ETERNAL SOURCE OF LOVE profile picture


Encoded within your DNA is the truth of your being

About Me

Hi everyone and welcome. We are Bart & Jody, Twin Flames, Husband and Wife, Musicians. Here we share the message of love and truth of existence. God is a name given to all that is, THE ETERNAL SOURCE OF LOVE. God is the love that is all that is. God is love. Love is God. God is a word that describes all that is. Truly this love can be said to be nameless, but we like to name things in this reality and it has its purpose. So you may call God anything you like.

God Consciousness is the consciousness of knowing that everything is God, including you. What is God? God is love, God is the creative force of all that is. It is what we are. We are God. We are love.

God, THE ETERNAL SOURCE OF LOVE is the creator of all things and we each have this knowing within us that we are God, we have within us the ability to recognise we create our reality. We create our reality with the choice of thoughts and feelings and as you contemplate your thoughts you can soon realise that you are the only one choosing them, because you can change them if you want to. The reason we feel like a victim to our thoughts and feelings is because we are choosing to believe our programs or core beliefs, programs that we have developed so we can have this human experience of forgetting that we are God.

Every human being has this knowing encoded within their DNA and when you are ready it is activated so that you can fully awaken and remember THE ETERNAL LOVE THAT YOU ARE.

There is no greater power outside of you, you are at one with the most awesome power that is. This cannot be fathomed or understood by our little personalities that we have formed with our programming to have this experience of being forgotten, but by feeling the purity of love that is in our hearts. So if you feel you cannot completely accept this knowledge or understand it, that is because you are trying to fathom it from your personality which is designed to not know yourself as God, the ETERNAL SOURCE OF LOVE. If you know yourself as God you cannot experience the illusion of limitation and as God we want to experience limitation and it is simple, the only way to have this experience is to forget we are this power of God. If you find it difficult to accept YOU are this power of God, it is because you are trying to understand from your personality, or from your victim consciousness. Go beyond all your programs and into the infinite love in your heart and you will begin to remember that you have chosen all of this and choose all of this now.

We have encoded within ourselves a time to awaken and that time is now. There are some early risers and some late risers, but all will awaken. It may not seem like it yet, but it is happening, because as the one mind of humanity, it has all been agreed upon for this awakening. All Twin Flames will be reunited and we will be living in paradise here on our beautiful Earth.

My Interests

Fully Awakening and Remembering we are all THE ETERNAL SOURCE OF LOVE. Love is what allows us all that we experience.
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Visit our MUSIC MYSPACE LOVE SPIRIT in our top friends Music for higher consciousness and one world love.These songs are off our new album called "One World Love". ..
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Arms Of Light


We Are All EqualVisit our One World Love Centre WebsiteClick here:Here is a painting by our dearest friend SHANTI. It is so beautiful and is called DIVINE REFLECTION. This is how we feel about Shanti, a divine reflection of deep love to us. THANK YOU FOREVER SHANTI!! Shine on for the whole world to see, you are beautiful. DIVINE REFLECTION

My Blog


Here is a wonderful conversation we had with an amazing friend of ours Gosse.  With his permission we share it because so many still believe in the illusion that money is something evil, or that ...
Posted by GOD CONSCIOUSNESS on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 09:01:00 PST