.
Successful by choice
Success is a state of mind. Someone who believes they are successful are successful. It doesn't matter where you went to school, where you grew up, how intelligent you are, how good looking you are, how hard you work or who you know, If you do not believe yourself to be successful you will not be successful. It also has nothing to do with luck. Luck is an illusion, our universe is based in laws of cause and effect, therefore nothing is random and luck goes out the window.
Success is a matter of choosing to adopt a new belief system. Beliefs are the foundation of thoughts; thoughts lead to feelings; feelings give rise to action and action produces results. So, when you choose a new belief system that supports success everything else falls into place.

My Interests

Living and Learning! Reading, Writing, Drawing, Graphic Design and Digital imaging. Personal Development, Spiritual Growth, Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Living, Quantum Physics, Consciousness, Success….this list goes on and on!



I'd like to meet:

Dreamers, Imagineers, Peace Makers, Reality Manifesters,Creators, Trouble Makers, Leaders, Innovators...
Pretty much,all those cool people out there who are changing the world!
People who dream big, think outside the box, and take action. People seeking to make a difference in the world.
Entrepreneurs who see the connection between spirituality and business and see the big picture in terms of business's role in society.
Authentic people who demand authenticity from businesses, relationships, and all aspects of life.
Anyone who after reading my profile felt like we're on the same paragraph of the same page!


Red Hot Chili Peppers, Black Eyed Peas, The Beatles, Tom Petty, Sugarland, Terri Clark, DMB, John Mayer, Jack Johnson, Ben Harper, Ziggy Marley, Bob Marley, KT Tunstall, Jewel, Cold Play, Carbon Leaf, Sublime, Carolyn Dawn Johnson, Billy Joel, Pink Floyd, Jo Dee Messina, Jimi Hendrix, New Age, Classical, Classic Rock, Country….Give me good lyrics and I'm set!




The Secret, What The Bleep: Down the Rabbit Hole, Farris Bueller's Day Off, Van Wilder, Grandma's Boy, Neapolitan Dynamite, The Matrix, Fight Club...


I don't really watch TV that much, but when I do I watch Oprah, Extreme Home Make-over, Scrubs, Colbert Report, Vh1 I Love the______, History channel and National Geographic


Fav. Authors: Abraham-Hicks, James Arthur Ray, Jack Canfield, Dr.Wayne Dyer, Steven Covey, Eric Butterworth, Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Earnest Holmes, and Brian Tracy
Must Reads!: The Power of Now, Ask and It Is Given, A Return to Love, Spiritual Economics, The Creative Mind and Success, The Creative Life, The Success Principles, Think and Grow Rich, The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind…. !


Oprah Winfrey, James Arthur Ray, Jack Canfield, anyone who dreams and acts on their dreams, and all those who inspire, empower, and serve others!
Almost forgot... Farris Beuller and Van Wilder!
(fictional maybe…but who doesn't want to be like them?? Not to mention they're the epitome of someone working in harmony with the Law of Attraction!)

